Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Exposing Obamunism and the Obamunists ;

Nancy Pelosi in on eligibility cover-up

49 of 50 states never saw certification of eligibility,
Democrats dodge Constitution, even in primaries

Sotomayor Casts 1st Vote, Against Execution In Ohio

Sotomayor took sides with someone who was paid to kill
a man who survived, and then the guy murdered his mother.

The argument Jason Getsy used to try to get out of being
executed was that the man who paid him to kill did not get
the death penalty but instead got life in prison.

Of course, Sotomayor's logic in her ruling indicates that she
believes there is a valid connection between Getsy pulling
the trigger and killing an innocent woman and the fact that
somehow Getsy knew in advance that the guy who paid him
to do the deed wouldn't get the death penalty.

So much for wise ass Latinas !

The Currency Of Ignorance

Opposing the Brain Washing, Mind control, Frauds, Piracies, Treasons, and the Anti Constitutional, Anti Republic, and Anti Capitalistic ;


Barack O'Bilderberg

Group of twenty & the evolution of Global Governance

Foreclosures Without Mortgages

How the progressives are stealing our country

Sunstein picked for sharing Obama's radical views

Today according to the DHS some 230 cities inside
the United States, many of which are thousands of miles
from the Mexican border, are infested by members
of the pernicious Mexican drug cartels.

Other cities are similarly infested by other narcotics
trafficking organization and organized crime groups in general,
whose leaders and many of their members are citizens
of countries all over the globe.

Candidate runs for governor on Constitution

Judicial Watch

The 'Obama' File

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Conspiracy of the Lemmings ;

The Radical Left's Strategy of Manufactured Crisis

'Obama' and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis ;

ACORN, the new tip of the Cloward-Piven spear

In 1970, one of George Wiley's protégés, Wade Rathke -
like Bill Ayers, a member of the radical Students
for a Democratic Society (SDS) - was sent to found
the Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now.

While NWRO had made a good start, it alone couldn't
accomplish the Cloward-Piven goals.

Rathke's group broadened the offensive to include
a wide array of low income "rights."

Shortly thereafter they changed "Arkansas" to
"Association of" and ACORN went nationwide.

Today ACORN is involved in a wide array of activities,
including housing, voting rights, illegal immigration
and other issues.

According to ACORN's website: "ACORN is the nation's
largest grassroots community organization of low-
and moderate-income people with over 400,000 member
families organized into more than 1,200 neighborhood
chapters in 110 cities across the country," It is perhaps
the largest radical group in the U.S. and has been cited
for widespread criminal activity on many fronts.

Manufactured Crisis ;

Dems are always trying to impose backdoor socialized
medicine with incremental legislation.

Why do you suppose American healthcare is in
such crisis?

Answer: the government has already become too
deeply involved.

For example, many hospitals are closing their doors
because they are overwhelmed with the burden
of caring for indigent patients, illegal immigrants
and vagrants who must, by law, be admitted like
everyone else, despite the fact that they cannot pay
for services.

Our hospitals are compelled by law to treat illegal
immigrants in their emergency rooms without charge.

One after another, they are going bankrupt and closing
their doors.

Destroying Our Health Care

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

'Obama' , Mayor Of Commie Town ;

Obama's Socialist Appointees

Democratic Socialists of America


Because government workers get their money
not from a free marketplace but from taxes, their
unions have a large incentive to advocate on behalf
of political leaders who support higher taxes
and bigger government, which can, in turn, produce
an ever-greater number of public-sector union jobs.

The wealth, power, and future of these unions
depend on the election of advocates of government

As pollster Scott Rasmussen explained in the
Wall Street Journal, "Public-sector workers want
government to grow first, and the overall health
of the economy isn't as relevant to them."

This translates into overwhelming public-sector
union support for Democratic politicians who will
block efforts to reduce government and to lower taxes.

The two largest government unions in the U.S. today
are the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
and the American Federation of State, County
& Municipal Employees (AFSCME).

In 2002 these two unions made more soft-money
political campaign contributions than any others.

Their money - along with that of their fellow
public-sector unions, constitutes the lifeblood of
the Democratic Party.

The unions' direct financial support of Democratic
candidates is just one of many ways in which they
influence the political process.

A much larger and indeterminate contribution takes
the form of money funneled through party and other
organizations - to supply ground troops to man
telephone banks, do door-to-door campaigning,
or enact get-out-the-vote efforts on Election Day.

Such efforts, if paid for, would be worth many
millions of dollars.

In Michigan, the United Auto Workers union convinced
the automobile manufacturers to make Election Day
a holiday so that union workers could get paid by their
companies for last-minute, door-to-door, get-out-the-vote

The current president of the SEIU, the former New Leftist
Andrew Stern, in 1996 told his members that he expected
"every leader at every level of this union - from the
international president to the rank-and-file member -
to devote five working days this year to political action."

As Ryan Lizza, Associate Editor of The New Republic,
noted in 2003, today's SEIU leaders "tend to be radical,
even socialist."

Similarly, John Sweeney, president of the powerful
AFL-CIO, is a card-carrying member of the
Democratic Socialists of America and therefore believes
that capitalism itself should be eliminated.

He repealed an AFL-CIO rule prohibiting communists
from being leaders of its member unions.

The Communist Party USA (CPUSA), which enthusiastically
backed Sweeney's ascent, says it is now "in complete accord"
with the AFL-CIO's program.

"The radical shift in both leadership and policy is a
very positive, even historic change," wrote CPUSA
National Chairman Gus Hall in 1996.


Opposing The Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics Of America ;

A guide to the political left

Mapping the paths of power
and influence

Money in Politics --
See Who's Giving & Who's Getting

Tracking the actions of elected officials,
their latest votes & what people are saying
about them.

Judicial Watch

Government Of The United States is a private company
categorized under General government administration,
Federal government and located in Washington, DC.


This Document May Be Hazardous To Bad Laws .

Courts may not welcome or approve of these truths,
neither are they to be construed as legal advice .

Therefore, to act on these facts is to do so at your own risk
or opportunity

We The People For Independent Texas

sovereignty's realms

Although the ordinary pastors cease, yet Christ hath not cast off the care of his Church ;

From :
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible New Testament,
The Holy Gospel Of Jesus Christ,
According To Matthew Chapter 9 ;

1 One sick with palsy, is healed.
5 Remission of sins.
9 Matthew called.
10 Sinners.
17 New wine.
18 The ruler's daughter raised.
20 A woman healed of a bloody issue.
23 Two blind men by faith receive sight.
32 A dumb man possessed is healed.
37 The harvest and workmen.

1 Then he (1) entered into a ship, and passed over,
and came into his (a) own city.

(1) Sins are the causes of our afflictions, and Christ only
forgiveth them if we believe.

(a) Into Capernaum, for as Theophylact saith, Bethlehem
brought him forth, Nazareth brought him up, and Capernaum
was his dwelling place.

2 And (*) lo, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy lying
on a bed. And Jesus (b) seeing their () faith, said to the sick
of the palsy, Son be of good comfort; thy (()) sins are forgiven thee.

(*) Mark 2:3; Luke 5:28 .

(b) Knowing by a manifest sign.

() And also his faith that had the palsy; for except we have faith,
our sins cannot be forgiven.

(()) Jesus toucheth the principal cause of all miseries, which is sin.

3 And behold, certain of the Scribes said with themselves, This man
(c) blasphemeth.

(c) To blaspheme, signifieth amongst the divines to speak wickedly;
and amongst the more eloquent Grecians, to slander.

4 But when Jesus saw their thoughts, he said, Wherefore think ye
evil things (*) in your hearts?

(*) Because they did maliciously refuse Christ, who offered himself
unto them.

5 For whether is it (*) easier to say, Thy sins are forgiven thee,
or to say, Arise, and walk?

(*) Christ speaketh according to their captivity, for they more
esteemed outward miracles, than the virtue and power of
Jesus Christ, whereby their sins might be forgiven.

6 And that ye may know that the Son of man hath authority in earth
to forgive sins, (then said he unto the sick of the palsy,) Arise,
take up thy bed, and go to thy house.

7 And he arose, and departed to his own house.

8 So when the multitude saw it, they marveled, and glorified God,
which had given such authority to men.

9 ¶ (*) (2) And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man
sitting at the (d) receipt of custom, named Matthew, and said to him,
Follow me. And he arose, and followed him.

(*) Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27 .

(2) Christ calleth the humble sinners unto him, but he contemneth
the proud hypocrites.

(d) At the customer's table, where it was received.

10 And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in his house, behold,
many Publicans and (e) sinners that came thither, sat down
at the table with Jesus and his disciples.

(e) The customers' fellows which were placed by the Romans,
after that Judea was brought into the form of a province, to gather
the customs, and therefore of the rest of the Jews, they were
called sinners, that is to say very vile men.

11 And when the Pharisees saw that, they said to his disciples,
Why eateth your Master with Publicans and sinners?

12 Now when Jesus heard it, he said unto them, The (*) whole
need not a Physician, but they that are sick.

(*) He reproveth the vain persuasion of them, which thought
themselves whole, and contemned the poor sick sinners, which
sought Jesus Christ to be their physician.

13 But go () ye and learn what this is, (*) I (()) will have mercy,
and not sacrifice, for I am not come to call the righteous,
but the ((())) sinners to repentance.

() Which are puffed up with vain confidence of your own

(*) Hosea 6:6; Matthew 12:7 .

(()) God requireth not ceremonies, but brotherly love of one
towards another.

((())) 1 Timothy 1:15 .

14 ¶ (*) (3) Then came the disciples of John to him, saying,
Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, and thy disciples fast not?

(*) Mark 2:18; Luke 5:33 .

(3) Against naughty emulation in matters indifferent.

15 And Jesus said unto them, Can the (f) (*) children of the marriage
chamber mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days
will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then
shall they fast.

(f) A Hebrew kind of speech, for they that are admitted
into a marriage chamber are as the nearest about the bridegroom.

(*) Christ would spare his disciples a while, not burdening them
to much, lest he should discourage them.

16 Moreover, no man pieceth an (*) old garment with a piece
of (g) () new cloth; for that which should fill it up, taketh away
from the garment, and the breach is worse.

(*) Christ compareth his disciples for their infirmity, to old garments,
and vessels, which are not able as yet to bear the perfection of his
doctrine, which he meaneth by new cloth and new wine.

(g) Raw, which was never put to the fuller.

() Or, raw and undressed.

17 Neither do they put new wine into (*) old () vessels;
for then the vessels would break, and the wine would be spilt,
and the vessels would perish; but they put new wine into new
vessels, and so are both preserved.

(*) The mind which is infected with the dregs or superstitious
ceremonies, is not meet to receive the pleasant wine of the Gospel.

() Bottles or bags of leather or skins, wherein wine was carried
on asses or camels.

18 ¶ (*) (4) While he thus spake unto them, behold, there came
a certain ruler, and worshipped him, saying, My daughter is now
deceased; but come and lay thy hand on her, and she shall live.

(*) Mark 5:22; Luke 8:41 .

(4) There is no evil so old, and incurable, which Christ cannot heal
by and by, if he be touched with true faith, but lightly as it were
with the hand.

19 And Jesus arose and followed him with his disciples.

20 (And behold, a woman which was diseased with an issue of blood
twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment.

21 For she said in herself, If I may touch but his garment only,
I shall be whole.

22 Then Jesus turned him about, and seeing her, did say, Daughter,
be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman
was made whole at that same moment.)

23 (5) Now when Jesus came into the Ruler's house, and saw
the (h) (*) minstrels and the multitude making noise,

(5) Even death itself giveth place to the power of Christ.

(h) It appeareth that they used minstrels at their mournings.

(*) Players upon flutes or pipes or other instruments, which in
those days they used at burials.

24 He said unto them, Get you hence; for the maid is not dead,
but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn.

25 And when the multitude were put forth, he went in and took
her by the hand, and the maid arose.

26 And this () bruit went throughout all that land.

() To report, to noise abroad.

27 (6) And as Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him,
crying, and saying, O son of David, have mercy upon us.

(6) By healing these two blind men, Christ sheweth that he is
the light of the world.

28 And when he was come into the house, the blind came to him,
and Jesus said unto them, (*) Believe ye that I am able to do this?
And they said unto him, Yea, Lord.

(*) He would prove whether they bare him that reverence which
was due to Messiah.

29 Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith
be it unto you.

30 And their eyes were opened, and Jesus gave them great charge,
saying, See that no man know it.

31 But when they were departed, they spread abroad his fame
throughout all that land.

32 ¶ (*) (7) And as they went out, behold, they brought to him
a dumb man possessed with a devil.

(*) Luke 11:14 .

(7) An example of that power that Christ hath over the devil.

33 And when the devil was cast out, the dumb spake; then the
multitude marveled, saying, The like was never seen in Israel.

34 But the Pharisees said, (*) He () casteth out devils, through
the prince of devils.

(*) Matthew 11:18; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15 .

() This blasphemy proceedeth of extreme impiety, seeing all the
people confessed the contrary.

35 ¶ And (*) Jesus went about all cities and towns, teaching in
their Synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the () kingdom,
and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.

(*) Mark 6:6; Luke 13:22 .

() Whereby God gathereth his people together, that he may
reign over them.

36 (8) But (*) when he saw the multitude, he had compassion
upon them, because they were dispersed, and scattered abroad,
as sheep having no shepherd.

(8) Although the ordinary pastors cease, yet Christ hath not cast
off the care of his Church.

(*) Mark 6:34 .

37 Then said he to his disciples, (*) Surely the () harvest is great,
but the laborers are few.

(*) Luke 10:2; John 4:35-36 .

() He meaneth the people are ripe, and ready to receive the Gospel,
comparing the elect to a plentiful harvest.

38 Wherefore pray the Lord of the harvest, that he would
(i) (*) send forth laborers into his harvest.

(i) Word for word, Cast them out; for men are very slow in so
holy a work.

(*) Or, thrust forth.

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1599 Geneva Family Bible

Battle Cry

Smokescreens :

Blueprint For America :

The Prophet

The Godfathers

The Story of a Jesuit Priest

Vatican Assassins

Shattering Denial
Here's A Pdf Free Download Library

More Online Reading for Protestant Minds :

More Graphic Reading for Protestant Minds :

sovereignty's realms


The Capital Research Center has just published
"Left-wing Radicalism in the Church,"
a major report on this topic by Matthew Vadum.

While he was in Chicago, Obama was trained
by top Alinskyian organizers.

One was the ex-Jesuit, Greg Galuzzo, lead organizer
for Gamaliel.

The Developing Communities Project operated under
the Gamaliel Foundation, a network of Alinskyian
organizations that also received CCHD grants.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Global Power and Global Government : Evolution and Revolution of the Central Banking System ;

Capitalism functions in that it constantly needs to expand
and consume more.

Central banking functions in a very similar, although much
more dubious manner, in which it needs to expand its control
over industry, nations and people through the expansion
of debt, continually needing to bring more individuals, nations
and industries under debt bondage.

Debt is the source of all power and wealth for the central
banking system - as they do not actually produce any tradable
good, such as industry; nor do they provide any necessary
service, such as government.

Interest on debt is the source of income and authority
for the central banking system and thus, it needs to continually
advance credit and expand debt.

Global Power and Global Government Part 2 :
Origins of the American Empire :
Revolution, World Wars and World Order

Articles by Andrew Gavin Marshall

Monday, September 21, 2009

Herman Cain blows holes in latest 'health-care deform bill'

Baucus' cheaper Trojan horse


How well have officials in the General Government scored
on their "preambular report card"-that is, how well is the
General Government serving the purposes for which the
Constitution was adopted, as set out in its Preamble?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Exposing the attempted Coup-Coup d'état of the Satanic World Order ;

Cloward-Piven Strategy of Manufactured Crisis

Yes friends,
We know that the SWO is trying to Stage
an anti Constitutional, anti Republic, and anti Capitalistic
Coup d'état .

Open Borders are part of the SWO's Manufactured Crisis .
Illegal Alien Tress passers are part of Their Manufactured Crisis .

So Are Brain Washing, Lies, Mind Control, Censorship,
Diversity, Multiculturalism, Indoctrination, Integration,
Unionisation, International Control of Domestic
Business, Industry & Public Utilities .

So Are the IRS, Taxation, Miscegenation,
International Industries on Domestic Soil,
& International Communist
Non Governmental Bureaucracies,
operating on domestic soil

Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;

Boycott, Cast Out, Embargo,
Expose, Impeach, Oppose, Protest and Resist
These International Communist Community Service Organizations,
Globalist, Greenist, Internationalist, Shariahns, Unionist, Liars
and All Their Unholy Schemes

AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of The Satanic World Order !

sovereignty's realms

Opposing The Brain washers, Liars & Mind controllers of the Satanic World Order ;

Yes Friends,
we know Who they are, What they are and What
they Do .

They Do propose public policies which are
anti Constitutional, anti Republic, and anti Capitalistic .

Aaron Klein Archives

'Obama' is a Liar 'Obama' is a Liar 'Obama' is a Liar ;

Yes friends we know that he's a liar and he and his allies
and friends are seeking to Brainwash and Mind control
the people of this country .

His Czars are Liars, His Cabinate is Full of Liars,
His Senatorial and Congressional Allies are Liars,
His Judicial Allies are Liars, His Attorney Allies are
Liars, His Union Allies are Liars, His Illegal Alien Allies
are Liars, His G20 Allies are Liars, His UN Allies are Liars
His International Allies Are Liars, His Allies in the many states
are Liars, His Communist Community Service Organizations
Allies are Liars, All of his Foreign and Domestic Allies Are
Liars, All of His Big Media Allies Are Liars,
'Obama' is a fraud, a Traitor, a Pirate and so are All
of His Allies, Followers, and Supporters

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Judicial Watch

The 'Obama' Files

World Net Daily

News With Views

Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;

Boycott, Cast Out, Embargo,
Expose, Impeach, Oppose, Protest and Resist
These International Communist Community Service Organizations,
Globalist, Greenist, Internationalist, Shariah, Unionist, Liars
and All Their Unholy Schemes

AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of The Satanic World Order !

sovereignty's realms

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Obamacare Monstrosity : More Legislative Slavery, No Choice, No Competition

and - the "individual mandate" -
Of The Satanic World Order ;

In today's Washington Post,
two former Justice Department lawyers,
David Rivkin and Lee Casey,
argue that a central provision of Obama's health-care plan
- the "individual mandate" -
is unconstitutional, and beyond Congress's powers
under the Constitution,

Legal Experts Say ObamaCare Is Unconstitutional

The "Obama" File

Yes Friends, some do use that word Racist very much these days .

So whats to be said of things like 'Racial Reparations',
'Racial Quotas', 'Racial Preferences', and 'Affirmative Action' ?

Haven't I seen 'Official Government Documents',
with questions like,
'are you' :
Hispanic ?
Black ?
White ?
Other ? : Specify : ________________

What is a 'Hispanic', 'Latino', 'Puerto Rican' Union
or Some Similar 'Community' Organizing Organization ?
What is LULAC, What is 'LA RAZA' ?

What is a 'Black' Congressional Caucus ?

Who are the 'Black' Panthers and the 'NAACP' ?

Recently, I have heard about outfits like these,
demanding that city counsels and political districts,
be reseated based on Race and redrawn based on Race .

Looks Racist to me .

So When These Racists call people who disagree
with them Racists, they are exposing themselves
as Hypocrites at best .

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Chronicles Of The Satanic World Order ;

Boycott, Cast Out, Embargo, Expose, Impeach,
Oppose, Protest and Resist These Communist,
Globalist, Greenist, Internationalist, Shariah, Unionist, Liars
and All Their Unholy Schemes

As Needed :
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The "Obama" File


News With Views

Vatican Assassins

Battle Cry

Blueprint For America

The Prophet

The Godfathers

The Story of a Jesuit Priest

The Unhived Minds

Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. Archive

Mises Daily

Adask's law

Here's A Pdf Free Download Library

Judicial Watch

We The People For Independent Texas

Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;


AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of The Satanic World Order !

sovereignty's realms

The true disciples of Christ must prepare themselves to all kind of miseries ;

From :
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible New Testament,
The Holy Gospel Of Jesus Christ,
According To Matthew Chapter 8 ;

3 The Leper cleansed.
5 The Centurion's faith.

11 The calling of the Gentiles.
12 And casting out of the Jews.

14 Peter's mother in law healed.

19 A Scribe desirous to follow Christ.
23 The tempest on the sea.
28 Two possessed with devils cured.
32 The devils get into swine.

1 Now when he was come down from the mountain,
great multitudes followed him.

2 (*) (1) And lo, there came a Leper and worshipped
him, saying, Master, if thou wilt, thou canst make me

(*) Mark 1:40; Luke 5:12 .

(1) Christ in healing the leprous with the touching of his
hand, sheweth that he abhorreth no sinners that come
unto him, be they never so unclean.

3 And Jesus putting forth his hand, touched him, saying,
I will, be thou clean. And immediately his (*) leprosy
was cleansed.

(*) It was not like that leprosy that is now, but was a
kind thereof, which was incurable.

4 Then Jesus said unto him, See thou tell () no man,
but go, and shew thyself unto the (()) Priest, and offer
the gift that (*) Moses commanded, for ((())) a witness
to them.

() He would not yet be thoroughly known, but had
his time and hour appointed.

(()) Our Saviour would not contemn that which was
ordained by the Law, seeing as yet the ceremonies
thereof were not abolished.

(*) Leviticus 14:3-4 .

((())) To condemn them of ingratitude, when they shall
see thee whole.

5 ¶ (*) (2) When Jesus was entered into Capernaum,
there came unto him a () Centurion, beseeching him,

(*) Luke 7:8 .

(2) Christ by setting before them the example of the
uncircumcised Centurion, and yet of an excellent faith,
provoketh the Jews to emulation, and together forewarneth
them of their casting off, and the calling of the Gentiles.

() Or, a captain over a hundred.

6 And said, Master, my (*) servant lieth sick at home
of the palsy, and is grievously pained.

(*) Or, son.

7 And Jesus said unto him, I will come and heal him.

8 But the Centurion answered, saying, Master, I am
not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof,
but speak the word only, and my servant shall be

9 For I am a man also under the authority of another,
and have soldiers under me; and I say to one, Go,
and he goeth, and to another, Come, and he cometh,
and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.

10 When Jesus heard that, he marveled, and said to
them that followed him, Verily I say unto you, I have
not found so great faith, even in Israel.

11 But I say unto you, that (*) many shall come from
the East and West, and shall (a) sit down with Abraham,
and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.

(*) Which are strange people and the Gentiles, to whom
the covenant of God did not properly appertain.

(a) A Metaphor taken of banquets, for they that sit down
together are fellows in the banquet.

12 And the children of the kingdom shall be cast out
into (b) () utter (*) darkness; there shall be weeping
and gnashing of teeth.

(b) Which are without the kingdom. For in the kingdom
is light, and without the kingdom is darkness.

() For there is nothing but mere darkness out of the
kingdom of heaven.

(*) Matthew 22:13 .

13 Then Jesus said unto the Centurion, Go thy way,
and as thou hast believed, so be it unto thee. And his
servant was healed the same hour.

14 ¶ (*) (3) And when Jesus came to Peter's house,
he saw his wife's mother laid down, and sick of a fever.

(*) Mark 1:29; Luke 4:38 .

(3) Christ, in healing divers diseases, sheweth that he
was sent of his Father, that in him only we should seek
remedy in all our miseries.

15 And he touched her hand, and the fever left her;
so she arose, and ministered unto them.

16 (*) When the Even was come, they brought unto
him many that were possessed with devils; and he cast
out the spirits with his word, and healed (c) all that
were sick,

(*) Mark 1:32; Luke 4:40 .

(c) Of all sorts.

17 That it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by
(*) Isaiah the Prophet, saying, () He took our infirmities,
and bare our sicknesses.

(*) Isaiah 53:4; 1 Peter 2:24 .

() The Prophet speaketh chiefly of the feebleness
and disease of our souls, which Jesus Christ hath borne;
therefore he setteth his great mercy and power before
our eyes by healing the body.

18 ¶ (*) And when Jesus saw great multitudes of
people about him, he commanded them to go (d) over
the water.

(*) Luke 9:57-58 .

(d) For Capernaum was situate upon the lake of

19 (4) Then came there a certain Scribe, and said
unto him, Master, (*) I will follow thee whithersoever
thou goest.

(4) The true disciples of Christ must prepare themselves
to all kind of miseries.

(*) He thought by this means to curry favor with the
world; but Jesus sheweth him that he is far wide from
that he looketh for, for instead of worldly wealth, there
is but poverty in Christ.

20 But Jesus said unto him, The foxes have holes,
and the birds of the heaven have (e) nests, but the Son
of man hath not whereon to rest his head.

(e) Word for word, Shades made with boughs.

21 ¶ (5) And (*) another of his disciples said unto him,
Master, suffer me first to go, and () bury my father.

(5) When God requireth our labor, we must leave off
all duty to men.

(*) Luke maketh mention of three, which were hindered
by worldly respects from coming to Christ.

() To succor and help him in his old age till he die,
and then I will follow thee wholly.

22 But Jesus said unto him, Follow me, and let the
(*) dead bury their dead.

(*) No duty or love is to be preferred to God's calling;
therefore Jesus calleth them dead, which are hindered
by any worldly thing to follow Christ.

23 ¶ (*) (6) And when he was entered into the ship,
his disciples followed him.

(*) Mark 4:37; Luke 8:23 .

(6) Although Christ seemeth oftentimes to neglect his,
even in most extreme danger, yet in time convenient
he assuageth all tempests, and bringeth them to the

24 And behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea,
so that the ship was covered with waves; but he was

25 Then his disciples came, and awoke him, saying,
Master, save us; we perish.

26 And he said unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye
of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds
and the sea, and so there was a great calm.

27 And the men marveled, saying, What man is this,
that both the winds and the sea obey him?

28 ¶ (7) (*) And when he was come to the other side
into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two
possessed with devils which came out of the graves
very fierce, so that no man might go by that way.

(7) Christ came to deliver me from the miserable
thralldom of Satan; but the world would had rather
lack Christ, then the vilest and least of their

(*) Mark 5:5; Luke 8:26 .

29 And behold, they cried out, saying, Jesus the Son
of God, what have we to do with thee? Art thou come
hither to torment us (*) before the time?

(*) The wicked would ever defer their punishment,
thinking all correction to come to some.

30 Now there was (f) afar off from them, a great herd
of swine feeding.

(f) On a hill, as Mark and Luke witness; Now Gederah,
as Josephus recordeth, book 17 chapter 13. lived after
the order of the Grecians, and therefore we may not
marvel if there were swine there.

31 And the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast
us out, (*) suffer us to go into the herd of swine.

(*) The devil desireth ever to do harm, but can do no
more, than God doeth appoint.

32 And he said unto them, Go. So they went out
and departed into the herd of swine, and behold, the
whole herd of swine was carried with violence from a
steep down place into the (*) sea, and died in the water.

(*) Meaning the lake of Gennesaret.

33 Then the herdsmen fled, and when they were come
into the city, they told all things, and what was become
of them that were possessed with the devils.

34 And behold, all the city came out to meet Jesus;
and when they saw him, (*) they besought him to
(g) depart out of their coasts.

(*) These Gergesenes esteemed more their hogs than
Jesus Christ.

(g) Where men live as swine, there doeth not Christ tarry,
but devils.

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The Gospel of Matthew with Footnotes :

The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible
With Footnotes


1599 Geneva Family Bible

Battle Cry

Smokescreens :

Blueprint For America :

The Prophet

The Godfathers

The Story of a Jesuit Priest

Vatican Assassins

Shattering Denial
Here's A Pdf Free Download Library

More Online Reading for Protestant Minds :

More Graphic Reading for Protestant Minds :

sovereignty's realms

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Opposing Obammunism and the Obammunists of the Satanic World Order ;

Yes, My tax paying friends, THEY are An International Hoard
of Immoral, Unethical, Carpetbaggers, Nitwits and Scalawags .

My Dearly Beloved Tea Partiers and Town Hallers
Shake The Earth Beneath THEIR Feet,
and Rock THEIR Unholy World .

The So Called, 'Appointed and Elected Representatives'
of Our Country, Claim That They Cannot Understand,
Why We The People Don't Trust Them .

But Just Like Our Founding Fathers Instructed Us To Do,
We The People Are Watching The SWO and Listening To Them,
And We Are Reading What They Propose To Do .

THEY say they are looking after our best interests but then
they propose public policies which are anti Constitutional,
anti Republic, and anti Capitalistic .

Oh yes, We The People know what the SWO means by
Hope and Change.

Our Country, Our Land, Our People and Our Wealth,
Into The Next Peoples Soviet Socialist UNION .

This is Why Aliens, Criminals, Foreigners, Gangsters, Illegals,
Mobsters, Pirates and Trespassers, Invade, Rape and Plunder
Our Country, Our Land, Our People and Our Wealth,
One Century after Another .

And It Is Because, The So Called,
'Appointed and Elected Representatives'
of Our Country have Invited THEM, Welcomed them,
Encouraged them and Probably Paid Them to come here .

What The So Called,
'Appointed and Elected Representatives'
of Our Country, Seem to be saying,
To The SWO, Goes Like This :

"Come on In, Have Your Babies here,
Bring Your Friends and Relations with You,
We Have 'Free' schooling for You,
We Have many Teachers, Professors,
and Scholarly Doctors Who Will BRAINWASH
You INDOCTRINATE you and Socially Organize
and Unionise You .

Our ports and points of entry and Our Borders
Are WIDE open to You .

Don't Worry about Border Guards,
They've been paid to ignore You .

Need To Go To the Hospital ?
That's Fine, We've got Other Peoples 'MONEY'
To Pay for all Your Medical needs .

As a matter of fact,

Need some SPENDING 'MONEY' ?
We are Presently printing TONS of 'MONEY'
Need A Credit Card? Need A Loan? Need A Car?
Need A HOUSE ? Need a Bank Account ?

By the way We're Offering A Special This Week ;
Want To Adopt Foreign Children?
The More You Adopt, The More 'MONEY'
WE Will Pay You ."

Weren't those Global Agreements on Tariffs and Trade
and that North American Free Trade Agreement
supposed to create economic prosparity in other countries ?

If They Were supposed to do that, why are all these Illegal
Alien, Foreigner Trespassers coming here ?

Gatt and Nafta were nothing more than UNIONIZING
Globalist Economic Redistribution of Wealth Scams .

See How These Pirates and Traitors Are ?
Redistribution of Of Our Country, Our Land, Our People,
and Our Wealth .

We The People Never Asked The SWO To Do
Any Of These Things TO Our Country, Our Land,
Our People, and Our Wealth .

How Polluted and Toxic ,
This Country is with anti Constitutional, anti Republic,
and anti Capitalistic, Foreign and Domestic,
Traitors and Pirates .

Border Closure, Deportation, Isolationism
and Protectionism are Vindicated Day After Day .

And Yet These So Called
'Appointed and Elected Representatives'
of Our Country, PRETEND That They Cannot Understand
Why We The People Don't Trust Them .

Home Of The Savage Nation

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Tea Party & Town Hall Handbook Against The Satanic World Order ;


This Document May Be Hazardous To Bad Laws .

Courts may not welcome or approve of these truths,
neither are they to be construed as legal advice .

Therefore, to act on these facts is to do so at your own risk
or opportunity

We The People For Independent Texas

Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. Archive

Adask's law

sovereignty's realms

In Jesus Christ We Live, Heavenly Father !

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Czars Of The Satanic World Order ;

List of U.S. executive branch czars

True godliness rests only upon Christ and therefore always remains invincible ;

From :
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible New Testament,
The Holy Gospel Of Jesus Christ,
According To Matthew Chapter 7 ;

1 We may not give judgment of our neighbors.
6 Nor cast that which is holy unto dogs.

13 The broad way and strait way.
15 False prophets.
18 The tree and fruit.

24 The house built on a rock.
26 And on the sand.

1 (*) Judge (1) not, that ye be not judged.

(*) He commandeth, not to be curious or malicious
to try out, and condemn our neighbor's faults; for
hypocrites hide their own faults, and seek not to
amend them, but are curious to reprove other men's

(1) We ought to find fault one with another, but we
must beware we do it not without cause, or to seem
holier than they, or in hatred of them.

2 For with what (*) judgment ye judge, ye shall be
judged, and with what () measure ye mete, it shall be
measured to you again.

(*) Luke 6:37-38; Romans 2:1; 1 Corinthians 4:3 .

() Mark 4:24; Luke 6:38 .

3 And why seest thou the mote, that is in thy brother's
eye, and perceivest not the beam that is in thine own

4 (*) Or how sayest thou to thy brother, Suffer me to
cast out the mote out of thine eye, and behold, a beam
is in thine own eye?

(*) Luke 6:41 .

5 Hypocrite, first cast out that beam out of thine own
eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote
out of thy brother's eye.

6 ¶ (2) (*) Give ye not that which is holy to dogs,
neither cast ye your (a) pearls before swine, lest they
tread them under their feet, and turning again, all to
rent you.

(2) The stiff-necked and stubborn enemies of the
Gospel are unworthy to have it preached unto them.

(*) Declare not the Gospel to the wicked contemners
of God whom thou seest left to themselves and forsaken.

(a) A pearl hath his name among the Grecians, for the
orient brightness that is in it; and a pearl was in ancient
time in great estimation among the Latin's; for a pearl
that Cleopatra had was valued at two hundred and
fifty thousand crowns, and the word is now borrowed
from that, to signify the most precious heavenly

7 ¶ (*) (3) Ask, and it shall be given you; seek,
and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto

(*) Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:24; Luke 11:9;
John 14:13; John 16:23; James 1:5
(3) Prayers are a sure refuge in all miseries.

8 For whosoever asketh, receiveth; and he that
seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be

9 For what man is there among you, which if his son
ask him bread, would give him a stone?

10 Or if he ask fish, will he give him a serpent?

11 If ye then, which are evil, can give to your children
good gifts, how much more shall your Father which is
in heaven, give good things to them that ask him?

12 (*) (4) Therefore whatsoever ye would that men
should do to you, even so do ye to them, for this is
the (b) () Law and the Prophets.

(*) Luke 6:31 .

(4) A rehearsal of the meaning of the second table.

(b) That is to say, the doctrine of the Law and Prophets.

() The whole Law and the Scriptures set forth unto
us, and commend charity.

13 ¶ (*) (5) () Enter in at the strait gate; for it is the
wide gate, and broad (()) way that leadeth to destruction,
and many there be which go in thereat;

(*) Luke 13:14 .

(5) Example of life must not be taken from a multitude.

() We must overcome and mortify our affections, if
we will be true disciples of Christ.

(()) For the most part of men seek their own liberty,
and run headlong to evil.

14 Because (c) the gate is strait, and the way narrow
that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

(c) The way is strait and narrow, we must pass
through this rough way, and suffer and endure,
and be thronged, and to enter into life.

15 ¶ (6) Beware of false prophets, which come to
you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening

(6) False teachers must be taken heed of, and they
are known by false doctrine and evil living.

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. (*) Do men
gather grapes of thorns? Or figs of thistles?

(*) Luke 6:43 .

17 So every good tree bringeth forth good fruit,
and a (*) corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

(*) Or, rotten.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither
can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 (*) Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit,
is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

(*) Luke 6:44; Matthew 3:10 .

20 Therefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

21 ¶ (7) Not every one that saith unto me, () Lord,
Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, (*) but
he that doeth my Father's will which is in heaven.

(7) Even the best gifts that are, are nothing without

() He meaneth hirelings and hypocrites, who
rather serve God with their lips than with their heart.

(*) Romans 2:13 .

22 (*) Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord,
have we not () by thy (d) Name prophesied?
And by thy name cast out devils? And by thy name
done many (e) (()) great works?

(*) James 1:22 .

() By the virtue, authority and power.

(d) By Name here, is meant that mighty working
power of God, which every man witnesseth that
calleth upon him.

(e) Properly powers; Now these excellent works
wrought are called Powers, by occasion of these things
which they bring to pass, for by them we understand,
how mighty the power of God is.

(()) Or, miracles.

23 And then will I profess to them, () (*) (f) I never
knew you, (()) depart from me (g) ye that work iniquity.

() I never accepted you to be my true ministers
and disciples.

(*) Luke 13:27 .

(f) That is not of ignorance, but because he will cast
them away.

(()) Psalm 6:8 .

(g) You that are given to all kind of wickedness,
and seem to make an art of sin.

24 (8) Whosoever then heareth of me these words,
(*) and doeth the same, I will liken him to a wise man,
which hath built his house on a rock;

(8) True godliness resteth only upon Christ,
and therefore always remaineth invincible.

(*) Luke 6:47-48 .

25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the
winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell not,
for it was grounded on a rock.

26 But whosoever heareth these my words,
and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish
man, which hath built his house upon the sand;

27 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the
winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell,
and the fall thereof was great.

28 ¶ (*) And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended
these words, the people were astonied at his doctrine.

(*) Mark 4:12; Luke 4:32 .

29 For he taught them as one having (*) authority,
and not as the Scribes.

(*) The mighty power of God's Spirit appeared in him,
whereby he declared himself to be God and caused
others to believe in him.

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To Find Articles ;

The Gospel of Matthew with Footnotes :

The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible
With Footnotes


1599 Geneva Family Bible

Battle Cry

Smokescreens :

Blueprint For America :

The Prophet

The Godfathers

The Story of a Jesuit Priest

Vatican Assassins

Shattering Denial
Here's A Pdf Free Download Library

More Online Reading for Protestant Minds :

More Graphic Reading for Protestant Minds :

In God We Trust

sovereignty's realms

Monday, September 7, 2009

Alliance Against The Satanic World Order ;

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The Constitution and American Sovereignty

Imprimis Archive


Tea Party

Texas Tea Party's


sovereignty's realms

Conservative Organizations Against The Satanic World Order ;

Yes Friends ,
In Our Country It Is Always Up To Us To Protect
Our Land , People, Wealth and Our Way Of Life
From All Enemies Foreign And Domestic .

Eternal Vigilance Is Our Duty and Our Right .

Let Us Attend To Our Duty With Joy
And Gladness .

Even As Our Freedom, Liberty And God Loving
Ancestors Did For Us .

Gods Speed Unto You Friends

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Conservative organizations in the United States

Judicial Watch

We The People For Independent Texas

Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. Archive

Adask's law

Mises Daily

The "Obama" File


News With Views

Truth News

The Conservative Caucus

The Free American

Vatican Assassins

Here's A Pdf Free Download Library

Blueprint For America

The Prophet

The Godfathers

The Story of a Jesuit Priest

The Unhived Minds

Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;


AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of The Satanic World Order !

sovereignty's realms

Friday, September 4, 2009

Communist Fascist Socialist Stateist Union Organizers Of The Satanic World Order ;

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Anthony "Van" Jones

Organizing for America

Apollo Alliance

Standing Together to Organize
a Revolutionary Movement

Industrial Areas Foundation

Community organizing

Communist parties in the United States http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Communist_parties_in_the_United_States

Note, to find the next 3 pages :
it may be easier to copy and paste
each of these exact page titles manually
into the wikipedia search engine ;

Socialist Workers Party (United States)

Green Party (United States)

Democratic Party (United States)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Continental Tea Party's Against The Satanic World Order ;

March On and On and On Tea Partyers and Town Hallers !

Welcome Friends :
Anothers, Believers, Birthers, Brothers, Bloggers, Children,
Conservatives, Constitutionalists, Constables, Countrymen,
Countymen, Courtwatchers, Daughters, Defenders,
Defiers, Dejures, Deliverers, Doctors, Elders, Electors,
Emailers, Exposers, Farmers, Fathers, Families, Freemen,
Gun Owners, Hebrews, Home Schoolers, The Encumbered,
The Internet, Isp's, Judges, Jurists, Jurors, Land Owners,
Lawyers, Liberators, Litigators, Marines, Men, Militias,
Minutemen, Mothers, Opposers, Orphans, Others, Patriots,
Parents, Peace Officers, Phisicians, Pilgrims, Plumbers,
Preservers, Prosecutors, Protectionists, Protectors, Protesters,
Protestants, Ranchers, Reformationers, Resistors, Sailors,
Soldiers, States Righters, Strangers, Sheriffs, Sisters, Sovereigns,
Sons, Statesmen, Scholars, Students, Troops, Truth Seekers,
Truthers, Tea Partiers, Townhallers, Unemployed,
Veterans, The Vigilant, Voters, Volunteers, Watchdogs,
Watchmen, Webmasters, Whistelblowers, Women,
Workmen, We The People, Wives, Widows, Youngsters
and Etc's ,

Our Heavenly Fathers Blessings, Forgiveness and Mercies
Unto You Forever, In Jesus Christ We Live !

Let Not Your Consciences, Flesh, Minds, Souls, Spirits
or Wills Be Troubled .

Our Heavenly Father Tells Us
What To Fear, What To Hate,
What To Love and How To Live .

Our Heavenly Father Gave Us
This Life To Live and He Gave
Us Our Christ and His Word
So That We Can Live
The Way He Wants Us To Live.

Our Holy Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
Saves Us and Tells How To Live Right.

Our Articles, Constitutions, Common Laws,
Declarations, Freedoms, Liberties, Rights
and Our Sovereignty Help Us
To Live Right Too .

All Of These Gifts Are Part Of
Our Holy Prerogatives and Holy Proprieties .

Eternal Vigilance Is The Cost We Pay For All
Of These Heavenly Blessings .

Eternal Vigilance Is Our Heavenly
and Holy Duty .

Unless We Are Eternally Vigilant
The Evil, Unholy and False : Agents, Aliens, Ceasers,
Czars, Demons, Devils, Enemies Foreign and Domestic,
Foreigners, Illegals, Leaders, Moneychangers, Prophets,
Priests, Publicans, Scribes, Shepards,
Socialists Union Organizers, Spirits, Slave Merchants,
Teachers, Trespassers, Unlawfuls and Wolves
of The Satanic World Order

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On August 23rd, a friend took me
to a San Antonio Tea Party

Texas Tea Partyers

The Tea Party Movement
Goes to Capitol Hill

Another Tea Party HQ

The Freedom Tea Party


The fight for our survival cranks up next week


All Midterm and Local, City, County, State,
and Federal Elections Offer a Fine
Opportunity To Bring To Office
Conservatives Who Truly Want To Serve
We The People .

Boycott, Cast Out, Embargo, Expose, Impeach,
Oppose, Protest, Recuse and Resist The SWO
and Their Unholy Schemes :

Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;


AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of The Satanic World Order !

sovereignty's realms