Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Exposing ,

Stop the Subprime Bailout ;
Can you spare a few thousand dollars to pay
somebody else's mortgage?
Congress thinks you can, especially
senators Christopher Dodd and Hillary Clinton.
What's more, a lot of the people you're being
asked to bail out lied on their loan applications
or signed up for loans without reading the terms.
Here's what's going on, as explained
by Caroline Baum of Bloomberg.com:
During the housing boom of the last five years,
people with bad credit histories, many of whom
lied about their income and nature of employment,
got mortgage loans they weren't qualified for to
buy houses they couldn't afford.
Now that house prices have stopped rising, and
the house can't be refinanced or sold at a profit,
Congress wants the taxpayer to subsidize the
mortgages so these folks can remain in their
unaffordable houses.
The proposal to bail out subprime borrowers may
seem humane, but it's wrong.
The argument is that borrowers who signed up
for subprime loans had no idea what they were
They didn't understand the loan documents, or
didn't read them.
Some borrowers may have been victims of
predatory lenders
(whose stocks have already surged on talk of
a bailout).
But many more borrowers simply gambled on
risky loans in hopes of flipping property for big
profits, or knowingly lied about their income just
to get a bigger house.
Don't reward these irresponsible people with
property, paid for by you and me!
Politicians will exploit your emotions by saying
they want to help people "keep their homes".
But remember that the people in financial trouble
already had houses.
They got into this mess by trying to buy bigger
and fancier houses than they could afford.
If we do help them, it should involve them moving
back into houses they can afford.
No one will be out on the street.
Anyone who could pay a mortgage can pay rent,
which is much less.
How about requiring bailout participants to prove
that they did not lie on their loan applications?
We could start by reporting undocumented
"stated income" from loan applications to the IRS.
Will the special aid package be indefinite?
Can I go tomorrow and get a loan for a house I
can't afford, and then in two years when the
rates reset, will I also be eligible for free
mortgage payments?
Should speculators get preference above citizens
who have been saving rather than borrowing?
What message does that send about responsibility?
The proposed bailout is a moral hazard.
It encourages the bad behavior that got us into
this mess, because the punishment for foolish
borrowing is applied to you and not to the people
who made the bad decisions.
Bailing out borrowers also means bailing out their
If lenders have to foreclose, then they have to
sell the house for less than the loan amount, and
this means an actual loss to the lenders.
That threat of loss gives lenders a motive to help
borrowers by restructuring the loans, maybe
extending the time to repay.
On the other hand, using our tax dollars to keep
people in houses they cannot afford would be
"socializing" lenders' losses, meaning taxpayers
like you and me would be paying the bill and
guaranteeing the profits of predatory lenders.
Under proposed bailouts, responsible people lose
and have to give their money to gamblers, liars,
and sleazy lenders.
This is privatizing profits and socializing losses.
It doesn't matter if you have been dutifully paying
your monthly fixed-rate mortgage.
It doesn't matter if you bought a smaller house
based on what you could truly afford.
And it doesn't matter if you're a renter who chose
not to jump into the housing mania.
Congress is proposing to make it your job to pay
up for others' irresponsibility.
Why don't they just tax you to cover Las Vegas
gamblers' losses as well?
That's pretty much what they're proposing.

Leading Economic Writer: Financial Meltdown
A "Gigantic Fraud" Says Americans "duped"
by "serpent-tongued" elite;

"Homeschooling and Parental Rights Under Attack in California" ;
The totalitarian impulses of the court were
further evidenced by the arguments it used to
justify its decision:
"A primary purpose of the educational system is
to train school children in good citizenship,
patriotism and loyalty to the state and the nation
as a means of protecting the public welfare."
As someone who has lived and suffered under a
communist regime (I grew up in Romania), the
"good citizenship," "patriotism," and
"loyalty to the state" justifications have struck a
little too close to home.
These were precisely the kinds of arguments the
communist party used to broaden the power of
the state, increase the leadership's iron grip on
the people, and justify just about every
conceivable violation of human rights, restrictions
on individual liberties, and abuses perpetrated by
government officials.;

The Attack on Parental Rights,
The Threat from Federal Courts,
The Threat of International Law;

Leaders Urge Abandoning Public Schools;
For most of recorded history, godly parents have
had to fight the culture to raise godly children.
Only a few times did the culture work with the
America has been in one of those rare times up
until the latter 20th century.
Until then, parents were able to send their children
to the public schools with reasonable confidence
that they would receive a good education and not
be taught the devil's lies.
Now, that is all changed. ;

Evolution Under Attack In Europe;
"If we are not careful, creationism could become
a threat to human rights which are a key concern
of the Council of Europe."
As usual, this fear of creationism springs from a
basic spirit of rebellion against a God that might
be displeased with some of their "human rights,"
such as same-sex marriage, abortion, and
genetic engineering that the Western European
culture "enjoys." ;

Pro-Aborts and Sodomites to Spend Millions
On Election;

Sovereignty's Realms
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
Unhived Minds