The Satanic Jesuit Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Sharia Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
For two hundred years
White Anglo-Saxon Protestants
and Baptists were relentlessly persecuted
first by the Jesuit Papacy, then, in a lesser
degree, by the Anglican Church infiltrated
by the bloodthirsty sons of Loyola.
As a result,
thirteen North American Colonies
were founded and at the time of our
glorious Calvinist American Revolution
(1775-1783), all of the Colonists were
White (to the exclusion of 500,000 Negro
Slaves forcibly put upon us by the Jesuits
running the slave trade).
Of these colonists,
2.5 million were Protestant
and Baptist Calvinists while
only 30,000 Roman Catholics,
overseen by 24 priests, had
settled mostly in Maryland.
We had a Presbyterian-Calvinist
Constitution and a Baptist-Calvinist
Bill of Rights.
The Jesuits
had been suppressed
and extinguished by the pope;
American Freemasonry had not
been penetrated by the Order's
Illuminati; and the Papacy was under
"ex-Jesuit" attack, in time, exploding
into the French Revolution and the
subsequent Napoleonic Wars.
Truly "These Confederated
United Sovereign States of America"
was a New World Order: no Jesuits,
no papal Temporal Power; AV1611 Bibles
in most households; no foreign entanglements;
universal gun ownership and most of all,
Bible-believing preachers that were active in
pointing out the sins of governmental leaders.
America was the closest thing
to "heaven on earth" in the history
of Man, save for Israel under King
Solomon during his early reign.
But Satan would not allow such a nation
to continue if permitted to have his way
Peter King
has a most intriguing
congressional track record.
During the impeachment
proceedings against President
Bill Clinton, Jesuit-trained at Jesuit
Georgetown University and the bosom
friend of Jesuit ex-president Leo J.
O' Donovan, King voted against all four
counts of impeachment of Oslo Accord,
Coadjutor Clinton!
in 1998 King "the traitor" voted
for the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
repealing the better portions of the
Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, deregulating
Wall Street's banking giants thereby enabling
them to merge into even more diabolical
powerhouses for the Pope of Rome.
For example,
the merger of Citicorp with
Traveler's Group created
Citigroup in 1998.
Citigroup would be
a recipient of $25 billion
during the Order's raid
on Wall Street in 2008.
But most important of all,
the nationalization of a host
of powerful American corporations,
due to the created "banking crisis" of
2008, could never have transpired had
not the Glass-Steagal Act been repealed
JESUIT World Order
The Foreign & Domestic
Enemies Of Free Enterprise
Boycott, Cast Out,
Defeat, Deport,
Embargo, Expose,
Impeach, Object,
Oppose, Protest
and Resist ;
AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of The Satanic World Order ;
Protest Resist
Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Fascist Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
sovereignty's realms
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
~ A 1599 Genava Bible Errata Report ~
From : Tolle Lege Press
This page lists the few errors
reported and corrected on the
second and third printings.
As much we had hoped
to have an error free republication,
we have reaffirmed that even the world's
finest proofreaders are less than perfect.
Lest we become too proud
of our own efforts, the Lord reminds
us that we must rely totally on him.
It's important to keep in mind
the distinction between correcting
errors that we (in the 21st century)
have made vs. errors that the Geneva
Bible publishers made (in the 16th century).
We definitely want to fix the former,
but to change the latter is to completely
change the focus of this publication
~ To God Be The Glory ~
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
The Geneva Bible Forum
~ God Be Praised ~
This page lists the few errors
reported and corrected on the
second and third printings.
As much we had hoped
to have an error free republication,
we have reaffirmed that even the world's
finest proofreaders are less than perfect.
Lest we become too proud
of our own efforts, the Lord reminds
us that we must rely totally on him.
It's important to keep in mind
the distinction between correcting
errors that we (in the 21st century)
have made vs. errors that the Geneva
Bible publishers made (in the 16th century).
We definitely want to fix the former,
but to change the latter is to completely
change the focus of this publication
~ To God Be The Glory ~
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
The Geneva Bible Forum
~ God Be Praised ~
~ Afternotes From Melbo's Post ~
I could prefer both GB versions -
Since I have a Hard Copy of the 1599 GB
I can understand Melbo's comment that this
version has a certain # of errors .
The errors he writes of most likely refer to
typo's for the most part, although I have read
some difficult to recite sentences here and there .
At times it seems that the protestant editors of
this bible composed their comments in a kind
of shorthand which requires a moment or so
of study to figure out .
I can understand how things might have been
in those early days of printing presses & the
technical challenges & limitations that these
people could have faced .
Yet, I find that I am never disappointed
with my study of the 1599 GB .
If it were the Only version of the GB
available to me I would still be
happy with it .
Regarding formats, when I look at the way
the 1599 GBOT is laid out, I can see how
the 1560 GBNT was originally laid out .
I have read parts of the 1599 GBNT
many times over & I like the annotations
& commentaries that I've read there .
Knowing that there are more
annotations & commentaries from
the 1560 GBNT that I have yet to read,
is just more good reading yet to come .
Did the protestant editors lend their
annotation & commentary to the
Apocrypha ?
If so, they might make
for some interesting reading .
Not that the Apocrypha
books are necessary to be read,
but some of the bibles back in those
days did seem to include them .
Open up a Catholic Bible
sometime & you will find the
Apocrypha .
I have read some of them
& I can see why they are not
considered critical books to
include in a protestant bible .
Someday I suppose
that there will be a Geneva
Bible version that contains a
true & full fusion of annotations,
commentaries & footnotes from
the 1560 & 1599 versions .
~ To God Be The Glory ~
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
The Geneva Bible Forum
~ God Be Praised ~
Since I have a Hard Copy of the 1599 GB
I can understand Melbo's comment that this
version has a certain # of errors .
The errors he writes of most likely refer to
typo's for the most part, although I have read
some difficult to recite sentences here and there .
At times it seems that the protestant editors of
this bible composed their comments in a kind
of shorthand which requires a moment or so
of study to figure out .
I can understand how things might have been
in those early days of printing presses & the
technical challenges & limitations that these
people could have faced .
Yet, I find that I am never disappointed
with my study of the 1599 GB .
If it were the Only version of the GB
available to me I would still be
happy with it .
Regarding formats, when I look at the way
the 1599 GBOT is laid out, I can see how
the 1560 GBNT was originally laid out .
I have read parts of the 1599 GBNT
many times over & I like the annotations
& commentaries that I've read there .
Knowing that there are more
annotations & commentaries from
the 1560 GBNT that I have yet to read,
is just more good reading yet to come .
Did the protestant editors lend their
annotation & commentary to the
Apocrypha ?
If so, they might make
for some interesting reading .
Not that the Apocrypha
books are necessary to be read,
but some of the bibles back in those
days did seem to include them .
Open up a Catholic Bible
sometime & you will find the
Apocrypha .
I have read some of them
& I can see why they are not
considered critical books to
include in a protestant bible .
Someday I suppose
that there will be a Geneva
Bible version that contains a
true & full fusion of annotations,
commentaries & footnotes from
the 1560 & 1599 versions .
~ To God Be The Glory ~
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
The Geneva Bible Forum
~ God Be Praised ~
Thursday, June 23, 2011
~ The 1560 Geneva Bible ~ Melbo's Edition ~ Notes ~
Melbo's post :
02-22-2011, 01:29 PM
Why the 1560 vs. 1599 edition?
A good library will include both editions -
The 1560 Geneva Bible -
is far more important
as a historical production.
It is directly
in the line of the 16th century
translation accomplishments.
The notes reflect
the reformation theology
better than the later notes.
The notes of the 1560 edition
show John Calvin's influence
from his commentaries.
The 1599
has Tomson's NT notes
and was the first to have notes on
Revelation by Junius (an avid Calvinist
whose father was brutally murdered).
They also included the Metrical
Psalms, which were popular.
The basic problem, however,
is that the 1599 edition is one
of the most error ridden copies
of all Geneva's.
many were dated 1599
but were really printed in 1633,
as explained in my Introduction.
The notes put into the "1599"
became more and more Calvinistic,
and also show anti-catholic sentiment,
probably in response to the notes in the
1582 Catholic Rhemes NT.
In a Revelation 9 note,
for instance, Francis Junius
blasts Pope Gregory VII
for his "evil doings."
Finally, the advertising
for the 1599 reproduction
makes it sound much more
important than it was.
While the Geneva Bible
was popular among the Pilgrims,
they continued to use the KJV as well.
The 1599 edition
was only one out of the many
Geneva Bible editions that the
Pilgrims and Puritans would have
brought to America.
The 1560 Geneva Bible
will be much more sought
after by collectors and historians.
I can't say that I've studied
all of the differences between
the 1560 and 1599 editions, nor
all of the various editions in-between
(a key difference from 1576 onwards
being Laurence Tomson's revision of the
New Testament), but based on what little
I know, I am partial to the 1599 edition
for the following reasons :
* The 1560 edition
included the Apocrypha
(albeit with a note stating that
it was not canonical) but did not
include a Psalter for singing;
the 1599 edition
was the first English Bible
to not include the Apocrypha,
and it does include a Psalter
for singing; and
* I prefer the annotations
of Francis Junius which appeared in
the 1599 edition first, replacing the previous
notes by John Bale and Heinrich Bullinger
(which are good and not to be despised).
I think the editing
of the annotations in
the intervening period
enables the 1599 edition
to reflect a richer and more
profound Biblical interpretation.
A good library will include both editions
~ To God Be The Glory ~
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
~ God Be Praised ~
02-22-2011, 01:29 PM
Why the 1560 vs. 1599 edition?
A good library will include both editions -
The 1560 Geneva Bible -
is far more important
as a historical production.
It is directly
in the line of the 16th century
translation accomplishments.
The notes reflect
the reformation theology
better than the later notes.
The notes of the 1560 edition
show John Calvin's influence
from his commentaries.
The 1599
has Tomson's NT notes
and was the first to have notes on
Revelation by Junius (an avid Calvinist
whose father was brutally murdered).
They also included the Metrical
Psalms, which were popular.
The basic problem, however,
is that the 1599 edition is one
of the most error ridden copies
of all Geneva's.
many were dated 1599
but were really printed in 1633,
as explained in my Introduction.
The notes put into the "1599"
became more and more Calvinistic,
and also show anti-catholic sentiment,
probably in response to the notes in the
1582 Catholic Rhemes NT.
In a Revelation 9 note,
for instance, Francis Junius
blasts Pope Gregory VII
for his "evil doings."
Finally, the advertising
for the 1599 reproduction
makes it sound much more
important than it was.
While the Geneva Bible
was popular among the Pilgrims,
they continued to use the KJV as well.
The 1599 edition
was only one out of the many
Geneva Bible editions that the
Pilgrims and Puritans would have
brought to America.
The 1560 Geneva Bible
will be much more sought
after by collectors and historians.
I can't say that I've studied
all of the differences between
the 1560 and 1599 editions, nor
all of the various editions in-between
(a key difference from 1576 onwards
being Laurence Tomson's revision of the
New Testament), but based on what little
I know, I am partial to the 1599 edition
for the following reasons :
* The 1560 edition
included the Apocrypha
(albeit with a note stating that
it was not canonical) but did not
include a Psalter for singing;
the 1599 edition
was the first English Bible
to not include the Apocrypha,
and it does include a Psalter
for singing; and
* I prefer the annotations
of Francis Junius which appeared in
the 1599 edition first, replacing the previous
notes by John Bale and Heinrich Bullinger
(which are good and not to be despised).
I think the editing
of the annotations in
the intervening period
enables the 1599 edition
to reflect a richer and more
profound Biblical interpretation.
A good library will include both editions
~ To God Be The Glory ~
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
~ God Be Praised ~
~ Relocated ~ 1560 Geneva Bible pdf ~ Reactor-core Edition ~
Melbo writes :
11-07-2010, 10:14 PM ;
I did some work on a pdf text
of the 1560 Geneva Bible a year ago.
I optimized the original 275 MB giant down
to 87 MB while also adding (adobe pdf)
bookmarks for books and chapters.
No small task -
I sent it back to the guy
who runs
and he had posted it along side
the original version.
I just noticed
tonight that the site has gone down
with a cryptic message from the webmaster.
This version contains the Old Testament,
the Apocrypha and the New Testament.
It's often claimed
that this is the first 'Bible'
to reach the Americas.
Attached Files
geneva1560.pdf (86.88 MB,)
~ To God Be The Glory ~
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
~ God Be Praised ~
11-07-2010, 10:14 PM ;
I did some work on a pdf text
of the 1560 Geneva Bible a year ago.
I optimized the original 275 MB giant down
to 87 MB while also adding (adobe pdf)
bookmarks for books and chapters.
No small task -
I sent it back to the guy
who runs
and he had posted it along side
the original version.
I just noticed
tonight that the site has gone down
with a cryptic message from the webmaster.
This version contains the Old Testament,
the Apocrypha and the New Testament.
It's often claimed
that this is the first 'Bible'
to reach the Americas.
Attached Files
geneva1560.pdf (86.88 MB,)
~ To God Be The Glory ~
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
~ God Be Praised ~
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
1560 & 1599 Geneva Bible's
Based apon the online infos i've viewed up
till now, it seems that in the future i may be
planning to build a kind of Geneva Bible library .
PDF's of the 1560 GBNT like the one Steve
has done would be part of it .
Facsimile editions of the GB are not so easy
to read, so I suppose that I will be looking
for a combination of GB versions .
A corrected & restored version of the
complete 1560 GB would seem to be one
to have .
A corrected & restored version of the
complete 1599 GB would also seem to be
one to have .
To have them both in a form like Steve's
version would also be worth having .
To have them both in hard copy form
would also be ideal .
Steve has said that the 1599 GBOT is
essentially the same as the 1560 GBOT
version and that's good news .
So the 1560 GBNT version is the GBNT
version that is going to be the needle in the
haystack, unless one discovers Steve's GBNT .
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
Table of Contents
to the 1560-1599 GBNT
Book of Revelations :
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
till now, it seems that in the future i may be
planning to build a kind of Geneva Bible library .
PDF's of the 1560 GBNT like the one Steve
has done would be part of it .
Facsimile editions of the GB are not so easy
to read, so I suppose that I will be looking
for a combination of GB versions .
A corrected & restored version of the
complete 1560 GB would seem to be one
to have .
A corrected & restored version of the
complete 1599 GB would also seem to be
one to have .
To have them both in a form like Steve's
version would also be worth having .
To have them both in hard copy form
would also be ideal .
Steve has said that the 1599 GBOT is
essentially the same as the 1560 GBOT
version and that's good news .
So the 1560 GBNT version is the GBNT
version that is going to be the needle in the
haystack, unless one discovers Steve's GBNT .
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
Table of Contents
to the 1560-1599 GBNT
Book of Revelations :
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
~ To God Be The Glory ~ God Be Praised ~
Steve's Edition of the
Geneva Bible (1560/1599)
With Original Geneva Footnotes
of both the 1560 and 1599 versions
is probably the best online GBNT version
available at this time .
A marvelous fact about this version
is that the New Testament is completed
and available to all .
Steve's GBNT has offered me a chance
to see how earlier footnotes from the GBNT
are dropped or kept in the 1599 version .
Some Footnotes prior to 1599 may not always
be found in the later 1599 versions and these
notes are also of much value .
Today I searched for some old links to a
1560 GBNT and I located this message
concerning a free downloadable 1560 GBNT :
The Old Testament is basically unchanged
from the 1560 to the 1599, but the 1599
added and changed many footnotes from
the 1560 in the New Testament.
I suppose that Steve can vouch for this free
download but I do not think it is presently
available .
I also suppose that Steve's GBNT is
probably one of the few available for
free download online .
Included in the message above is a
reference to the 1599 GB produced by
Tolle Lege Press .
I suppose that the TLP 1599 GBOT
will be pretty close to the hard copy version
that I have at home .
For Future Reference I have included here
a link for the TLP 1599 GB version :
1599 Geneva Bible (CD-Rom)
Your Price: $10.00
Easy-to-read print
Searchable, printable PDFs
Tolle Lege Press
The hard copy 1599 GB version that I have been
reading for over 10 years now is the facsimile
version produced by L. L. Brown Publishing .
It was from this edition that I reproduced
a prolog page to the book of revelations
entitled 'The Order Of Time' .
The L. L. Brown Publishing edition also
contains a page in the OT entitled
'The Prayer Of Manasseh' .
Since we do seem to have an interest
in 'Old Books', I would like to include in this
post an entry about another book that I have
been thinking about getting .
It's called :
The Sacred
and Profane History
of the World Connected
by Samuel Shuckford .
Reproduced by
Tolle Lege Press ;
"In the nineteenth century,
higher critics added thousands
of years to the history books to
discredit the Bible and its authority.
The Sacred
and Profane History
of the World Connected
(Volumes 1-4), back in print
after 200 years, will be the frontal
assault that could overturn the whole
of secular humanism.
It connects
biblical and secular
history in a way that
proves the Bible's
chronology is correct.
That's why
we've reprinted it
and made it available for
the modern world to rediscover.
The craftsmanship
of this series is second to none.
"Years ago I purchased this
rare book from a store widow
in a small West Virginia town.
(Her late husband was a
collector of old history books.)
Once I opened the book
I couldn't put it down.
Intricate maps
of the ancient world
unfolded before my eyes.
Fascinating illustrations
with the translation of ancient
languages and charts with the
ages of the Antediluvian Patriarchs
were interspersed throughout the text.
I've never seen Biblical
and Secular history woven
together in this way.
I've always known
that the Bible's history
was true--but my faith in
God's Word was strengthened
like never before.
We finally located
the other three volumes
and have brought them all back
into print for future generations."
- Ray Vallorani,
Co-Founder of Tolle Lege Press
(Publishers of the 1599 Geneva Bible)
Inside the first volume
you will find intricate fold-out
maps of the ancient world such
as the location of the Garden of Eden
and the settlements of Noah's descendants.
You'll also find charts
and graphs on the ages
of the patriarchs, ancient
languages, and more.
The author dramatically weaves
the historical accounts of the Bible
and secular history together into
one powerful narrative.
Dr. Shuckford's research
confirms the accuracy of the
Bible-from the Creation and Fall
of Man to the Dissolution of the Assyrian
Empire at the death of Sardanapalus, and
to the declension of the Kingdoms of Judah
and Israel, under the reigns of Ahaz
and Pekah."
Volumes 1-4 CD-ROM
Your Price: $10.00
(Includes complete searchable/
printable text of all four volumes!)
Free Download
of Vol. 1 available here :
Tolle Lege Press
Here's an interesting & short article about
Bible Chronology that has nothing to do
with buying anything :
According to Bible chronology,
the world is about 6,051 years old
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
Geneva Bible (1560/1599)
With Original Geneva Footnotes
of both the 1560 and 1599 versions
is probably the best online GBNT version
available at this time .
A marvelous fact about this version
is that the New Testament is completed
and available to all .
Steve's GBNT has offered me a chance
to see how earlier footnotes from the GBNT
are dropped or kept in the 1599 version .
Some Footnotes prior to 1599 may not always
be found in the later 1599 versions and these
notes are also of much value .
Today I searched for some old links to a
1560 GBNT and I located this message
concerning a free downloadable 1560 GBNT :
The Old Testament is basically unchanged
from the 1560 to the 1599, but the 1599
added and changed many footnotes from
the 1560 in the New Testament.
I suppose that Steve can vouch for this free
download but I do not think it is presently
available .
I also suppose that Steve's GBNT is
probably one of the few available for
free download online .
Included in the message above is a
reference to the 1599 GB produced by
Tolle Lege Press .
I suppose that the TLP 1599 GBOT
will be pretty close to the hard copy version
that I have at home .
For Future Reference I have included here
a link for the TLP 1599 GB version :
1599 Geneva Bible (CD-Rom)
Your Price: $10.00
Easy-to-read print
Searchable, printable PDFs
Tolle Lege Press
The hard copy 1599 GB version that I have been
reading for over 10 years now is the facsimile
version produced by L. L. Brown Publishing .
It was from this edition that I reproduced
a prolog page to the book of revelations
entitled 'The Order Of Time' .
The L. L. Brown Publishing edition also
contains a page in the OT entitled
'The Prayer Of Manasseh' .
Since we do seem to have an interest
in 'Old Books', I would like to include in this
post an entry about another book that I have
been thinking about getting .
It's called :
The Sacred
and Profane History
of the World Connected
by Samuel Shuckford .
Reproduced by
Tolle Lege Press ;
"In the nineteenth century,
higher critics added thousands
of years to the history books to
discredit the Bible and its authority.
The Sacred
and Profane History
of the World Connected
(Volumes 1-4), back in print
after 200 years, will be the frontal
assault that could overturn the whole
of secular humanism.
It connects
biblical and secular
history in a way that
proves the Bible's
chronology is correct.
That's why
we've reprinted it
and made it available for
the modern world to rediscover.
The craftsmanship
of this series is second to none.
"Years ago I purchased this
rare book from a store widow
in a small West Virginia town.
(Her late husband was a
collector of old history books.)
Once I opened the book
I couldn't put it down.
Intricate maps
of the ancient world
unfolded before my eyes.
Fascinating illustrations
with the translation of ancient
languages and charts with the
ages of the Antediluvian Patriarchs
were interspersed throughout the text.
I've never seen Biblical
and Secular history woven
together in this way.
I've always known
that the Bible's history
was true--but my faith in
God's Word was strengthened
like never before.
We finally located
the other three volumes
and have brought them all back
into print for future generations."
- Ray Vallorani,
Co-Founder of Tolle Lege Press
(Publishers of the 1599 Geneva Bible)
Inside the first volume
you will find intricate fold-out
maps of the ancient world such
as the location of the Garden of Eden
and the settlements of Noah's descendants.
You'll also find charts
and graphs on the ages
of the patriarchs, ancient
languages, and more.
The author dramatically weaves
the historical accounts of the Bible
and secular history together into
one powerful narrative.
Dr. Shuckford's research
confirms the accuracy of the
Bible-from the Creation and Fall
of Man to the Dissolution of the Assyrian
Empire at the death of Sardanapalus, and
to the declension of the Kingdoms of Judah
and Israel, under the reigns of Ahaz
and Pekah."
Volumes 1-4 CD-ROM
Your Price: $10.00
(Includes complete searchable/
printable text of all four volumes!)
Free Download
of Vol. 1 available here :
Tolle Lege Press
Here's an interesting & short article about
Bible Chronology that has nothing to do
with buying anything :
According to Bible chronology,
the world is about 6,051 years old
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
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