Monday, April 28, 2008

In April 1861, the American and English common law was abolished

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In April 1861, the American and English
common law was abolished and replaced
with legal fiction "laws," a.k.a. Statutes,
Rules, and Codes based on Executive Order
and not the due process specified within the
organic Constitution.
Existing and functioning under the law of
necessity ab initio, they are all non-law and
cannot validly assert jurisdiction, authority, or
demand for compliance from anyone.
They are entirely "rules of rulership," i.e.
organized piracy, privilege, plunder, and
enslavement, invented and enforced by those
who would rule over others by legalized
violence in the complete absence of moral
authority, adequate knowledge, and
natural-law mechanics to accomplish any
results other than disruption, conflict, damage,
and devastation. ;

The current situation is that legalism has
usurped and engulfed the law.
The administration of legal rules, codes, and
statutes now prevail instead of actual law.
This takes place on a Federal as well as
State level.
Government administrates what it has
created through its own purported "laws,"
which are not lawful, but merely "legal."
They are arbitrary constructs existing only
because of the actions of people acting on
fictitious (self-created) authority, i.e. no
authority; they are authorized and enforced
by legal Executive Orders.
Executive Orders are not lawful and never
have been.
As you read the following, be aware of the
words "code" and "administration." ;

The U.S. is Bankrupt. The U.S. is in
The Federal Reserve holds the paper.
The Courts and the attorneys are enforcing
the Bank's laws.
The Courts and attorneys are Federal
Reserve agents.
If you are a U.S. citizen you are bound to
repay the debt.
The U.S. and State laws are owned by the
Federal Reserve.
When you go to the Court you are there as a
debtor and have no rights.
The Federal Reserve holds title to everything
by bankruptcy of the U.S. and the States.
There is no u.S. states of America.
There is only a Corporation owned by the
Federal Reserve and all the people are
employees and human resourses of the
Corporation aka UNITED STATES.
You own nothing Your auto and house and
lands is owned by the Federal Reserve.
You Drive a company car live in a company
house and work as a company employee and
you will do what the company tells you to do
or the Federal Reserve agents aka attorney's
will drag you into the Federal Reserve court
and collect the tribute.
If you can't pay they will put you in prison
and issue a bond and let the other employees
pay your debt and they will hold you till the
bond is paid in full. ;

Title 5 USC §556(d) states as follows:
"When jurisdiction is challenged the burden
of proof is on the government."
"No sanction can be imposed absent proof
of jurisdiction."
- Stanard v. Olesen, 74 S. Ct. 768

"Once challenged, jurisdiction cannot be
'assumed', it must be proved to exist!"
Stuck v. Medical Examiners,
94 Ca2d 751. 211 P2s 389

"Jurisdiction once challenged cannot be
assumed and must be decided."
Maine v. Thiboutot 100 S. Ct. 2502

"...Federal jurisdiction cannot be assumed,
but must be clearly shown."
Brooks v. Yawkey 200 F. 2d. 633

The Following cases also substantiate that it
is a Fact of law that the person asserting
jurisdiction must, when challenged, PROVE
that jurisdiction exists: McNutt v. G.M.,
56 S. Ct. 789, 80 L. Ed. 1135;
Griffin v. Mattews, 310 Supp. 341,
423, F. 2d 272;
Basso v. U.P.L., 495 F. 2d 906;
Thomson v. Gaskiel, 62 S. Ct. 673,
83 L. Ed. 111;
Albrect v. U.S., 273 U.S. 1

"Jurisdiction is essential to give validity to the
determinations of administrative agencies and
where jurisdictional requirements are not
satisfied, the action of the agency is a nullity..."
City Street Improv. Co. v. Pearson
181 C 640, 185 P. 962
O'Neill v. Dept. of Professional &
Vocational Standards, 7 CA2d 393,
46 P2d 234.

"The law requires
the Record of the administrative agency and
all administrative proceedings."
Hagans v. Lavine, 415 U.S. 533 ;


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