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Sunday, December 16, 2007

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They shall lack nothing, which are careful for the kingdom of heaven

From :
The Geneva Bible
New Testament ,
The Holy Gospel Of Jesus Christ,
According To Luke Chapter 12

1 The leaven of the Pharisees.
5 Who is to be feared.
8 To confess Christ.
17 The parable of the rich man
whose land was very fertile.
21 Not to care for earthly things.
31 But to seek the kingdom of God.
39 The thief in the night.
51 Debate for the Gospel's sake.

1 In (*) (1) the meantime, there were gathered
together (a) an innumerable multitude of people,
so that they trode one upon another, and he
began to say unto his disciples first, Take heed
to yourselves of the leaven of the Pharisees,
which is hypocrisy.

(*) Matthew 16:5; Mark 8:14 .

(1) The faithful teachers of God's word, which
are appointed by him for his people, must both
take good heed of them, which corrupt the
purity of doctrine with goodly glozes, and also
take paints through the help of God, to set forth
sincere doctrine, openly and without fear.

(a) Word for word, ten thousands of people,
a certain number for an uncertain.

2 (*) For there is nothing covered, that shall
not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be

(*) Matthew 10:26; Mark 4:22 .

3 Wherefore whatsoever ye have spoken in
darkness, it shall be heard in the light, and that
which ye have spoken in the ear, in secret
places, shall be preached on the (*) houses.

(*) Openly that all men may hear.

4 (*) (2) And I say unto you, my friends, be not
afraid of them that kill the body, and after that
are not able to do anymore.

(*) Matthew 10:28 .

(2) Although hypocrites have princes to
execute their cruelty, yet there is no cause why
we could be afraid of them, the least jot that
may be, feeling they can do nothing, but what
pleaseth God, and God will not have that which
may be against the salvation of his elect.

5 But I will (b) forewarn you, who ye shall fear;
fear him which after he hath killed, hath power
to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, him fear.

(b) He warneth them of danger that presently
hang over their heads, for those that come upon
the sudden, do make the greater wound.

6 Are not five sparrows bought for two
farthings, and yet not one of them is forgotten
before God?

7 (*) Yea, and all the hairs of your head are
numbered; fear not therefore, for ye are more
of value than many sparrows.

(*) 1 Samuel 14:45; Acts 27:34 .

8 (*) (3) Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall
confess me before men, him shall the Son of
man confess also before the Angels of God.

(*) Luke 9:26; Matthew 10:32; Mark 8:38;
2 Timothy 1:12 .

(3) Great is the reward of a constant confession,
and horrible is the punishment of the denying of
Christ, yea impossible to be called back again
shall the punishment be, if upon set purpose, both
with mouth and heart we blaspheme a known

9 But he that shall deny me before men, shall be
denied before the Angels of God.

10 (*) And whosoever shall speak a word
against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him;
but unto him that () shall blaspheme the holy
Ghost, it shall not be forgiven.

(*) Matthew 12:31; Mark 3:28 .

() He that shall resist against the word of God
purposely, and against his conscience.

11 (*) (4) And when they shall bring you unto
the Synagogues, and unto the rulers and
princes, take no () thought how, or what thing
ye shall answer, or what ye shall speak.

(*) Matthew 10:19; Mark 13:11 .

(4) It is a great and hard conflict to confess the
truth, yet he that can do all things, and is
almighty, will not be wanting to the weakest
which strive and contend in his appointed time.

() Be not so doubtful that you should be
discouraged or distrust.

12 For the holy Ghost shall teach you in the
same (*) hour, what ye ought to say.

(*) Or, moment.

13 (5) And one of the company said unto him,
Master, bid my brother divide the inheritance
with me.

(5) Christ would not for three causes be a judge
to divide an inheritance. First, for that he would
not foster up and cherish the fleshly opinion that
the Jews had of Messiah; Secondly for that he
would distinguish the civil governance, from the
Ecclesiastical; Thirdly, to teach us to beware of
them which abuse the shew of the Gospel, and
also the name of ministers, to their own private

14 And he said unto him, Man, who made me a
(*) judge, or a divider over you?

(*) Christ chiefly came to be judged and not to
judge, not withstanding he willeth the Christians
to be judges and decide controversies between
their brethren,
1 Corinthians 6:1 .

15 Wherefore he said unto them, Take heed, and
beware of (c) covetousness; (*) for though a man
have abundance, yet his (d) life standeth not in his

(c) By covetousness is meant, that greedy desire
to get, commonly with other men's hurt.

(*) Christ condemneth the arrogancy of the rich
worldlings, who as though they had God locked
up in their coffers, and barns, set their whole
felicity in their goods, not considering that God
gave them life and also can take it away when he

(d) God is the author and preserver of man's life,
goods are not.

16 (6) And he put forth a parable unto them,
saying, The (e) (*) ground of a certain rich man
brought forth fruits plenteously.

(6) There are none more mad, than rich men
which hang upon their riches.

(e) Or rather country, for here is set forth a man
that possesseth not a piece of ground only, but a
whole country, as they do, which join house to
house, and field to field;
Isaiah 5:8 .

(*) Or, country.

17 Therefore he (f) thought with himself, saying,
What shall I do, because, I have no room where
I may lay up my fruits?

(f) Made his reckoning within himself, which is
the property of covetous churls that spend their
life in those trifles.

18 And he said, This will I do, I will pull down my
barns, and build greater, and therein will I gather
all my fruits, and my goods.

19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast
much goods laid up for many years; live at ease,
eat, drink and (g) take thy pastime.

(g) Be merry and make good cheer.

20 But God said unto him, O fool, this night will
they fetch away thy soul from thee; then whose
shall those things be which thou hast provided?

21 So is he that gathereth riches (h) to himself,
and is not rich in (*) God.

(h) Caring for no man but for himself, and
minding to trust in himself.

(*) To depend only on his providence knowing
that he hath enough for all.

22 (7) And he spake unto his disciples,
Therefore I say unto you, (*) Take no thought for
your life, what ye shall eat; neither for your body,
what ye shall put on.

(7) The earnest thinking upon the providence of
God, is a present remedy against the most
foolish and pining carefulness of men for this

(*) Matthew 6:25; 1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 55:22 .

23 The life is more than meat, and the body more
than the raiment.

24 (*) Consider the ravens, for they neither sow
nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn,
and yet God feedeth them; how much more are
ye better than fowls?

(*) He exhorteth us to cast our care on God, and
to submit ourselves to his providence.

25 And which of you with taking thought, can
add to his stature one cubit?

26 If ye then be not able to do the least thing,
why take ye thought for the remnant?

27 (*) Consider the lilies how they grow: they
labor not, neither spin they; yet I say unto you,
that Solomon himself in all his royalty was not
clothed like one of these.

(*) The liberality of God which shineth in the
herbs and flowers, surmounteth all that man can
do by his riches or force.

28 If then God so clothe the grass which is today
in the field, and tomorrow is cast into the oven,
how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little

29 Therefore ask not what ye shall eat, or what
ye shall drink, neither (i) (*) stand in doubt.

(i) A metaphor taken of things that hang in the
air, for they that are careful for this worldly life,
and hang upon the arm of man, have always
wavering and doubtful minds, swaying
sometimes this way, and sometimes that way.

(*) Or, make discourses in the air.

30 For all such things the people of the world
seek for; and your Father knoweth that ye have
need of these things.

31 (8) But rather seek ye after the kingdom of
God, (*) and all these things shall be cast upon

(8) They shall lack nothing, which are careful
for the kingdom of heaven.

(*) Which are but accessories, and are common
as well to the wicked men as to the godly.

32 (9) Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's
pleasure to give you the (*) kingdom.

(9) It is a foolish thing not to look for small
things, at the hands, which giveth us freely
and which giveth the greatest things.

(*) Which is the chiefest thing that can be
given, and therefore you cannot want those
things which are of less importance.

33 ¶ (*) (10) Sell that ye have, and give (k) alms;
make you bags which wax not old, a treasure
that can never fail in heaven, where no thief
cometh neither moth corrupteth.

(*) Matthew 6:20 .

(10) A godly bountifulness is a ready way to get
true riches.

(k) This is the figure Metonymy, for by this
word, Alms, is meant that compassion and
friendliness of a heart that tendereth the misery
and poor estate of man, and sheweth forth itself
by some gift, and hath the name given it in the
Greek tongue, of mercy and compassion; and
therefore he is said to give alms, who parteth
with something to another, and giveth to the
poor, shewing thereby, that he pitieth their poor

34 For where your treasure is, there will your
heart be also.

35 ¶ (*) (11) Let your loins be () gird about, and
your lights burning.

(*) 1 Peter 1:13 .

(11) The life of the faithful servants of God, in
this world is certain watchful peregrination,
having the light of the word going before it.

() Be in a readiness to execute the charge which
is committed unto you.

36 And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for
their master, when he will return from the
wedding, that when he cometh and knocketh,
they may open unto him immediately.

37 Blessed are those servants, whom the Lord
when he cometh shall find waking; verily I say
unto you, he will (*) gird himself about, and make
them to sit down at table, and will come forth, and
serve them.

(*) Because they did use long garments, the
manner was to gird or truss them up when they
went about any business.

38 And if he come in the second watch, or come
in the third watch, and shall find them so, blessed
are those servants.

39 (*) Now understand this, that if the good man
of the house had known at what hour the thief
would have come, he would have watched, and
would not have suffered his house to be dug

(*) Matthew 24:43; Revelation 16:15;
Revelation 3:3 .

40 (12) Be ye also prepared therefore; for the
Son of man will come at an hour when ye think

(12) None have more need to watch, than they
that have some degree of honor in the household
of God.

41 Then Peter said unto him, Master, tellest thou
this parable unto us, or even to all?

42 And the Lord said, Who is a faithful steward
and wise, whom the master shall make ruler over
his household, to give them their (l) (*) portion of
meat in season?

(l) That is, every month such measure of corn as
was appointed them.

(*) The portion of servants every month was four
pecks of corn, as Donatus writeth in Phormio.

43 Blessed is that servant, whom his master
when he cometh, shall find so doing.

44 Of a truth, I say unto you, that he will make
him ruler over all that he hath.

45 But if that servant say in his heart, My
master doth defer his coming, and begin to
smite the servants, and maidens, and to eat and
drink, and to be drunken,

46 The master of that servant will come in a
day when he thinketh not, and at an hour when
he is not aware of, and will cut him off, and give
him his portion with the unbelievers.

47 ¶ And that servant that knew his master's
will, and prepared not himself, neither did
according to his will, shall be beaten with many

48 But he that knew it not, and yet did commit
things (*) worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with
few stripes; for unto whomsoever () much is
given, of him shall be much required, and to
whom men much commit, (m) the more of him
will they ask.

(*) Therefore ignorance is inexcusable.

() To whom God hath given many graces.

(m) More than of him to whom so much was not

49 ¶ (13) I am come to put (*) fire on the earth,
and what is my desire, if it be () already kindled?

(13) The Gospel is the only cause of peace
between the goodly, and so it is the occasion of
great trouble among the wicked.

(*) The Gospel is as a burning fire most
vehement, which maketh a change of things
through all the world.

() If there be great troubles and alterations upon
the earth, which things come not by the propriety
of the Gospel, but through the wickedness of

50 Notwithstanding I must be (*) baptized with a
baptism, and how am I grieved till it be ended?

(*) He compareth his death to baptism.

51 (*) Think ye that I am come to give peace on
earth? I tell you, nay, but rather debate.

(*) Matthew 10:34 .

52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one
house divided, three against two, and two against

53 The father shall be divided against the son, and
the son against the father, the mother against the
daughter, and the daughter against the mother,
the mother in law against her daughter in law,
and the daughter in law against her mother in

54 ¶ (*) (14) Then said he to the people, When
ye see a cloud (n) rise out of the West,
straightway ye say, A shower cometh, and so it

(*) Matthew 16:2 .

(14) Men which are very quick of sight in earthly
things, are blind in those things which pertain to
the heavenly life, and that through their own

(n) Which appeareth, and gathereth itself
together in that part of the air.

55 And when ye see the South wind blow, ye
say, that it will be hot, and it cometh to pass.

56 Hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the
earth, and of the sky, but why discern ye not this

57 (15) Yea, and why judge ye not of yourselves
what is right?

(15) Men that are blinded with the love of
themselves, and therefore are detestable and
stubborn, shall bear the reward of their folly.

58 ¶ (*) While thou goest with thine adversary to
the ruler, as thou art in the way, give diligence in
the way, that thou mayest be () delivered from
him, lest he draw thee to the judge, and the judge
deliver thee to the (o) jailer, and the jailer cast
thee into prison.

(*) Matthew 5:25 .

() Though it be to thy loss and hindrance.

(o) To him that has to demand and gather
amercements, which they were condemned unto
that had wrongly troubled men; moreover, the
magistrate's officers make them which are
condemned, pay that which they owe, yea, and
often times if they be obstinate, they do not only
take the cost and charges of them, but also
imprison them.

59 I tell thee, thou shalt not depart thence, till thou
hast paid the utmost mite.

Gospel of Luke with Footnotes :

Geneva Bible With Footnotes

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Saturday, December 8, 2007

That which is just and right

From :
The Geneva Bible
New Testament ,
The Holy Gospel Of Jesus Christ,
According To Luke Chapter 11

1 He teacheth his Apostles to pray.
14 The dumb devil driven out.
27 A woman of the company
lifted up her voice.
29 The Jews require signs.
37 He being feasted of the Pharisee,
reproveth the outward shew of holiness.

1 And so it was,
that as he was praying in a certain place,
when he ceased,
one of his disciples said unto him,
Lord, teach us to pray,
as John also taught his disciples.

2 (*) And he said unto them,
When ye pray, say, (1)
Our Father which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come;
Let thy will be done,
even in earth, as it is in heaven;

(*) Matthew 6:9 .

(1) A form of true prayer.

3 Our daily bread give us (a) (*)
for the day;

(a) That is,
as much as is needed for us this day,
whereby we are not debarred
to have an honest care
for the maintenance of our lives,
but that carping care,
which killeth a number of men,
is cut off and restrained.

(*) Or every day,
or as much as is sufficient for this day.

4 And (*) forgive us our sins,
for even we forgive every man
that is indebted to us;
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

(*) Or, pardon.

5 ¶ (2) Moreover he said unto them, (*)
Which of you shall have a friend,
and shall go to him at midnight,
and say unto him,
Friend, lend me three loaves?

(2) We must pray with faith.

(*) By this similitude he teacheth us
that we ought not to be discouraged,
if we obtain not incontinently
that which we demand.

6 For a friend of mine is come (*)
out of the way to me,
and I have nothing to set before him;

(*) Or, in passing by the way.

7 And he within should answer,
and say, Trouble me not;
the door is now shut,
and my children are with me in bed;
I cannot rise and give them to thee.

8 I say unto you,
Though he would not arise
and give him,
because he is his friend,
yet doubtless because of his (b) (*)
importunity, he would rise
and give him as many as he needed.

(b) Word for word, impudency;
but that impudency
which is spoken of here,
is not to be found fault withal,
but is very commendable before God,
for he liketh well of such importunity.

(*) Or, impudency.

9 (*) And I say unto you,
Ask, and it shall be given you;
seek, and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

(*) Matthew 7:7; Matthew 21:22;
Mark 11:24; John 14:13; John 16:23;
James 1:5 .

10 (*) For everyone that asketh,
receiveth; and he that seeketh,
findeth; and to him that knocketh,
it shall be opened.

(*) Matthew 7:8 .

11 (*) If a son shall ask bread
of any of you that is a father,
will he give him a stone?
Or if he ask a fish,
will he for a fish
give him a serpent?

(*) Matthew 7:9 .

12 Or if he ask an egg,
will he give him a scorpion?

13 If ye then which are evil,
can give good gifts
unto your children,
how much more
shall your heavenly Father give (*)
the holy Ghost
to them that desire him?

(*) The chiefest thing
that we can desire of God,
is his holy Spirit.

14 ¶ (*) Then he cast out a devil
which was dumb;
and when the devil was gone out,
the dumb spake,
and the people wondered.

(*) Matthew 9:32; Matthew 12:22 .

15 (3) But some of them said, (*)
He casteth out devils
through Beelzebub
the chief of the devils.

(3) An example of horrible blindness,
and such as cannot be healed,
when as upon an evil conscience,
and pretended malice,
the power of God is blasphemed.

(*) Matthew 9:34; Matthew 12:24;
Mark 3:22 .

16 And others tempted him,
seeking of him a sign from heaven.

17 (4) But he knew their thoughts,
and said unto them, (*)
Every kingdom divided against itself,
shall be desolate, and a house divided
against a house, falleth.

(4) The true way to know the true Christ,
from the false, is this,
that the true Christ hath no accord
or agreement with Satan;
And it remaineth that after we know him,
we acknowledge him.

(*) Matthew 12:25; Mark 3:24 .

18 So if Satan
also be divided against himself,
how shall his kingdom stand,
because ye say
that I cast out devils (c)
through Beelzebub?

(c) By the name
and power of Beelzebub.

19 If I through Beelzebub
cast out devils,
by whom do your (*)
children cast them out?
Therefore shall they be your judges.

(*) That is to say, your conjurers.

20 But if I by the (d) (*)
finger of God cast out devils,
doubtless the kingdom
of God is come unto you.

(d) That is, by the power of God;
so it is said,
Exodus 8:19 .

(*) The finger of God is taken
for the virtue and power of God.
And the virtue of the Father
and the Son is the holy Ghost;
for so Matthew doeth interpret this place.

21 When a strong man armed
keepeth his (e) (*) palace,
the things that he possesseth,
are in () peace.

(e) The word signifieth properly
an open and void room
before a house,
and so by translation
is taken for noble men's houses.

(*) The word signifieth, an entry
or porch before a house.

() Or, safety.

22 But when a stronger than he
cometh upon him, and overcometh him;
he taketh from him all his armor
wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.

23 (5) He that is not (*) with me,
is against me;
and he that gathereth not with me,

(5) Against indifferent men,
and such as love to have a mean,
which seek means to reconcile Christ
and Satan together.

(*) They that do not
wholly apply themselves
to destroy the kingdom of Satan,
cannot be counted to be on Christ's side
but are his adversaries;
how much more is he against him
that maketh open war with him
as Satan doeth?

24 (*) (6) When the unclean spirit
is gone out of a man,
he walketh through dry places,
seeking () rest,
and when he findeth none,
he saith, I will return unto my house
whence I came out.

(*) Matthew 12:43 .

(6) He that doeth not continue,
is in worse case,
than he that never begun.

() To the intent that he might work
according to his malicious nature.

25 And when he cometh,
he findeth it swept
and (*) garnished.

(*) More apt to receive him
than it was afore.

26 Then () goeth he,
and taketh to him ()
seven other spirits
worse than himself,
and they enter in,
and dwell there; (*)
so the last state of that man
is worse than the first.

() If by infidelity we turn back from God,
Satan hath greater power over us
than he had before.

() He meaneth an infinite number.

(*) Hebrews 6:4; 2 Peter 2:20 .

27 ¶ (7) And it came to pass
as he said these things,
a certain woman of the company
lifted up her voice,
and said unto him,
Blessed is the womb that bare thee,
and the paps which thou hast sucked.

(7) Christ
seeketh not praise in himself,
but in our salvation.

28 But he said, (*)
Yea, rather blessed are they
that hear the word of God, and keep it.

(*) Christ gave her a privy taunt
for that she omitted the chief praise
which was due unto him;
that was, that they are blessed indeed
to whom he communicateth himself
by his word.

29 ¶ (*) (8) And when the people
were gathered thick together,
he began to say,
This is a wicked generation;
they seek a sign,
and there shall no sign be given them,
but the sign of () Jonah the Prophet.

(*) Matthew 12:38-39 .

(8) They that are fond desirers
of miracles, instead of miracles
shall receive punishment.

() Jonah 1:12 .

30 For as Jonah
was a sign to the Ninivites,
so shall also the Son of man be
to this generation.

31 (*) The Queen of the South
shall rise in judgment, with the men
of this generation,
and shall condemn them,
for she came
from the utmost parts of the earth
to hear the wisdom of Solomon,
and behold,
a greater than Solomon is here.

(*) 1 Kings 10:1; 2 Chronicles 9:1 .

32 The men of Nineveh
shall rise in judgment
with this generation,
and shall condemn it,
for they (*) repented
at the preaching of Jonah;
and behold,
a greater than Jonah is here.

(*) Jonah 3:5 .

33 ¶ (*) (9) No man
when he hath lighted a candle,
putteth it in a privy place,
neither under a bushel,
but on a candlestick,
that they which come in,
may see the light.

(*) Luke 8:16; Matthew 5:15;
Mark 4:21 .

(9) Our minds are therefore lightened
with the knowledge of God,
that we should give light unto others,
and therefore our chiefest labor
ought to be to pray for that light.

34 (*) () The light of the body
is the () eye; therefore
when thine eye is () single,
then is thy whole body light;
but if thine eye be evil,
then thy body is dark.

(*) Matthew 6:22 .

() Or, candle.

() Because it should guide
and lead the body.

() Without spot or vice.

35 Take heed therefore,
that the light which is in thee,
be not darkness.

36 If therefore
thy whole body shall be light,
having no part dark,
then shall all be light,
even as when
a candle doth light thee
with the brightness.

37 ¶ (10) And as he spake,
a certain Pharisee besought him
to dine with him; and he went in,
and sat down at table.

(10) The service of God
consisteth not in outward cleanliness,
and devised rites or ceremonies,
but in the spiritual righteousness
of the heart, and charity.

38 And when the Pharisee saw it,
he marveled
that he had not first washed
before dinner.

39 (*) And the Lord said to him,
Indeed ye Pharisees make clean
the outside of the cup,
and of the platter,
but the inward part
is full of ravening and wickedness.

(*) Matthew 23:25 .

40 Ye fools, did not he
that made that which is without,
make that which is within also?

41 Therefore, (*) give alms (f) of ()
those things which you have,
and behold, all things
shall be clean unto you.

(*) Christ here requireth two things:
first that we come truly
by our meat and drink; and next
that we distribute part to the poor,
for charity is the perfection of the Law.

(f) That is,
according to your abilities
as who would say,
instead of your extortions,
which hindered you,
that you could not eat cleanly,
use charity, and accordingly
as your ability shall serve you,
be good to the poor, and so shall that,
that is within the platter, be sanctified
though the platter be unwashed.

() Or, of that which you have.

42 (11) But woe be to you, Pharisees!
For ye (g) tithe the mint and the rue,
and (h) all manner herbs,
and pass over (i) (*) judgment
and the love of God;
these ought ye to have done,
and () not to have left the other undone.

(11) It is the property of hypocrites,
to stand stoutly for little trifles,
and let pass greater matters.

(g) You decide by God's Law
that the tenth part is due to be paid.

(h) Of all kind of herbs some,
as Augustine expoundeth it in his
Enchiridion to Laurence, chapter 99,
where he sheweth in like sort
how that place of Paul,
1 Timothy 2:4;
God will have all men to be saved,
is to be expounded
after the same manner.

(i) That is to say, that which is right
and reason to do; for this word, Judgment,
containeth the commandments
of the second table, and the other words,
The love of God, contain the first,
Luke 20:26 .

(*) Or, that which is just and right.

() He would not break
the very least commandment
before all things were accomplished,
but taught them to stick to the chiefest
and not prefer the inferior ceremonies
which must quickly be abolished.

43 (*) (12) Woe be to you, Pharisees!
For ye love the uppermost seats
in the Synagogues,
and greetings in the markets.

(*) Matthew 23:6; Mark 12:38-39 .

(12) Hypocrisy and ambition
are commonly joined together.

44 (13) Woe be to you, Scribes
and Pharisees, hypocrites! (*)
For ye are as graves
which () appear not,
and the men that walk over them,
perceive not.

(13) Hypocrites deceive men
with an outward shew.

(*) Matthew 23:27 .

() Whose stink and infection
appear not suddenly.

45 ¶ (14) Then answered
one of the Lawyers,
and said unto him,
Master, thus saying
thou puttest us to rebuke also.

(14) Hypocrites are very severe
against other men, but think all things
lawful to themselves.

46 And he said,
Woe be to you also, ye Lawyers! (*)
For ye lade men with burdens
grievous to be borne,
and ye yourselves touch not
the burdens with one of your fingers.

(*) Matthew 23:4; Acts 15:10 .

47 (15) Woe be to you! (*)
For ye () build the sepulchers
of the Prophets,
and your fathers killed them.

(15) Hypocrites honor those saints
when they are dead,
whom they most cruelly persecute,
when they were alive.

(*) Matthew 23:29 .

() Whereby you keep in remembrance
the execrable deeds of your fathers.

48 (*) Truly (k) ye bear witness,
and allow the deeds of your fathers;
for they killed them,
and ye () build their sepulchers.

(*) You shew yourselves
as great hypocrites as were your fathers,
making men believe and honor God
when you dishonor him.

(k) When you persecute God's servants,
like mad men, even as your fathers did,
though you color it with a pretence
of godliness, yet notwithstanding,
in that you beautify the sepulchers
of the Prophets, what do you else,
but glory in your father's cruelty,
and set up monuments (as it were)
in glory and triumph of it?

() They were more curious to build
their graves than to follow
their doctrine.

49 Therefore said the wisdom of God,
I will send them Prophets and Apostles,
and of them they shall slay,
and (l) (*) persecute,

(l) They shall so vex them
and trouble them,
that at length they shall banish them.

(*) Or, cruelly expel them.

50 That the blood of all the Prophets, (m)
shed from the foundation of the world,
may be required of this generation,

(m) That you may be called
to an account for it, yea,
and be punished,
for the shedding of that blood
of the Prophet.

51 From the blood of (*) Abel
unto the blood of () Zechariah,
which was slain between the altar
and the Temple; verily I say unto you,
it shall be required of () this generation.

(*) Genesis 4:8 .

() 2 Chronicles 24:21 .

() Because they were culpable
of the same fault
that their ancestors were.

52 (16) Woe be to you, Lawyers!
For ye have (n) (*)
taken away the key of knowledge;
ye entered not in yourselves,
and them that came in, ye forbade.

(16) They have of long time
chiefly hindered the people,
from entering into the knowledge of God,
which ought to be the door keepers
of the Church.

(n) You have hidden and taken away,
so that it cannot be found anywhere.

(*) They hid and took away
the pure doctrine and true understanding
of the Scriptures.

53 (17) And as he said these things
unto them, the Scribes and Pharisees
began to urge him sore, and to (o)
provoke him to speak of many things,

(17) The more the world is reprehended,
the worse it is, and yet
we must not betray the truth.

(o) They proposed
many questions to him,
to draw something out of his mouth,
which they might traitorously carp at.

54 Laying wait for him,
and seeking to catch something
of his mouth,
whereby they might accuse him.

Geneva Bible With Footnotes

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Trans-Texas Corridors,

eminent domain abuse,
and the Texas Toll Road Rebellion

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Friday, November 30, 2007

Rejoice, because your names are written in heaven

From :
The Geneva Bible
New Testament ,
The Holy Gospel Of Jesus Christ,
According To Luke Chapter 10

1 The seventy disciples.
10 The unthankful cities
charged with impiety.
17 The disciples returning home,
are warned to be humble.
30 Who is our neighbor.
38 Of Martha and her sister Mary.

1 After (*) (1) these things,
the Lord appointed other seventy also,
and sent them, two and two
before him into every city and place,
whither he himself should come.

(*) Matthew 10:1 .

(1) The seventy are sent
as the second forewarners,
of the coming of Christ.

2 And he said unto them, (*) ()
The harvest is great,
but the () laborers are few;
pray therefore
the Lord of the harvest
to send forth laborers
into his harvest.

(*) Matthew 9:37 .

() Meaning a great number
of people which were ready
to be brought unto God.

() That is, the preachers.

3 (*) (2) Go your ways;
behold, I send you forth
as lambs among () wolves.

(*) Matthew 10:16 .

(2) The faithful ministers of the word
are in this world as lambs among wolves;
but if they be diligent to do their duty,
he that sent them will also preserve them.

() Not that they shall hurt you,
but that you shall be preserved
by my providence.

4 Bear no bag, neither scrip, nor shoes,
and (*) () salute (a) no man by the way.

(*) 2 Kings 4:29 .

() He willeth
that they should dispatch this journey
with diligence
not occupying themselves about other duties.

(a) This is spoken
after the manner of a figure,
which men use,
when they put down more in words,
than is meant; usual among the Hebrews,
when they command a thing to be done
speedily without delay,
as 2 King 4:29;
for otherwise courteous
and gentle salutations,
are points of Christian duty;
as for the calling it was only for a season.

5 (*) And into whatsoever house ye enter,
first say, () Peace be to this house.

(*) Matthew 10:12; Mark 6:10 .

() It was their manner of salutation
whereby they wished health and felicity.

6 And if (b) the son of peace be there,
your peace shall rest upon him;
if not, it shall turn to you again.

(b) So speak the Hebrews; that is,
he that favoreth the doctrine of peace
and the Gospel.

7 And in that house (c) tarry still,
eating and drinking such things
as by them shall be set before you; (*)
for the laborer is worthy of his wages.
Go not from () house to house.

(c) Take up your lodging in that house,
which ye first enter into, that is,
be not careful for commodious lodging,
as men do which purpose
to tarry long in a place;
for here is not instituted
that solemn preaching of the Gospel,
which was used afterward,
when the Churches were settled;
but these are sent abroad to all the coasts
of Judea, to give them to understand,
that the last Jubilee is at hand.

(*) Deuteronomy 24:14; Matthew 10:10;
1 Timothy 5:13 .

() He would not that they should tarry long
in one town, neither yet to be careful
to change their lodging.

8 (*) But into whatsoever city ye shall enter,
if they receive you, (d) () eat such things
as are set before you,

(*) Matthew 10:11 .

(d) Content yourselves with that meat
that is set before you.

() Doubt not to receive nourishment
of them, for whom you travail.

9 And heal the sick that are there,
and say unto them, The kingdom of God
is come near unto you.

10 (3) But into whatsoever city
ye shall enter, if they will not receive you,
go your ways out into the streets of the same,
and say,

(3) God is a most severe revenger
of the ministry of his Gospel.

11 Even the very (*) dust,
which cleaveth
on us of your city,
we wipe off against you;
notwithstanding know this,
that the () kingdom of God
was come near unto you.

(*) Luke 9:5; Acts 13:51; Acts 18:6 .

() God did present himself unto you
by his messengers
and would have reigned over you.

12 For I say to you,
that it shall be easier
in that day
for them of Sodom,
than for that city.

13 (*) Woe be to thee, Chorazin!
Woe be to thee, Bethsaida!
For if the miracles had been done in Tyre
and Sidon, which have been done in you,
they had a great while ago repented,
sitting () in sackcloth and ashes.

(*) Matthew 11:21 .

() Which were the signs of repentance.

14 Therefore it shall be easier for Tyre, (*)
and Sidon, at the judgment, than for you.

(*) The more benefits
that God bestoweth
upon any people,
the more doeth their ingratitude
deserve to be punished.

15 And thou, Capernaum,
which art exalted to heaven,
shalt be thrust down to hell.

16 ¶ (*) He that heareth you, heareth me;
and he that despiseth you, despiseth me;
and he that despiseth me, despiseth him
that sent me.

(*) Matthew 10:40; John 13:20 .

17 ¶ (4) And the seventy
turned again with joy, saying,
Lord, even the devils are subdued
to us (e) through thy Name.

(4) Neither the gift of miracles,
neither what else so ever excellent gift,
but only our election giveth us occasion
of true joy; and the only publishing
of the Gospel is the destruction of Satan.

(e) For Christ's disciples used
no absolute authority,
but wrought such miracles
as they did, by calling upon Christ's Name.

18 And he said unto them, I saw (*) Satan,
like lightning, (f) fall down from heaven.

(*) The power of Satan is beaten down
by the preaching of the Gospel.

(f) Paul placeth the devil
and his angels, in the air,
Ephesians 6:12;
and he is said
to be cast down from thence by force
when his power is abolished
by the voice of the Gospel.

19 Behold, I give unto you power
to tread on serpents, and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy,
and nothing shall (g) hurt you.

(g) Shall do you wrong.

20 Nevertheless, in this rejoice not,
that the spirits are subdued unto you,
but rather rejoice, because your names
are written in heaven.

21 ¶ (5) That same hour rejoiced Jesus
in () the spirit, and said,
I confess unto thee,
Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
that thou hast hid these things
from the (h) () wise and learned,
and hast revealed them to babes;
even so, Father,
because it so pleased thee. (*)

(5) The Church is contemptible,
if we behold the outward face of it,
but the wisdom of God
is not so marvelous,
in anything, as in it.

() Or, in his mind.

(h) Of this world.

() He attributeth it
to the free election of God,
that the wise and worldlings
know not the Gospel,
and yet the poor base people
understand it.

(*) Then he turned to his disciples,
and said, (Is read in some copies)

22 (6) All things are (*) given me
of my Father,
and () no man knoweth who the Son is,
but the Father, neither who the Father is,
save the () Son,
and he to whom the Son will reveal him.

(6) Whoever seeketh the Father
without the Son,
wandereth out of the way.

(*) Christ is our only means
to receive God's mercies by.

() Therefore we must esteem him
as the father's voice hath taught us,
and not according to man's judgment.

() In whom we see God as his lively image.

23 ¶ (7) And he turned to his disciples,
and said secretly, (*) Blessed are the eyes,
which see that ye see.

(7) The difference of the Old Testament
and the New consisteth
in the measure of revelation.

(*) Matthew 13:16 .

24 For I tell you that many Prophets
and Kings have desired to see those things,
which ye see, and have not seen them,
and to hear those things which ye hear,
and have not heard them.

25 ¶ (*) (8) Then behold,
(i) a certain Lawyer stood up,
and tempted him, saying,
Master, what shall I do
to inherit eternal life?

(*) Matthew 22:35; Mark 12:28 .

(8) Faith doth not take away,
but establisheth the doctrine of the Law.

(i) One of them that professed himself
to be learned in the rites
and laws of Moses.

26 And he said unto him,
What is written in the Law?
How readest thou?

27 And he answered, and said, (*)
Thou shalt love thy Lord God
with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,
and with all thy strength,
and with all thy thought,
() and thy neighbor as thyself.

(*) Deuteronomy 6:5 .

() Leviticus 19:18 .

28 Then he said unto him,
Thou hast answered right;
this do, and thou shalt live.

29 (9) But he
willing (k) to (*) justify himself,
said unto Jesus,
Who () is then my neighbor?

(9) All they are comprehended
in the name of our neighbor,
by the Law, whomsoever we may help.

(k) That is,
to vouch his righteousness,
or shew, that he was just,
that is, void of all faults;
and James 5
useth the word of justification in this sense.

(*) Or, to approve himself as just.

() For they counted
no man their neighbor,
but their friend.

30 And Jesus answered,
and said, A certain man
went down from Jerusalem
to Jericho, and fell among thieves,
and they robbed him of his raiment,
and wounded him, and departed,
leaving him half dead.

31 And by (*) chance
there came down
a certain () Priest
that same way,
and when he saw him,
he passed by on the other side.

(*) For so it seemed
to man's judgment,
although this was so appointed
by God's counsel and providence.

() He privily noteth the great cruelty
which was among this people
and chiefly the governors.

32 And likewise also a Levite,
when he was come near to the place,
went and looked on him,
and passed by on the other side.

33 Then a certain (*) Samaritan,
as he journeyed, came near unto him,
and when he saw him,
he had compassion on him,

(*) This nation was odious to the Jews.

34 And went to him,
and bound up his wounds,
and poured in oil and wine,
and put him on his own beast,
and brought him to an Inn,
and made provision for him.

35 And on the morrow
when he departed,
he took out (*) two pence,
and gave them to the host,
and said unto him,
Take care of him,
and whatsoever
thou spendest more,
when I come again,
I will recompense thee.

(*) Which was about nine pence
of sterling money.

36 Which now of these three,
thinkest thou,
was neighbor unto him
that fell among the thieves?

37 And he said,
He that shewed mercy on him.
Then said Jesus unto him,
Go, (*) and do thou likewise.

(*) Help him that hath need of thee
although you know him not.

38 ¶ (10) Now it came to pass,
as they went,
that he entered into a certain town,
and a certain woman named Martha,
received him into her house.

(10) Christ careth not
to be entertained delicately,
but to be heard diligently,
that is it which he especially requireth.

39 And she had a sister called Mary,
which also sat at Jesus' feet,
and heard his preaching.

40 But Martha
was cumbered about much serving,
and came to him, and said,
Master, doest thou not care
that my sister hath left me to serve alone?
Bid her therefore, that she help me.

41 And Jesus answered, and said unto her,
Martha, Martha, thou carest,
and art (*) troubled about many things;

(*) For she forgot the principal,
which was to hear God's word.

42 But one thing is needful,
Mary hath chosen the good part, (*)
which shall not be taken away from her.

(*) It was not meet
that she should have been drawn
from so profitable a thing,
whereunto she could not always have
Geneva Bible With Footnotes

Thursday, November 29, 2007


and Protesting
By Exposure ,

would we suspect
that the courts' officials
would bring into the courtroom,
a foreign set of laws to be used against us

Saturday, November 24, 2007

OTVTJCE : 11*28*7

By Protest
and Exposure ,

By Exposure ,
By Email ,

Momentum is building
to stop S. 1959
across the political spectrum,
the U.S. Senate's version of H.R. 1955
Headed for Senate Vote
HR 1955 = S.1959
Violent Radicalization
and Homegrown Terrorism
Prevention Act of 2007
S. 1959 is the Senate version of HR 1955
Read A Petition In Opposition
To H.R. 1955 and S. 1959

Oppose By Protest and Exposure


By Email ,


By Exposure :

Second Amendment
CROWN ESQUIRES LOVE THE U.N.∓mp;start=6∓mp;perpage=5∓mp;template=index/default.html

THREATS to u.s. sovereignty and independence

Petition for Writ of Praecipe

Thursday, November 22, 2007

OTVTJCE : 11*24*7

Opposing :

Opposing By :
and Protest ...

Exposure :
History Back Channel
THE THOUGHT POLICE,0,2384977.story

Protest :
By Email ...

H.R.1955 -
S. 1959 -

The gifts of God are given of God's Spirit

From :
The Geneva Bible New Testament ,
The Holy Gospel Of Jesus Christ ,
According To Luke Chapter 9

1 The Apostles sent to preach.
19 The common peoples opinion of Christ.
12 Of the five loaves and two fishes.
20 The Apostles’ confession.
24 To lose the life.
35 We must hear Christ.
37 The possessed of a spirit.
46 Strife among the Apostles for the Primacy.
49 One casting out devils in Christ’s Name.
52 The Samaritans will not receive Christ.
55 Revenge forbidden.
57 Of three that would follow Christ,
but on divers conditions.

1 Then (*) (1) called he
his twelve disciples together,
and gave them power
and authority over all devils,
and to heal diseases.

(*) Matthew 10:1; Mark 3:13; Mark 6:7 .

(1) The twelve Apostles are sent forth
at the only commandment of Christ,
and furnished with the power
of the holy Ghost;
both that none of the Israelites
might pretend ignorance,
and also that they might be better
prepared to their general embassy.

2 (*) And he sent them to preach
the kingdom of God, and to cure the sick.

(*) Matthew 10:7 .

3 And he said to them, (*) () Take nothing
to your journey, neither () staves,
nor scrip, neither bread, nor silver,
neither have two coats apiece.

(*) Matthew 10:9; Mark 6:8 .

() To the end they might do their charge
with greater diligence
when they had nothing to let them.

() Or, rods

4 And whatsoever house ye enter into,
there (a) abide, and (*) thence depart.

(a) When you depart out of any city,
depart from thence where you first took
up your lodging; so that in few words,
the Lord forbiddeth them to change
their lodgings; for this publishing
of the Gospel,was as it were
a through passage, that none in Judea
might pretend ignorance,
as though he had not heard
that Christ was come.

(*) He willeth them not to tarry long,
but to preach from town to town.

5 And whosoever will not receive you,
when ye go out of that city,
(*) shake off the very () dust
from your feet for a testimony
against them.

(*) Luke 10:11; Matthew 10:14; Mark 6:11;
Acts 13:51 .

() Which was a sign of detestation,
and of the vengeance which was prepared
for such contemners of God’s benefits
which are unworthy
that one should receive
any thing at their hands.

6 And they went out, and went through
every town preaching the Gospel,
and healing everywhere.

7 ¶ (*) (2) Now Herod the Tetrarch heard
of all that was done by him;
and he (b) doubted,
because that it was said of some,
that John was risen again from the dead;

(*) Matthew 14:2; Mark 6:24 .

(2) So soon as the world heareth tidings
of the Gospel, it is divided
into divers opinions,
and the tyrants especially are afraid.

(b) He stuck as it were fast in the mire.

8 And of some, that Elijah had appeared,
and of some, that one of the old Prophets
was risen again.

9 Then Herod said,
John have I beheaded;
who then is this
of whom I hear such things?
And he desired to see him.

10 ¶ (*) (3) And when the Apostles
returned, they told him
what great things they had done.
() Then he took them to him,
and went aside into a (c) solitary place,
near to the city called Bethsaida.

(*) Mark 6:30 .

(3) They shall lack nothing
that follow Christ,
no not in the wilderness.

() Matthew 14:13; Mark 6:32 .

(c) The word signifieth a desert;
note this was not in the town Bethsaida,
but part of the fields belonging
to the town.

11 But when the people knew it,
they followed him; and he received them,
and spake unto them
of the kingdom of God, and healed them
that had need to be healed.

12 (*) And when the day began to wear
away, the twelve came, and said unto him,
Send the people away, that they may go
into the towns and villages round about,
and lodge, and get meat; for we are here
in a desert place.

(*) Matthew 14:15; Mark 6:35; John 6:5 .

13 But he said unto them, (*)
Give ye them to eat. And they said,
We have no more
but five loaves and two fishes,
(d) except we should go and buy meat
for all this people.

(*) Christ forsaketh not
them that follow him,
but sendeth them sufficient relief.

(d) This is imperfectly spoken,
and therefore we must understand
something, and this,
we cannot give them to eat,
unless we go and buy, etc.

14 For they were
about five thousand men.
Then he said to his disciples,
Cause them to sit down
by fifties in a company.

15 And they did so,
and caused all to sit down.

16 Then he took the five loaves,
and the two fishes, and looked
up to heaven, and (e) blessed them,
and brake, and gave to the disciples,
to set before the people.

(e) He gave God thanks for these loaves
and fishes, and withal prayed him to feed
this so great a multitude
with so small a quantity,
and to be short, that this whole banquet
might be to the glory of God.

17 So they did all eat, and were satisfied;
and there was taken up of what remained
to them, twelve baskets full
of broken meat.

18 ¶ (*) (4) And it came to pass,
as he was (f) alone praying,
his disciples were with him,
and he asked them, saying,
Whom say the people that I am?

(*) Matthew 16:13; Mark 8:27 .

(4) Although the world be tossed up
and down, between divers errors,
yet we ought not to contemn the truth,
but be so much the more desirous
to know it and be more constant
to confess it.

(f) Alone from the people.

19 They answered, and said, John Baptist,
and others say, Elijah; and some say,
that one of the old Prophets is risen again.

20 And he said unto them,
But whom say ye that I am?
Peter answered, and said,
The Christ of God.

21 And he warned and commanded them,
(*) that they should tell that to no man,

(*) For he knew best his convenient time
which was appointed for him
to be manifested in.

22 (5) Saying, (*) The Son of man
must suffer many things, and be reproved
of the Elders, and of the high Priests
and Scribes, and be slain,
and the third day rise again.

(5) Christ himself attained
to the heavenly glory by the cross
and invincible patience.

(*) Matthew 17:22; Mark 8:31 .

23 ¶ (*) And he said to them all,
If any man will come after me,
let him deny himself,
and take up his cross (g) daily,
and follow me.

(*) Luke 14:27; Matthew 10:38;
Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:35 .

(g) Even as one day followeth another,
so doth one cross follow another,
and the cross is by the figure Metonymy,
taken for the miseries of this life;
for to be hanged, was the sorest
and cruelest punishment
that was amongst the Jews.

24 (*) For whosoever will save his life,
shall lose it, and whosoever
shall lose his life for my sake,
the same shall save it.

(*) Luke 17:33; Matthew 10:39;
Matthew 16:25; John 12:25 .

25 (*) For what advantageth it a man,
if he win the whole world,
and destroy himself, or lose himself?

(*) Matthew 16:26; Mark 8:36 .

26 (*) For whosoever shall be ashamed
of me, and of my words, of him
shall the Son of man be ashamed,
when he shall come in his glory,
and in the glory of the Father,
and of the holy Angels.

(*) Luke 12:9; Matthew 10:33; Mark 8:38;
2 Timothy 2:12 .

27 (*) And I tell you of a surety,
there be some standing here,
which shall not taste of death,
till they have seen the () kingdom of God.

(*) Matthew 16:28; Mark 9:1 .

() Established and enlarged
by the preaching of the Gospel.

28 (*) (6) And it came to pass
about eight days after those words,
that he took Peter and John, and James,
and went up into a mountain to pray.

(*) Matthew 27:2; Mark 9:2 .

(6) Lest the disciples of Christ
should be offended
at the debasing himself in his flesh,
he teacheth them that it is voluntary,
shewing therewithal for a space
the brightness of his glory.

29 And as he prayed,
the fashion of his countenance
was changed, and his garment
was white and glistered.

30 And behold, two men talked with him,
which were Moses and Elijah,

31 Which appeared in glory,
and told of his (h) (*) departing,
which he should accomplish at Jerusalem.

(h) What death he should die in Jerusalem.

(*) That is, what issue he should have
and how he should die.

32 But Peter and they that were with him,
were heavy with sleep,
and when they awoke, they saw his glory,
and the two men standing with him.

33 And it came to pass, as they departed
from him, Peter said unto Jesus,
Master, it is good for us to be here;
let us therefore make three tabernacles,
one for thee, and one for Moses,
and one for Elijah,
and wist not what he said.

34 While he thus spake,
there came a cloud
and (*) overshadowed them,
and they feared when they were entering
into the cloud.

(*) For otherways they had not been able
to comprehend his great majesty.

35 (*) And there came a voice
out of the cloud, saying, This is that
my beloved Son, hear him.

(*) Matthew 3:17; Mark 1:11; 2 Peter 1:17 .

36 And when the voice was past,
Jesus was found alone;
and they kept it close, and told no man
in (i) (*) those days any of those things
which they had seen.

(i) Until Christ was risen again
from the dead.

(*) They concealed it
until Christ’s resurrection,
as Mark writeth.

37 ¶ (7) And it came to pass
on the next day, as they came down
from the mountain,
much people met him.

(7) Christ is offended
with nothing so much
as with incredulity,
although he bear with it for a time.

38 (*) And behold, a man of the company
cried out, saying, Master, I beseech thee,
behold my son, for he is all that I have.

(*) Matthew 17:14; Mark 9:17 .

39 And lo, a spirit taketh him,
and suddenly he crieth,
and he teareth him,
that he foameth, and with much pain
departeth from him,
when he hath (k) bruised him.

(k) As it fareth in the falling sickness.

40 Now I have besought thy disciples
to cast him out, but they could not.

41 Then Jesus answered, and said, (*)
O generation faithless, and crooked,
how long now shall I be with you,
and suffer you? Bring thy son hither.

(*) Under the color
that his disciples could not heal
the sick man, he reproveth them,
which would have diminished
his authority.

42 And whiles he was yet coming,
the devil rent him, and tare him,
and Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit,
and healed the child, and delivered him
to his father.

43 ¶ (8) And they were all amazed
at the mighty power of God,
and while they all wondered
at all things which Jesus did,
he said unto his disciples,

(8) We have no cause
to promise ourselves rest and quietness
in this world, seeing that they themselves
which seemed to fawn upon Christ,
do shortly after crucify him.

44 (l) () Mark these words diligently;
(*) for it shall come to pass,
that the Son of man shall be delivered
into the hands of men.

(l) Give diligent ear unto them,
and when you have once heard them,
see that you keep them.

(*) Matthew 17:22; Mark 9:31 .

() Greek, put these words into your ears.

45 But they (*) understood not that word,
for it was hid from them,
so that they could not perceive it;
and they feared to ask him of that word.

(*) They were so blinded
with this opinion that Christ should have
a temporal kingdom,
that they would not understand
when he spake of his death.

46 ¶ (*) (9) Then there arose a disputation
among them, which of them should be
the greatest.

(*) Matthew 18:1; Mark 9:35 .

(9) The end of ambition is ignominy;
but the end of modest obedience is glory.

47 When Jesus saw the thoughts
of their hearts, he took a little child,
and set him by him,

48 And said unto them,
Whosoever receiveth this little child
in my Name, receiveth me,
and whosoever shall receive me,
receiveth him that sent me;
for he that is least among
you all, he shall be great.

49 ¶ (*) (10) And John answered and said,
Master, we saw one casting out devils
in thy Name, and we forbad him,
because he followeth thee not with us.

(*) Mark 9:38 .

(10) Extraordinary things
are neither rashly to be allowed,
nor condemned.

50 Then Jesus said unto him,
Forbid ye him not;
for he that is not against us, (*) is with us.

(*) For as much as he letteth us not,
and God is glorified by his occasion.

51 ¶ (11) And it came to pass,
when the (*) days were accomplished,
that he should be received up,
he (m) settled himself fully
to go to Jerusalem,

(11) Christ goeth willingly to death.

(*) Of his death whereby he was exalted.

(m) Word for word; he hardened his face,
that is, he resolved with himself to die,
and therefore ventured upon his journey,
and cast away all fear of death,
and went on.

52 And sent messengers before him,
and they went and entered into a town
of the Samaritans, to prepare him lodging.

53 But they would not receive him,
because his (*) behavior was as though
he would go to Jerusalem.

(*) Or face, or apparel; for they knew
he was a Jew, and as touching
the Samaritan’s opinion of the Temple,
read John 4:20;
also they hated the Jews
because they differed from them
in religion.

54 (12) And when his disciples,
James and John saw it, they said,
Lord, wilt thou that we command,
that fire come down from heaven,
and consume them,
even as (*)Elijah did?

(12) We must take heed
of the immode rateness of zeal,
and fond imitation, even in good causes,
that whatsoever we do,
we do it to God's glory,
and the profit of our neighbor.

(*) 2 Kings 1:10 .

55 But Jesus turned about, and rebuked
them, and said, Ye know not
of what (n) (*) spirit ye are.

(n) So speak the Hebrews, that is,
you know not what will, mind,
and counsel you are of;
so the gifts of God are called the spirit,
because they are given of God's Spirit,
and so are they, that are contrary to them,
which proceed of the wicked spirit,
as the spirit of covetousness, of pride,
and madness.

(*) He reproveth
their rash and carnal affection,
which were not led
with Elijah’s spirit.

56 For the Son of man is not come
to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.
Then they went to another town.

57 ¶ (13) And it came to pass
that as they went in the way, (*)
a certain man said unto him,
I will follow thee, Lord, whithersoever
thou goest.

(13) Such as follow Christ,
must prepare themselves,
to suffer all discommodities.

(*) Matthew 8:19 .

58 And Jesus said unto him,
The (*) foxes have holes,
and the birds of the heaven have nests,
but the Son of man hath not whereon
to lay his head.

(*) We must not follow Christ for riches
and commodities, but prepare ourselves
to poverty and to the cross by his example.

59 (14) But he said unto another,
Follow me.
And the same said,
Lord, suffer me first to go
and (*) bury my father.

(14) The calling of God
ought to be preferred,
without all controversy before all duties
that we owe to men.

(*) That is, till he be dead
and I have done my duty to him
in burying him.

60 And Jesus said unto him,
(*) Let the dead bury (o) their dead;
but go thou, and preach
the kingdom of God.

(*) We may not follow what seemeth best
to us, but only God’s calling;
and here by dead he meaneth those
that are unprofitable to serve God.

(o) Who notwithstanding that they live
in this frail life of man, yet are strangers
from the true life, which is everlasting
and heavenly.

61 (15) Then another said,
I will follow thee, Lord;
but let me first go bid them farewell,
which are at my house.

(15) Such as follow Christ, must at once
renounce all worldly cares.

62 And Jesus said unto him,
No man that putteth his hand
to the plough, and (*) looketh back,
is apt to the kingdom of God.

(*) To be hindered, or entangled
with respect of any worldly commodity,
or stayed to go forward for any pain,
or trouble.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

OTVTJE : 11*20*7

Opposing ,

What Went Around
Came Around .

Protestants ,

To Oppose THEM Is To Oppose

To Oppose
Is To Understand What IT IS .
To Understand What

Our County Court Of Record

Protestants ,

Our County Court of Record
Is Our Only True Court .

We Must Have It Open
If We Are To Have
True Law And Order
Upheld In Texas .

To all of Texas:
every man, woman and child

This call goes out to all the people
that claim to be Texans.
Come unite with us
who are pledged
to restoring law and order in Texas.

Will you come unite with us
and do your sworn duty
to uphold the laws of Texas?

Did you know
that the Texas Constitution mandates
by law that there is to be a county Court
of record in each county of Texas?

That the county Court of record
is your (the people's) Court?

That the county Court has been closed
and the people are denied remedy by law
in a Court of competent jurisdiction?

That the elected county Judge
has the sworn duty
to convene that county Court?

That the county Commissioners
have the sworn duty to set the time
and term of that county Court?

That the county Clerk has the sworn duty
to call the Jurors by notice
and publish the docket of that county Court?

That you have a sworn duty
as Texans to uphold the Texas Constitution
and the laws of Texas?

Did you know
is not registered
with the Secretary of State
to do business in the State of Texas?

That all the agents
are doing business without a license
to do business in Texas?

That they are all Tax Evaders?

That the Bar Association is not registered
to do Business
and are operating in commerce
without a license and are tax evaders?

That the legislators and the Governor
have vacated their office
for failure to uphold their sworn oath
of office?

That the agents
of the Bar Association
are all operating
outside the laws of Texas
in Commerce without a license
making themselves outlaws
in modern terms Criminals?

That the agents
are a criminal racketeering cartel
operating on the soil of Texas
in the counties in Texas
and extorting from the people
their life liberty and property
under the color of Code?

That the agents
of the Bar association
are the Ring Leaders
of this Criminal Racketeering Cartel
that is extorting from the people
in the several counties
their life liberty and property
for their own self enrichment?

That the agents
of the Bar association
have infiltrated
all three departments
of the Government
of the State of Texas
and are impersonating
judicial officers
of the State of Texas?

That the agents
of the Bar association
have infiltrated
all three departments
of the Government
of the State of Texas
and are aided and abetted
by the employees, agents
and officials in the Executive,
and Judicial branch's
for their own self enrichment?

That the agents
of the Bar association
have used their Bar Card
to suspend
the Texas "Bill of Rights"
Article 1
of the Constitution for Texas?

That the agents
of the Bar association
have made themselves
your rulers
and use your officials
Executive, Legislative
and Judicial
to pass
the required Statutory Codes
for enforcement
of their rule over you?

That the agents
of the Bar association
have closed your Courts
and the only Courts
left open to you
is their Courts,
which they use
to force you
into compliance
under their rule?

That the agents
of the Bar association
have each paid a bribe
to the Bar association
of the State of Texas
for the authority
of their judicial office?

That the agents
of the Bar association
when they paid that bribe,
violated their oath of office
that all officers of the State
are required to take
Quote: "I, __________,
do solemnly swear (or affirm)
that I have not directly
or indirectly paid, offered,
or promised to pay, contributed,
or promised to contribute
any money,
or valuable thing,
or promised any public office
or employment, as a reward
to secure my appointment
or confirmation thereof,
so help me God."?

That any act done
by any agent
of the Bar association
against anyone
of We the People
in any Judicial preceding
in the State
was done in violation
of the laws of the State
and the Constitution for the State?

That the agents
of the Bar association
are individually responsible
for any act
or damage done to you
in any judicial proceeding in the State?

That the Governor,
the Lt. Governor,
the Legislators,
the Secretary of State
and the Supreme Court
has been given notice
of the crimes by these agents
and have failed to act
or take any corrective action
to stop the damage
upon We the People by these agents?

That the agents
of the Bar association
have been given special rights
to the law in Texas
and have formed a monopoly
and one of them must represent you
in any criminal trial
in the State courts
and in civil trial
if you are not represented
by one of them,
the Bar card agent
on the bench will rule against you?

That the agents
of the Bar association
have conspired
with the elected officials
in the counties of Texas
and have closed the Article III
one supreme court
of the We the People
in the counties of Texas
in violation of the laws
and the Constitution
for the State of Texas
as mandated
by Article 5 Sections 15, 17
and 27?

That the agents
of the Bar association
have the only Courts open
in the State of Texas
in violation
of both the Constitutions
for the State of Texas
and the 1787-1791 Constitution
for the United States in America?

That the State of Texas
District Court's Grand Jury
only have authority
for indictments
below the grade of felony?
See Article 5 Section 13
of the Constitution for the State of Texas.

That the State of Texas
District Court's Grand Jury
must certify
all grand Jury indictments
returned in the District Courts
(both civil and criminal)
to the Article III
county Court of Record
(which has been closed)?
See Article 5 Section 17
of the Constitution for the State of Texas.

We The People
Constitutional Class :
3rd Thursdays
For class information
or Video contact

For More Information :

Learn The Constitution
Know The Bill Of Rights :
Texas Constitutions :

Send Questions
Or Comments To :

Sunday, November 18, 2007

- Transcription -

We are just people that get together
and exchange information.
We are not a group or organization.
We are not a company or corporation
or association.
We sell nothing and we charge nothing.
Send Comments to :

Copyright Your NAME ;
Ralph Kenneth Evans
and Lewis Thompson Mohr

... Recognize at the outset
that you are dealing
with a bunch of criminals
who have abandoned their responsibilities
as agents of the people
by vacating the government
and becoming a corporation
to advance the commercial interests
of the world.

They attempt to make a corporation
out of you, too,
by writing your Christian appellation
in all-capital letters,
which is a clear prejudice
against you, according to;
Texas Rules of Civil Procedure
(TCRP) Rule 52,
Alleging a Corporation:
that a corporation is incorporated
shall be taken as Truth unless denied
by affidavit
of the adverse party, his agent
or his attorney,
whether such corporation is public
or private
and however created."

Take note of the words "however created"
because when those attorneys
write your name
in all-capital letters
on a summons or warrant
or notice, you have now been constituted
as a corporation.

Your name was similarly corrupted
when a constructive trust was established
as you volunteered into Social Security,
making you part
of the national socialist democracy
and assigning you an employee I.D.
number (SSAN).

TCRP Rules 53 and 54 affirm the notion
that if someone alleges
that you are a corporation
and you do not deny it in a timely manner,
you are an indeed a corporation
for the commercial matter in question.

Checking the definition of "name"
in Bouvies law dictionary, we find that if;
1) the opposing side does NOT use
your Christian appellation, and;
2) you do NOT make an appearance, and;
3) you do NOT waive process-
then they have NO jurisdiction over you.

One method of obtaining control
over the all-capital letter fiction
is to file a UCC-1 financing statement
with the secretary of state.

Another is to bring that fiction
under your domain as private intellectual
property through a copyright,
which enjoys the protection of common law
when made a part of the public record
with the local county recorder.
(Copyright law existed before
the modern statute was created.)

Compare this with a trademark,
which is not a common law document
since it comes under statutory law.

The mandate since 1935 from Washington
is that all the state governments standardize
their state rules, procedures and statutes.

References given here use the Texas code,
however there are equivalent sections
in each of the other state rulebooks
from which to derive similar authority.

TRCP Rule 52 was cited
in Galleria Bank vs. Southwest Properties,
498 Southwest 2nd, page 5, as follows:
"The failure of an adverse party [i.e. you]
to deny under oath the allegation
that he is incorporated dispenses
with the necessity of proof of the fact."

So, when you receive a presentment
(bill, citation, tax bill, lawsuit, summons),
you are alleged to be a corporation
simply by how your Christian appellation
is styled (all-capital letters)
on the presentment.

If you consent to that allegation
by remaining silent during the time given
for responding, it amounts to acceptance
of your corporate status
(acquiescence by silence).

The fact that the opposition
puts a case number
or file reference or license number
on the presentment
constitutes a claim number
that completes the process of creating
a private corporation
without your awareness.

Thus, for that particular matter,
you are presumed
to be a corporation unless you rebut it
(contest it) with an affidavit
sworn under penalties of perjury.

RULE: Never accept a presentment
without contesting it, but remember
that the ONLY thing you want to contest
is the "style of the case," i.e. the corruption
of your Christian appellation
into a corporate fiction form.

To argue anything else in the pleading
(even a contention
that you are an ax murderer)
instantly causes you to traverse
into the opposition's jurisdiction-
and you're dead!

By the opposition successfully alleging
that you are a corporation,
you become caught in a Catch-22.

Commercial courts
cannot deal with flesh-and-blood People-
they deal only with legal fictions
and you are entirely out of place
in a commercial court
unless they somehow manage to join you,
the Living Soul, with a corporation
which is how the court obtains jurisdiction
over you.

However, corporations cannot speak
for themselves; they depend
upon an attorney to be their mouthpiece
and represent them before the court.

before the court,
not being a member of the BAR,
and thus cannot speak for the legal fiction
(ACTOR) whose name sounds exactly
like yours (idem sonans).

For you to attempt a court appearance
perpetrates fraud upon the court
and NOTHING you say or file
with the court
may be recognized or heard,
in spite of your best intentions
and most diligent efforts.
The judge will take silent notice of this

Hiring an attorney only complicates issues
because it makes you a ward of the court
(incompetent to handle your own affairs)
AND it compromises your interests
(attorneys are officers of the court
whose first allegiance is to the court
and not to their clients).

Representing yourself pro se is no solution,
either, unless you conveniently happen to be
a member of the BAR
(perish the thought!).

Having traversed down the slippery slope,
which leads to your own destruction,
it is virtually impossible
to then reverse course
and disassociate yourself
from the legal fiction

Once you've PROVED you are a fraud
by agreeing to be a corporation,
a powerful principal of law
rules your affairs:
"No truth can come from a fraud".

Avoid that slippery slope in the first place
by declaring, "That's not me!"
to any presentment, oral or written,
where the ACTOR'S name is used
instead of your Christian appellation.
"I don't know whose name you have there,
but that's not me!"

Your declaration of "That's not me!"
needs to be made by affidavit
when it is to become a part
of an official record.
Refer to
Dr. Pepper Company v. Crowe,
621 SW 2nd 466,
which held as follows:
Plaintiff pled defendant as a corporation.
Defendant did not deny by verified pleading
pursuant to TRCP 52 and 93
that he was not a corporation.
Thus, such fact was established.

Presentments may be handled
in any of three ways:
1. Write "This is not me" in red ink
diagonally across the face of the instrument
and return it to the sender.
2. Write "No such entity exists" in red ink
diagonally across the face of the instrument
and return it to the sender.

3. First, record a copyright
of the ACTOR'S name
and then pursue discovery with the sender
of the presentment:
Inquire whether the sender is making a claim
against your copyright and, if so,
how they propose to handle the cost
of such a claim
(one million dollars in United States silver coin
per use per issuer).

(The presumption is that the sender is using
the ACTOR'S name in an attempt to extract
something from your estate.)
Claims for unlawful use of the copyright
fall under common law
and not under the commercial statutes
regulating negotiable instruments
and contracts.
Therefore silver specie may be demanded
in any settlement, instead of
Federal Reserve notes or credit instruments
of the United States.

The Texas Penal Code Articles 1.03, 1.04
and 1.07
(and similar language in each
of the other states' code)
says that the only crime,
which may be committed,
by one of the People
is a common law crime.
People are not "violators" of civil statutes.
When someone sends a presentment,
they are contending that there is a contract
on file somewhere
and that one of the People
is a "violator" of some civil statute.
"Violators" are persons,
which includes inanimate entities
like corporations,
trusts, legal fictions and ACTORS,
but does not include People (Living Souls).

The subterfuge is confusing until you realize
that they are operating
in two separate venues-
one for legal fictions
and the other for real People.

The People's venue is in the common law,
which is based upon the constitution
and runs with the land.

The corporate government,
in order to function,
has codified a lot of the rights of the People
into statutes, which they attempt to enforce
under the presumption
that the People have agreed
to be treated as corporations.

The statutory side is the face that they show
to the People in order to distract
and deceive-
and thereby controls them.

In 1935, the Social Security Act
came into being.
It provided that if one of the People
voluntarily enrolled in Social Security
and received a number, he was deemed
to be an employee of the government.
The State of Texas,
as a subsidiary corporation
of the United States Inc.
(Title 28, § 3002 15 et sequel),
can thus point
to a man's Social Security contract
to substantiate their contention
that the man
has become a person (ACTOR)
and an employee
of the state corporation,
subject to being regulated
and controlled by the statutes.

As said before,
People cannot commit violations
unless they agreed
to do something by contract.
However, a contract may be invalidated
if it was entered into
without full disclosure-
which is almost always the case
in these entanglements with the state.

The Penal Code
sets punishments for violations
but it also provides a legal remedy
for the People.

People CANNOT avail themselves
of the remedy
if they acquiesce to being a legal fiction
corporation/employee), so it is important
to first gain control of the all-capital letter
ACTOR'S name
by means of a common law
copyright and remove it from commerce
so the state cannot use it against you.

This is the highest form of title
one can possess
once the recorder's office
attaches a deed number.

With a copyright in hand,
a man has returned control
of his life to himself
and out of the hands of the state.

Anyone coming against the ACTOR
after that point is required to post a bond
equal to double the value
of the copyright property
before commencing action.

NOTE: Occasionally, a county recorder
will resist the idea of recording your papers
by contending that you cannot copyright
your own name-and the recorder
would be correct in that contention.

There is no way to copyright your
Christian name
(upper-lower case appellation).

However, the name that is being recorded
for copyright is NOT your Christian name-
it is the moniker of the alleged fiction,
the corporation or ACTOR,
whose name just happens to sound like

Furthermore, your papers
are being submitted
to the common law side
of the recorder's office
which recording takes precedence
over statutory process.

Be aware that a man can copyright ANY
of the fruits of his labor, whether it be
from his hands
or his mind, and thereby protect
those fruits for his own exclusive use
by withdrawing them from commerce
and the public domain.

Use care in selecting your terms.
"File" is a statutory term.
"Record" is a common law term.
The copyright is private intellectual property
"recorded for public notice."

The Texas Code of Criminal Procedure
(TCCP) in § 1.14 Waiver of Rights, says:
"The defendant in a criminal prosecution
for any offense may waive any rights
secured to him by law.
If he does not object to a defect, error
or irregularity of form or substance
in the indictment or the information
before the date of the trial,
he waives and forfeits the rights to object
to the irregularity on appeal.

" So, if you argue anything except
"That's not me!"
in response to a presentment, you're dead!

If you accept the contention
that you're a corporation,
you've acquiesced
to being treated like a corporation-
and you are finished.
You are absolutely guilty
of whatever they say
you are because they run the courts.

Your only defense is owning title
to the ACTOR'S name-by copyright.

Get control of your legal fiction
and then you can get control of your life.

Do not ever answer
to the all-capital letter name.
Always object.

If someone announces
that they have service
for you, respond with
"Let me see the paperwork.
Oh, that's not me."

Avoid entanglements with the state.
You have no rights
in any statutory corporation court.
You only have statutory privileges
and immunities.

The People are the created ones.
The government serves the People
to the People's benefit.

If you allow yourself to be contracted
into their statutory venue as a corporation,
then you are going to have to abide
by the fact that they have all the rules
in their favor and that you have no rights.

Once you assert your rights
that you are one of the People,
there are a number of things you can do
to help your court case to make certain
that you will win on appeal.

The Texas Rules of Criminal Procedure
in § 1.27
states that the common law governs.

If the statutory code fails to provide
a rule of procedure in any particular state
of case, the rules of common law
shall apply.

If, from the outset, you establish
that you are NOT that legal fiction,
then that case does NOT apply to you;
instead, the rules of common law apply.

You may force them to move the case
into a venue in which the common law
(Texas Rules of Civil Procedure § 257
and 259),
back into the venue of the People, to wit:
A change of venue may be granted
in civil cases upon a motion by either party
supported by his own affidavit
and the affidavit of three credible persons,
residents of the county
in which the suit is pending.

The granting of a petition to move the case
is usually automatic, unless some agent
from the government corporation objects
under penalty of perjury that a fair trial
by a jury
by due course of the law of the land
can indeed be found In a court of equity-
not likely, since your affidavit
becomes the judgment unless rebutted
If rebutted, the affidavit must be tried
under the rules of common law,
which must be heard by a jury
in the county court for the People.
This is because a remedy
for a common law controversy
cannot be heard in an equity court.)

For an example of removal of a case
to common law court,
see: Lone Star Steel Company vs. Scott.


"I am not that fiction on the warrant
or information that was served upon me.
I am one of the People and a living soul.
I am not a corporation.
I demand my remedy
in the court of the People
in the county court of record.
I petition the court
to remove Case No. 121212
from admiralty court under contract law
into the county court for the People
under common law."

Equal footing doctrine (under the full faith
and credit provisions
of the federal constitution)
says you may import Texas law
into your state
and Texas law will have standing
(to govern)
in your case.

Refuse to give your "name":
...The omission of the Christian name
by either plaintiff or defendant
in a legal process prevents the court
from acquiring jurisdiction,
there being no other description
or identification or appearance or waiver
of process. --
Bouvies Law Dictionary, 8th Edition.
Boyington vs. Chamberlain, 38 Texas 604;
Thompson vs. McCorkle, 136 Indiana 484
NE Reporter 813.

All crimes are commercial crimes
with commercial remedies.

Penal code violations are NOT crimes.

Prior to 1939,
there were four causes of action
in the courts:
civil, penal, criminal and admiralty.

After the "Great Combining" in 1939,
the only cause remaining
was civil action in equity.
(FRCP Rule 2, Title 28).

Constant throughout the ages
is the 7th Amendment to the constitution,
which preserves the right of the People
to a common law venue.
Any "crime" with a monetary value
of more than $20 attached to it entitles
the accused to due process
under the common law.
(One day in jail is normally worth
more than $20.)

In Texas, all criminal action must be dealt
with under the common law
where the People
have sovereign immunity.

If you remember to avail yourself
of the constitutional remedy
in the Rules of Criminal Procedure,
you discover you do have
a legal leg to stand on.

Even attorneys have rights
under the common law.

In a disbarment action,
an attorney may petition
to have his case heard
in the county court of record
(common law court).

Mandatory steps to taking back control
of your legal life:
1. Copyright the name of your legal fiction.
2. On receiving any presentment,
respond automatically with
"That's not me!"

3. Find the remedy
in your own state statute
or code to counter the action
being brought against you
in your own real name.

"The fiction in which the case is styled
is not Me.
I, am really Me, a living soul,
one of the sovereign People
of the several states united.
I demand to move the case into my venue
where the People have remedy-
in common law."

A landmark case
for establishing who the People are
is Kemper vs. State, 138 Southwest 1025
(issued in 1911),
which says on Page 1043, § 33:
One sovereign does not need to tell
another sovereign that he is sovereign.
The sovereign is merely sovereign
by his very existence.
The rule in America
is that the American people
are the sovereigns.

You have the right as a sovereign
to control both sides of your life,
the common law (private) side
and the statutory (public) side
where you engage in contracts
with others.

The presumption of contracts
lacks full disclosure,
but if you don't know who you are
you are going to innocently accept
a piece of paper
with your capitalized name
and, whether you like it or not,
you will be captured
into a statutory venue
to be treated like a corporation
and manipulated
to the prejudice
of your own best interests.

You are one of the sovereign People.
You have a right
to copyright your Capitalized NAME.

There is an insidious aspect to the states
becoming corporations
in order to execute public policy.

We have grown used to seeing
the activities
of the Texas, a Republic carried out
under the banner of The State of Texas
(a corporation).

The Powers That Be may have gone
one step further in the development
of the corporate fiction
than the state constitution
and the statutes actually permit,
because we now see
the corporation styled
in legal documents as
which has no foundation in law or statute
nor is the all-capital letter name registered
with the Secretary of State of Texas.

This amounts to a fictitious plaintiff,
which leads to the possibility
that some band
of international rogues may have stolen
even our de facto corporate government
from us.

See Baldauf vs. Nathan Russell,
96 Atlantic Recorder,
Page 96 (88 NJ law 303)
which says under Abatement
and Plea in Abatement-Fictitious Party:

The defense that a plaintiff
is a fictitious person attacks
the capacity of the plaintiff to commence
or continue the suit and is properly
the subject of a plea in abatement.

Under the TCCP, the state only has the
authority to move process
under The State of Texas.

It appears, however, that today
all of their process
is running as THE STATE OF TEXAS,
which may prove
to be a fictitious plaintiff.

This amounts to a colossal fraud
upon the People,
requiring the collusion of judges,
the admiralty court system,
the Bar Association,
the attorneys general,
the district attorneys
and all the corporate officers
who are supposed to be answerable
to the People.

It amounts to abdication of office
in order to go over
to some fictitious venue
for which there is no foundation in law.

Furthermore, a fictitious plaintiff is a fraud
upon the court
because it goes beyond
his or her own code.

Every accused man
should notice the court
of that fraud and demand his remedy.

The state corporation has co-opted
the state constitution for use
as their corporate charter.

The label on the front
but notice the all-capitalized style
being employed
in the title (subtle hint).

The legislative council is responsible
for the care and upkeep
of this document,
assisting the house and senate
in their capacity of board of directors
of the state corporation
while they impersonate
officers of The State of Texas.

Taking these criminals to task
for their deeds is nigh unto impossible,
so long as they control all of the courts.

Additional evidence
is nothing more than a commercial charter
is seen by realizing that it may be amended
at the whim of registered voters
who are voting their interests as members
of the national socialist democracy.

Organic dejure law may be changed
only by property owners who are qualified
electors, not by persons
of diminished capacity
possessing social security numbers.

The only crimes,
which may be legitimately
prosecuted against the People
at common law, are for;
1) causing injury
to another one of the People;
2) damaging your neighbor's property,
3) violating the rule that your word
is your bond.
On the other hand, if you venture
into commerce and make a contract,
you become bound by the terms
of that contract under the Law Merchant.

Citizens who obtain a voter's registration
card become members
of the County Corporation.

You join the socialist democracy
when you apply
for a social security number
and become an employee
of the corporate state.

If you know that you are
one of the sovereign People
and you have taken control
of your alleged
commercial entity (ACTOR),
where do you go for remedy?

The opposition has closed
all of the People's courts.
However, they cannot take
them away-by law.

The state constitution
(corporate charter)
identifies the county court
which is a court of record
consisting of 12 justices
called from among the People
and presided over by a magistrate
who keeps order and maintains the seal
of the court.

The presiding magistrate serves
as chief justice
of this One Supreme Court,
moving in common law.

Notice that the United States
Supreme Court
is NOT the One Supreme Court,
as we have been led to believe,
having jurisdiction
only over federal officers
and employees in Washington, DC
and the federal territories.

Since most of the contracts which imperil
your standing in law
were entered into voluntarily
(social security,
driver license, marriage license,
voter registration),
making you an employee
of the state corporation
and a member of the socialist democracy,
consider volunteering OUT
of the same contracts
to restore your sovereign status
under a republican form of government.

Article 5, Section 28
of the Texas constitution
speaks to the issue of filling vacancies
in the "superior court" which only exists
in the counties.

Know what court
in which you have remedy.
Apply that remedy,
whether the opposition pays attention
or not,
by creating documents to cite
applicable law and statutes
that codify your contention that
"That's not me- I'm not that THING."

You have the right to make dilatory pleas
and point out their errors.
What are their errors?
1) That's not me on that piece of paper.
2) In fact, that's not YOU
on that piece of paper.
(Recall the fictitious plaintiff
that has no foundation
in either the constitution
or the statutes.)

Don't go into their courts;
simply return their process to them
with an appropriate notation.

Remember that if;
1) the opposing side
does NOT use your Christian appellation,
2) you do NOT make an appearance,
3) you do NOT waive process-
then they have NO jurisdiction over you.

Don't argue
on behalf of or against the ACTOR
or the charges-it's of no consequence
and you risk
traversing into their jurisdiction.
The only issue is "That's not me!"

The ACTOR, being a fiction,
has no capacity
to speak, or write, or act, or pay fines,
or serve time in jail.

For those purposes, the system needs
a real live man to step forward and agree
to become the agent for the ACTOR,
thus responsible to the principal
to indemnify
the obligations of the fiction
(see "indemnifying party"
and "accommodating party"
in the Uniform Commercial Code).

The system convicts the fiction
and the live man
serves time in jail!

The state creates the fraud,
but a real, live man must agree to it
for it to be carried to execution.

The military,
by reporting to the civil authority,
is supposed to come in
and protect the People
when the court and legislative systems
break down.

There are powerful forces arrayed
on the other side, whose very existence
depends upon their continued ability
to fleece the sheep.
They won't relinquish power
or control easily.

Taking back the system has to begin
somewhere and the starting point
is for the People
to record affidavits into the county record
with copy to the government,
which then become the basis
for prosecuting actions in law.

An affidavit, properly recorded,
holds as much sway
as a grand jury indictment.

(The county attorney referred to
in the Texas constitution
is not the district
attorney-it's one of the people.)

The state grand jury can only indict
for misdemeanors
because that's the only thing over which
a district court has jurisdiction.

If a felony is involved, it must by law
be handled in the county court
(common law).

That's why
cases are moved to contract law
(equity courts) where the state attaches
criminal penalties to civil contracts.

The penal code is civil so that they may
take felonies into the district court.

They don't have constitutional
or statutory authority
to deal with one of the People
charged with a felony
in a state district court.

So, how do they get jurisdiction?
They claim that that the real man
is an ACTOR (corporation)
and an employee of the government,
just like all judges,
prosecuting attorneys,
clerks and officers are ACTORS
and employees.

Unless the claim is rebutted,
the real man finds that he has contracted
away his right to a republican form
of government and joined the socialist
democracy with responsibility to adhere
to the rules of the corporation
and opportunity to enjoy
a perceived benefit.
It's all in the NAME.

The copyright is your private property
and it is your right to get it recorded
with the county recorder.

Challenge the reluctance of any county
recorder to accept your paperwork
by citing § 5407 and 5408
of Revised Statutes of the United States,
1st session, 43rd Congress, 1873 -1874
(see website for sanctions available
for non-compliance with duties to record).

The clerk has NO right
to make a judicial determination
on whether to accept or reject your papers.

That determination would have to come
by convening a common law court
and have 12 justices rule on the issue.

The legal fiction is an ACTOR,
a corporation, an employee, a Strawman-
it's all of those things-
but, it's not you!

However, so long as you have NOT staked
your claim to its exclusive use,
the world of commerce will infringe on it
for their purposes.

But, once you copyright the legal fiction
and remove it from the public domain,
the use of that property
without your permission
will cost the user a price, which you set
in the public record when recording
your copyright.

A discussion of idem sonans is appropriate.
It means "sounding the same or alike"
and is the means by which the real man
is tricked into answering
to the illegal conversion
of his Christian appellation (name).

When a case is called in court by the bailiff
announcing the defendant's name,
he is reading the all capital name
of the ACTOR (corporation)
which SOUNDS exactly like
the real man's name but is NOT his name.

The natural reaction is to respond
by walking forward.
The moment the real man enters the bar;
he has just left the venue of the People
and entered the admiralty court,
where by presumption of contract
he comes under some obligation to obey
a statutory code, rule or regulation
and that he failed to comply with it.

Idem sonans amounts to criminal conversion
(contract made without your consent
and lacking full disclosure) that is willful,
malicious and deceptive trade practice.

The opposition assumes
that you will not know the truth,
will traverse to that fiction
and will automatically be captured
into their venue-
and be the means to creating
additional revenue to fund
the state machine.

So, how does one avoid
falling into the idem sonans snare?
One way is to file a petition
for an identity hearing-
in advance-to clarify which party
the opposition really want
to appear in court.

This is a deal killer for them because,
if they make truthful disclosure,
it exposes their fraud.

(You can help dissuade them
from proceeding by attaching
a copy of your recorded copyright
when you file your petition.)

Any attempt by a real man
to appear in court
is foolhardy.
The ACTOR is the one on trial
and he needs
legal representation (a BAR attorney)
to mount a defense.

The real man, not being a BAR attorney,
cannot come into the court
without permission
and thus he cannot speak for the ACTOR.

Nothing the real man attempts to put
into the record will have any effect.

The judge and the opposing attorney
will take silent notice of the fraud
the real man is attempting to perpetrate
on the court, but no one will tell him
the reality of the situation.

The ACTOR is recorded
as NOT having appeared
and nobody made
a legitimate appearance for the ACTOR,
which leads the court to award
a declaratory judgment in favor
of the opposition.

Nothing can stop this process
because real man cannot object
without having a BAR card.

Even if the judge wanted to rule
in the ACTOR'S favor, he cannot,
being constrained by the rules
that govern the court.

Stay out of their courts!
Only attorneys can appear in their courts.
They are moving by contract and statute
and regulation, not law.

If invited to appear, choose to abstain.
1. Send their citation back within 72 hours,
with an appropriate notation.
Wait for a warrant.
2. Receive the warrant
and insist without hesitation,
"That's not me!"

3. If taken into custody, be prepared
to contest jurisdiction
when asked to give your name.
The correct response is,
"I am me."
When queried about being JOHN DOE,
you respond,
"I'm not the JOHN DOE you have
on your paperwork.
I am me.
Do you have a claim against me?
Do you know anyone who has a claim
against me?"
They can't have a claim against you
because they don't have title to you,
like they do have title to the ACTOR
(unless you have recorded
your copyright).

4. Who is the bondholder
indemnifying the case?
"I claim the bond
because I own the property
as evidenced by title to a deed
recorded in the county."

5. I own exclusive title to the ACTOR
being charged in the action.
What commercial purpose do you have
for that ACTOR and how do you propose
to pay for the privilege?
The fee is one million
United States silver dollars per use
per issuer.

6. Resist the urge to sign a bond
for your release.
You are signing a contract
whereby you agree
to hire an attorney
and give up all your rights.
Even if a friend
agrees to post a cash bond,
you the accused are asked to sign
the bond prior to release.
A proper response might be, "No thanks.
I don't contract with demons."

Send a bill to anyone
infringing on your copyright
without permission.
Typically, a presentment involves
two parties, assuming an attorney
is in the picture, so the minimum fee
is two million silver dollars.
Wait 30 days to receive payment
and then record
an Affidavit of Non-Payment,
with your bill attached,
into the county recorder's office.

(An unrebutted affidavit
becomes a judgment nihil dicit
after 30 days
and you don't need a court to collect on it.)

In this way, you are generating paperwork
in their venue,
which will eventually be noticed
by the bonding companies who indemnify
the actions of government employees.

The bond company may refuse to renew
coverage at some point
because of unacceptable risk.

Without a bond, a government employee
cannot fulfill the duties of his office
and conduct his commercial business.

Nihil dicit means
that when a party is under the obligation
to respond and cannot-or does not,
you have created a controversy,
which can only be settled
in a common law court (nonexistent)
and that puts the opposition
in a severe bind.

You can add fuel to the fire
by filing a criminal complaint
charging deceptive trade practice
through the fraudulent use
of commercial paper
and fraudulent commercial process.

It is up to the court to determine
what the criminal penalties amount to,
however, by your bill and affidavit,
you have already set the civil penalty
at one million silver dollars-plus.

The opposition is caught
between a rock and a hard place
because they cannot legitimately answer
or dispute your claim
and it becomes a judgment
by their silence.

"You have used my copyright
without my permission to extort
some benefit or money or property
from my personal estate
and I am lodging a claim for damages.

I have taken steps to protect my estate
and you have used my copyright
without my permission and you owe me
one million silver dollars."

Maxim of law:
"For the defacto officer
to have the presumption of office,
there must first be the dejure office."

This means that the government
may not wish to use the constitution
or deal with real law-
but their lifeblood is determined ultimately
by their adherence to the law.

They will get as far away from real law
as the People will allow, but at some point
they have to answer to the law
because they know they cannot exist
without the dejure office being there.

So, when affidavits alleging crimes
against the People begin to pile up,
it will begin to have a snowball effect.

The highest form of complaint
(even higher than a grand jury indictment)
is a sworn affidavit
placed into the public record
by one of the sovereign People.

Actions commence in the county court
(common law)
by affidavit of the sovereign.

There is no need for a grand jury
to be convened and no cause
for the police to go out and investigate-
all that's required is for a sovereign to write
an affidavit and declare,
"This crime occurred to me"
and put it into the county recorder's office.

Already, we have seen decisions to resign
made by a number of recalcitrant
Texas public officers in lieu of contesting
the complaints made against them.

It is incumbent upon each of us to refuse
to allow public officers to get away
with their crimes and to hold the truth up
to their face at every opportunity.

We have got to start asserting our rights
and the way we do that is to take control
of the presumption that we have
a commercial identity (ACTOR)
that belongs to them
and for which they make
us the indemnifying party.

When you copyright that ACTOR,
you take away their power.
By not answering to that fiction,
you take away their power.

By sending them a bill
every time they use the ACTOR'S name
without your permission,
the accumulating weight
of the civil and criminal affidavits
that lie in the county recorder's office
will take Away their power.

They will have to come back
and be responsive to the People.

Once your copyright is recorded,
you have the ability to stop the progress
of cases being brought against you.

You load the record with affidavits
and counter every move of the opposition.

This may not halt the psychological
warfare they wage against you
and, at some point; you may be intimidated
into hiring an attorney.

You do this at your own peril
because the judge will likely order
your attorney (an officer of the court)
to purge offensive documents
from the records-
and you will have nothing to say about it-
to be replaced with documents
of the attorney's choosing.

A better way to go
is to stand before the court as yourself
and to always proclaim,
"I am me.
I'm not that fiction or any other entity
on God's green earth.
I am only me."

The Christian name (title) given to you
when you were born is your "address".
If questioned as to your address,
it is proper to respond,
"You may address me as Ralph.
I am Me."
"Ralph" is not your mailing location;
it is your address.

If they attempt to label you a resident,
declare that you are an inhabitant.
Inhabitants have domiciles, not residences.

Where do you live?
You live in your body, where else?

that is placed before you
unless you understand
the full implication of the act.

By giving your name to someone else,
you relinquish title over yourself.

By giving your date of birth,
you relinquish your birthright.

With neither title to yourself
nor your birthright, you have given
over total control of yourself to others.

Remember the trickery perpetrated
with idem sonans.
The cop in the processing section,
the property office clerk,
the guard in the prison-
are all in on the ruse
to get you to traverse to being the fiction.

If successful, they own you
and you become a ward of the state.

"I can't give you my name (my title)
because then I wouldn't have one.

I can't give you the date of my birth
without giving up my birthright."

All judges, prosecuting attorneys,
and officers of the court are ACTORS
with jurisdiction only over other ACTORS
(employees of the government)-
unless you give them permission
to exercise jurisdiction over you.

Get the common law copyright
of the fiction
recorded with your county.

Remove that ACTOR from commerce.

It is the highest title over yourself
you can possess.
You own yourself at that point.

You determine who will use that fiction
and when and at what price.

It is the ultimate device for protecting

It is more powerful-and more useful-
than a UCC-1 because the copyright
is under the common law.

The UCC-1
comes under the commercial code,
which may be changed without notice
and is overseen by attorneys
who are the fiduciaries
for the corporate bankruptcy.
They all work for the bankers
and they're primary job
is to collect the debt.

Find your remedy
for anything that occurred
within the boundaries of your county
in the venue of the county court
(common law).

that none of the People have rights
under the Constitution of the United States,
which is a compact
between the several States
and the United States.

Your rights are preserved
by the local contract,
which is your state constitution.

The federal Bill of Rights does not apply
to you, except where it has been replicated
in your state constitution.

Neither does the federal government
have authority over you,
unless you are a resident
in a federal enclave
or become a federal employee
(social security contract).

So, the feds cannot put you in their prison-
unless you volunteer.
One way of volunteering
is to speak improperly
at allocution (time of sentencing).

When the judge asks
if you know of any reason
why he should not pass sentence,
you had better jump to your feet and speak
with as much conviction
as you can manage;

"Yes sir, I know SEVERAL reasons
why you should not pass sentence!
FOR THE RECORD, that fiction
listed on your paperwork is NOT Me!
You can sentence that fiction to anything
you please-
if you think you have title to him.

But, you do NOT have title to Me,
so you cannot do anything to Me-
and I do NOT give you permission
to do anything except dismiss the case
and discharge all charges with prejudice!

Furthermore, there is evidence of fraud
and collusion
on the part of the prosecution
who has brought an action in the name
of a fictitious plaintiff.

This is an equity court and you either move
by contract or by title.

I don't have any contract with you
and I know
for certain that you don't own me
nor am I your slave.

I am a living soul and NOT a corporation
or a fictitious creation of the state.

Furthermore, I am NOT an employee
of any government corporation.

I am ME.
I claim subject matter jurisdiction
and in personam jurisdiction
for myself alone
and I refuse to relinquish either jurisdiction
to you.
So, you cannot fine me or put me in jail.
I demand to be released immediately!"

Send Comments to

Get a copy of the Video:
Copyright - Its All in the NAME
for a suggested donation of 20.00.

A sample copyright instrument suitable
for recordation will be included,
if you request it.

Mail donations:
[Cash (FRN's) or Blank Money Orders]

For use on envelope only :

P.O. Box 241
Weston, Texas

Please do not make checks
and Money Orders to G-man.

A CD is now also available
for a donation containing documents
actually used.

All material contained in this presentation
is for educational purposes only.
It does not constitute legal advice.
None of the contributors are lawyers
or members of the BAR.
Consult your own legal professional
before attempting to make use
of any of this material.
There are no guarantees-implied or express-
as to the accuracy or adequacy
of any of the information presented.

Start October 2005 – Current Website
2005 to October 2005
Original Website
Texas Rules of Civil Procedure - TRCP