Tuesday, November 25, 2008

JFK : Himself and Those Who Killed Him

Their Target :

The President,
himself a Knight of Columbus
and son of one of
Francis Cardinal Spellman's
most powerful Knights of Malta-
Joseph P. Kennedy .

JFK was educated at Harvard University,
with its strong Jesuit presence,
while Jackie gave birth to JFK Jr.,
at Georgetown University Hospital.

Aided by the Mafia, the Order had installed
its first Irish Roman Catholic into the high office
of the American Presidency.

But John F. Kennedy
turned on the Temporal Power
of Rome's Papal Caesar by refusing to enforce
the Pope's claim to rule all the governments
of the world.

Kennedy sought to break the power
of the Black Pope's continuation
of the Order's Nazi SS-
the Central Intelligence Agency;

he attacked the Order's Federal Reserve Bank
by printing "United States Notes"
in lieu of "Federal Reserve Notes;"

he sought to end
Cardinal Spellman's War in Vietnam;

he sought to return Cuba
to the exiled Cuban people of Miami
via a full fledged military invasion of the island
on December 1, 1963;

and attempted to end Rome's Cold War
by which the Order was creating fascism
in the US.

For these reasons and more,
the Jesuit Order
coldly carried out its regicidal
"crime of the century."

Who Killed John F. Kennedy,
himself a Knight of Columbus
and a Son of Ambassador
and OSS/CIA Officer Joseph P. Kennedy,
Bishop Spellman's key Knight of Malta ?

Those of
The Great Jesuit Seal
Designed by Ignatius Loyola
a seal which bears the number 666,
an Arithmetic Sum of 36 Points
and Potential "Mark of the Beast"
Those of
The Eight-Pointed Maltese Cross
Worn by Medieval Knights Hospitallers
during the Papal Crusades
and is a National Symbol
of the Sovereign Nation State
of the Military Order of Malta
Headquarters: Rome, Italy .

And Some Of Whom
are named herein :

Francis Joseph Cardinal Spellman,
1889 - 1967
Archbishop of New York City,
Cardinal of New York City,
1946-1967 .

Surnamed "Cardinal War"
Notorious Sodomite and Pedophile,
King of New York City,
Trained by the Jesuit Order
at Fordham University in New York City .

Further trained
at the Order's American College in Rome
Head of the American Branches of :
The Knights of Columbus,
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta,
Islamic Shriner Scottish Rite Freemasonry,
33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemasonry,
The Yale University-Based Order of Skull
and Bones,
"Military Vicar"
of the United States Armed Forces,
of Pope Pius XII's Nazi "Vatican Ratlines"
into America
and Mastermind behind the Assassination
of President John F. Kennedy .

Knight of Malta
Alexander M. Haig, Jr.,
Lt. Colonel Alexander M. Haig
contributed to the cover-up-
the Great Jesuit Cover-up -
of the Kennedy Assassination.

For his obedience he was later promoted
to the rank of General
and subsequently named as the Commander
of NATO in Europe.

As a result of his continued obedience
to the Black Pope, the Papal Caesar
and the Archbishop of New York,
Haig was appointed
to the high office of Secretary of State
under honorary Shriner and Knight of Malta
President Ronald Reagan in 1981.

With the endorsement
of former Kentucky Senator
John Sherman Cooper
who had been a member
of the Jesuit-educated,
high-level Freemason
and President Lyndon Johnson's
Warren Commission
overseen by 33rd Degree Freemason
Chief Justice Earl Warren .

In the company
of Council on Foreign Relations member
and Knight of Malta Alexander Haig
at his confirmation hearings
member Joseph A. Califano, Jr.;
his wife, Dame of Malta Pat Haig;
his younger brother in clerical collar,
Knight of Malta Francis R. Haig, S.J. -
the Jesuit behind the Watergate Scandal
and the removal
of President Richard M. Nixon!

Secret Service Agent Roy Kellerman
would be chosen to be the coordinator
of the Secret Service's Assassination Team
while it carried out its "Executive Action"
in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

Francis Cardinal Spellman's
American Knights of Malta
Network of Assassins in 1963 :

1. Francis Cardinal Spellman
Archbishop of New York,
K. of Columbus "Military Vicar, "
U.S. Armed Forces Advisor,
American Branch, Knights of Malta

2. Jean-Baptiste Janssens
Superior General
of the Society of Jesus
"The Black Pope"

3. Thomas K. Gorman
Roman Catholic Bishop
of Dallas Knight of Malta

4. Clare Boothe Luce
CIA; Ambassador to Italy
Dame of Malta

5. Henry R. Luce
Jesuit Coadjutor; Officer, CIA
Media Mogul, Time Life
Suppressed the Zapruder Film
Skull and Bones;
CFR Member
Knight of Malta

6. John A. McCone
Atomic Energy Commissioner
Director, CIA
Knight of Malta

7. James Jesus Angleton
Counterintelligence, CIA
Knight of Malta

8. J. Peter Grace, Jr.
CIA; International Industrialist
American Head, Knights of Malta

9. William J. Casey
Officer, Future Director,
CIA Knight of Malta

10. Clay L. Shaw
International Industrialist
Contract Agent, CIA
Knight of Malta

11. William F. Buckley, Jr.
Jesuit Coadjutor; Officer, CIA
Host, Firing Line
Owner, National Review
Skull and Bones;
CFR Member
Knight of Malta

12. Cartha D. DeLoach
Assistant Director, FBI
Aids Cover-up
of Warren Commission,
Knight of Malta

13. Lee A. Iacocca
Director, Dearborn Division
Ford Motor Company
Knight of Malta .

The Death of JFK is part of

The Perfidious and Diabolical History
of The Society of Jesus

Waging Its Relentless Wars
Against All Accursed Heretics and Liberals

Pursuant to the Jesuit Oath
and Council of Trent Including :

Its Second Thirty Years' War

Its Cold War

Its Anglo-American Crusade Against Islam
(2001-Present) ;

(Prime Minister Tony Blair's
and President George W. Bush's Masonic
"War on Islamic Terror,"
as Directed by the Black Pope's Jesuit Curia

Which Crusade Is To the Exclusion of
"Roman Catholic Terror,"
Daily Exported
from the Pope's Islands of Ireland and Cuba)

And Its Assassination of America's
First Roman Catholic President
Knight of Columbus
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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The Vatican Connection

These facts viewed in context
lead us to the 'Lion'
in his 'Den of Iniquity'
that had the power
to execute Kennedy's murder
and successfully cover it up

Well-Hidden Soldiers Of Satan

Still confused about
The Protocols
Of The Learned Elders
Of Zion ?

In The House
Of 'Our Friends'

How They ordered the attack
on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon on Tuesday,
September 11, 2001

Q: What is the Opus Dei
and how they figure into things?

We are determined
to take possession
of the United States;
but we must proceed
with the utmost secrecy

Enemies Of These Republics




It was not until after it came
to their attention in 1942,
that the Nazis were
building flying saucers
and other 'fantasy' weapons
based on Tesla's inventions,
that the U. S. Government
became concerned

Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;


AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of THEIR New World Order !