Barack Hussein Obama is An
Illegal Alien Fraud, Foreign Agent
and Islam Manchurian Candidate !
Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;
AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of THEIR New World Order !
21 Reasons
Barack Hussein Obama ;
Barack Hussein Obama , Illegal Aliens
& The National Council of La Raza ;
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Opposing Barack Hussein Obama : The Republican SURGE VOTE ;
Perhaps it is time to suggest that
nothing short of a Straight Ticket
Republican Vote Can Hope To
Save The People of This Country
From The Scurge of
Barack Hussein Obama
and His New World Order
Democratic Administration !
A Strong, ' Pre 9-11 '
Republican Administration
Would be one I Could Hope For .
Democrats Across The Country
Should Be Routed Out Of Office
For All The Damage They've Caused
And Promise Yet To Cause !
There Would Be No More
Republican Talk
Of Reaching Across
The Congressional
Isle For Bi Partisan Support .
Oh Yes , There Would Probably
Be Plenty Of Republican Neocons
left standing high and dry,
But These Should Be More
Susceptible To Reason
Then All These Insane Gonzo
Democrats !
And If It Is Needed The Neocons
Can Be Impeached
and Replaced by
and Constitutional
Republicans .
But Even Then It Would Be
Up To The People To Keep This
New Republican Administration
On The Shortest Possible Leash .
Otherwise The Democratic
Scurge Would Be Back
In Office Again .
It Is These Haters Of
Popular and Populist
Constitutional Government
That Have Always Threatened
Our Country , Land and People .
These Haters Prefer
Slavery, Taxes, Usury
'Free Trade', Globalism
and U.N. New World Orderism,
To Our Independent,
Constitutional and Republic
Form Of Governments .
A Straight Ticket Republican Vote
Could Very Possibly Flush
Most Of These Compromisers
and Opportunists Right Out Of
Office .
Let The Republican
Begin !
nothing short of a Straight Ticket
Republican Vote Can Hope To
Save The People of This Country
From The Scurge of
Barack Hussein Obama
and His New World Order
Democratic Administration !
A Strong, ' Pre 9-11 '
Republican Administration
Would be one I Could Hope For .
Democrats Across The Country
Should Be Routed Out Of Office
For All The Damage They've Caused
And Promise Yet To Cause !
There Would Be No More
Republican Talk
Of Reaching Across
The Congressional
Isle For Bi Partisan Support .
Oh Yes , There Would Probably
Be Plenty Of Republican Neocons
left standing high and dry,
But These Should Be More
Susceptible To Reason
Then All These Insane Gonzo
Democrats !
And If It Is Needed The Neocons
Can Be Impeached
and Replaced by
and Constitutional
Republicans .
But Even Then It Would Be
Up To The People To Keep This
New Republican Administration
On The Shortest Possible Leash .
Otherwise The Democratic
Scurge Would Be Back
In Office Again .
It Is These Haters Of
Popular and Populist
Constitutional Government
That Have Always Threatened
Our Country , Land and People .
These Haters Prefer
Slavery, Taxes, Usury
'Free Trade', Globalism
and U.N. New World Orderism,
To Our Independent,
Constitutional and Republic
Form Of Governments .
A Straight Ticket Republican Vote
Could Very Possibly Flush
Most Of These Compromisers
and Opportunists Right Out Of
Office .
Let The Republican
Begin !
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Barack Hussein Obama and The Skull & Bones Society
Barack Hussein Obama
Is The Lipstick
and His New World Order
Is The Pig !
Barack Hussein Obama's
Economic Controller
Is A Skull And Bones Member ;
Barack Obama's top economics adviser
is a member of the super-secret
Skull & Bones society of Yale University,
of which George H.W. Bush,
George W. Bush, and John Kerry
are also members,
reliable sources confirmed ,
By adding the infamous Skull & Bones
secret society to his campaign roster,
Obama, who bills himself
as the candidate of change and hope,
has attained a prefect trifecta
of oligarchical and financier
establishment backing for his attempt
to seize the nomination
of the Democratic Party for 2008.
Obama's main overall image adviser
and foreign policy adviser
is Zbigniew Brzezinski,
the co-founder of David Rockefeller's
Trilateral Commission,
and the mastermind
of the disastrous Carter administration.
Obama's wife Michelle is linked
to the Council on Foreign Relations.
Behind the utopian platitudes
dished up by the Illinois senator,
the face of the Wall Street money elite
comes into clearer and clearer focus :
Barack Hussein Obama is An
Illegal Alien Fraud, Foreign Agent
and Islam Manchurian Candidate !
The People Know
Barack Hussein Obama
Is Not Constitutionally
Qualified To Be President,
And The People Have Many
Comments About It ,
The People's Comments :
You Tube : Obama's 'Citizenship' :
What Is Barack Hussein Obama's
Position On Your Right
To Keep and Bear Arms ?
Obama is a committed anti-gunner .
Not surprisingly, Obama supports
the gun ban in the nation's capital,
saying the "DC handgun law is constitutional."
And he is opposed to people using guns
for self-defense, when those guns are owned
in localities like Washington, DC
and Chicago where firearms are banned.
Illinois resident Hale DeMar
was prosecuted by the town of Wilmette
for using a handgun in his home
to defend his family in 2003.
Because Wilmette had imposed a ban
on the possession of handguns,
several Illinois state legislators introduced
SB 2165 to protect the right of self-defense
for residents like DeMar.
True to form, Obama voted
against the pro-gun legislation.
It is very telling that Obama moved further
to the left than most of the liberal legislators
in his state.
The concealed carry of firearms
is another important issue for gun owners,
and yet Obama is not only opposed
to citizens carrying guns,
he supports using federal laws to override
those states which currently allow the practice.
In 2004, Obama said he supports
a national ban on concealed carry
because the states that allow it are
"threatening the safety of Illinois residents."
Never mind the fact that concealed carry laws
have improved the safety of citizens
in the states that have enacted such laws.
Obama has also taken a strong position
in favor of the Clinton semi-auto ban
which sunset in 2004.
"I believe we need to renew --
not roll back --
this common sense gun law,"
Obama said.
Well, there's nothing that's "common sense"
about the Clinton ban.
Not only did it outlaw almost 200 types
of firearms, legislators like
Senator Chuck Schumer of New York
tried to amend the law (before it sunset)
to include additional types of semi-autos --
even banning classic (wood-stock) long guns
such as the Remington shotgun
which Senator John Kerry received
as a gift during his 2004 presidential bid :
Obama's gun record
is just simply atrocious :
What Is Barack Hussein Obama's
Position On The 'Fairness Doctrine' ?
It's important to consider this matter
through the lens of Obama's mythical
history of "bipartisanship."
In the United States Senate, Obama voted
the Democrat Party line 97 percent of the time;
more often than his own caucus' leader.
It takes quite an effort to out-liberal
Ted Kennedy and Bernie Sanders,
but the non-partisan National Journal
says Obama managed to do just that,
ranking him the most liberal senator
in the chamber last year.
With that in mind, consider this:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,
one of the most powerful members
of Obama's party, has clearly stated
her desire to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.
When asked if she'd allow a vote
on Indiana Republican Mike Pence's
anti-Fairness Doctrine legislation,
Pelosi shot back,
"No. The interest in my caucus is the reverse."
Can the public really trust
an Obama administration
to resist a Democratic Congress' efforts
to revive the censorship measure?
Considering that Senator Obama
hasn't stood up to his own party
in any substantial way thus far,
it's unlikely a President Obama
would magically adopt the practice.
Beyond the hypothetical,
the Obama campaign's actions
betray speech-muzzling impulses.
On numerous occasions
during his general election campaign,
Obama has sought to silence,
rather than engage and refute, his critics :
The Republican SURGE VOTE :
Perhaps it is time to suggest that
nothing short of a Straight Ticket
Republican Vote Can Hope To
Save The People of This Country
From The Scurge of
Barack Hussein Obama
and His New World Order
Democratic Administration !
A Strong, ' Pre 9-11 '
Republican Administration
Would be one I Could Hope For .
Democrats Across The Country
Should Be Routed Out Of Office
For All The Damage They've Caused
And Promise Yet To Cause !
There Would Be No More
Republican Talk
Of Reaching Across
The Congressional
Isle For Bi Partisan Support .
Oh Yes , There Would Probably
Be Plenty Of Republican Neocons
left standing high and dry,
But These Should Be More
Susceptible To Reason
Then All These Insane Gonzo
Democrats !
And If It Is Needed The Neocons
Can Be Impeached
and Replaced by
Constitutional Conservative
Republicans .
But Even Then It Would Be
Up To The People To Keep This
New Republican Administration
On The Shortest Possible Leash .
Otherwise The Democratic
Scurge Would Return To
Congress Again .
It Is These Haters Of
Popular and Populist
Constitutional Government
That Have Always Threatened
Our Country , Land and People .
These Haters Prefer
'Free Trade', Globalism
and U.N. New World Orderism,
To Our Independent,
Unique and Republic
Form Of Government .
A Straight Ticket Republican Vote
Could Very Possibly Flush
Most Of These Compromisers
and Opportunists Right Out Of
Office .
Let The Republican
Begin !
Is The Lipstick
and His New World Order
Is The Pig !
Barack Hussein Obama's
Economic Controller
Is A Skull And Bones Member ;
Barack Obama's top economics adviser
is a member of the super-secret
Skull & Bones society of Yale University,
of which George H.W. Bush,
George W. Bush, and John Kerry
are also members,
reliable sources confirmed ,
By adding the infamous Skull & Bones
secret society to his campaign roster,
Obama, who bills himself
as the candidate of change and hope,
has attained a prefect trifecta
of oligarchical and financier
establishment backing for his attempt
to seize the nomination
of the Democratic Party for 2008.
Obama's main overall image adviser
and foreign policy adviser
is Zbigniew Brzezinski,
the co-founder of David Rockefeller's
Trilateral Commission,
and the mastermind
of the disastrous Carter administration.
Obama's wife Michelle is linked
to the Council on Foreign Relations.
Behind the utopian platitudes
dished up by the Illinois senator,
the face of the Wall Street money elite
comes into clearer and clearer focus :
Barack Hussein Obama is An
Illegal Alien Fraud, Foreign Agent
and Islam Manchurian Candidate !
The People Know
Barack Hussein Obama
Is Not Constitutionally
Qualified To Be President,
And The People Have Many
Comments About It ,
The People's Comments :
You Tube : Obama's 'Citizenship' :
What Is Barack Hussein Obama's
Position On Your Right
To Keep and Bear Arms ?
Obama is a committed anti-gunner .
Not surprisingly, Obama supports
the gun ban in the nation's capital,
saying the "DC handgun law is constitutional."
And he is opposed to people using guns
for self-defense, when those guns are owned
in localities like Washington, DC
and Chicago where firearms are banned.
Illinois resident Hale DeMar
was prosecuted by the town of Wilmette
for using a handgun in his home
to defend his family in 2003.
Because Wilmette had imposed a ban
on the possession of handguns,
several Illinois state legislators introduced
SB 2165 to protect the right of self-defense
for residents like DeMar.
True to form, Obama voted
against the pro-gun legislation.
It is very telling that Obama moved further
to the left than most of the liberal legislators
in his state.
The concealed carry of firearms
is another important issue for gun owners,
and yet Obama is not only opposed
to citizens carrying guns,
he supports using federal laws to override
those states which currently allow the practice.
In 2004, Obama said he supports
a national ban on concealed carry
because the states that allow it are
"threatening the safety of Illinois residents."
Never mind the fact that concealed carry laws
have improved the safety of citizens
in the states that have enacted such laws.
Obama has also taken a strong position
in favor of the Clinton semi-auto ban
which sunset in 2004.
"I believe we need to renew --
not roll back --
this common sense gun law,"
Obama said.
Well, there's nothing that's "common sense"
about the Clinton ban.
Not only did it outlaw almost 200 types
of firearms, legislators like
Senator Chuck Schumer of New York
tried to amend the law (before it sunset)
to include additional types of semi-autos --
even banning classic (wood-stock) long guns
such as the Remington shotgun
which Senator John Kerry received
as a gift during his 2004 presidential bid :
Obama's gun record
is just simply atrocious :
What Is Barack Hussein Obama's
Position On The 'Fairness Doctrine' ?
It's important to consider this matter
through the lens of Obama's mythical
history of "bipartisanship."
In the United States Senate, Obama voted
the Democrat Party line 97 percent of the time;
more often than his own caucus' leader.
It takes quite an effort to out-liberal
Ted Kennedy and Bernie Sanders,
but the non-partisan National Journal
says Obama managed to do just that,
ranking him the most liberal senator
in the chamber last year.
With that in mind, consider this:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,
one of the most powerful members
of Obama's party, has clearly stated
her desire to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.
When asked if she'd allow a vote
on Indiana Republican Mike Pence's
anti-Fairness Doctrine legislation,
Pelosi shot back,
"No. The interest in my caucus is the reverse."
Can the public really trust
an Obama administration
to resist a Democratic Congress' efforts
to revive the censorship measure?
Considering that Senator Obama
hasn't stood up to his own party
in any substantial way thus far,
it's unlikely a President Obama
would magically adopt the practice.
Beyond the hypothetical,
the Obama campaign's actions
betray speech-muzzling impulses.
On numerous occasions
during his general election campaign,
Obama has sought to silence,
rather than engage and refute, his critics :
The Republican SURGE VOTE :
Perhaps it is time to suggest that
nothing short of a Straight Ticket
Republican Vote Can Hope To
Save The People of This Country
From The Scurge of
Barack Hussein Obama
and His New World Order
Democratic Administration !
A Strong, ' Pre 9-11 '
Republican Administration
Would be one I Could Hope For .
Democrats Across The Country
Should Be Routed Out Of Office
For All The Damage They've Caused
And Promise Yet To Cause !
There Would Be No More
Republican Talk
Of Reaching Across
The Congressional
Isle For Bi Partisan Support .
Oh Yes , There Would Probably
Be Plenty Of Republican Neocons
left standing high and dry,
But These Should Be More
Susceptible To Reason
Then All These Insane Gonzo
Democrats !
And If It Is Needed The Neocons
Can Be Impeached
and Replaced by
Constitutional Conservative
Republicans .
But Even Then It Would Be
Up To The People To Keep This
New Republican Administration
On The Shortest Possible Leash .
Otherwise The Democratic
Scurge Would Return To
Congress Again .
It Is These Haters Of
Popular and Populist
Constitutional Government
That Have Always Threatened
Our Country , Land and People .
These Haters Prefer
'Free Trade', Globalism
and U.N. New World Orderism,
To Our Independent,
Unique and Republic
Form Of Government .
A Straight Ticket Republican Vote
Could Very Possibly Flush
Most Of These Compromisers
and Opportunists Right Out Of
Office .
Let The Republican
Begin !
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Barack Hussein Obama is An Illegal Alien Fraud, Foreign Agent and Islam Manchurian Candidate !
Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;
AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of THEIR New World Order !
Here's proof that Obamas
"Certificate Of Live Birth"
Does Not Constitutionally
Qualify Him To Be President :
Amended certificates of birth
may be prepared and filed
with the Department of Health,
as provided by law,
for 1)
a person born in Hawaii
who already has a birth certificate filed
with the Department of Health
or 2)
a person born in a foreign country.
The "Certificate of Live Birth"
posted on Obama's website,
and the Daily KOS
doesn't prove anything,
simply because someone
born in a foreign country
could file for an amended certificate .
Obama's sister Maya was born in Jakarta,
Indonesia, but Anna Dunham registered
her as "born in Honolulu"
shortly after her birth.
So Maya has a State of Hawaii
Certificate of Live Birth,
just like Obama :
Democrat: Obama's grandma confirms His Kenyan birth :
and Resist By Email ;
AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of THEIR New World Order !
Here's proof that Obamas
"Certificate Of Live Birth"
Does Not Constitutionally
Qualify Him To Be President :
Amended certificates of birth
may be prepared and filed
with the Department of Health,
as provided by law,
for 1)
a person born in Hawaii
who already has a birth certificate filed
with the Department of Health
or 2)
a person born in a foreign country.
The "Certificate of Live Birth"
posted on Obama's website,
and the Daily KOS
doesn't prove anything,
simply because someone
born in a foreign country
could file for an amended certificate .
Obama's sister Maya was born in Jakarta,
Indonesia, but Anna Dunham registered
her as "born in Honolulu"
shortly after her birth.
So Maya has a State of Hawaii
Certificate of Live Birth,
just like Obama :
Democrat: Obama's grandma confirms His Kenyan birth :
Friday, October 24, 2008
Barack Hussein Obama Is Not Constitutionally Qualified To Be President !
Pennsylvania Democrat Philip J. Berg,
who filed a lawsuit
demanding Sen. Barack Obama
present proof of his American citizenship,
now says that by failing to respond
Obama has legally "admitted"
to the lawsuit's accusations,
including the charge
that the Democratic candidate
was born in Mombosa, Kenya.
Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court
in August, alleging Obama is not
a natural-born citizen
and is thus ineligible to serve
as president of the United States.
Though Obama has posted an image
of a Hawaii birth certificate online,
Berg demands that the court verify
the original document,
which the Obama campaign
has not provided.
Now Berg cites Rule 36
of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,
which states that unless the accused party
provides written answer or objection
to charges within 30 days,
the accused legally admits the matter.
Since Obama has only filed motions
to dismiss and has not actually answered
the charges in the lawsuit, Berg claims,
according to Rule 36,
Obama has legally admitted
he is not a natural-born citizen.
Now Berg is asking the court
for a formal declaration
of Obama's admission
and asking
the Democratic National Committee
for another presidential candidate.
In a statement released today,
Berg argues that he filed Requests
for Admissions on Sept. 15,
meaning Obama had until Oct. 15
to answer or face the consequences
of Rule 36.
"Obama and the DNC 'admitted,'
by way of failure to timely respond
to Requests for Admissions,
all of the numerous specific requests
in the Federal lawsuit,"
Berg's statement reads.
"Obama is 'not qualified' to be president
and therefore Obama must immediately
withdraw his candidacy for president
and the DNC shall substitute
a qualified candidate."
who filed a lawsuit
demanding Sen. Barack Obama
present proof of his American citizenship,
now says that by failing to respond
Obama has legally "admitted"
to the lawsuit's accusations,
including the charge
that the Democratic candidate
was born in Mombosa, Kenya.
Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court
in August, alleging Obama is not
a natural-born citizen
and is thus ineligible to serve
as president of the United States.
Though Obama has posted an image
of a Hawaii birth certificate online,
Berg demands that the court verify
the original document,
which the Obama campaign
has not provided.
Now Berg cites Rule 36
of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,
which states that unless the accused party
provides written answer or objection
to charges within 30 days,
the accused legally admits the matter.
Since Obama has only filed motions
to dismiss and has not actually answered
the charges in the lawsuit, Berg claims,
according to Rule 36,
Obama has legally admitted
he is not a natural-born citizen.
Now Berg is asking the court
for a formal declaration
of Obama's admission
and asking
the Democratic National Committee
for another presidential candidate.
In a statement released today,
Berg argues that he filed Requests
for Admissions on Sept. 15,
meaning Obama had until Oct. 15
to answer or face the consequences
of Rule 36.
"Obama and the DNC 'admitted,'
by way of failure to timely respond
to Requests for Admissions,
all of the numerous specific requests
in the Federal lawsuit,"
Berg's statement reads.
"Obama is 'not qualified' to be president
and therefore Obama must immediately
withdraw his candidacy for president
and the DNC shall substitute
a qualified candidate."
Thursday, October 23, 2008
More reasons not to VOTE for Barack Hussein Obama :
Dear VOTER ,
on Every Single Item You VOTE ON .
I Dare Say,
You Have A Most Event full
Mission To Accomplish !
Do You really want Illegal Aliens
and Foreign Agents occupying
the white house and holding
positions of power in the cabinet
of the president of the U.S.A. ?
Do You think that such PEOPLE
as THESE actually support
Your Best Interests ?
Do You really want to live
with an administration
Like This One for the Next
2, 4, 6, or 8 Years ?
Is This Really The Kind
You Think You Deserve ?
"Advisers" of Barack Hussein Obama ;
Obama "concedes mistake"
over Muslim outreach meeting ;
Obama Hires CAIR's Lawyer ;
Sandler is the legal hit-man for the
Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
The Washington-based
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
presents itself as "just another civil-rights group" ;
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, (CAIR),
is a clear and present danger to our Constitution
and our way of life.
We will continue to expose CAIR's involvement
in supporting Islamist terrorists, terrorist-sponsoring
organizations and groups in the United States.
Let there be no doubt that the
Council on American-Islamic Relations
is a terrorist supporting front organization
that is partially funded by terrorists,
founded by terrorists, and that CAIR
also wishes for the implementation
of Sharia Law in America ;
on Every Single Item You VOTE ON .
I Dare Say,
You Have A Most Event full
Mission To Accomplish !
Do You really want Illegal Aliens
and Foreign Agents occupying
the white house and holding
positions of power in the cabinet
of the president of the U.S.A. ?
Do You think that such PEOPLE
as THESE actually support
Your Best Interests ?
Do You really want to live
with an administration
Like This One for the Next
2, 4, 6, or 8 Years ?
Is This Really The Kind
You Think You Deserve ?
"Advisers" of Barack Hussein Obama ;
Obama "concedes mistake"
over Muslim outreach meeting ;
Obama Hires CAIR's Lawyer ;
Sandler is the legal hit-man for the
Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
The Washington-based
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
presents itself as "just another civil-rights group" ;
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, (CAIR),
is a clear and present danger to our Constitution
and our way of life.
We will continue to expose CAIR's involvement
in supporting Islamist terrorists, terrorist-sponsoring
organizations and groups in the United States.
Let there be no doubt that the
Council on American-Islamic Relations
is a terrorist supporting front organization
that is partially funded by terrorists,
founded by terrorists, and that CAIR
also wishes for the implementation
of Sharia Law in America ;
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Alright , All Things Considered
and Your Going To VOTE soon .
Your Patriotic, You want to do
the right thing, You want to be
Conscientious, Your on the
right track, I salute You !
Watch out for Referendums,
Referendums are a way for
later years for something you think
THEY already have funding for today.
Referendums can involve
Federal Funding, but that will still
come out Your Pocket In Future
Taxation, Federal Funding also
involves Conditions which may
be contrary to Your states
and Your states Bill of Rights .
Thus Referendums are a way for
THEM to get something or do
something that You will later regret .
If you don't understand what the
referendum does vote against it .
Referendums are also a way for
THEM to do things that are
Unconstitutional .
So VOTING YES on these ,
Gives THEM Permission to
do Unconstitutional Things.
Some referendums directly involve
your states Constitution .
In most cases you don't want THEM
to change anything involving that
because that is where your
states bill of rights is ,
among other important things .
What I will say about them
is not pretty .
These days ,
at every level seem to be packed with
who don't know beans
about Constitutionalism, Freedom,
State Law, Liberty, Rights, etc , .
All THEY appear to care about
anymore is REVENUE,
THEY don't seem to
care about Who or Where
THEY get it from or How
THEY get it
THEIR History proves them
to be a LEGION of
Attorneys, Compromisers,
Opportunists and Pirates
for the most part .
on Every Single Item You VOTE ON .
I Dare Say,
You Have A Most Event full
Mission To Accomplish !
If Your unsure about Who
or What to VOTE for ,
Spare some time
and Study
The Following Documents .
Think about the People who wrote
and supported these Documents .
Think About the People who
fought and died supporting
these Documents .
How Would They Want You To Vote ?
A Declaration by the Representatives
of the United Colonies of North-America,
Now Met in Congress at Philadelphia,
Setting Forth the Causes and Necessity
of Their Taking Up Arms July 6, 1775
The Declaration of Independence
of the Thirteen Colonies
In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776 :
The Unanimous Declaration
of Independence
made by the Delegates
of the People of Texas
in General Convention
at the town of Washington
on the 2nd day of March 1836.
and Your Going To VOTE soon .
Your Patriotic, You want to do
the right thing, You want to be
Conscientious, Your on the
right track, I salute You !
Watch out for Referendums,
Referendums are a way for
later years for something you think
THEY already have funding for today.
Referendums can involve
Federal Funding, but that will still
come out Your Pocket In Future
Taxation, Federal Funding also
involves Conditions which may
be contrary to Your states
and Your states Bill of Rights .
Thus Referendums are a way for
THEM to get something or do
something that You will later regret .
If you don't understand what the
referendum does vote against it .
Referendums are also a way for
THEM to do things that are
Unconstitutional .
So VOTING YES on these ,
Gives THEM Permission to
do Unconstitutional Things.
Some referendums directly involve
your states Constitution .
In most cases you don't want THEM
to change anything involving that
because that is where your
states bill of rights is ,
among other important things .
What I will say about them
is not pretty .
These days ,
at every level seem to be packed with
who don't know beans
about Constitutionalism, Freedom,
State Law, Liberty, Rights, etc , .
All THEY appear to care about
anymore is REVENUE,
THEY don't seem to
care about Who or Where
THEY get it from or How
THEY get it
THEIR History proves them
to be a LEGION of
Attorneys, Compromisers,
Opportunists and Pirates
for the most part .
on Every Single Item You VOTE ON .
I Dare Say,
You Have A Most Event full
Mission To Accomplish !
If Your unsure about Who
or What to VOTE for ,
Spare some time
and Study
The Following Documents .
Think about the People who wrote
and supported these Documents .
Think About the People who
fought and died supporting
these Documents .
How Would They Want You To Vote ?
A Declaration by the Representatives
of the United Colonies of North-America,
Now Met in Congress at Philadelphia,
Setting Forth the Causes and Necessity
of Their Taking Up Arms July 6, 1775
The Declaration of Independence
of the Thirteen Colonies
In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776 :
The Unanimous Declaration
of Independence
made by the Delegates
of the People of Texas
in General Convention
at the town of Washington
on the 2nd day of March 1836.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
How many bogus voters and illegal aliens are voting for Barack Hussein Obama ?
Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;
AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of THEIR New World Order :
Illegal Alien Barack Hussein Obama
heads for Hawai'i :
"Monday (today) we petitioned
the Hawai'i Supreme Court
to order Obama's secret birth records
"How did Obama respond?
He suddenly discovered
that his grandmother,
who had supposedly been released
from her hospital a week ago,
when he showed no interest in her,
needed his immediate attention.
Cool, calm, collected Obama suddenly
suspended his campaign and headed for Hawai'i :
The Other lawsuit regarding Obama birth certificate :
Both Of These Lawsuits :
Latest OBAMANations :
More OBAMANations :
and Resist By Email ;
AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of THEIR New World Order :
Illegal Alien Barack Hussein Obama
heads for Hawai'i :
"Monday (today) we petitioned
the Hawai'i Supreme Court
to order Obama's secret birth records
"How did Obama respond?
He suddenly discovered
that his grandmother,
who had supposedly been released
from her hospital a week ago,
when he showed no interest in her,
needed his immediate attention.
Cool, calm, collected Obama suddenly
suspended his campaign and headed for Hawai'i :
The Other lawsuit regarding Obama birth certificate :
Both Of These Lawsuits :
Latest OBAMANations :
More OBAMANations :
Sunday, October 19, 2008
If your in the system pay your tax. or Get out of the system !
As one reads these articles,
perhaps one could keep in mind
that the DEFACTO system
does seek to preserve its
Authoritative Reputation .
The Autonomous
Dejure Republics
of Popular Government .
The contentions of the plaintiffs
of some of these cases
might have been better received
in a Dejure County Court of Record,
a court of Sovereign People but
that did not happen .
From :
The Miscellaneous
Reference Material
For Information Only Library
And We the People For Independent Texas :
Scroll Down Pages To Find All Articles ;
If your in the system pay your tax.
or Get out of the system :
The Supreme court has held
that if a tax is lawfully imposed,
it is not a matter for the courts
if the tax destroys the object
of taxation.
Therefore, if a valid tax
on the livelihood of a citizen
can lawfully exist,
this nation of Sovereign People
has been instantly reduced
to subjects who can have
100 percent
of the fruits of their labor
confiscated by government.
One law---
and the Republic
has been converted
into a society of feudalistic slaves :
In October 2006, Tommy K. Cryer
was charged with two counts
of tax evasion.
Mr. Cryer asserted
that there was no taxable gain
when a person "exchanges"
labor for money.
Mr Cryer was subsequently acquitted
on both criminal counts :
"[t]o coin Money,
regulate the value thereof,
and of foreign coin,
More 'Frivolous' Tax Arguments
published by the IRS :
Other 'Frivolous' Tax Arguments
published by the IRS :
perhaps one could keep in mind
that the DEFACTO system
does seek to preserve its
Authoritative Reputation .
The Autonomous
Dejure Republics
of Popular Government .
The contentions of the plaintiffs
of some of these cases
might have been better received
in a Dejure County Court of Record,
a court of Sovereign People but
that did not happen .
From :
The Miscellaneous
Reference Material
For Information Only Library
And We the People For Independent Texas :
Scroll Down Pages To Find All Articles ;
If your in the system pay your tax.
or Get out of the system :
The Supreme court has held
that if a tax is lawfully imposed,
it is not a matter for the courts
if the tax destroys the object
of taxation.
Therefore, if a valid tax
on the livelihood of a citizen
can lawfully exist,
this nation of Sovereign People
has been instantly reduced
to subjects who can have
100 percent
of the fruits of their labor
confiscated by government.
One law---
and the Republic
has been converted
into a society of feudalistic slaves :
In October 2006, Tommy K. Cryer
was charged with two counts
of tax evasion.
Mr. Cryer asserted
that there was no taxable gain
when a person "exchanges"
labor for money.
Mr Cryer was subsequently acquitted
on both criminal counts :
"[t]o coin Money,
regulate the value thereof,
and of foreign coin,
More 'Frivolous' Tax Arguments
published by the IRS :
Other 'Frivolous' Tax Arguments
published by the IRS :
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The mighty power of Christ's word
From :
The Geneva Bible
New Testament ,
The Holy Gospel Of Jesus Christ,
According To John Chapter 7
2 Christ, after his cousins were gone up
to the feast of Tabernacles,
10 goeth thither privily.
12 The people's sundry opinions of him.
14 He teacheth in the Temple.
32 The Priests command to take him.
41 Strife among the multitude about him,
47 and between the Pharisees and the
officers that were sent to take him,
50 and Nicodemus.
1 After these things, Jesus walked in
Galilee, and would not walk in Judea,
for the Jews sought to kill him.
2 Now the Jews' (*) (a) () feast of the
Tabernacles was at hand.
(*) Leviticus 23:34 .
(a) This feast was so called, because of
the booths and tents which they pight of
divers kinds of boughs, and sat under
them seven days together, all which time
the feast lasted.
() At this feast they dwelled seven days
in the tents, which put them in
remembrance, that they had no city here
permanent, but that they must seek one
to come.
3 (1) His brethren therefore said unto
him, Depart hence, and go into Judea,
that thy disciples may see thy works
that thou doest.
(1) The grace of God cometh not by
inheritance, but it is a gift that cometh
other ways, whereby it cometh to pass,
that often times the children of God
suffer more affliction by their own
kinsfolk than by strangers.
4 For there is no man that doeth
anything secretly, and he himself seeketh
to be (*) famous.
If thou doest these things, shew thyself
to the world.
(*) Or, manifest.
5 For as yet his (b) brethren believed
not in him.
(b) His kinsfolk's, for so used the
Hebrews to speak.
6 (2) Then Jesus said unto them, My
time is not yet come, but your time is
alway ready.
(2) We must not follow the foolish desires
of our friends.
7 The world cannot hate you, but me it
hateth, (*) because I testify of it, that the
works thereof are evil.
(*) Why the world hateth Christ.
8 Go ye up unto this feast; I will () not
go up yet unto this feast, (*) for my time
is not yet fulfilled.
() Christ doeth not utterly deny that he
would go to the feast, but signifieth that
as yet he was not fully determined.
(*) John 8:20 .
9 ¶ These things he said unto them, and
abode still in Galilee.
10 (3) But as soon as his brethren were
gone up, then went he also up unto the
feast, not openly, but as it were privily.
(3) An example of horrible confusion in
the very bosom of the Church.
The Pastors oppress the people with terrors
and fear; the people seek Christ, when he
appeareth not; when he offereth himself,
they neglect him.
Some also that know him condemn him
rashly, a very few think well of him, and that
in secret.
11 Then the Jews sought him at the feast,
and said, Where is he?
12 And much murmuring was there of him
among the people.
Some said, He is a good man; others said,
Nay, but he deceiveth the people.
13 Howbeit no man spake (c) openly
of him for fear of the (*) Jews.
(c) Or, boldly, and freely; for the chief
of the Jews sought nothing so much, as
to bury his fame and name.
(*) These were the heads of the people
who did envy Christ.
14 (4) Now when (d) half the feast was
done, Jesus went up into the Temple,
and taught.
(4) Christ striveth with goodness against
the wickedness of the world, in the mean
season the most part of men take occasion
of offence even by that fame, whereby
they ought to have been stirred up to
embrace Christ.
(d) About the fourth day of the feast.
15 And the Jews marveled, saying, How
knoweth this man the (*) Scriptures,
seeing that he never learned?
(*) Or, letters.
16 (5) Jesus answered them, and said,
(e) My doctrine is not (*) mine, but
his that sent me.
(5) Therefore are there few to whom the
Gospel favoreth well, because the study
of godliness is very rare.
(e) Look above in
John 5:22;
and he speaketh this after the opinion of
the Jews, as if he said, My doctrine is
not mine, that is, it is not his whom you
take to be a man as others are, and
therefore set light by him, but it is his that
sent me.
(*) In that, that he is man only.
17 If any man will do his will, he shall
know of the doctrine, whether it be
of God, or whether I speak of myself.
18 (6) He (*) that speaketh of himself,
seeketh his own glory; but he that
seeketh his glory that sent him, the same
is true, and no () unrighteousness is in
(6) The true doctrine of salvation differeth
from the false in this, that the same setteth
forth the glory of God, and this by puffing
up of men darkeneth the glory of God.
(*) By this mark we may know whether
the doctrine be of God, or of man.
() Nothing counterfeit or untrue.
19 (*) (7) Did not Moses give you a
Law, and yet none of you keepeth the
() Why go ye about to kill me?
(*) Exodus 24:3 .
(7) None do more confidently boast
themselves to be the defenders of the
Law of God, than they that do most
impudently break it.
() John 5:18 .
20 The (*) people answered, and said,
Thou hast a devil, who goeth about to
kill thee?
(*) Who did not know the fetch of the
21 (8) Jesus answered, and said unto
them, I have done one work, and ye all
(*) marvel.
(8) The Sabbath day
(which is here set before us for a rule
of all ceremonies)
was not appointed to hinder but to further
and practice God's works, amongst which
the love of our neighbor is the chiefest.
(*) Because I did it on the Sabbath day.
22 (*) Moses therefore gave unto you
(not because it is of Moses, but of the
() fathers)
and ye on the Sabbath day circumcise a
(*) Leviticus 12:3 .
() Genesis 17:10 .
23 If a man on the Sabbath receive
circumcision, that the (f) Law of Moses
should not be broken, be ye angry with
me, because I have made a man every
whit whole on the Sabbath day?
(f) That is to say, if the law of circumcision
which Moses gave, be of so great account
amongst you, that you doubt not to
circumcise upon the Sabbath, do you
rightly reprove me for healing a man
24 (*) (9) Judge not (g) according to
the appearance, but judge righteous
(*) Deuteronomy 1:16 .
(9) We must judge according to the truth
of things, lest the persons of men do turn
us and carry us away.
(g) By the shew that I make, for I seem
to be but an abject and rabble of Galilee,
and a carpenter's son, whom no man
maketh account of; but mark the matter
itself well, and judge the tree by the fruit.
25 ¶ (10) Then said some of them of
Jerusalem, Is not this he whom they go
about to kill?
(10) Many do marvel that the endeavors
of the enemies of God have no success;
yet in the mean season they do not
acknowledge the virtue and power of
26 And behold, he speaketh (*) openly,
and they say nothing to him.
Do the rulers know indeed that this is
the very Christ?
(*) Or, freely.
27 (11) Howbeit we know this man
whence he is; but when the Christ cometh,
no man shall know whence he is.
(11) Men are very wise to procure stops
and stays to themselves.
28 ¶ (12) Then cried Jesus in the Temple
as he taught, saying, Ye (*) both know
me, and know whence I am; yet am I
not come of myself, but he that sent me,
is true, whom ye know not.
(12) The truth of Christ doeth not hang
upon the judgment of man.
(*) He speaketh this, as it were scornfully.
29 But I know him, for I am of him,
and he hath sent me.
30 (13) Then they sought to take him,
but no man laid hands on him, because
his hour was not yet come.
(13) The wicked cannot do what they
list, but what God hath appointed.
31 Now many of the people (*) believed
in him, and said, When the Christ cometh,
will he do more miracles than this man hath
(*) They were well minded to hear him;
which preparation is here called
(although properly) faith.
32 (14) The Pharisees heard that the
people murmured these things of him,
and the Pharisees, and high Priests sent
officers to take him.
(14) As the kingdom of God increaseth,
so increaseth the rage of his enemies, till
at length they in vain seek for those
blessings absent, which they despised
when they were present.
33 Then said Jesus unto them, Yet am I
(*) a little while with you, and then go I
unto him that sent me.
(*) He sheweth unto them that they have
no power over him until the time comes
that his Father hath ordained.
34 (*) Ye shall seek me, and shall not find
me, and where I () am, can ye not come.
(*) John 13:33 .
() Or, shall be.
35 Then said the Jews among themselves,
Whither will he go, that we shall not find
Will he go unto them that are
(h) (*) dispersed among the () Grecians,
and teach the Grecians?
(h) Word for word,
(to the dispersion of the Gentiles or
and under the name of the Grecians
he understandeth Jews which were
dispersed amongst the Gentiles.
(*) Greek, dispersion.
() Among the Jews which were scattered
here and there among the Gentiles.
36 What saying is this that he said, Ye
shall seek me, and shall not find me?
And where I am, can ye not come?
37 (15) Now in the (i) last and (*) great
day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried,
saying, If any man thirst, let him come
unto me, and drink.
(15) There are two principles of our
salvation; the one is to be thoroughly
touched with a true feeling of our extreme
poverty; the other to seek in Christ only
(whom we catch hold on by faith)
the abundance of all good things.
(i) The last day of the feast of Tabernacles,
that as, the eighth day, was as high a day,
as the first.
(*) Leviticus 23:5 .
38 He that () believeth in me, (*) as saith
the (k) Scripture, out of his belly shall
flow rivers of water () of life.
() The true way to come to Christ is by
(*) Deuteronomy 18:15 .
(k) This is not read word for word in any
place, but it seemeth to be taken out of
many places where mention is made of
the gifts of the holy Ghost, as in
Joel 2; Isaiah 44;
but especially in Isaiah 55 .
() Which shall never dry up.
39 (*) This spake he of the Spirit, which
they that believed in him, should receive;
for the (l) () holy Ghost was not yet given,
because that Jesus was not yet
(m) glorified.)
(*) Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17 .
(l) What is meant by the holy Ghost, he
expressed a little before, speaking of the
Spirit which they that believed in him
should receive.
So that by the name of holy Ghost, are
meant the virtues and mighty workings
of the holy Ghost.
() These were the visible graces, which
were given to the Apostles after his
(m) That is, those things were not yet seen
and perceived, which were to shew and
set forth the glory of the only begotten.
40 (16) So many of the people, when they
heard this saying, said, (*) Of a truth this
is the () Prophet;
(16) There is contention even in the
Church itself about the chief point of
religion; neither hath Christ any more
cruel enemies than those that occupy the
seat of truth; yet can they not do what
they would.
(*) Deuteronomy 18:15 .
() They looked for some notable Prophet
besides the Messiah,
John 1:21 .
41 Others said, This is the Christ.
And some said, But shall Christ come
out of Galilee?
42 (*) Saith not the Scripture that Christ
shall come of the seed of David, and out
of the town of Bethlehem, where David
(*) Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:5 .
43 So was there dissension among the
people for him.
44 And some of them would have taken
him, but no man laid hands on him.
45 (17) Then came the officers to the
high Priests and Pharisees, and they
said unto them, Why have ye not
brought him?
(17) God from heaven scorneth such
as are his son's enemies.
46 The officers answered, (*) Never
a man spake like this man.
(*) Wherein appeareth the mighty power
of Christ's word against his enemies.
47 Then answered them the Pharisees,
Are ye also deceived?
48 (18) Doeth any of the (*) rulers, or
any of the Pharisees believe in him?
(18) False Pastors are so fond and foolish
that they esteem the Church of God
according to the multitude and outward
(*) They allege the authority of man
against God's authority.
49 But this people, which know not the
Law, are cursed.
50 Nicodemus said unto them,
(*) ( he that came to Jesus by night,
and was one of them.)
(*) John 3:2 .
51 Doth our Law judge a man before
it hear him, (*) and know (n) what he
hath done?
(*) Deuteronomy 17:8; Deuteronomy 19:15 .
(n) What he hath committed, who is accused.
52 They answered, and said unto him,
Art thou also of Galilee?
Search and look, for out of Galilee ariseth
no Prophet.
53 (19) And every man went unto his
own house.
(19) There is no counsel against the Lord.
To locate Articles
Pause for pages to open
and Scroll Down pages :
Gospel of John with Footnotes :
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
1599 Geneva Family Bible
Graphic Reading for Protestant Minds :
The Geneva Bible
New Testament ,
The Holy Gospel Of Jesus Christ,
According To John Chapter 7
2 Christ, after his cousins were gone up
to the feast of Tabernacles,
10 goeth thither privily.
12 The people's sundry opinions of him.
14 He teacheth in the Temple.
32 The Priests command to take him.
41 Strife among the multitude about him,
47 and between the Pharisees and the
officers that were sent to take him,
50 and Nicodemus.
1 After these things, Jesus walked in
Galilee, and would not walk in Judea,
for the Jews sought to kill him.
2 Now the Jews' (*) (a) () feast of the
Tabernacles was at hand.
(*) Leviticus 23:34 .
(a) This feast was so called, because of
the booths and tents which they pight of
divers kinds of boughs, and sat under
them seven days together, all which time
the feast lasted.
() At this feast they dwelled seven days
in the tents, which put them in
remembrance, that they had no city here
permanent, but that they must seek one
to come.
3 (1) His brethren therefore said unto
him, Depart hence, and go into Judea,
that thy disciples may see thy works
that thou doest.
(1) The grace of God cometh not by
inheritance, but it is a gift that cometh
other ways, whereby it cometh to pass,
that often times the children of God
suffer more affliction by their own
kinsfolk than by strangers.
4 For there is no man that doeth
anything secretly, and he himself seeketh
to be (*) famous.
If thou doest these things, shew thyself
to the world.
(*) Or, manifest.
5 For as yet his (b) brethren believed
not in him.
(b) His kinsfolk's, for so used the
Hebrews to speak.
6 (2) Then Jesus said unto them, My
time is not yet come, but your time is
alway ready.
(2) We must not follow the foolish desires
of our friends.
7 The world cannot hate you, but me it
hateth, (*) because I testify of it, that the
works thereof are evil.
(*) Why the world hateth Christ.
8 Go ye up unto this feast; I will () not
go up yet unto this feast, (*) for my time
is not yet fulfilled.
() Christ doeth not utterly deny that he
would go to the feast, but signifieth that
as yet he was not fully determined.
(*) John 8:20 .
9 ¶ These things he said unto them, and
abode still in Galilee.
10 (3) But as soon as his brethren were
gone up, then went he also up unto the
feast, not openly, but as it were privily.
(3) An example of horrible confusion in
the very bosom of the Church.
The Pastors oppress the people with terrors
and fear; the people seek Christ, when he
appeareth not; when he offereth himself,
they neglect him.
Some also that know him condemn him
rashly, a very few think well of him, and that
in secret.
11 Then the Jews sought him at the feast,
and said, Where is he?
12 And much murmuring was there of him
among the people.
Some said, He is a good man; others said,
Nay, but he deceiveth the people.
13 Howbeit no man spake (c) openly
of him for fear of the (*) Jews.
(c) Or, boldly, and freely; for the chief
of the Jews sought nothing so much, as
to bury his fame and name.
(*) These were the heads of the people
who did envy Christ.
14 (4) Now when (d) half the feast was
done, Jesus went up into the Temple,
and taught.
(4) Christ striveth with goodness against
the wickedness of the world, in the mean
season the most part of men take occasion
of offence even by that fame, whereby
they ought to have been stirred up to
embrace Christ.
(d) About the fourth day of the feast.
15 And the Jews marveled, saying, How
knoweth this man the (*) Scriptures,
seeing that he never learned?
(*) Or, letters.
16 (5) Jesus answered them, and said,
(e) My doctrine is not (*) mine, but
his that sent me.
(5) Therefore are there few to whom the
Gospel favoreth well, because the study
of godliness is very rare.
(e) Look above in
John 5:22;
and he speaketh this after the opinion of
the Jews, as if he said, My doctrine is
not mine, that is, it is not his whom you
take to be a man as others are, and
therefore set light by him, but it is his that
sent me.
(*) In that, that he is man only.
17 If any man will do his will, he shall
know of the doctrine, whether it be
of God, or whether I speak of myself.
18 (6) He (*) that speaketh of himself,
seeketh his own glory; but he that
seeketh his glory that sent him, the same
is true, and no () unrighteousness is in
(6) The true doctrine of salvation differeth
from the false in this, that the same setteth
forth the glory of God, and this by puffing
up of men darkeneth the glory of God.
(*) By this mark we may know whether
the doctrine be of God, or of man.
() Nothing counterfeit or untrue.
19 (*) (7) Did not Moses give you a
Law, and yet none of you keepeth the
() Why go ye about to kill me?
(*) Exodus 24:3 .
(7) None do more confidently boast
themselves to be the defenders of the
Law of God, than they that do most
impudently break it.
() John 5:18 .
20 The (*) people answered, and said,
Thou hast a devil, who goeth about to
kill thee?
(*) Who did not know the fetch of the
21 (8) Jesus answered, and said unto
them, I have done one work, and ye all
(*) marvel.
(8) The Sabbath day
(which is here set before us for a rule
of all ceremonies)
was not appointed to hinder but to further
and practice God's works, amongst which
the love of our neighbor is the chiefest.
(*) Because I did it on the Sabbath day.
22 (*) Moses therefore gave unto you
(not because it is of Moses, but of the
() fathers)
and ye on the Sabbath day circumcise a
(*) Leviticus 12:3 .
() Genesis 17:10 .
23 If a man on the Sabbath receive
circumcision, that the (f) Law of Moses
should not be broken, be ye angry with
me, because I have made a man every
whit whole on the Sabbath day?
(f) That is to say, if the law of circumcision
which Moses gave, be of so great account
amongst you, that you doubt not to
circumcise upon the Sabbath, do you
rightly reprove me for healing a man
24 (*) (9) Judge not (g) according to
the appearance, but judge righteous
(*) Deuteronomy 1:16 .
(9) We must judge according to the truth
of things, lest the persons of men do turn
us and carry us away.
(g) By the shew that I make, for I seem
to be but an abject and rabble of Galilee,
and a carpenter's son, whom no man
maketh account of; but mark the matter
itself well, and judge the tree by the fruit.
25 ¶ (10) Then said some of them of
Jerusalem, Is not this he whom they go
about to kill?
(10) Many do marvel that the endeavors
of the enemies of God have no success;
yet in the mean season they do not
acknowledge the virtue and power of
26 And behold, he speaketh (*) openly,
and they say nothing to him.
Do the rulers know indeed that this is
the very Christ?
(*) Or, freely.
27 (11) Howbeit we know this man
whence he is; but when the Christ cometh,
no man shall know whence he is.
(11) Men are very wise to procure stops
and stays to themselves.
28 ¶ (12) Then cried Jesus in the Temple
as he taught, saying, Ye (*) both know
me, and know whence I am; yet am I
not come of myself, but he that sent me,
is true, whom ye know not.
(12) The truth of Christ doeth not hang
upon the judgment of man.
(*) He speaketh this, as it were scornfully.
29 But I know him, for I am of him,
and he hath sent me.
30 (13) Then they sought to take him,
but no man laid hands on him, because
his hour was not yet come.
(13) The wicked cannot do what they
list, but what God hath appointed.
31 Now many of the people (*) believed
in him, and said, When the Christ cometh,
will he do more miracles than this man hath
(*) They were well minded to hear him;
which preparation is here called
(although properly) faith.
32 (14) The Pharisees heard that the
people murmured these things of him,
and the Pharisees, and high Priests sent
officers to take him.
(14) As the kingdom of God increaseth,
so increaseth the rage of his enemies, till
at length they in vain seek for those
blessings absent, which they despised
when they were present.
33 Then said Jesus unto them, Yet am I
(*) a little while with you, and then go I
unto him that sent me.
(*) He sheweth unto them that they have
no power over him until the time comes
that his Father hath ordained.
34 (*) Ye shall seek me, and shall not find
me, and where I () am, can ye not come.
(*) John 13:33 .
() Or, shall be.
35 Then said the Jews among themselves,
Whither will he go, that we shall not find
Will he go unto them that are
(h) (*) dispersed among the () Grecians,
and teach the Grecians?
(h) Word for word,
(to the dispersion of the Gentiles or
and under the name of the Grecians
he understandeth Jews which were
dispersed amongst the Gentiles.
(*) Greek, dispersion.
() Among the Jews which were scattered
here and there among the Gentiles.
36 What saying is this that he said, Ye
shall seek me, and shall not find me?
And where I am, can ye not come?
37 (15) Now in the (i) last and (*) great
day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried,
saying, If any man thirst, let him come
unto me, and drink.
(15) There are two principles of our
salvation; the one is to be thoroughly
touched with a true feeling of our extreme
poverty; the other to seek in Christ only
(whom we catch hold on by faith)
the abundance of all good things.
(i) The last day of the feast of Tabernacles,
that as, the eighth day, was as high a day,
as the first.
(*) Leviticus 23:5 .
38 He that () believeth in me, (*) as saith
the (k) Scripture, out of his belly shall
flow rivers of water () of life.
() The true way to come to Christ is by
(*) Deuteronomy 18:15 .
(k) This is not read word for word in any
place, but it seemeth to be taken out of
many places where mention is made of
the gifts of the holy Ghost, as in
Joel 2; Isaiah 44;
but especially in Isaiah 55 .
() Which shall never dry up.
39 (*) This spake he of the Spirit, which
they that believed in him, should receive;
for the (l) () holy Ghost was not yet given,
because that Jesus was not yet
(m) glorified.)
(*) Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17 .
(l) What is meant by the holy Ghost, he
expressed a little before, speaking of the
Spirit which they that believed in him
should receive.
So that by the name of holy Ghost, are
meant the virtues and mighty workings
of the holy Ghost.
() These were the visible graces, which
were given to the Apostles after his
(m) That is, those things were not yet seen
and perceived, which were to shew and
set forth the glory of the only begotten.
40 (16) So many of the people, when they
heard this saying, said, (*) Of a truth this
is the () Prophet;
(16) There is contention even in the
Church itself about the chief point of
religion; neither hath Christ any more
cruel enemies than those that occupy the
seat of truth; yet can they not do what
they would.
(*) Deuteronomy 18:15 .
() They looked for some notable Prophet
besides the Messiah,
John 1:21 .
41 Others said, This is the Christ.
And some said, But shall Christ come
out of Galilee?
42 (*) Saith not the Scripture that Christ
shall come of the seed of David, and out
of the town of Bethlehem, where David
(*) Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:5 .
43 So was there dissension among the
people for him.
44 And some of them would have taken
him, but no man laid hands on him.
45 (17) Then came the officers to the
high Priests and Pharisees, and they
said unto them, Why have ye not
brought him?
(17) God from heaven scorneth such
as are his son's enemies.
46 The officers answered, (*) Never
a man spake like this man.
(*) Wherein appeareth the mighty power
of Christ's word against his enemies.
47 Then answered them the Pharisees,
Are ye also deceived?
48 (18) Doeth any of the (*) rulers, or
any of the Pharisees believe in him?
(18) False Pastors are so fond and foolish
that they esteem the Church of God
according to the multitude and outward
(*) They allege the authority of man
against God's authority.
49 But this people, which know not the
Law, are cursed.
50 Nicodemus said unto them,
(*) ( he that came to Jesus by night,
and was one of them.)
(*) John 3:2 .
51 Doth our Law judge a man before
it hear him, (*) and know (n) what he
hath done?
(*) Deuteronomy 17:8; Deuteronomy 19:15 .
(n) What he hath committed, who is accused.
52 They answered, and said unto him,
Art thou also of Galilee?
Search and look, for out of Galilee ariseth
no Prophet.
53 (19) And every man went unto his
own house.
(19) There is no counsel against the Lord.
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Gospel of John with Footnotes :
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
1599 Geneva Family Bible
Graphic Reading for Protestant Minds :
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Is Barack Hussein Obama An Illegal Alien ?
Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;
AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of THEIR New World Order :
If Obama was adopted by his step-father,
Lolo Soetoro, then he became an Indonesian citizen,
putting the status of his US citizenship in question.
Also, unless he formally
renounced his Indonesian citizenship
by the age of 21,
he would STILL BE Indonesian.
Obama Indonesian :
The Obama Fan-Dance Must End
The Obama File :
Although I am a dejure Texan
and I do not cast ballots
I will say that a vote for Obama
is no better than a vote for Hillary
or Bill Clinton .
are from the same PARTY That LOVES
Such DEFACTO Evil Unholiness
ET ALL and The U.N. !
and Resist By Email ;
AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of THEIR New World Order :
If Obama was adopted by his step-father,
Lolo Soetoro, then he became an Indonesian citizen,
putting the status of his US citizenship in question.
Also, unless he formally
renounced his Indonesian citizenship
by the age of 21,
he would STILL BE Indonesian.
Obama Indonesian :
The Obama Fan-Dance Must End
The Obama File :
Although I am a dejure Texan
and I do not cast ballots
I will say that a vote for Obama
is no better than a vote for Hillary
or Bill Clinton .
are from the same PARTY That LOVES
Such DEFACTO Evil Unholiness
ET ALL and The U.N. !
Monday, October 13, 2008
Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;
Of THEIR New World Order :
It can be argued that one can have
no other rights without property rights.
George Washington said,
"private property and freedom
are inseparable."
Property Rights activist and ranger,
Wayne Hage said,
"Either you have the right
to own property or you are property."
and Resist By Email ;
Of THEIR New World Order :
It can be argued that one can have
no other rights without property rights.
George Washington said,
"private property and freedom
are inseparable."
Property Rights activist and ranger,
Wayne Hage said,
"Either you have the right
to own property or you are property."
The County court is the only dejure and lawful court of this country
From :
The Miscellaneous
Reference Material
For Information Only Library
And We the People For Independent Texas :
Scroll Down Pages To Find All Articles ;
"County court" means the court created
in each county by Article V, Section 15,
of the Texas Constitution :
"Silence can only be equated with fraud
when there is a legal or moral duty
to speak, or when an inquiry
left unanswered would be intentionally
We cannot condone this shocking conduct.
If that is the case we hope our message is clear.
This sort of deception will not be tolerated
and if this is routine it should be corrected
immediately :
Much is written now
about how Our Country's economy
is resembling that of a banana republic,
given how It Is is sunk in preposterous
debt, and how the US dollar currency
is sinking toward a possible collapse
in the near future.
But there is another way that It
is also like a banana republic, in that its
legal system -
contrary to its Hollywood image -
has become a sink-well
of secret proceedings,
the jailing of the innocent
and political misconduct;
and how it is sullied
with documented corruption,
fake trials and court fraud.
These facts are not generally understood,
because of how judicial corruption
is the most un-reported news story
in Our landscape.
It is the category of news story
which newspapers and media are most
afraid to report,
even when clear proof is in their hands.
In America right now, judges -
and lawyers who are protected by judges -
can commit felony crimes in broad delight,
leave the proof lying around,
and yet avoid being prosecuted
or even having their crimes be reported
by the media.
The people who work in the media
see a lot of material on court misconduct,
and yet they know this is the story
of which they dare not speak.
The lack of media coverage, in turn,
encourages more judicial corruption,
leaving millions of Americans in anger
and despair :
"The abandonment of the gold standard
made it possible for the welfare statists
(government bureaucrats)
to use the banking system as an unlimited
expansion of credit.
In the absence of the gold standard,
there is no way to protect savings
from confiscation through inflation...
Deficit spending is simply a scheme
for the "hidden" confiscation of wealth.
Gold stands in the way
of this insidious process."
Alan Greenspan :
The Miscellaneous
Reference Material
For Information Only Library
And We the People For Independent Texas :
Scroll Down Pages To Find All Articles ;
"County court" means the court created
in each county by Article V, Section 15,
of the Texas Constitution :
"Silence can only be equated with fraud
when there is a legal or moral duty
to speak, or when an inquiry
left unanswered would be intentionally
We cannot condone this shocking conduct.
If that is the case we hope our message is clear.
This sort of deception will not be tolerated
and if this is routine it should be corrected
immediately :
Much is written now
about how Our Country's economy
is resembling that of a banana republic,
given how It Is is sunk in preposterous
debt, and how the US dollar currency
is sinking toward a possible collapse
in the near future.
But there is another way that It
is also like a banana republic, in that its
legal system -
contrary to its Hollywood image -
has become a sink-well
of secret proceedings,
the jailing of the innocent
and political misconduct;
and how it is sullied
with documented corruption,
fake trials and court fraud.
These facts are not generally understood,
because of how judicial corruption
is the most un-reported news story
in Our landscape.
It is the category of news story
which newspapers and media are most
afraid to report,
even when clear proof is in their hands.
In America right now, judges -
and lawyers who are protected by judges -
can commit felony crimes in broad delight,
leave the proof lying around,
and yet avoid being prosecuted
or even having their crimes be reported
by the media.
The people who work in the media
see a lot of material on court misconduct,
and yet they know this is the story
of which they dare not speak.
The lack of media coverage, in turn,
encourages more judicial corruption,
leaving millions of Americans in anger
and despair :
"The abandonment of the gold standard
made it possible for the welfare statists
(government bureaucrats)
to use the banking system as an unlimited
expansion of credit.
In the absence of the gold standard,
there is no way to protect savings
from confiscation through inflation...
Deficit spending is simply a scheme
for the "hidden" confiscation of wealth.
Gold stands in the way
of this insidious process."
Alan Greenspan :
Let the reason of man worship and reverence that which is better than itself
From :
The Geneva Bible
New Testament ,
The Holy Gospel Of Jesus Christ,
According To John Chapter 6
5 Five thousand are fed with five loaves
and two fishes.
15 Christ goeth apart from the people.
17 As his disciples were rowing,
19 he cometh to them walking on the water.
26 He reasoneth of the true
27 and everlasting,
35 bread of life.
42 The Jews murmur,
60 and many of the disciples,
66 depart from him.
69 The Apostles confess him to be
the Son of God.
1 After these things, Jesus went his way
(a) over the (*) sea of Galilee, which is
() Tiberias.
(a) Not that he cut over the lake of Tiberias,
but by reason of the large creeks, his sailing
made his journey the shorter, therefore
he is said to have gone over the sea,
when as he passed over from one side
of a creek to the other.
(*) Called the lake of Gennesaret.
() Tiberias, Bethsaida, and Capernaum
were on this side the lake, in respect
of Galilee; but it is here said that he went
over, because there were divers creeks
and turnings, over the which men ferried.
2 And a great multitude followed him,
because they saw his miracles, which
he did on them that were diseased.
3 Then Jesus went up into a mountain,
and there he sat with his disciples.
4 Now the Passover a (*) feast of the Jews
was near.
(*) Leviticus 23:2; Deuteronomy 16:1 .
5 (*) (1) Then Jesus lifted up his eyes,
and seeing that a great multitude came
unto him, he said unto Philip, Whence
shall we buy bread, that these might eat?
(*) Matthew 14:16; Mark 6:37; Luke 9:13 .
(1) They that follow Christ do sometime
hunger, but they are never destitute of help.
6 (And this he said to prove him, for he
himself knew what he would do.)
7 Philip answered him, (*) Two hundred
pennyworth of bread is not sufficient
for them, that every one of them may
take a little.
(*) This sum amounteth to about five
pounds sterling.
8 Then said unto him one of his disciples,
Andrew, Simon Peter's brother,
9 There is a little boy here, which hath
five barley loaves, and two fishes, but
what are they among so many?
10 And Jesus said, Make the people sit down.
(Now there was much grass in that place.)
Then the men sat down, in number
about five thousand.
11 And Jesus took the bread, and
(*) gave thanks, and gave to the disciples,
and the disciples to them that were set
down; and likewise of the fishes as much
as they would.
(*) Prayer and thanksgiving do sanctify
our meats wherewith we are nourished.
12 And when they were satisfied, he
said unto his disciples, Gather up the
broken meat which remaineth,
that (*) nothing be lost.
(*) The abundant store of God's gifts
ought not to make us prodigal to waste
13 Then they gathered it together,
and filled twelve baskets with the broken
meat of the five barley loaves, which
remained unto them that had eaten.
14 Then the men, when they had seen
the miracle that Jesus did, said, This is
of a truth the Prophet that should come
into the world.
15 (2) When Jesus therefore perceived
that they would come, and take him to
make him a (*) King, he departed again
into a mountain himself alone.
(2) Christ is not only not delighted, but
also greatly offended with a preposterous
(*) They imagined an earthly kingdom
without the testimony of God's word,
so that by this means his spiritual kingdom
should have been abolished.
16 ¶ (3) When even was now come,
his disciples went down unto the sea,
(3) The godly are often in peril and danger,
but Christ cometh to them in time, even
in the midst of the tempests, and bringeth
them to the heaven.
17 (*) And entered into a ship, and went
() over the sea, (b) towards Capernaum.
And now it was dark, and Jesus was not
come to them.
(*) Matthew 14:25; Mark 6:47 .
() Over a corner of the lake.
(b) In Mark 6:45
they are willed to go before to Bethsaida,
for Bethsaida was in the way to Capernaum.
18 And the Sea arose with a great wind
that blew.
19 And when they had rowed about
five and twenty, or thirty (*) furlongs,
they saw Jesus walking on the sea, and
drawing near unto the ship; so they were
(*) Whereof eight makes a mile.
20 But he said unto them, It is I;
be not afraid.
21 Then (c) willingly they received him
into the ship, and the ship was by and by
at the land, whither they went.
(c) They were afraid at the first, but when
they knew his voice, they became new men,
and took him willingly into the ship, whom
they shunned and fled from before.
22 ¶ The day following, the people which
stood on the other side of the sea, saw
that there was none other ship there, save
that one, whereinto his disciples were
entered, and that Jesus went not with his
disciples in the ship, but that his disciples
were gone (*) alone,
(*) Wherefore it must needs follow that
Christ passed miraculously.
23 And that there came other ships from
Tiberias near unto the place where
they ate the bread, after the Lord had
given thanks.
24 Now when the people saw that Jesus
was not there, neither his disciples, they
also took shipping, and came to Capernaum,
seeking for Jesus.
25 And when they had found him
on the (*) other side of the sea, they
said unto him, Rabbi, when camest thou
(*) This was not straight over the lake
from side to side, but over a creek
or arm of the lake, which saved much
labor to them that should have gone about
by land.
26 (4) Jesus answered them, and said,
Verily, verily I say unto you, Ye seek
me not, because ye saw the miracles, but
because ye ate of the loaves, and were
(4) They that seek the kingdom of heaven
lack nothing, notwithstanding the Gospel
is not the food of the belly, but of the mind.
27 (d) Labor not for the meat which
perisheth, but for the meat that () endureth
unto everlasting life, which the Son of man
shall give unto you, for him hath
(*) God the Father (e) () sealed.
(d) Bestow your labor and pain.
() Which nourisheth and augmenteth
our faith.
(*) John 1:32, Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17:3 .
(e) That is, whom God the Father hath
distinguished from all other men by
planting his own virtue in him, as though
he had sealed him with his seal, that he
might be a lively pattern and representer
of him, and that more is, installed him to
this office, to reconcile us men to God,
and bring us to everlasting life, which is
only proper to Christ.
() For when he appointed him to be the
Mediator, he set his mark and seal in
him to be the only one to reconcile God
and man together.
28 Then said they unto him, What
shall we do, that we might work
the (f) (*) works of God?
(f) Which please God, for they think that
everlasting life hangeth upon the condition
of fulfilling the Law, therefore Christ calleth
them back to faith.
(*) Such as be acceptable unto God.
29 (5) Jesus answered, and said unto
them, (*) (g) This is the work of God,
that ye believe in him, whom he hath
(5) Men torment themselves in vain,
when they go about to please God without
(*) 1 John 3:23 .
(g) That is, this is the work that God
requireth, that you believe in me,
and therefore he calleth them back to
30 (6) They said therefore unto him,
What sign shewest thou then, that we
may see it, and believe thee?
What doest thou work?
(6) The spiritual virtue of Christ is
contemned of them which are desirous
of earthly miracles.
31 Our fathers did eat Manna in the
desert, as it is (*) written, He gave
them bread from heaven to eat.
(*) Exodus 16:14; Numbers 11:7; Psalm 78:25 .
32 (7) Then Jesus said unto them,
Verily, verily I say unto you, (*) Moses
gave you not (h) that bread from heaven,
but my Father giveth you that true bread
from heaven.
(7) Christ, who is the true and only author
and giver of eternal life, was signified unto
the fathers in Manna.
(*) He compareth Moses with the Father,
and manna with Christ, who sendeth us
into everlasting life,
1 Corinthians 10:3 .
(h) He denieth that Manna was that true
heavenly bread, and saith that he himself
is that true bread, because he feedeth unto
the true and everlasting life.
And as for that which Paul in
1 Corinthians 10,
calleth Manna spiritual food, it maketh
nothing against this place, for he joineth
the thing signified with the sign; but in this
whole disputation, Christ dealeth with
the Jews after their own opinion and
conceit of the matter, and they had no
further consideration of the Manna,
but in that it fed the belly.
33 For the bread of God is he which
cometh down from heaven, and giveth life
unto the world.
34 Then they said unto him, Lord, evermore
give us this bread.
35 And Jesus said unto them, I am that
bread (i) of life; he that cometh to me,
shall not hunger, and he that believeth in
me, shall (*) never thirst.
(i) Which have life, and give life.
(*) He shall never want spiritual nourishment.
36 But I say unto you, that ye also have
seen me, and believe not.
37 (8) All (*) that the Father giveth me,
shall come to me, and him that cometh
to me, I cast not away.
(8) The gift of faith proceedeth from the
free election of the Father in Christ, after
which followeth necessarily everlasting life;
Therefore faith in Christ Jesus is a sure
witness of our election, and therefore of
our glorification, which is to come.
(*) God doeth regenerate his elect, and
causeth them to obey the Gospel.
38 For I came down from heaven, not to
do my (k) own will, but his will which
hath sent me.
(k) Look above in John 5:22 .
39 And this is the Father's will which hath
sent me, that of all which he hath given me,
I should lose nothing, but should raise it
up again at the last day.
40 And this is the will of him that sent me,
that every man which (l) seeth the Son,
and believeth in him, should have everlasting
life, and I will raise him up at the last day.
(l) Seeing and believing are joined together,
for there is another kind of seeing, which
is general, which the devils have, for they
see; but here he speaketh of that kind of
seeing, which is proper to the elect.
41 (9) The Jews then murmured at him
because he said, I am the bread, which
is come down from heaven.
(9) Flesh cannot perceive spiritual things,
and therefore the beginning of our salvation
cometh from God, who changeth our nature,
so that we being inspired of him, may abide
to be instructed and saved by Christ.
42 And they said, (*) Is not this Jesus
the son of Joseph, whose father and
mother we know?
How then saith he, I came down from
(*) Matthew 13:55 .
43 Jesus then answered, and said unto
them, Murmur not among yourselves.
44 No man can (*) come to me, except
the Father, which hath sent me, () draw
him; and I will raise him up at the last day.
(*) That is, or believe in me.
() By lightening his heart with his holy Spirit.
45 It is written in the (*) (m) Prophets,
And they shall be all (n) taught of God.
Every man therefore that hath heard, and
hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me;
(*) Isaiah 54:13; Jeremiah 31:33 .
(m) In the book of the Prophets, for the
old Testament was divided by them into
three several parts, into the Law, the
Prophets, and the Holy writ.
(n) To wit, they shall be children of the
Church, for so the Prophet Isaiah
expoundeth it,
Isaiah 54:13;
that is to say, ordained to life,
Acts 13:48,
and therefore the knowledge of the
heavenly truth, is the gift and work
of God, and standeth not in any power
of man.
46 (*) Not that any man hath seen the
Father, (o) save he which is of God,
he hath seen the Father.
(*) Matthew 11:27 .
(o) If only the Son hath seen the
Father, then it is he only that can teach
and instruct us truly.
47 Verily, verily I say unto you, he that
believeth in me, hath everlasting
48 (10) I am that bread of life.
(10) The true use of Sacraments, is to
ascend from them to the thing itself,
that is to Christ, by the partaking of
whom only, we get everlasting life.
49 (*) Your fathers did eat Manna in the
wilderness, () and are dead.
(*) Exodus 16:15 .
() Then there is no food that can nourish
our souls, but Jesus Christ.
50 (p) This is the bread, which cometh
down from heaven, that he which eateth
of it, should not die.
(p) He pointed out himself when he
spake these words.
51 (11) I am that (q) living bread,
which came down from heaven; if any
man (r) eat of this bread, he shall live
forever; and the bread that I will give is
my flesh, which I will give for the life of
the world.
(11) Christ being sent from the Father,
is the selfsame unto us for the getting
and keeping of everlasting life, as that
bread and flesh, yea meat and drink are
to the use of this transitory life.
(q) Which giveth life to the world.
(r) That is to say, whosoever is partaker
of Christ indeed, who is our food.
52 (12) Then the Jews strove among
themselves, saying, How can this man
give us his flesh to eat?
(12) Flesh cannot put a difference between
fleshly eating which is done by the help
of the teeth, and spiritual eating which
consisteth in faith, and therefore it
condemneth that which it understandeth
not; yet notwithstanding the truth must be
preached and taught.
53 Then Jesus said unto them,
Verily, verily I say unto you, Except ye
eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink
his blood, ye have (s) (*) no life in you.
(s) If Christ be present, life is present,
but when Christ is absent, then is death
(*) Where Christ is not, there death reigneth.
54 Whosoever (*) eateth my flesh, and
drinketh my blood, hath eternal life,
and I will raise him up at the last day.
(*) 1 Corinthians 11:27 .
55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and
my blood is drink indeed.
56 He (*) that eateth my flesh, and
drinketh my blood, () dwelleth in me,
and I in him.
(*) As our bodies are sustained with meat
and drink; so are our souls nourished with
the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
() To eat the flesh of Christ and drink his
blood, is to dwell in Christ and to have
Christ dwelling in us.
57 As (t) the living Father hath sent me,
so live I by the (u) Father, and he that
eateth me, even he shall live by me.
(t) In that Christ is man, he receiveth that
power which quickeneth and giveth life
to them that are his, of his Father; and he
addeth this word (That) to make a
distinction between him and all other
(u) Christ his meaning is, that though he
be man, yet his flesh can give life, not of
its own nature, but because that flesh of
his liveth by the Father, that is to say,
doeth suck and draw out of the Father,
that power which it hath to give life.
58 This is the bread which came down
from heaven; not as your fathers have
eaten Manna, and are dead.
He that eateth of this bread, shall live
59 These things spake he in the Synagogue,
as he taught in Capernaum.
60 (13) Many therefore of his disciples
(when they heard this) said, This is a hard
saying; who can (*) hear it?
(13) The reason of man cannot
comprehend the uniting of Christ and his
members, therefore let it worship and
reverence that which is better than itself.
(*) That is, understand it.
61 But Jesus knowing in himself, that
his disciples murmured at this, said unto
them, Doeth this offend you?
62 What then if ye should see the Son of
man () ascend up (*) where he was
() He meaneth not that his humanity
descended from heaven; but he speaketh
touching the union of both natures,
attributing to the one that which
appertaineth to the other.
(*) John 3:13 .
63 (14) It is the (x) Spirit that quickeneth;
the flesh (*) profiteth nothing; the words
that I speak unto you, are spirit and life.
(14) The flesh of Christ doeth therefore
quicken us, because that he is man,
and he is God; which mystery is only
comprehended by faith, which is the gift
of God, proper only to the elect.
(x) Spirit, that is, that power which floweth
from the Godhead, causeth the flesh of
Christ, which otherwise were nothing but
flesh, to live in itself, and to give life to us.
(*) To wit, if it be separate from the Spirit,
whereof it hath the force; for it cometh
of the power of the Spirit that the flesh
of Christ giveth us life.
64 But there are some of you that believe
For Jesus knew from the beginning, which
they were that believed not, and who should
betray him.
65 And he said, Therefore said I unto you,
that no man can come unto me, except
it be given unto him of my Father.
66 (15) From that time, many of his
disciples went back, and walked no more
with him.
(15) Such is the malice of men, that they
take occasion of their own destruction,
even of the very doctrine of salvation
(unless it be a few, which believe through
the singular gift of God.)
67 Then said Jesus to the twelve,
Will ye also go away?
68 Then Simon Peter answered him,
Master, to whom shall we go?
Thou hast the words of (*) eternal life;
(*) For Them without Christ there is but
death; for his word only leadeth us to life.
69 And we believe and know that thou
art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
70 (16) Jesus answered them, Have not
I (*) chosen you twelve, and () one of
you is a devil?
(16) The number of the professors of
Christ is very small, and among them
also there be some hypocrites, and
worse than all others.
(*) Matthew 26:16 .
() Although your number be small, yet
shall ye be diminished.
71 Now he spake it of Judas Iscariot
the son of Simon, for he it was that
should betray him, though he was one
of the twelve.
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Gospel of John with Footnotes :
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
1599 Geneva Family Bible
Graphic Reading for Protestant Minds :
The Geneva Bible
New Testament ,
The Holy Gospel Of Jesus Christ,
According To John Chapter 6
5 Five thousand are fed with five loaves
and two fishes.
15 Christ goeth apart from the people.
17 As his disciples were rowing,
19 he cometh to them walking on the water.
26 He reasoneth of the true
27 and everlasting,
35 bread of life.
42 The Jews murmur,
60 and many of the disciples,
66 depart from him.
69 The Apostles confess him to be
the Son of God.
1 After these things, Jesus went his way
(a) over the (*) sea of Galilee, which is
() Tiberias.
(a) Not that he cut over the lake of Tiberias,
but by reason of the large creeks, his sailing
made his journey the shorter, therefore
he is said to have gone over the sea,
when as he passed over from one side
of a creek to the other.
(*) Called the lake of Gennesaret.
() Tiberias, Bethsaida, and Capernaum
were on this side the lake, in respect
of Galilee; but it is here said that he went
over, because there were divers creeks
and turnings, over the which men ferried.
2 And a great multitude followed him,
because they saw his miracles, which
he did on them that were diseased.
3 Then Jesus went up into a mountain,
and there he sat with his disciples.
4 Now the Passover a (*) feast of the Jews
was near.
(*) Leviticus 23:2; Deuteronomy 16:1 .
5 (*) (1) Then Jesus lifted up his eyes,
and seeing that a great multitude came
unto him, he said unto Philip, Whence
shall we buy bread, that these might eat?
(*) Matthew 14:16; Mark 6:37; Luke 9:13 .
(1) They that follow Christ do sometime
hunger, but they are never destitute of help.
6 (And this he said to prove him, for he
himself knew what he would do.)
7 Philip answered him, (*) Two hundred
pennyworth of bread is not sufficient
for them, that every one of them may
take a little.
(*) This sum amounteth to about five
pounds sterling.
8 Then said unto him one of his disciples,
Andrew, Simon Peter's brother,
9 There is a little boy here, which hath
five barley loaves, and two fishes, but
what are they among so many?
10 And Jesus said, Make the people sit down.
(Now there was much grass in that place.)
Then the men sat down, in number
about five thousand.
11 And Jesus took the bread, and
(*) gave thanks, and gave to the disciples,
and the disciples to them that were set
down; and likewise of the fishes as much
as they would.
(*) Prayer and thanksgiving do sanctify
our meats wherewith we are nourished.
12 And when they were satisfied, he
said unto his disciples, Gather up the
broken meat which remaineth,
that (*) nothing be lost.
(*) The abundant store of God's gifts
ought not to make us prodigal to waste
13 Then they gathered it together,
and filled twelve baskets with the broken
meat of the five barley loaves, which
remained unto them that had eaten.
14 Then the men, when they had seen
the miracle that Jesus did, said, This is
of a truth the Prophet that should come
into the world.
15 (2) When Jesus therefore perceived
that they would come, and take him to
make him a (*) King, he departed again
into a mountain himself alone.
(2) Christ is not only not delighted, but
also greatly offended with a preposterous
(*) They imagined an earthly kingdom
without the testimony of God's word,
so that by this means his spiritual kingdom
should have been abolished.
16 ¶ (3) When even was now come,
his disciples went down unto the sea,
(3) The godly are often in peril and danger,
but Christ cometh to them in time, even
in the midst of the tempests, and bringeth
them to the heaven.
17 (*) And entered into a ship, and went
() over the sea, (b) towards Capernaum.
And now it was dark, and Jesus was not
come to them.
(*) Matthew 14:25; Mark 6:47 .
() Over a corner of the lake.
(b) In Mark 6:45
they are willed to go before to Bethsaida,
for Bethsaida was in the way to Capernaum.
18 And the Sea arose with a great wind
that blew.
19 And when they had rowed about
five and twenty, or thirty (*) furlongs,
they saw Jesus walking on the sea, and
drawing near unto the ship; so they were
(*) Whereof eight makes a mile.
20 But he said unto them, It is I;
be not afraid.
21 Then (c) willingly they received him
into the ship, and the ship was by and by
at the land, whither they went.
(c) They were afraid at the first, but when
they knew his voice, they became new men,
and took him willingly into the ship, whom
they shunned and fled from before.
22 ¶ The day following, the people which
stood on the other side of the sea, saw
that there was none other ship there, save
that one, whereinto his disciples were
entered, and that Jesus went not with his
disciples in the ship, but that his disciples
were gone (*) alone,
(*) Wherefore it must needs follow that
Christ passed miraculously.
23 And that there came other ships from
Tiberias near unto the place where
they ate the bread, after the Lord had
given thanks.
24 Now when the people saw that Jesus
was not there, neither his disciples, they
also took shipping, and came to Capernaum,
seeking for Jesus.
25 And when they had found him
on the (*) other side of the sea, they
said unto him, Rabbi, when camest thou
(*) This was not straight over the lake
from side to side, but over a creek
or arm of the lake, which saved much
labor to them that should have gone about
by land.
26 (4) Jesus answered them, and said,
Verily, verily I say unto you, Ye seek
me not, because ye saw the miracles, but
because ye ate of the loaves, and were
(4) They that seek the kingdom of heaven
lack nothing, notwithstanding the Gospel
is not the food of the belly, but of the mind.
27 (d) Labor not for the meat which
perisheth, but for the meat that () endureth
unto everlasting life, which the Son of man
shall give unto you, for him hath
(*) God the Father (e) () sealed.
(d) Bestow your labor and pain.
() Which nourisheth and augmenteth
our faith.
(*) John 1:32, Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17:3 .
(e) That is, whom God the Father hath
distinguished from all other men by
planting his own virtue in him, as though
he had sealed him with his seal, that he
might be a lively pattern and representer
of him, and that more is, installed him to
this office, to reconcile us men to God,
and bring us to everlasting life, which is
only proper to Christ.
() For when he appointed him to be the
Mediator, he set his mark and seal in
him to be the only one to reconcile God
and man together.
28 Then said they unto him, What
shall we do, that we might work
the (f) (*) works of God?
(f) Which please God, for they think that
everlasting life hangeth upon the condition
of fulfilling the Law, therefore Christ calleth
them back to faith.
(*) Such as be acceptable unto God.
29 (5) Jesus answered, and said unto
them, (*) (g) This is the work of God,
that ye believe in him, whom he hath
(5) Men torment themselves in vain,
when they go about to please God without
(*) 1 John 3:23 .
(g) That is, this is the work that God
requireth, that you believe in me,
and therefore he calleth them back to
30 (6) They said therefore unto him,
What sign shewest thou then, that we
may see it, and believe thee?
What doest thou work?
(6) The spiritual virtue of Christ is
contemned of them which are desirous
of earthly miracles.
31 Our fathers did eat Manna in the
desert, as it is (*) written, He gave
them bread from heaven to eat.
(*) Exodus 16:14; Numbers 11:7; Psalm 78:25 .
32 (7) Then Jesus said unto them,
Verily, verily I say unto you, (*) Moses
gave you not (h) that bread from heaven,
but my Father giveth you that true bread
from heaven.
(7) Christ, who is the true and only author
and giver of eternal life, was signified unto
the fathers in Manna.
(*) He compareth Moses with the Father,
and manna with Christ, who sendeth us
into everlasting life,
1 Corinthians 10:3 .
(h) He denieth that Manna was that true
heavenly bread, and saith that he himself
is that true bread, because he feedeth unto
the true and everlasting life.
And as for that which Paul in
1 Corinthians 10,
calleth Manna spiritual food, it maketh
nothing against this place, for he joineth
the thing signified with the sign; but in this
whole disputation, Christ dealeth with
the Jews after their own opinion and
conceit of the matter, and they had no
further consideration of the Manna,
but in that it fed the belly.
33 For the bread of God is he which
cometh down from heaven, and giveth life
unto the world.
34 Then they said unto him, Lord, evermore
give us this bread.
35 And Jesus said unto them, I am that
bread (i) of life; he that cometh to me,
shall not hunger, and he that believeth in
me, shall (*) never thirst.
(i) Which have life, and give life.
(*) He shall never want spiritual nourishment.
36 But I say unto you, that ye also have
seen me, and believe not.
37 (8) All (*) that the Father giveth me,
shall come to me, and him that cometh
to me, I cast not away.
(8) The gift of faith proceedeth from the
free election of the Father in Christ, after
which followeth necessarily everlasting life;
Therefore faith in Christ Jesus is a sure
witness of our election, and therefore of
our glorification, which is to come.
(*) God doeth regenerate his elect, and
causeth them to obey the Gospel.
38 For I came down from heaven, not to
do my (k) own will, but his will which
hath sent me.
(k) Look above in John 5:22 .
39 And this is the Father's will which hath
sent me, that of all which he hath given me,
I should lose nothing, but should raise it
up again at the last day.
40 And this is the will of him that sent me,
that every man which (l) seeth the Son,
and believeth in him, should have everlasting
life, and I will raise him up at the last day.
(l) Seeing and believing are joined together,
for there is another kind of seeing, which
is general, which the devils have, for they
see; but here he speaketh of that kind of
seeing, which is proper to the elect.
41 (9) The Jews then murmured at him
because he said, I am the bread, which
is come down from heaven.
(9) Flesh cannot perceive spiritual things,
and therefore the beginning of our salvation
cometh from God, who changeth our nature,
so that we being inspired of him, may abide
to be instructed and saved by Christ.
42 And they said, (*) Is not this Jesus
the son of Joseph, whose father and
mother we know?
How then saith he, I came down from
(*) Matthew 13:55 .
43 Jesus then answered, and said unto
them, Murmur not among yourselves.
44 No man can (*) come to me, except
the Father, which hath sent me, () draw
him; and I will raise him up at the last day.
(*) That is, or believe in me.
() By lightening his heart with his holy Spirit.
45 It is written in the (*) (m) Prophets,
And they shall be all (n) taught of God.
Every man therefore that hath heard, and
hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me;
(*) Isaiah 54:13; Jeremiah 31:33 .
(m) In the book of the Prophets, for the
old Testament was divided by them into
three several parts, into the Law, the
Prophets, and the Holy writ.
(n) To wit, they shall be children of the
Church, for so the Prophet Isaiah
expoundeth it,
Isaiah 54:13;
that is to say, ordained to life,
Acts 13:48,
and therefore the knowledge of the
heavenly truth, is the gift and work
of God, and standeth not in any power
of man.
46 (*) Not that any man hath seen the
Father, (o) save he which is of God,
he hath seen the Father.
(*) Matthew 11:27 .
(o) If only the Son hath seen the
Father, then it is he only that can teach
and instruct us truly.
47 Verily, verily I say unto you, he that
believeth in me, hath everlasting
48 (10) I am that bread of life.
(10) The true use of Sacraments, is to
ascend from them to the thing itself,
that is to Christ, by the partaking of
whom only, we get everlasting life.
49 (*) Your fathers did eat Manna in the
wilderness, () and are dead.
(*) Exodus 16:15 .
() Then there is no food that can nourish
our souls, but Jesus Christ.
50 (p) This is the bread, which cometh
down from heaven, that he which eateth
of it, should not die.
(p) He pointed out himself when he
spake these words.
51 (11) I am that (q) living bread,
which came down from heaven; if any
man (r) eat of this bread, he shall live
forever; and the bread that I will give is
my flesh, which I will give for the life of
the world.
(11) Christ being sent from the Father,
is the selfsame unto us for the getting
and keeping of everlasting life, as that
bread and flesh, yea meat and drink are
to the use of this transitory life.
(q) Which giveth life to the world.
(r) That is to say, whosoever is partaker
of Christ indeed, who is our food.
52 (12) Then the Jews strove among
themselves, saying, How can this man
give us his flesh to eat?
(12) Flesh cannot put a difference between
fleshly eating which is done by the help
of the teeth, and spiritual eating which
consisteth in faith, and therefore it
condemneth that which it understandeth
not; yet notwithstanding the truth must be
preached and taught.
53 Then Jesus said unto them,
Verily, verily I say unto you, Except ye
eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink
his blood, ye have (s) (*) no life in you.
(s) If Christ be present, life is present,
but when Christ is absent, then is death
(*) Where Christ is not, there death reigneth.
54 Whosoever (*) eateth my flesh, and
drinketh my blood, hath eternal life,
and I will raise him up at the last day.
(*) 1 Corinthians 11:27 .
55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and
my blood is drink indeed.
56 He (*) that eateth my flesh, and
drinketh my blood, () dwelleth in me,
and I in him.
(*) As our bodies are sustained with meat
and drink; so are our souls nourished with
the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
() To eat the flesh of Christ and drink his
blood, is to dwell in Christ and to have
Christ dwelling in us.
57 As (t) the living Father hath sent me,
so live I by the (u) Father, and he that
eateth me, even he shall live by me.
(t) In that Christ is man, he receiveth that
power which quickeneth and giveth life
to them that are his, of his Father; and he
addeth this word (That) to make a
distinction between him and all other
(u) Christ his meaning is, that though he
be man, yet his flesh can give life, not of
its own nature, but because that flesh of
his liveth by the Father, that is to say,
doeth suck and draw out of the Father,
that power which it hath to give life.
58 This is the bread which came down
from heaven; not as your fathers have
eaten Manna, and are dead.
He that eateth of this bread, shall live
59 These things spake he in the Synagogue,
as he taught in Capernaum.
60 (13) Many therefore of his disciples
(when they heard this) said, This is a hard
saying; who can (*) hear it?
(13) The reason of man cannot
comprehend the uniting of Christ and his
members, therefore let it worship and
reverence that which is better than itself.
(*) That is, understand it.
61 But Jesus knowing in himself, that
his disciples murmured at this, said unto
them, Doeth this offend you?
62 What then if ye should see the Son of
man () ascend up (*) where he was
() He meaneth not that his humanity
descended from heaven; but he speaketh
touching the union of both natures,
attributing to the one that which
appertaineth to the other.
(*) John 3:13 .
63 (14) It is the (x) Spirit that quickeneth;
the flesh (*) profiteth nothing; the words
that I speak unto you, are spirit and life.
(14) The flesh of Christ doeth therefore
quicken us, because that he is man,
and he is God; which mystery is only
comprehended by faith, which is the gift
of God, proper only to the elect.
(x) Spirit, that is, that power which floweth
from the Godhead, causeth the flesh of
Christ, which otherwise were nothing but
flesh, to live in itself, and to give life to us.
(*) To wit, if it be separate from the Spirit,
whereof it hath the force; for it cometh
of the power of the Spirit that the flesh
of Christ giveth us life.
64 But there are some of you that believe
For Jesus knew from the beginning, which
they were that believed not, and who should
betray him.
65 And he said, Therefore said I unto you,
that no man can come unto me, except
it be given unto him of my Father.
66 (15) From that time, many of his
disciples went back, and walked no more
with him.
(15) Such is the malice of men, that they
take occasion of their own destruction,
even of the very doctrine of salvation
(unless it be a few, which believe through
the singular gift of God.)
67 Then said Jesus to the twelve,
Will ye also go away?
68 Then Simon Peter answered him,
Master, to whom shall we go?
Thou hast the words of (*) eternal life;
(*) For Them without Christ there is but
death; for his word only leadeth us to life.
69 And we believe and know that thou
art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
70 (16) Jesus answered them, Have not
I (*) chosen you twelve, and () one of
you is a devil?
(16) The number of the professors of
Christ is very small, and among them
also there be some hypocrites, and
worse than all others.
(*) Matthew 26:16 .
() Although your number be small, yet
shall ye be diminished.
71 Now he spake it of Judas Iscariot
the son of Simon, for he it was that
should betray him, though he was one
of the twelve.
To locate Articles
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Gospel of John with Footnotes :
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
1599 Geneva Family Bible
Graphic Reading for Protestant Minds :
Friday, October 10, 2008
H.R.1424 : Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 ;
Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;
The Evil,Unholy,
Of The New World Order :
- U.S.A. INC . - C.I.A.
Alternatives, Causes, Effects
and Commentary ...
1) In which way do the central banks
contribute to the problems we see now?
The central bank created the problem
in the first place.
Low interest rates and a defacto guarantee
to bailout everyone
(the Greenspan and now Bernanke PUT)
caused the housing bubble
which in turn led to such things
as reduced lending standards,
mortgage-backed securities
and financial corruption.
2) Can or should the government
or central banks do anything
to prevent a collapse
of the banking system, at this point?
Why not?
No, they should do nothing except
unwind the existing bailout measures
and return their policies to normal.
They should be put out of business.
3) What will be the consequences
of the continued attempts by the authorities
to prevent more bank failures
and the seizing up of the credit markets?
Bailout policies
are what turn normal recessions into
Look at the US in the 1930s and 1970s
and Japan in the 1990s.
In each case government undertook
aggressive bailout policies
designed to keep incumbent shareholders
and managers in place by propping them up
with credit and policies to keep prices high.
The result was decade long periods
of higher unemployment and stagnation.
4) Is a world without central banks
possible or desirable?
Please explain.
Central banks are unnecessary and harmful.
It is both possible and desirable
to eliminate them.
Some of their functions could be handled
by the market institutions
such as the clearing house function.
Setting interest rates could and should
be done by the market.
Persistent and erratic inflation
of the money supply is not desirable
so that the function would be eliminated
and control of the money supply
would be returned to the market
in the form of gold and silver
mining production
which is very consistent
and difficult to manipulate
because it takes "real money"
to mine precious metals.
5) How does the lack of a gold standard
contribute to the problem?
A gold standard is the most important part
of the solution because it ties government's hands
from deficit spending and inflation.
However, fractional reserve banking
is also a big contributor to the problem
of monetary instability, inflation
and the business cycle.
We need to abolish
fractional reserve banking
on demand deposits and return
to laws pertaining to deposits
and warehousing that existed
prior to central banking
and indeed continue to exist today
in all other warehousing contracts.
This would mean that every dollar
deposited into a demand deposit account
would have to be maintained on reserve
by the bank.
There would be no reserve requirements
for bond proceeds, CDs
or other time deposits.
This would take the leverage
and instability
out of the monetary system.
6) How would one prevent
that the gold standard is abandoned
at the first sight of serious problems,
as has been the case in the past -
and also when countries have attempted
to peg their currencies to the US dollar?
The Treasury and the Fed
should not be permitted to issue paper dollars,
only gold and silver coins,
and private mints
should also be able to issue
gold and silver coins
so that the money supply
is market determined
(and that the ratio of precious metals
in monetary use and other uses
would be in harmony).
We should have a coin-based system,
not a gold-exchange system
that allows the Treasure to "fudge"
with the money supply.
The dollar should be fixed
in a weight of silver
because that is what emerged
on the market
(true gold was used as money
in large transactions,
but we only went on a gold standard
because the British
made bad monetary decisions
when they were on a fixed ratio
of gold to silver
and Gresham's Law went into effect).
There should be no fixed ratio of gold
to silver, but people should be free
to use both as money.
Checks and debit cards would still exist
and indeed debit cards
could automatically translate
gold demand deposits
into silver-denominated purchases.
These basic tenents
should be written into all Constitutions
to block the actions of government,
but not to forestall
innovations of the market :
Great nations of people have given away
their liberties in exchange for security.
The Russians submitted to Communism
and the Germans submitted to National Socialism
because of economic chaos.
In 20th century America, economic crises--
and fear more generally--
provided the justification for the adoption
of "reforms" such as a central bank
(i.e. the Federal Reserve), the New Deal,
the Cold War, and even fiat money
during the economic crisis of the early 1970s.
Fear of terrorism after 9/11 resulted
in a massive transfer of power
to government at the expense
of individual liberty.
Submission of liberty
and individual autonomy in exchange
for security and the "greater good"
is now often referred to as
choosing the dark side :
The goal of Our Austrian "bailout package"
is not to prevent the corrective process
in the economy from taking place,
but rather to allow it to take place
in an environment that encourages
the revival of the economy.
The government's bailout package
only makes our situation worse
by trying to forestall the process
and by making it more difficult
to revive the economy.
Austrian Bailout Package Revised :
1. The Federal Reserve cut interest rates
to as low as 1% so that after inflation
we had negative interest rates.
2. As a result, mortgage rates fell
to an all time low.
3. Low rates caused borrowing
and lending to explode,
particularly in real estate.
For example, commercial banks
more than doubled the amount
of real-estate loans they made.
4. All these low interest loans
had to be extended to people
with worse credit ratings and this
increased the demand for homes
and other real-estate assets.
It should not be surprising that home
prices skyrocketed.
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac,
mortgage-backed securities,
and credit derivatives
were simply the conduit
that made all these bad loans
and investments seem less risky
than they really were.
In this manner the Federal Reserve
can fool the market, at least
In the end the market
always reasserts itself :
The only national problem
with immigration lies
with government.
Because immigrants are relatively poor
they tend to pay less in taxes than their
use of so-called government services
like health care and education,
and thus increase taxes on citizens.
We can therefore solve
the immigration problem by simply
eliminating government programs
that provide free services.
Note: we would simultaneously
solve the problems of education
and health care by placing
these industries back
into the private sector.
One question that doesn't get addressed
is the reason for the mad rush
of illegal immigration -
why have so many people
entered the country illegally
in recent years.
One possibility is the legal system
which has sought to protect
the rights of people,
particularly immigrants,
and thus prevented
government bureaucrats
from controlling the flow of immigration.
The question remains:
why all the recent immigration?
I believe that the answer lies
to a large degree with the housing bubble
in the United States.
The normal number of housing starts
is about one million per year,
but housing starts have exceeded
one million every year
since the early 1990s.
The housing bubble appeared
in the wake of the bursting
of the technology stock bubble
and only began to unravel in 2006.
Housing starts have already returned
to normal levels, but are soon likely
to go below normal levels.
What does this
have to do with illegal immigration?
particularly illegal Mexican immigrants,
have largely found jobs in industries
associated with the housing bubble.
Immigrants work at jobs
in the construction, landscaping,
and road construction industries.
in the construction industry alone
is currently nearly two million jobs
above trend (7.7 versus 5.9 million).
Of course many of the illegal immigrants
are not even counted in such statistics,
but just take a look at residential,
landscaping, and road construction sites
and you are likely to find many non -
English-speaking immigrants.
Illegal Immigrants
and the Housing Bubble :
Govt. May Take Ownership Stakes in Banks :
"Martial law in America if we voted no" :
WMR has learned from knowledgeable
Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) sources that the Bush administration
is putting the final touches on a plan
that would see martial law declared
in the United States
with various scenarios anticipated as triggers.
The triggers include
a continuing economic collapse
with massive social unrest, bank closures
resulting in violence against financial institutions,
and another fraudulent presidential election
that would result in rioting in major cities
and campuses around the country.
In addition, Army Corps of Engineer sources
report that the assignment
of the 3rd Infantry Division's
1st Brigade Combat Team (BCT)
to the Northern Command's
U.S. Army North is to augment FEMA
and federal law enforcement
in the imposition of traffic controls,
crowd control, curfews, enhanced border
and port security, and neighborhood patrols
in the event a national emergency
being declared.
The BCT was assigned to duties in Iraq
before being assigned
to the Northern Command .
FEMA sources confirm coming martial law :
Archives :
H.R.1424 : Emergency
Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
and Resist By Email ;
The Evil,Unholy,
Of The New World Order :
- U.S.A. INC . - C.I.A.
Alternatives, Causes, Effects
and Commentary ...
1) In which way do the central banks
contribute to the problems we see now?
The central bank created the problem
in the first place.
Low interest rates and a defacto guarantee
to bailout everyone
(the Greenspan and now Bernanke PUT)
caused the housing bubble
which in turn led to such things
as reduced lending standards,
mortgage-backed securities
and financial corruption.
2) Can or should the government
or central banks do anything
to prevent a collapse
of the banking system, at this point?
Why not?
No, they should do nothing except
unwind the existing bailout measures
and return their policies to normal.
They should be put out of business.
3) What will be the consequences
of the continued attempts by the authorities
to prevent more bank failures
and the seizing up of the credit markets?
Bailout policies
are what turn normal recessions into
Look at the US in the 1930s and 1970s
and Japan in the 1990s.
In each case government undertook
aggressive bailout policies
designed to keep incumbent shareholders
and managers in place by propping them up
with credit and policies to keep prices high.
The result was decade long periods
of higher unemployment and stagnation.
4) Is a world without central banks
possible or desirable?
Please explain.
Central banks are unnecessary and harmful.
It is both possible and desirable
to eliminate them.
Some of their functions could be handled
by the market institutions
such as the clearing house function.
Setting interest rates could and should
be done by the market.
Persistent and erratic inflation
of the money supply is not desirable
so that the function would be eliminated
and control of the money supply
would be returned to the market
in the form of gold and silver
mining production
which is very consistent
and difficult to manipulate
because it takes "real money"
to mine precious metals.
5) How does the lack of a gold standard
contribute to the problem?
A gold standard is the most important part
of the solution because it ties government's hands
from deficit spending and inflation.
However, fractional reserve banking
is also a big contributor to the problem
of monetary instability, inflation
and the business cycle.
We need to abolish
fractional reserve banking
on demand deposits and return
to laws pertaining to deposits
and warehousing that existed
prior to central banking
and indeed continue to exist today
in all other warehousing contracts.
This would mean that every dollar
deposited into a demand deposit account
would have to be maintained on reserve
by the bank.
There would be no reserve requirements
for bond proceeds, CDs
or other time deposits.
This would take the leverage
and instability
out of the monetary system.
6) How would one prevent
that the gold standard is abandoned
at the first sight of serious problems,
as has been the case in the past -
and also when countries have attempted
to peg their currencies to the US dollar?
The Treasury and the Fed
should not be permitted to issue paper dollars,
only gold and silver coins,
and private mints
should also be able to issue
gold and silver coins
so that the money supply
is market determined
(and that the ratio of precious metals
in monetary use and other uses
would be in harmony).
We should have a coin-based system,
not a gold-exchange system
that allows the Treasure to "fudge"
with the money supply.
The dollar should be fixed
in a weight of silver
because that is what emerged
on the market
(true gold was used as money
in large transactions,
but we only went on a gold standard
because the British
made bad monetary decisions
when they were on a fixed ratio
of gold to silver
and Gresham's Law went into effect).
There should be no fixed ratio of gold
to silver, but people should be free
to use both as money.
Checks and debit cards would still exist
and indeed debit cards
could automatically translate
gold demand deposits
into silver-denominated purchases.
These basic tenents
should be written into all Constitutions
to block the actions of government,
but not to forestall
innovations of the market :
Great nations of people have given away
their liberties in exchange for security.
The Russians submitted to Communism
and the Germans submitted to National Socialism
because of economic chaos.
In 20th century America, economic crises--
and fear more generally--
provided the justification for the adoption
of "reforms" such as a central bank
(i.e. the Federal Reserve), the New Deal,
the Cold War, and even fiat money
during the economic crisis of the early 1970s.
Fear of terrorism after 9/11 resulted
in a massive transfer of power
to government at the expense
of individual liberty.
Submission of liberty
and individual autonomy in exchange
for security and the "greater good"
is now often referred to as
choosing the dark side :
The goal of Our Austrian "bailout package"
is not to prevent the corrective process
in the economy from taking place,
but rather to allow it to take place
in an environment that encourages
the revival of the economy.
The government's bailout package
only makes our situation worse
by trying to forestall the process
and by making it more difficult
to revive the economy.
Austrian Bailout Package Revised :
1. The Federal Reserve cut interest rates
to as low as 1% so that after inflation
we had negative interest rates.
2. As a result, mortgage rates fell
to an all time low.
3. Low rates caused borrowing
and lending to explode,
particularly in real estate.
For example, commercial banks
more than doubled the amount
of real-estate loans they made.
4. All these low interest loans
had to be extended to people
with worse credit ratings and this
increased the demand for homes
and other real-estate assets.
It should not be surprising that home
prices skyrocketed.
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac,
mortgage-backed securities,
and credit derivatives
were simply the conduit
that made all these bad loans
and investments seem less risky
than they really were.
In this manner the Federal Reserve
can fool the market, at least
In the end the market
always reasserts itself :
The only national problem
with immigration lies
with government.
Because immigrants are relatively poor
they tend to pay less in taxes than their
use of so-called government services
like health care and education,
and thus increase taxes on citizens.
We can therefore solve
the immigration problem by simply
eliminating government programs
that provide free services.
Note: we would simultaneously
solve the problems of education
and health care by placing
these industries back
into the private sector.
One question that doesn't get addressed
is the reason for the mad rush
of illegal immigration -
why have so many people
entered the country illegally
in recent years.
One possibility is the legal system
which has sought to protect
the rights of people,
particularly immigrants,
and thus prevented
government bureaucrats
from controlling the flow of immigration.
The question remains:
why all the recent immigration?
I believe that the answer lies
to a large degree with the housing bubble
in the United States.
The normal number of housing starts
is about one million per year,
but housing starts have exceeded
one million every year
since the early 1990s.
The housing bubble appeared
in the wake of the bursting
of the technology stock bubble
and only began to unravel in 2006.
Housing starts have already returned
to normal levels, but are soon likely
to go below normal levels.
What does this
have to do with illegal immigration?
particularly illegal Mexican immigrants,
have largely found jobs in industries
associated with the housing bubble.
Immigrants work at jobs
in the construction, landscaping,
and road construction industries.
in the construction industry alone
is currently nearly two million jobs
above trend (7.7 versus 5.9 million).
Of course many of the illegal immigrants
are not even counted in such statistics,
but just take a look at residential,
landscaping, and road construction sites
and you are likely to find many non -
English-speaking immigrants.
Illegal Immigrants
and the Housing Bubble :
Govt. May Take Ownership Stakes in Banks :
"Martial law in America if we voted no" :
WMR has learned from knowledgeable
Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) sources that the Bush administration
is putting the final touches on a plan
that would see martial law declared
in the United States
with various scenarios anticipated as triggers.
The triggers include
a continuing economic collapse
with massive social unrest, bank closures
resulting in violence against financial institutions,
and another fraudulent presidential election
that would result in rioting in major cities
and campuses around the country.
In addition, Army Corps of Engineer sources
report that the assignment
of the 3rd Infantry Division's
1st Brigade Combat Team (BCT)
to the Northern Command's
U.S. Army North is to augment FEMA
and federal law enforcement
in the imposition of traffic controls,
crowd control, curfews, enhanced border
and port security, and neighborhood patrols
in the event a national emergency
being declared.
The BCT was assigned to duties in Iraq
before being assigned
to the Northern Command .
FEMA sources confirm coming martial law :
Archives :
H.R.1424 : Emergency
Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Who Else Supports Open Borders ?
Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;
Here's another one of those
Who thinks that
Economic Growth in His City
Requires Him To Solicit
Free Trade Deals For Foreign
From Aliens In Foreign Countries.
like Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert
and His 'Friends' are the Reason
that this Country is Cursed by
'People' like these are the reason
this country is cursed with problems
like Illegal Aliens
and Sanctuary Cities .
It's 'People' like these that Also Drool
and Salivate over things like :
North Texas Expands Global Presence
with Dallas Regional Chamber's
Launch of Mexico City
Trade and Investment Office
and Resist By Email ;
Here's another one of those
Who thinks that
Economic Growth in His City
Requires Him To Solicit
Free Trade Deals For Foreign
From Aliens In Foreign Countries.
like Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert
and His 'Friends' are the Reason
that this Country is Cursed by
'People' like these are the reason
this country is cursed with problems
like Illegal Aliens
and Sanctuary Cities .
It's 'People' like these that Also Drool
and Salivate over things like :
North Texas Expands Global Presence
with Dallas Regional Chamber's
Launch of Mexico City
Trade and Investment Office
Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;
Although I am Texan
Rather Than American ,
it seems to be almost time
to announce
a new Commander
and Chief Executive Officer
for U.S.A. Inc .
Tax Slaves are asked to Believe
that there is a vast difference
between these two 'candidates' .
OF 'DEMOCRATIC' Ceremonies
and Rituals in this particular
'Presidential Election Cycle'
do seem to demonstrate an
exaggerated and exhaustive intent
to convince the people of the world
that the RESIDENTS of U.S.A. Inc .,
have some decisive power to decide
who the Next Commander
and Chief Executive Officer
will be .
This Theatrical High Drama
of De facto 'Tragedy and Hope'
is designed and engineered
to create
that U.S.A. Inc .,
and Free country,
ruled by Free People .
FREE ELECTION is Also Created
to convince the people of the world
that it is the
of U.S.A. Inc .,
who are to blame when U.S.A. Inc .,
does something Evil or Unholy or
invades another country or abets
and aids other 'NATIONS' in the
If the people of the world believe
that the Representatives
and the high principalities
and powers of U.S.A. Inc .,
are Actually Representatives of
the Free and True Will
of The Free and True People
of This County,
Another lesson I learn
is Who the Next Flock
of 'ELECTED' Criminals
are, that will be
in the years ahead ...
Will it matter if Obama or McCain
are elected in November?
Both are rigidly backed
by important members
of the Trilateral Commission
who hijacked the Executive Branch
of the U.S. government
starting in 1976
with the election of Jimmy Carter.
In Obama's case, Zbigniew Brzezinski
(co-founder of the Commission in 1973)
is emerging as his principal advisor
on foreign policy.
Ex-Fed Chairman Paul Volker
has made a once-in-a-lifetime,
glowing endorsement of Obama.
Madelyn Albright is seen
sitting next to Obama
in several conferences.
Shoot, even Jimmy Carter himself
endorses Obama.
All are top members of the
John McCain is being supported
by several Trilateral Commission giants
including: Henry Kissinger, George Schultz,
Lawrence Eagleburger and Alexander Haig.
All of these are ex-Secretaries of State
who issued a joint endorsement
of McCain early-on in his campaign.
You would think that The People
would want to know
who the "special interests" are
that are embodied by this Trilateral Commission,
and what they intend to do or not do .
What is the Trilateral Commission :
and Resist By Email ;
Although I am Texan
Rather Than American ,
it seems to be almost time
to announce
a new Commander
and Chief Executive Officer
for U.S.A. Inc .
Tax Slaves are asked to Believe
that there is a vast difference
between these two 'candidates' .
OF 'DEMOCRATIC' Ceremonies
and Rituals in this particular
'Presidential Election Cycle'
do seem to demonstrate an
exaggerated and exhaustive intent
to convince the people of the world
that the RESIDENTS of U.S.A. Inc .,
have some decisive power to decide
who the Next Commander
and Chief Executive Officer
will be .
This Theatrical High Drama
of De facto 'Tragedy and Hope'
is designed and engineered
to create
that U.S.A. Inc .,
and Free country,
ruled by Free People .
FREE ELECTION is Also Created
to convince the people of the world
that it is the
of U.S.A. Inc .,
who are to blame when U.S.A. Inc .,
does something Evil or Unholy or
invades another country or abets
and aids other 'NATIONS' in the
If the people of the world believe
that the Representatives
and the high principalities
and powers of U.S.A. Inc .,
are Actually Representatives of
the Free and True Will
of The Free and True People
of This County,
Another lesson I learn
is Who the Next Flock
of 'ELECTED' Criminals
are, that will be
in the years ahead ...
Will it matter if Obama or McCain
are elected in November?
Both are rigidly backed
by important members
of the Trilateral Commission
who hijacked the Executive Branch
of the U.S. government
starting in 1976
with the election of Jimmy Carter.
In Obama's case, Zbigniew Brzezinski
(co-founder of the Commission in 1973)
is emerging as his principal advisor
on foreign policy.
Ex-Fed Chairman Paul Volker
has made a once-in-a-lifetime,
glowing endorsement of Obama.
Madelyn Albright is seen
sitting next to Obama
in several conferences.
Shoot, even Jimmy Carter himself
endorses Obama.
All are top members of the
John McCain is being supported
by several Trilateral Commission giants
including: Henry Kissinger, George Schultz,
Lawrence Eagleburger and Alexander Haig.
All of these are ex-Secretaries of State
who issued a joint endorsement
of McCain early-on in his campaign.
You would think that The People
would want to know
who the "special interests" are
that are embodied by this Trilateral Commission,
and what they intend to do or not do .
What is the Trilateral Commission :
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
U.S.A. INC . serves a new world order clientel ;
Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;
U.S.A. INC . serves a
new world order clientele .
are Among IT 's Most Cultivated ,
Exploitable and Harvested
Products .
New World Order
Client 's of U.S.A. INC .
Have Found IT 's
Taking Stock :
The Abyss :
U.S. Treasury Secretary's
Blueprint for Regulatory Reform
Secretary Paulson's
plan to improve regulation
of U.S. financial markets :
Archive :
The Housing and Economic Recovery
Act of 2008 An Analysis :
Geopolitical Archive :
and Resist By Email ;
U.S.A. INC . serves a
new world order clientele .
are Among IT 's Most Cultivated ,
Exploitable and Harvested
Products .
New World Order
Client 's of U.S.A. INC .
Have Found IT 's
Taking Stock :
The Abyss :
U.S. Treasury Secretary's
Blueprint for Regulatory Reform
Secretary Paulson's
plan to improve regulation
of U.S. financial markets :
Archive :
The Housing and Economic Recovery
Act of 2008 An Analysis :
Geopolitical Archive :
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
H. R. 6020 : Armed Forces Amnesty for Illegal Aliens ;
Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;
H. R. 6020 :
So Now The Lawbreakers
Of The Congress
Of The U.S.A. Incorporated
want to Grant
Naturalization 'AKA Citizenship ? '
to Alien Foreigners
Who Abet, Aid and Comfort Them
In Their Expensive, Mercenary
and Unholy
New World Order
Wars Of Aggression
Across The Globe .
As usual The U.S.A. Incorporated
Is Going To Shakedown
It's Weary Tax Slaves Yet Again
To Pay For This Latest Evil Scheme
If This 'Legislation'
is allowed to become 'Law' ;
Similar Evil Schemes Along This Line Include :
H.R. 5882, sponsored by Representative Lofgren (D-CA),
would recapture employment-based
and family-sponsored immigrant visas
lost to bureaucratic delays
and to prevent losses of these visas in the future.
H.R. 5924, sponsored by Representative Wexler (D-FL)
would provide 20,000 employment-based visas per year
for three years specifically for nurses :
As the Tax Slaves become wise
to To All of Their Evil Schemes
naturally U.S.A. Incorporated wants
to import More Obedient Tax Slaves
to fund their New World Order Agenda !
Immigration News Update
If You would like the passage
of these Evil Schemes To Fail
Send A Message
To The Appropriate
'Congress people'
who can be located at this link :
Review and Track these 'Bills'
at these links :
' House of Representatives ' :
Overall It seems to me that there
are more than enough Aliens ,
Foreigners, Immigrants and Illegals
in this country Already .
How about a Permanent Embargo
and Boycott against all future
Immigration into this country?
For What It's worth,
it seems to be about time
that Anybody and Everybody
who suffers under the heel
of U.S.A. Incorporated ,
had better keep themselves
informed about all present
and future activities involving
U.S.A. Incorporated .
Boycott U.S.A. Incorporated !
and Resist By Email ;
H. R. 6020 :
So Now The Lawbreakers
Of The Congress
Of The U.S.A. Incorporated
want to Grant
Naturalization 'AKA Citizenship ? '
to Alien Foreigners
Who Abet, Aid and Comfort Them
In Their Expensive, Mercenary
and Unholy
New World Order
Wars Of Aggression
Across The Globe .
As usual The U.S.A. Incorporated
Is Going To Shakedown
It's Weary Tax Slaves Yet Again
To Pay For This Latest Evil Scheme
If This 'Legislation'
is allowed to become 'Law' ;
Similar Evil Schemes Along This Line Include :
H.R. 5882, sponsored by Representative Lofgren (D-CA),
would recapture employment-based
and family-sponsored immigrant visas
lost to bureaucratic delays
and to prevent losses of these visas in the future.
H.R. 5924, sponsored by Representative Wexler (D-FL)
would provide 20,000 employment-based visas per year
for three years specifically for nurses :
As the Tax Slaves become wise
to To All of Their Evil Schemes
naturally U.S.A. Incorporated wants
to import More Obedient Tax Slaves
to fund their New World Order Agenda !
Immigration News Update
If You would like the passage
of these Evil Schemes To Fail
Send A Message
To The Appropriate
'Congress people'
who can be located at this link :
Review and Track these 'Bills'
at these links :
' House of Representatives ' :
Overall It seems to me that there
are more than enough Aliens ,
Foreigners, Immigrants and Illegals
in this country Already .
How about a Permanent Embargo
and Boycott against all future
Immigration into this country?
For What It's worth,
it seems to be about time
that Anybody and Everybody
who suffers under the heel
of U.S.A. Incorporated ,
had better keep themselves
informed about all present
and future activities involving
U.S.A. Incorporated .
Boycott U.S.A. Incorporated !
Monday, October 6, 2008
Slaves Of Usury ;
Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;
Understanding World Events
and the Credit Crisis
and Resist By Email ;
Understanding World Events
and the Credit Crisis
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The United States of America is no longer a Nation ;
From :
The Miscellaneous
Reference Material
For Information Only Library
And We the People For Independent Texas :
Scroll Down Pages To Find All Articles ;
The United States of America is no longer a Nation
Today the people are being fleeced
to the tune of approximately 52%
of every dollar going for local, state
and federal taxes.
The day is rapidly approaching
when making even $1,000 per hour
will not be enough to survive.
How much longer are the people
going to put up with this state
of affairs?
We say enough is enough :
Oral Arguments before the Supreme Court
where a Gov't attorney states he is not aware
of any law that makes it a crime to not file
a tax return.
The government attorney is Kent L. Jones, Esq,
Assistant to the Attorney General,
Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
QUESTION: -- some penalties
for failing to file a return?
MR. JONES: There are some penalties,
but the penalties, like taxes, have to be
enforced against the property of the taxpayer,
and if the taxpayer is allowed to exempt
all of its property in this fashion, then
there's literally no way that the taxes can
be enforced through civil procedures.
QUESTION: What about criminal procedures?
Are there any criminal procedures for failure,
continued failure to file --
MR. JONES: Of course, if you file a return,
then you're not exposing yourself to any criminal
obligations, and if you don't file a return,
it would be --
I'm not familiar with a statute that makes
that a crime by itself.
Now, it may be that it's a crime in
connection with some intent to conceal,
but just the fact that you didn't file --
I'm not -- frankly, I'm not -- even though
I come before the Court on tax cases,
I'm not an expert on criminal tax matters,
but it's my impression that that would not
by itself be a crime.
QUESTION: We'd better not let the word
get out.
I thought that it was a crime, but I'll check.
MR. JONES: All right, well, I stand -
QUESTION: We'll just keep it among
ourselves :
Since many of us have paid into FICA
for years and are now receiving
a Social Security check every month --
and then finding that we are getting taxed
on 85% of the money we paid
to the Federal government
to "Put Away" --
you may be interested in the following :
The Miscellaneous
Reference Material
For Information Only Library
And We the People For Independent Texas :
Scroll Down Pages To Find All Articles ;
The United States of America is no longer a Nation
Today the people are being fleeced
to the tune of approximately 52%
of every dollar going for local, state
and federal taxes.
The day is rapidly approaching
when making even $1,000 per hour
will not be enough to survive.
How much longer are the people
going to put up with this state
of affairs?
We say enough is enough :
Oral Arguments before the Supreme Court
where a Gov't attorney states he is not aware
of any law that makes it a crime to not file
a tax return.
The government attorney is Kent L. Jones, Esq,
Assistant to the Attorney General,
Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
QUESTION: -- some penalties
for failing to file a return?
MR. JONES: There are some penalties,
but the penalties, like taxes, have to be
enforced against the property of the taxpayer,
and if the taxpayer is allowed to exempt
all of its property in this fashion, then
there's literally no way that the taxes can
be enforced through civil procedures.
QUESTION: What about criminal procedures?
Are there any criminal procedures for failure,
continued failure to file --
MR. JONES: Of course, if you file a return,
then you're not exposing yourself to any criminal
obligations, and if you don't file a return,
it would be --
I'm not familiar with a statute that makes
that a crime by itself.
Now, it may be that it's a crime in
connection with some intent to conceal,
but just the fact that you didn't file --
I'm not -- frankly, I'm not -- even though
I come before the Court on tax cases,
I'm not an expert on criminal tax matters,
but it's my impression that that would not
by itself be a crime.
QUESTION: We'd better not let the word
get out.
I thought that it was a crime, but I'll check.
MR. JONES: All right, well, I stand -
QUESTION: We'll just keep it among
ourselves :
Since many of us have paid into FICA
for years and are now receiving
a Social Security check every month --
and then finding that we are getting taxed
on 85% of the money we paid
to the Federal government
to "Put Away" --
you may be interested in the following :
Faith and fidelity will be judged by their fruits ;
From :
The Geneva Bible
New Testament ,
The Holy Gospel Of Jesus Christ,
According To John Chapter 5
2 One lying at the pool,
5 is healed of Christ on the Sabbath.
10 The Jews that rashly find fault with
that his deed,
17 he convinceth with the authority of
his Father,
19 He proveth his divine power by
many reasons,
45 and with Moses' testimony.
1 After (*) that, there was a feast of
the Jews, and Jesus went up to
(*) Leviticus 23:2; Deuteronomy 16:1 .
2 (1) And there is at Jerusalem by
(*) the place of the sheep, a (a)
() pool called in Hebrew (b)
() Bethesda, having five porches;
(1) There is no disease so old, which
Christ cannot heal.
(*) Or, the sheep market.
(a) Whereof cattle drank, and used
to be plunged in, whereof there could
not be but great store at Jerusalem.
() Where the sheep were washed, that
should be sacrificed.
(b) That is to say, the house of pouring
out, because great store of water was
poured out into that place.
() Which signifieth the house of pouring
out, because the water ran out by
3 In the which lay a great multitude of
sick folk, of blind, halt, and withered,
waiting for the moving of the water.
4 For an Angel went down at a certain
season into the pool, and troubled the
water; whosoever then first, after the
stirring of the water, stepped in, was
made whole of whatsoever disease he
5 And a certain man was there, which
had been diseased eight and thirty
6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew
that he now long time had been diseased,
he said unto him, Wilt thou be made
7 The sick man answered him, Sir, I
have no man, when the water is
troubled, to put me into the pool, but
while I am coming, another steppeth
down before me.
8 Jesus said unto him, Rise, (*) take
up thy bed, and walk.
(*) This was, to the end that the miracle
might be so evident, that no man could
speak against it.
9 And immediately the man was made
whole, and took up his bed, and walked;
and the same day was the Sabbath.
10 (2) The Jews therefore said to him
that was made whole, It is the Sabbath
day, (*) it is not lawful for thee to carry
thy bed.
(2) True religion is not more cruelly
assaulted by any means, than by the
pretence of religion itself.
(*) Jeremiah 17:22 .
11 He answered them, He that made me
whole he said unto me, Take up thy bed,
and walk.
12 Then asked they him, What man is that
which said unto thee, Take up thy bed,
and walk?
13 And he that was healed, knew not
who it was, for Jesus had conveyed
himself away from the multitude that
was in that place.
14 And after that, Jesus found him in the
Temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou
art made whole; (*) sin no more, lest a
worse thing come unto thee.
(*) The affliction that we endure, are
chastisements for our sins.
15 ¶ The man departed, and told the Jews
that it was Jesus that had made him whole.
16 And therefore the Jews did persecute
Jesus, and sought to slay him, because
he had done these things on the Sabbath
17 (3) But Jesus answered them, My
Father worketh hitherto, and I work.
(3) The work of God was never the
breach of the Sabbath, but the works
of Christ are the works of the Father,
both because they are one God, and
also because the Father doeth not work
but in the Son.
18 (*) Therefore the Jews sought the
more to kill him, not only because he
had broken the Sabbath, but said also
that God was (c) () his () Father, and
made himself equal with God.
(*) John 7:19 .
(c) That is, his only and no man's else,
which they gather by that, that he saith,
(And I work) applying this word (work)
to himself, which is proper to God, and
therefore maketh himself equal to God.
() That is, proper and peculiar to him
() It was lawful for all Israel to call God
their Father,
Exodus 4:22;
but because Christ did attribute to
himself, that he had power over all things,
and wrought as his Father did, they
gathered that Christ did not only make
himself the Son of God, but also equal
with him.
19 Then answered Jesus, and said unto
them, Verily, verily I say unto you, The
Son can do nothing (d) of himself, save
that he (e) seeth the Father do; for
whatsoever things he doeth, the same
things doeth the Son (f) in like manner.
(d) Not only without his Father's authority,
but also without his mighty working and
(e) This must be understood of Christ his
person, which consisteth of two natures,
and not simply of his Godhead; so then
he saith that his Father moveth and
governeth him in all things, but yet
notwithstanding, when he saith he
worketh with his Father, he voucheth
his Godhead.
(f) In like sort, jointly and together.
Not for that the Father doeth some things,
and then the son worketh after him, and
doth the like, but because the might and
power of the Father and the Son do
work equally and jointly together.
20 For the Father loveth the Son, and
(*) sheweth him all things, whatsoever
he himself doeth, and he will shew him
greater works than these, that ye should
(*) That is, he doeth communicate with
him, having the same power and same
21 (4) For likewise as the Father raiseth
up the dead, and quickeneth them, so the
Son quickeneth whom he will.
(4) The Father maketh no man partaker
of everlasting life, but in Christ, in whom
only also he is truly worshipped.
22 For the Father (g) judgeth (h) no man,
but hath committed all (*) judgment unto
the Son,
(g) This word (judgeth) is taken by the
figure Synecdoche, for all government.
(h) These words are not so to be taken,
as though they simply denied that God
governeth the world, but as the Jews
imagined it, which separate the Father
from the Son, whereas indeed, the Father
doth not govern the world but only in the
person of his Son, being made manifest
in the flesh; so saith he afterward
John 5:30;
that he came not to do his own will, that
his doctrine is not his own,
John 7:16;
that the blind man and his parents sinned
not, ect.
John 9:3 .
(*) In giving him power and rule over all.
23 Because that all men should honor
the Son, as they honor the Father.
He that honoreth not the Son, the same
honoreth not the Father which hath sent him.
24 (5) Verily, verily I say unto you, he
that heareth my word, and believeth in
him that sent me, hath everlasting life,
and shall not come into condemnation,
but hath passed from death unto life.
(5) The Father is not worshipped but by
his Son's word apprehended by faith,
which is the only way that leadeth to
eternal life.
25 (6) Verily, verily I say unto you, the
hour shall come, and now is, when the
dead shall hear the voice of the Son of
God, and they that (*) hear it shall live.
(6) We are all dead in sin and cannot be
quickened by any other means, than by
the word of Christ apprehended by faith.
(*) They that receive it by faith.
26 For as the Father hath life
in (*) himself, so likewise hath he given
to the Son to have life in himself.
(*) To communicate it with us.
27 And hath given him (i) power also
to execute (*) judgment, in that he is
the (k) Son of man.
(i) That is, high and sovereign power to
rule and govern all things, insomuch that
he hath power of life and death.
(*) That is, to govern and rule all things.
(k) That is, he shall not only judge the
world as he is God, but also as he is
man, he received this of his Father to
be judge of the world.
28 (7) Marvel not at this; for the hour
shall come, in the which all that are in
the graves, shall hear his voice.
(7) All shall appear before the
judgment seat of Christ at length to be
29 (8) And they shall come (l) forth,
(*) that have done good, unto the
(m) resurrection of life, but they that
have done evil, unto the resurrection
of condemnation.
(8) Faith and infidelity will be judged
by their fruits.
(l) Of their graves.
(*) Matthew 25:41 .
(m) To that resurrection which had life
everlasting following it; against which is
set the resurrection of condemnation;
that is, which condemnation followeth.
30 (9) I can (n) do nothing of my own
self; (o) as I hear, I judge; and my
judgment is just, because I seek not my
own will, but the will of the Father who
hath sent me.
(9) The Father is the author and
approver of all things which Christ
(n) Look verse John 5:22 .
(o) As my father directeth me,
who dwelleth in me.
31 If I (*) should bear witness of
myself, my witness were
not (p) () true.
(*) John 8:14 .
(p) Faithful, that is, worthy to be
credited, Look in
John 8:14 .
() Christ had respect to their weakness
that heard him, and therefore said his
own witness should not be sufficient.
32 (*) There is another that beareth
witness of me, and I know that the
witness, which he beareth of me, is
(*) Matthew 3:17 .
33 (*) (10) Ye sent unto John, and he
bare witness unto the truth.
(*) John 1:27 .
(10) Christ is declared to be the only
Saviour by John's voice, and infinite
miracles, and by the testimonies of all
the Prophets.
But the world notwithstanding being
addicted to false prophets, and desirous
to seem religious, seeth none of all these
34 But I receive not the record of man,
nevertheless these things I say, that ye
might be saved.
35 He was a burning and a shining (*)
candle, and ye would for (q) a () season
have rejoiced in his light.
(*) Or, lamp.
(q) A little while.
() But ye left him quickly and did not
36 But I have greater witness than the
witness of John; for the works which
the Father hath given me to finish, the
same works that I do, bear witness of
me, that the Father sent me.
37 And the (*) Father himself, which hath
sent me, () beareth witness of me.
Ye have not heard his voice at any time,
() neither have ye seen his shape.
(*) Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17:5 .
() In the Law and Prophets.
() Deuteronomy 4:12 .
38 And his word have ye not abiding in
you, for whom he hath sent, him ye
believe not.
39 (*) Search the Scriptures, for in them
ye think to have eternal life, and they are
they which testify of me.
(*) Acts 17:11 .
40 But ye will not come to me, that ye
might have life.
41 I receive not the praise of men.
42 But I know you, that ye have not the
(r) love of God in you.
(r) Love toward God.
43 I am come in my Father's Name,
and ye receive me not; if (*) another
shall come in his own name, him will ye
(*) The people are more ready to receive
false prophets than Jesus Christ.
44 How can ye believe, which () receive
(*) honor one of another, and seek not
the honor that cometh of God alone?
() Vain glory is a great let for a man to
come to God.
(*) John 12:43 .
45 (s) Do not think that I will accuse you
to my Father; there is one that (*)
accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye
(s) This denial doth not put away that
which is here said, but correcteth it, as
if Christ said, the Jews shall have no
sorer an accuser than Moses.
(*) As Moses shall accuse them that
trust in him; so they shall have no
greater enemies at the day of judgment,
than the virgin Mary and the Saints upon
whom now they call; but whosoever
doeth accuse, Christ and their own
conscience shall condemn the reprobate.
46 For had ye believed Moses, ye would
have believed me, (*) for he wrote of me.
(*) Genesis 3:15; Genesis 22:18;
Genesis 49:10; Deuteronomy 18:15 .
47 But if ye believe not his writings, how
shall ye believe my words?
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Gospel of John with Footnotes :
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
1599 Geneva Family Bible
Graphic Reading for Protestant Minds :
The Geneva Bible
New Testament ,
The Holy Gospel Of Jesus Christ,
According To John Chapter 5
2 One lying at the pool,
5 is healed of Christ on the Sabbath.
10 The Jews that rashly find fault with
that his deed,
17 he convinceth with the authority of
his Father,
19 He proveth his divine power by
many reasons,
45 and with Moses' testimony.
1 After (*) that, there was a feast of
the Jews, and Jesus went up to
(*) Leviticus 23:2; Deuteronomy 16:1 .
2 (1) And there is at Jerusalem by
(*) the place of the sheep, a (a)
() pool called in Hebrew (b)
() Bethesda, having five porches;
(1) There is no disease so old, which
Christ cannot heal.
(*) Or, the sheep market.
(a) Whereof cattle drank, and used
to be plunged in, whereof there could
not be but great store at Jerusalem.
() Where the sheep were washed, that
should be sacrificed.
(b) That is to say, the house of pouring
out, because great store of water was
poured out into that place.
() Which signifieth the house of pouring
out, because the water ran out by
3 In the which lay a great multitude of
sick folk, of blind, halt, and withered,
waiting for the moving of the water.
4 For an Angel went down at a certain
season into the pool, and troubled the
water; whosoever then first, after the
stirring of the water, stepped in, was
made whole of whatsoever disease he
5 And a certain man was there, which
had been diseased eight and thirty
6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew
that he now long time had been diseased,
he said unto him, Wilt thou be made
7 The sick man answered him, Sir, I
have no man, when the water is
troubled, to put me into the pool, but
while I am coming, another steppeth
down before me.
8 Jesus said unto him, Rise, (*) take
up thy bed, and walk.
(*) This was, to the end that the miracle
might be so evident, that no man could
speak against it.
9 And immediately the man was made
whole, and took up his bed, and walked;
and the same day was the Sabbath.
10 (2) The Jews therefore said to him
that was made whole, It is the Sabbath
day, (*) it is not lawful for thee to carry
thy bed.
(2) True religion is not more cruelly
assaulted by any means, than by the
pretence of religion itself.
(*) Jeremiah 17:22 .
11 He answered them, He that made me
whole he said unto me, Take up thy bed,
and walk.
12 Then asked they him, What man is that
which said unto thee, Take up thy bed,
and walk?
13 And he that was healed, knew not
who it was, for Jesus had conveyed
himself away from the multitude that
was in that place.
14 And after that, Jesus found him in the
Temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou
art made whole; (*) sin no more, lest a
worse thing come unto thee.
(*) The affliction that we endure, are
chastisements for our sins.
15 ¶ The man departed, and told the Jews
that it was Jesus that had made him whole.
16 And therefore the Jews did persecute
Jesus, and sought to slay him, because
he had done these things on the Sabbath
17 (3) But Jesus answered them, My
Father worketh hitherto, and I work.
(3) The work of God was never the
breach of the Sabbath, but the works
of Christ are the works of the Father,
both because they are one God, and
also because the Father doeth not work
but in the Son.
18 (*) Therefore the Jews sought the
more to kill him, not only because he
had broken the Sabbath, but said also
that God was (c) () his () Father, and
made himself equal with God.
(*) John 7:19 .
(c) That is, his only and no man's else,
which they gather by that, that he saith,
(And I work) applying this word (work)
to himself, which is proper to God, and
therefore maketh himself equal to God.
() That is, proper and peculiar to him
() It was lawful for all Israel to call God
their Father,
Exodus 4:22;
but because Christ did attribute to
himself, that he had power over all things,
and wrought as his Father did, they
gathered that Christ did not only make
himself the Son of God, but also equal
with him.
19 Then answered Jesus, and said unto
them, Verily, verily I say unto you, The
Son can do nothing (d) of himself, save
that he (e) seeth the Father do; for
whatsoever things he doeth, the same
things doeth the Son (f) in like manner.
(d) Not only without his Father's authority,
but also without his mighty working and
(e) This must be understood of Christ his
person, which consisteth of two natures,
and not simply of his Godhead; so then
he saith that his Father moveth and
governeth him in all things, but yet
notwithstanding, when he saith he
worketh with his Father, he voucheth
his Godhead.
(f) In like sort, jointly and together.
Not for that the Father doeth some things,
and then the son worketh after him, and
doth the like, but because the might and
power of the Father and the Son do
work equally and jointly together.
20 For the Father loveth the Son, and
(*) sheweth him all things, whatsoever
he himself doeth, and he will shew him
greater works than these, that ye should
(*) That is, he doeth communicate with
him, having the same power and same
21 (4) For likewise as the Father raiseth
up the dead, and quickeneth them, so the
Son quickeneth whom he will.
(4) The Father maketh no man partaker
of everlasting life, but in Christ, in whom
only also he is truly worshipped.
22 For the Father (g) judgeth (h) no man,
but hath committed all (*) judgment unto
the Son,
(g) This word (judgeth) is taken by the
figure Synecdoche, for all government.
(h) These words are not so to be taken,
as though they simply denied that God
governeth the world, but as the Jews
imagined it, which separate the Father
from the Son, whereas indeed, the Father
doth not govern the world but only in the
person of his Son, being made manifest
in the flesh; so saith he afterward
John 5:30;
that he came not to do his own will, that
his doctrine is not his own,
John 7:16;
that the blind man and his parents sinned
not, ect.
John 9:3 .
(*) In giving him power and rule over all.
23 Because that all men should honor
the Son, as they honor the Father.
He that honoreth not the Son, the same
honoreth not the Father which hath sent him.
24 (5) Verily, verily I say unto you, he
that heareth my word, and believeth in
him that sent me, hath everlasting life,
and shall not come into condemnation,
but hath passed from death unto life.
(5) The Father is not worshipped but by
his Son's word apprehended by faith,
which is the only way that leadeth to
eternal life.
25 (6) Verily, verily I say unto you, the
hour shall come, and now is, when the
dead shall hear the voice of the Son of
God, and they that (*) hear it shall live.
(6) We are all dead in sin and cannot be
quickened by any other means, than by
the word of Christ apprehended by faith.
(*) They that receive it by faith.
26 For as the Father hath life
in (*) himself, so likewise hath he given
to the Son to have life in himself.
(*) To communicate it with us.
27 And hath given him (i) power also
to execute (*) judgment, in that he is
the (k) Son of man.
(i) That is, high and sovereign power to
rule and govern all things, insomuch that
he hath power of life and death.
(*) That is, to govern and rule all things.
(k) That is, he shall not only judge the
world as he is God, but also as he is
man, he received this of his Father to
be judge of the world.
28 (7) Marvel not at this; for the hour
shall come, in the which all that are in
the graves, shall hear his voice.
(7) All shall appear before the
judgment seat of Christ at length to be
29 (8) And they shall come (l) forth,
(*) that have done good, unto the
(m) resurrection of life, but they that
have done evil, unto the resurrection
of condemnation.
(8) Faith and infidelity will be judged
by their fruits.
(l) Of their graves.
(*) Matthew 25:41 .
(m) To that resurrection which had life
everlasting following it; against which is
set the resurrection of condemnation;
that is, which condemnation followeth.
30 (9) I can (n) do nothing of my own
self; (o) as I hear, I judge; and my
judgment is just, because I seek not my
own will, but the will of the Father who
hath sent me.
(9) The Father is the author and
approver of all things which Christ
(n) Look verse John 5:22 .
(o) As my father directeth me,
who dwelleth in me.
31 If I (*) should bear witness of
myself, my witness were
not (p) () true.
(*) John 8:14 .
(p) Faithful, that is, worthy to be
credited, Look in
John 8:14 .
() Christ had respect to their weakness
that heard him, and therefore said his
own witness should not be sufficient.
32 (*) There is another that beareth
witness of me, and I know that the
witness, which he beareth of me, is
(*) Matthew 3:17 .
33 (*) (10) Ye sent unto John, and he
bare witness unto the truth.
(*) John 1:27 .
(10) Christ is declared to be the only
Saviour by John's voice, and infinite
miracles, and by the testimonies of all
the Prophets.
But the world notwithstanding being
addicted to false prophets, and desirous
to seem religious, seeth none of all these
34 But I receive not the record of man,
nevertheless these things I say, that ye
might be saved.
35 He was a burning and a shining (*)
candle, and ye would for (q) a () season
have rejoiced in his light.
(*) Or, lamp.
(q) A little while.
() But ye left him quickly and did not
36 But I have greater witness than the
witness of John; for the works which
the Father hath given me to finish, the
same works that I do, bear witness of
me, that the Father sent me.
37 And the (*) Father himself, which hath
sent me, () beareth witness of me.
Ye have not heard his voice at any time,
() neither have ye seen his shape.
(*) Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17:5 .
() In the Law and Prophets.
() Deuteronomy 4:12 .
38 And his word have ye not abiding in
you, for whom he hath sent, him ye
believe not.
39 (*) Search the Scriptures, for in them
ye think to have eternal life, and they are
they which testify of me.
(*) Acts 17:11 .
40 But ye will not come to me, that ye
might have life.
41 I receive not the praise of men.
42 But I know you, that ye have not the
(r) love of God in you.
(r) Love toward God.
43 I am come in my Father's Name,
and ye receive me not; if (*) another
shall come in his own name, him will ye
(*) The people are more ready to receive
false prophets than Jesus Christ.
44 How can ye believe, which () receive
(*) honor one of another, and seek not
the honor that cometh of God alone?
() Vain glory is a great let for a man to
come to God.
(*) John 12:43 .
45 (s) Do not think that I will accuse you
to my Father; there is one that (*)
accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye
(s) This denial doth not put away that
which is here said, but correcteth it, as
if Christ said, the Jews shall have no
sorer an accuser than Moses.
(*) As Moses shall accuse them that
trust in him; so they shall have no
greater enemies at the day of judgment,
than the virgin Mary and the Saints upon
whom now they call; but whosoever
doeth accuse, Christ and their own
conscience shall condemn the reprobate.
46 For had ye believed Moses, ye would
have believed me, (*) for he wrote of me.
(*) Genesis 3:15; Genesis 22:18;
Genesis 49:10; Deuteronomy 18:15 .
47 But if ye believe not his writings, how
shall ye believe my words?
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