Saturday, November 10, 2007

The good gifts of the mind

From :
The Geneva Bible
New Testament ,
The Holy Gospel Of Jesus Christ,
According To Luke Chapter 8

1 Women that minister unto Christ of their substance.
4 The parable of the sower.
16 The candle.
19 Christ's mother and brethren.
22 He rebuketh the winds.
26 Of Legion.
37 The Gadarenes reject Christ.
41 Jairus' daughter healed.
43 The woman delivered from the issue of blood.
52 Weeping for the dead.

1 And it came to pass afterward, that he himself went
through every city and town preaching and publishing
the kingdom of God, and the twelve were with him,

2 And certain women, which were healed of evil spirits,
and infirmities, as (*) Mary which was called Magdalene,
out of whom went seven devils,

(*) Mark 16:9 .

3 And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward,
and Susanna, and many others which (*) ministered
unto () him of their substance.

(*) Whereby they acknowledged the benefit
which they had received of him, and also shewed
their perseverance, which proved their knowledge
to be of God.

() Or, to them.

4 (*) (1) Now when much people were gathered
together, and were come unto him out of all cities,
he spake by a parable.

(*) Matthew 13:3; Mark 4:1 .

(1) The selfsame Gospel is sown everywhere,
but not with like fruit; and that through the only fault
of men themselves.

5 A sower went out to sow his seed, and as he sowed,
some fell by the wayside, and it was trodden under feet,
and the fowls of heaven devoured it up.

6 And some fell on the stones, and when it was sprung up,
it withered away, because it lacked moistness.

7 And some fell among thorns, and the thorns
sprang up with it, and choked it.

8 And some fell on good ground, and sprang up,
and bare fruit, a hundredfold.
And as he said these things, he cried, He that hath ears
to (*) hear, let him hear.

(*) That is, to understand and believe these things.

9 Then his disciples asked him, demanding
what parable that was.

10 And he said, Unto you it is given to know
the (a) secrets of the kingdom of God, but to others
in () parables, that when (*) they see, they should not see,
and when they hear, they should not understand.

(a) Those things are called secret, which may not be uttered;
for the word used here, is as much as we say in our tongue,
to hold a man's peace.

() Which word is here taken for an obscure or dark saying.

(*) Isaiah 6:9; Matthew 13:14; Mark 4:12; John 12:40;
Acts 28:26; Romans 11:8 .

11 (*) The parable is this, The seed is the word of God.

(*) Matthew 13:18; Mark 4:15 .

12 And they that are beside the way, are they that hear;
afterward cometh the devil, and taketh away the word
out of their hearts, lest they should believe,
and be saved.

13 But they that are on the stones, are they
which when they have heard, receive the word with joy;
but they have no roots; which for a while (*) believe,
but in the time of temptation go away.

(*) That is, acknowledge and consent to the word
and also reverence it.

14 And that which fell among thorns, are they
which have heard, and (*) after (b) their departure
are choked with cares and with riches, and voluptuous living,
and (c) bring forth no fruit.

(*) When they return home to their affairs.

(b) That is, so soon as they have heard the word,
they go about their business.

(c) They bring not forth perfect and full fruit to the ripening;
or, they begin, but they bring not to an end.

15 But that which fell in good ground, are they
which with an (d) honest and good heart hear the word, (e)
and keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.

(d) Which seeketh not only to seem such a one,
but is so indeed; so that this word, Honest, respecteth
the outward life, and the word, good, is referred
to the good gifts of the mind.

(e) With much ado; for the devil and the flesh fight
against the Spirit of God, which is a new guest.

16 ¶ (*) (2) No () man when he hath lighted a candle,
covereth it under a vessel, neither putteth it under the () bed,
but setteth it on a candlestick, that they that enter in,
may see the light.

(*) Luke 12:33; Matthew 5:15; Mark 4:21-22 .

(2) That which every man hath received in private,
he ought to bestow to the use and profit of all men.

() Christ warneth his to do good with their light
which they have received, and to set it forth before
all men's faces.

() Or, table.

17 (*) For nothing is secret, that shall not be evident,
neither anything hid, that shall not be known, and come to light.

(*) Matthew 10:26; Mark 4:22; Luke 12:2 .

18 (3) Take (f) heed therefore how ye hear;
for (*) whosoever hath, to him shall be given;
and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken
even that (g) which () it seemeth that he hath.

(3) Heavenly gifts are lost with niggardliness;
and increase with liberality.

(f) That is, with what minds you come to hear the word,
and how you behave yourselves when you have heard it.

(*) Matthew 13:12; Matthew 25:29; Mark 4:25; Luke 19:26 .

(g) Either to himself, or to others, or to both;
for there are none so proud, as these fellows,
if it were possible to see that, that they cloak;
neither are there that deceive the simple more than they do.

() Both to himself, and to others.

19 ¶ (*) (4) Then came to him his mother and his brethren,
and could not come near to him for the press.

(*) Matthew 12:46; Mark 3:32 .

(4) There is no knot of flesh and blood, among men
so nigh and strait, as the band which is between
Christ, and them who embrace him with a true faith.

20 And it was told him by certain which said,
Thy mother and thy (*) brethren stand without,
and would see thee.

(*) Or, kinsfolks.

21 But he answered, and said unto them, My mother
and my brethren are (*) these which hear the word of God,
and do it.

(*) The spiritual kindred is to be preferred to the carnal
and natural for as much as thereby of many we are made one,
confessing together one God, one faith, and one baptism,
loving God above all things, and our neighbor as ourselves.

22 ¶ (*) (5) And it came to pass on a certain day,
that he went into a ship with his disciples,
and he said unto them, Let us go over unto the other side
of the lake.
And they launched forth.

(*) Matthew 8:23; Mark 4:36 .

(5) It is expedient for us sometime to come into extreme danger,
as though Christ passed not for us, that we may have
a better trial, both of his power, and also of our weakness.

23 And as they sailed, he fell (h) (*) asleep,
and there came down a storm of wind on the lake,
and (i) they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy.

(h) Jesus fell on sleep; and it appeareth,
that he was very fast on sleep, because they called twice
before he awoke.

(*) The word signifieth a deep or sound sleep.

(i) Not the disciples, but the ship.

24 Then they went to him, and awoke him, saying,
Master, Master, we perish.
And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and the waves of water,
and they ceased, and it was calm.

25 Then he said unto them, Where is your faith?
And they feared, and wondered among themselves,
saying, Who is this that commandeth both the winds
and water, and they obey him?

26 ¶ (*) So they sailed unto the region of the Gadarenes,
which is over against Galilee.

(*) Matthew 8:28; Mark 5:1 .

27 (6) And as he went out to land, there met him
a certain man out of the city, which had devils long time,
and he ware no garment, neither abode in house,
but in the graves.

(6) Christ sheweth by casting out a Legion of devils
by his word only, that his heavenly virtue was appointed
to deliver men from the slavery of the devil;
but foolish men will not for the most part redeem
this so excellent grace freely offered unto them,
with the least loss of their pelting wealth.

28 And when he saw Jesus, he cried out,
and fell down before him, and with a loud voice said,
What have I to do with thee, Jesus the Son of God
the most High?
I beseech thee (*) torment me not.

(*) Satan is tormented where Christ is present.

29 For he commanded the foul spirit to come out of the man,
(for (*) oft times he had caught him,
therefore he was bound with chains, and kept in fetters,
but he brake the bands, (k) and was () carried of the devil
into wildernesses.)

(*) Or, many a day ago.

(k) By force and violence, as a horse when he is spurred.

() The word signifieth to be enforced with violence,
as a horse when he is spurred.

30 Then Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name?
And he said, (*) Legion, because many devils
were entered into him.

(*) A Legion, as writeth Vegetius, contained 6000 footmen,
and 732 horsemen; but here it is taken for an uncertain
and infinite number.

31 And they besought him, that he would not command
them to go out into the (*) deep.

(*) That is, so to depart that they could do no harm;
and this word in Luke 16:25 is called hell,
where the devils are chained in the obscurity of darkness,
2 Peter 2:4 .

32 And there was thereby, a herd of many swine
feeding on a hill; and the devils besought him,
that he would suffer them to enter into them.
So he suffered them.

33 Then went the devils out of the man,
and entered into the swine; and the herd was carried
with violence from a steep down place into the lake,
and was choked.

34 When the herdsmen saw what was done, they fled,
and when they were departed, they told it in the city
and in the country.

35 Then they came out to see what was done,
and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom
the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus,
clothed, and in his right mind; and they were afraid.

36 They also which saw it, told them by what means
he that was possessed with the devil, was healed.

37 Then the whole multitude of the country
about the Gadarenes, besought him that he would depart
from them, for they were taken with a great fear;
and he went into the ship, and returned.

38 Then the man, out of whom the devils were departed,
besought him that he might be with him;
but Jesus sent him away, saying,

39 (*) Return into thy own house,
and shew what great things God hath done to thee.
So he went his way, and preached (l) throughout
all the () city, what great things Jesus had done unto him.

(*) Christ knew that he should better serve him
being absent than with him.

(l) To wit, the city of the Gadarenes;
and though Mark say that he preached it in Decapolis,
they dissent not, for Pliny recordeth in library 5, chapter 18,
that Gadara is a town of Decapolis, so that Decapolis
was partly on this side of Jordan, and partly on the other side.

() This was his own city called Gadaris,
which was in the country of Decapolis, and therefore
Luke dissenteth not from Mark who writeth
that he preached in Decapolis.

40 ¶ And it came to pass, when Jesus was come again,
that the people (m) received him, for they all waited for him.

(m) The multitude was glad he was come again, and rejoiced greatly.

41 ¶ (*) (7) And behold, there came a man named Jairus,
and he was the ruler of the () Synagogue,
who fell down at Jesus' feet, and besought him
that he would come into his house.

(*) Matthew 9:18; Mark 5:22 .

(7) Christ sheweth, by a double miracle,
that he is Lord both of life and death.

() Of the congregation of the Jews.

42 For he had but a daughter only,
about twelve years of age, and she lay a dying
(and as he went, the people thronged him.

43 And a woman having an issue of blood,
twelve years long, which had spent all her (n) substance
upon physicians, and could not be healed of any,

(n) All that she had to live upon.

44 When she came behind him, she touched the (*) hem
of his garment, and immediately her issue of blood ()

(*) Being assured of the virtue and power of Jesus Christ
and not attributing any virtue to the garment.

() To cease, as the flowing of blood.

45 Then Jesus said, Who is it that hath touched me?
When every man denied, Peter said and they
that were with him, Master, the multitude thrust thee,
and tread on thee, and sayest thou, Who hath touched me?

46 And Jesus said, Someone hath touched me,
for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

47 When the woman saw that she was not hid,
she came trembling, and fell down before him,
and told him before all the people, for what cause
she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately.

48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort,
thy (*) faith hath made thee whole, go in peace.)

(*) Christ doeth not impute unto us the weakness of our faith,
but doeth accept it, as though it were perfect.

49 While he yet spake, there came one from the ruler
of the Synagogue's house, which said to him,
Thy daughter is dead; disease not the Master.

50 When Jesus heard it, he answered (*) him, saying,
Fear not; believe only, and she shall be made whole.

(*) Meaning the ruler of the Synagogue.

51 And when he went into the house, he suffered no man
to go in with him, save Peter, and James, and John,
and the father and mother of the maid.

52 And all wept, and (o) sorrowed for her; but he said,
Weep not, for she is not (*) dead, but sleepeth.

(o) The word signifieth to beat and strike, and is transferred
to the mournings and lamentations, that are at burials,
at which times men use such kind of behavior.

(*) Although she was verily dead,
yet to Christ it was more easy to restore her to life,
than it is for one man to wake another out of his sleep.

53 And they laughed him to scorn, knowing that she was dead.

54 So he (*) thrust them all out, and took her by the hand,
and cried, saying, Maid, arise.

(*) He meaneth those which he found in the house.

55 And her spirit came again, and she (p) rose straightway;
and he commanded to give her meat.

(p) The corpse was laid out, and the wench received life,
and rose out of the bed, that all the world might see,
she was not only restored to life, but also void of all sickness.

56 Then her parents were astonied; but he commanded them
that they should tell no man what was done.