Friday, January 29, 2010

'Obama' has something in his history that he does not want the public to know ;

D.C. court case demands 'Obama' explain eligibility

Responding to an Commie executive order by President 'Obama,'
a new push is under way for states to adopt laws
limiting the use of their National Guard units
unless there is an invasion, insurrection
or other limited circumstance.

Obama's order establishes a new "Council of Governors"
designated to advise on the "synchronization
and integration of state and federal military activities
in the United States."

The recent order, posted on the White House website,
was accompanied by the explanation that the group
is to work "to protect our nation against
all types of hazards."

It comes just weeks after the president issued
a similarly obscure order
vastly expanding INTERPOL's privileges in the U.S. ;

States' rights rebellion over National Guard
Lawmakers fight to keep governors, not president,
in control of troops

The 'Obama' Administration formally embraced
the Copenhagen Accord on global warming on Thursday,
a day after the president urged a fractious
U.S. Congress to get to work on comprehensive legislation
to stem the nation's emissions.

U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern gave notice to the United Nations
that the country will aim for a 17 percent emissions cut
in carbon dioxide and other gases blamed for global warming
by 2020, from 2005 levels ;

U.S. embraces Copenhagen pact, Commie Senators rework bill

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Energy and Environment Coups

The Daily Maoist Coup

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise