Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rights which relate to state citizenship ;

From :
The Miscellaneous
Reference Material
For Information Only Library
And We the People For Independent Texas ;

From a 1993 case Jones v. Temmer,
829 F. Supp. 1226:

"The privileges and immunities clause
of the Fourteenth Amendment protects
few rights because it neither incorporates
any of the Bill of Rights nor protects
all rights of individual citizens.

See Slaughter-House Cases,
83 U.S.(16 Wall.) 36, 21 L.Ed. 394

Instead, this provision protects only
those rights peculiar to being a citizen
of the federal government; it does not
protect those rights that relate to a state

*** Rather the provision protects only
those rights peculiar to being a citizen of
the United States; it does not protect those
rights which relate to state citizenship."
