Expose, Oppose, Protest and Resist :
A zeal for the discovery of new territory
marked the fifteenth century.
The first navigations for this purpose were
concerted and directed by prince Henry.
Born 1394, the fourth son of John I.
king of Portugal.
His valor in the assault and capture of the city :
Ceuta in Africa 1415, presaged the fame he
afterward acquired.
From this period he devoted himself to
naval expeditions for the discovery of
unknown countries.
His ships subjected divers parts of Africa
and the neighboring islands to the dominion
of Portugal.
After the success in doubling cape Bojadoy,
he gave to his father and successors all
the land he discovered, or might discover,
and applied to Pope Martin V to ratify
the donation.
He engaged that in all their expeditions
the Portuguese should have mainly in view
the extension of the Roman church and
authority of its pontiff.
Pope Martin granted the prince's request.
In his bull of ratification, which was about
the year 1430, it is declared that:
"whatever might be discovered from the
said cape to the utmost India, should
pertain to the Portuguese dominion."
Edward, brother of prince Henry, succeeded
to the throne of Portugal 1433, on the
death of John I.
Pope Eugene IV. by his bull in 1438,
ratified, to Edward, the grant made by
Martin V.
A bull of Nicholas V. dated 8 Jan 1454,
refers to the aforesaid bulls of his predecessors,
Martin and Eugene.
It recites the declaration prince Henry
made of his achievements
"that for 25 years he had not ceased to
send annually almost an army" of Portuguese,
"with the greatest dangers, labors and charges,
in the most swift ships, to search out the
sea and maritime provinces toward the
southern parts and Antarctic Pole."
that these ships
"came at length to the province of Guinea,
and took possession of some islands, havens
and sea adjoining" that
"sailing further, war was waged for some
years with the people of those parts, and
very many islands near thereunto were
subdued and peaceably possessed, and
were still possessed with the adjacent sea"
"many Guineans and other negroes were
taken then by force, and some by barter."
The bull describes Henry as
"a true soldier of Christ, a most courageous
defender and intrepid champion of the faith,
aspiring from his early youth with his utmost
might to have the glorious name of Christ
published, extolled and revered throughout
the world."
It recognizes the exclusive right of Portugal
to the acquisitions and possessions aforesaid,
in virtue of the letters of Popes Martin and
Eugene, which granted to the king of Portugal
and prince Henry
"free and ample faculty to invade, search out,
expunge, vanquish and subdue all pagans
and enemies of Christ whosesoever placed,
and their persons to reduce to perpetual
slavery, and all their kingdoms, possessions
and goods to apply and appropriate," etc.
Pope Nicholas's letter then goes on to
"decree and declare, the acquests already
made, and what hereafter shall happen
to be acquired, after that they shall be
acquired, have pertained, and forever
of right do belong and pertain to the
aforesaid king and his successors,
and not to any others whatever."
It forbids, on the severest penalties, all
Christian powers from settling in the
countries discovered by the Portuguese,
or any way molesting them in their
expeditions for the discovery and conquest
of unknown countries.
It speaks of prince Henry's plan and his
prosecution of it as "a most pious work,
and most worthy of perpetual remembrance,
wherein the glory of God, where the interest
of the commonwealth of the universal church
are concerned."
Thus was prince Henry's views and operations
sanctioned by the highest authority, at that time,
acknowledged in Christendom.
A right derived from a source so venerable
was then undisputed.
The Roman pontiff bound princes at his
pleasure, and as Vicar of Christ, was
allowed to have at his disposal all the
kingdoms of the earth.
This grant of Pope Nicholas was confirmed
by his successor: Calixtus III. 6 August 1458.
On the death of Edward, his son Alphonsus,
then in his minority, succeeded to the throne
of Portugal, 1438, and died 1481.
Prince Henry died 1460-63.
At his death the spirit of discovery languished,
but revived with the accession of John II.,
son of Alphonsus.
The year after his accession (1482), sent
an embassy to Edward IV. of England,
to acquaint him with the title acquired by
the Pope's bull to the conquest in Guinea:
requesting him to dissolve a fleet, which
some English merchants were fitting for
the Guinea (slave) trade.
The king of England showed great respect
to the ambassadors and granted all they
The king of Portugal assumed, and the king
of England gave him, this style,
Rex Portugalie et Algarbiorum citra at ultra
mare in Africa.
Pope Sixtus IV., not long before his death
(12 Aug 1484), confirmed all the grants
made by his predecessors, to the kings
of Portugal and their successors.
In 1481 John II. sent 100 artificers,
500 soldiers, and all necessities to build a
fort in Guinea.
The large kingdoms of Benin and Congo
were discovered 1484-85, and the Cape
of Good Hope 1486.
The Portuguese built forts and planted
colonies in Africa: established a commercial
intercourse with the powerful kingdoms,
and compelled the petty princes, by force
of arms, to acknowledge themselves vassals.
At this period, and by these means, the
power and commerce of the Portuguese in
Africa were well established.
The wholesome decrees of five successive
Roman pontiffs granted, conveyed and
confirmed to the most faithful king a right
to appropriate the kingdoms, goods and
possessions of all infidels, wherever to be
"to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery
or destroy them from the earth",
for the declared purpose of bringing the
Lord's sheep into one dominical fold, under
one universal pastor.
Succeeding kings of Portugal have not
forfeited the large grant by any undutiful ness
to their holy father.
Portugal long enjoyed the trade to Africa
and the East Indies without interference
of any European power.
For more than half a century, before
exporting any negroes from Africa, she
made and held them slaves in their native
The Portuguese first imported slaves into
Hispaniola 1508, and into their Brazilian
colonies 1517.
Their sugar works were first set up in these
colonies 1580.
Their union with Spain, at that time, was
most unfortunate for them.
The Dutch became their enemy, who took
their East-India and Brazilian conquests and
parts of their African colonies.
They recovered Brazil and their African
establishments 1640, but not that of India.
After the Dutch gave up Brazil and the gold
mines were discovered, the trade of Portugal
improved and a great importation of slaves
took place: carrying yearly from Loangro to
Brazil: 25,000, also many thousands from
Goango and Cape Lopos.
They themselves say they carry to Brazil
50,000 and more every year from Melinda,
on the Mozambique coast.
Such had been the increase of their Brazilian
and African colonies for a century that their
increase in English goods, annually, was
greater than that of Portugal and Spain
combined prior to 1700.
Spanish America received slaves from the
Genoese, Portuguese, French and English.
Every state purchased from Spain seceded
from the union (1861).
The Vatican was the only country to
acknowledge sovereignty to the
Before, during and long after the African slave
trade ended: the heads of state of Spain and
Portugal were addressed (and may still be),
in formal title, by foreign dignitaries/heads
of state, as: "His/Her Catholic Majesty"
(U.S. State Dept. records): thereby
acknowledging them, only, as emissaries
of the pope.
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