Sunday, September 20, 2009

'Obama' is a Liar 'Obama' is a Liar 'Obama' is a Liar ;

Yes friends we know that he's a liar and he and his allies
and friends are seeking to Brainwash and Mind control
the people of this country .

His Czars are Liars, His Cabinate is Full of Liars,
His Senatorial and Congressional Allies are Liars,
His Judicial Allies are Liars, His Attorney Allies are
Liars, His Union Allies are Liars, His Illegal Alien Allies
are Liars, His G20 Allies are Liars, His UN Allies are Liars
His International Allies Are Liars, His Allies in the many states
are Liars, His Communist Community Service Organizations
Allies are Liars, All of his Foreign and Domestic Allies Are
Liars, All of His Big Media Allies Are Liars,
'Obama' is a fraud, a Traitor, a Pirate and so are All
of His Allies, Followers, and Supporters

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Judicial Watch

The 'Obama' Files

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Boycott, Cast Out, Embargo,
Expose, Impeach, Oppose, Protest and Resist
These International Communist Community Service Organizations,
Globalist, Greenist, Internationalist, Shariah, Unionist, Liars
and All Their Unholy Schemes

AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of The Satanic World Order !

sovereignty's realms