Saturday, October 16, 2010

Barry Davis Soetoro alias "Barack Hussein Obama" ;

The alleged
"President of the United States,"
is subservient to the White devil in
red shoes, Pope Benedict XVI, while
serving the Black Pope's Council on
Foreign Relations and its enforcer, the
Central Intelligence Agency
("Catholics in Action").

Davis/Obama is the creation
of Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor
Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Roman Catholic
Socialist-Communist, a Bilderberger and
a CFR/Trilateral Commission member.

This wicked sinner
not only participated in
the Panama Canal giveaway
(effective as of 1999) as President
Carter's National Security Adviser, but
he also aided in the Order's creation of
mass-murderer Pol Pot of Cambodia, Osama
bin Laden (CIA alias "Tim Osman") and now
"Barack Hussein Obama" whose immediate
adviser is a White Roman Catholic and Jesuit
honoree, Vice President Joe Biden

Islamic persecution of Christians
fomented by Rome ;

Though responsible for their actions,
Muslims are to be seen as the violent,
yet pitiful tools of the Jesuit Papacy,
the Pope wielding his Islamic
"Sword of the Church."

This was the case
concerning the two Muslim
divisions of the Nazi SS raised
by Haj Amin al Husseini, Grand Mufti
of Jerusalem, they killing hundreds of thousands
of Orthodox Serbian Christians and Jews; this was
the case with the "Young Turks" who killed nearly
2 million Orthodox Armenian Christians; this was
the case with Yasser Arafat's PLO that killed not
only Jews but Christian Arabs who refused
to kill Jews; etc.

It is the Devil's
Jesuit Roman Papacy
that is behind the incitement
of hateful agitation among peoples
leading to holy war-Crusades and Jihads.

Romanism and Islam,
and yes the intolerant religion
of Socialist-Communism-those
daughters of the Papacy-when those
religions obtain control of any government

The Enemies
Of Free Enterprise