Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Satanic World Order seeks to Destroy Conservatism ;

To this end they have managed to
infiltrate many influencial conservative
institutions .

Observe the current administration in
Washington D.C. and examine the
relative weakness of the
Republican Party .

Consider all the Legislative bodies
of the U. S. A. and the Executive bodies
and the Judicial bodies .

The county commissioners courts ,
the city councils and the state bodies .

Reviewed and Combined it is hard to find
much about them which could be described
as Conservative .

Consider the true conservative ethic .

Would a true conservative cripple the
economic success of his countrymen ?

Would not a true conservative protect
his countrymen from illegal aliens and
foreign economic and financial competition ?

Would not a true conservative protect
his countrymen from international environmental
and ecological schemes calculated to manipulate
for the worse , the domestic free enterprise
system , and the country , the land and the
wealth his countrymen ?

Would a true conservative ever lift a finger
to violate the precious common law
and republic documents of his countrymen ,
their several states constitutions and bills of rights ,
their declerations of independance
and even their sacred new testement ?

Would a true conservative ever allow
his countrymen to be fettered and chained
by even the least of troubling and continuous
taxation ?

An ancient allegory once described a long
and tiresome search to find just One Honest Man .

Today it seems no easier to discover One
Truely Conservative Man .

Have they all been slaine in foreign countries
in the "causes" of their own county ?

Have the abortionsts Murdered them ?

Have they all been compromised , corrupted ,
seduced , tempted and blackmailed by the public
educational system , the unions , the courts ,
the "governance" , organised crime ,
foreign favoritism , foreign contracts,
foreign interests , the attorneys and their bar ?

Has the True Conservative been medicated ,
stimulated , amused , intoxicated and consumed
to the point where he is no longer
Truly Conservative ?

Has he become extinct ?
Has he lost his memory ?
Has He Forgotten what he stands for ?

Has he forgotten his countrymen , their land ,
their law , their wealth and their republics ?

Has he forgotten How , Who , and What
he must resist ?

His enemies pray that he has .

And His Enemies do not pray to the God
of His Countymen !

Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;


AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of THEIR New World Order !