If the dog refuses to be wagged, I'll bet gov-co will
make the only move it can: increase the dose of "stimulant"
(inject more fiat currency into the economy).
If the economy continues to decline
and President Obama orders another big dose
of "economic stimulation," that could mean hyper-inflation.
But When the American "dog" refuses to be wagged
by our governmental "tail," our "modern" Keynesian
economy will fall into a depression and our fiat dollars
will inflate away into nothingness.
At the same time, and the real, classic Supply
and Demand economy of the free market will slowly
reassert itself and real money (gold & silver) will deflate
as its purchasing power grows.
Stagflation will once again be deemed "impossible"
The damned La Raza crap about taking
over the Southwestern US for the "Mexican race"
A black federal judge has recently ruled that hispanics
(including illegal aliens) should be allowed to place six
votes EACH in a New York election to insure that
some hispanics are elected to a local office.
For most of my lifetime, we've been taught that
a fundamental principle of government is
"one man, one vote".
This jackass federal judge has just ruled
"one hispanic, SIX votes" and thereby helped
to insure that white people's votes are diminished.
Hispanics-especially illegal aliens-are elated.
Now they may be able to not merely break into
a country illegally, but after enough have entered illegally,
vote in sufficient numbers to render their criminal entry
and even help them to seize political power.
We now have "affirmative action" for illegal aliens