Saturday, December 12, 2009

Communist Global Socialism ;

The 111th Administration At Washington D.C.
very much appears to be driven mostly by
Communist Global Socialists in these days .

Pushing our country, land & people into the hands
of tyrannic international unionists & transnational
foreigners seems to be a continuing agenda of theirs .

The 'Health Care Reform' fraud alone is a fine
example of the Anti Constitutional, Anti Free Enterprise
& Anti Republic Policies which these fraudsters
are trying to pass into law .

They create false crisis, peddle them as truth
and pass fatally destructive & expensive policies
to 'solve' these so called 'crises' .

At the expense of our country, land & people .

They haven't Sealed the borders as they should .
They haven't placed a moratorium on all future
immigration as they should .

This country's health care system needs no fixing
at this time .

Climate Change Is another Fraud .
Cap & Trade is a Fraud .
The EPA is engaged in Fraud .

FRAUD after FRAUD after FRAUD,
looks like Business As Usual
From The Satanic World Order :

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Energy and Environment Coup

The Daily Maoist Coup

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise