Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Manchurian Candidate & Shadow Government ;

The Manchurian Candidate

George Soros discovered in Hillary Clinton an ideological

Mrs. Clinton shared his aversion to U.S. "hegemony."

Like Soros, she sought to subordinate U.S. interests to
global interests; U.S. sovereignty to global government;
U.S. law to global courts; U.S. wealth to global taxation;
and U.S. productivity to a scheme for global income

She also shared Soros' hostility to Israel.

Soros and Mrs. Clinton formed a friendship based
upon their mutual beliefs.

When the Clintons left office, Soros dedicated himself
to restoring Hillary to the White House.

Soros has long experience in effecting "regime change."

He helped fund the 1989 "Velvet Revolution" that brought
Vaclav Havel to power in the Czech Republic.

By his own admission, he has helped engineer coups in
Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia and Yugoslavia.

When Soros targets a country for "regime change," he
begins by creating a shadow government --
a fully formed government-in-exile, ready to assume power
when the opportunity arises.

The Shadow Party Soros has built in America greatly resembles
those he has created in other countries, prior to instigating a coup