and - the "individual mandate" -
Of The Satanic World Order ;
In today's Washington Post,
two former Justice Department lawyers,
David Rivkin and Lee Casey,
argue that a central provision of Obama's health-care plan
- the "individual mandate" -
is unconstitutional, and beyond Congress's powers
under the Constitution,
Legal Experts Say ObamaCare Is Unconstitutional
The "Obama" File
Yes Friends, some do use that word Racist very much these days .
So whats to be said of things like 'Racial Reparations',
'Racial Quotas', 'Racial Preferences', and 'Affirmative Action' ?
Haven't I seen 'Official Government Documents',
with questions like,
'are you' :
Hispanic ?
Black ?
White ?
Other ? : Specify : ________________
What is a 'Hispanic', 'Latino', 'Puerto Rican' Union
or Some Similar 'Community' Organizing Organization ?
What is LULAC, What is 'LA RAZA' ?
What is a 'Black' Congressional Caucus ?
Who are the 'Black' Panthers and the 'NAACP' ?
Recently, I have heard about outfits like these,
demanding that city counsels and political districts,
be reseated based on Race and redrawn based on Race .
Looks Racist to me .
So When These Racists call people who disagree
with them Racists, they are exposing themselves
as Hypocrites at best .