Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Global Power and Global Government : Evolution and Revolution of the Central Banking System ;

Capitalism functions in that it constantly needs to expand
and consume more.

Central banking functions in a very similar, although much
more dubious manner, in which it needs to expand its control
over industry, nations and people through the expansion
of debt, continually needing to bring more individuals, nations
and industries under debt bondage.

Debt is the source of all power and wealth for the central
banking system - as they do not actually produce any tradable
good, such as industry; nor do they provide any necessary
service, such as government.

Interest on debt is the source of income and authority
for the central banking system and thus, it needs to continually
advance credit and expand debt.

Global Power and Global Government Part 2 :
Origins of the American Empire :
Revolution, World Wars and World Order

Articles by Andrew Gavin Marshall