Thursday, October 15, 2009

Commie Soros Hell Care ;

What Soros Wanted, Obama Delivers

Tens of thousands of people have rallied in the nation's capital
supporting the 'president's health care reform plan,' including
the controversial public option.

However, national momentum is not with them, because
they are, to use Nancy Pelosi's phrase, "Astroturf."

These demonstrations were organized by
Health Care for America Now! (HCAN), a new
national grassroots campaign of more than 1,000
organizations in 46 states representing 30 million people.

Most of its component organizations have two things
in common: they have no experience or expertise in health care,
and virtually all received large, tax-exempt grants from
far-Left billionaires like George Soros and Teresa Heinz Kerry.

Like the "grassroots" movement for campaign finance reform
a decade ago, the public demonstrations for health care reform
are largely a Soros-financed operation