Thursday, October 8, 2009

Senate Holds Hearing on the Legality of 'Presidential Czars' ;

The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution,
chaired by Democrat Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, held a hearing
Tuesday, October 6, focused on "Examining the History and Legality
of Executive Branch 'Czars."

The hearing was called to address increasing concerns from the lack
of Congressional oversight over the unprecedented number of special
policy advisors appointed by the Obama administration.

"The White House seems to want to fight the attacks against it
for having too many 'czars' on a political level
rather than a substantive level.

I don't think that's the right approach.
If there are good answers to the questions that have been raised,
why not give them instead of attacking the motives
or good faith of those who have raised questions?"

Citizens should be concerned that Congress itself is delegating away
too much authority to the Executive Branch
(through programs like "TARP", to cite just one example).

As recent events demonstrate, Americans are right to question
whether Czars accountable only to the President are tilting
the balance of government toward a precariously
unaccountable Presidency