Friday, October 10, 2008

H.R.1424 : Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 ;

Expose, Oppose, Protest
and Resist By Email ;


The Evil,Unholy,
Of The New World Order :


- U.S.A. INC . - C.I.A.



Alternatives, Causes, Effects
and Commentary ...

1) In which way do the central banks
contribute to the problems we see now?

The central bank created the problem
in the first place.

Low interest rates and a defacto guarantee
to bailout everyone
(the Greenspan and now Bernanke PUT)
caused the housing bubble
which in turn led to such things
as reduced lending standards,
mortgage-backed securities
and financial corruption.

2) Can or should the government
or central banks do anything
to prevent a collapse
of the banking system, at this point?
Why not?

No, they should do nothing except
unwind the existing bailout measures
and return their policies to normal.
They should be put out of business.

3) What will be the consequences
of the continued attempts by the authorities
to prevent more bank failures
and the seizing up of the credit markets?

Bailout policies
are what turn normal recessions into

Look at the US in the 1930s and 1970s
and Japan in the 1990s.

In each case government undertook
aggressive bailout policies
designed to keep incumbent shareholders
and managers in place by propping them up
with credit and policies to keep prices high.

The result was decade long periods
of higher unemployment and stagnation.

4) Is a world without central banks
possible or desirable?
Please explain.

Central banks are unnecessary and harmful.
It is both possible and desirable
to eliminate them.

Some of their functions could be handled
by the market institutions
such as the clearing house function.

Setting interest rates could and should
be done by the market.

Persistent and erratic inflation
of the money supply is not desirable
so that the function would be eliminated
and control of the money supply
would be returned to the market
in the form of gold and silver
mining production
which is very consistent
and difficult to manipulate
because it takes "real money"
to mine precious metals.

5) How does the lack of a gold standard
contribute to the problem?

A gold standard is the most important part
of the solution because it ties government's hands
from deficit spending and inflation.

However, fractional reserve banking
is also a big contributor to the problem
of monetary instability, inflation
and the business cycle.

We need to abolish
fractional reserve banking
on demand deposits and return
to laws pertaining to deposits
and warehousing that existed
prior to central banking
and indeed continue to exist today
in all other warehousing contracts.

This would mean that every dollar
deposited into a demand deposit account
would have to be maintained on reserve
by the bank.

There would be no reserve requirements
for bond proceeds, CDs
or other time deposits.

This would take the leverage
and instability
out of the monetary system.

6) How would one prevent
that the gold standard is abandoned
at the first sight of serious problems,
as has been the case in the past -
and also when countries have attempted
to peg their currencies to the US dollar?

The Treasury and the Fed
should not be permitted to issue paper dollars,
only gold and silver coins,
and private mints
should also be able to issue
gold and silver coins
so that the money supply
is market determined
(and that the ratio of precious metals
in monetary use and other uses
would be in harmony).

We should have a coin-based system,
not a gold-exchange system
that allows the Treasure to "fudge"
with the money supply.

The dollar should be fixed
in a weight of silver
because that is what emerged
on the market
(true gold was used as money
in large transactions,
but we only went on a gold standard
because the British
made bad monetary decisions
when they were on a fixed ratio
of gold to silver
and Gresham's Law went into effect).

There should be no fixed ratio of gold
to silver, but people should be free
to use both as money.

Checks and debit cards would still exist
and indeed debit cards
could automatically translate
gold demand deposits
into silver-denominated purchases.

These basic tenents
should be written into all Constitutions
to block the actions of government,
but not to forestall
innovations of the market :

Great nations of people have given away
their liberties in exchange for security.

The Russians submitted to Communism
and the Germans submitted to National Socialism
because of economic chaos.

In 20th century America, economic crises--
and fear more generally--
provided the justification for the adoption
of "reforms" such as a central bank
(i.e. the Federal Reserve), the New Deal,
the Cold War, and even fiat money
during the economic crisis of the early 1970s.

Fear of terrorism after 9/11 resulted
in a massive transfer of power
to government at the expense
of individual liberty.

Submission of liberty
and individual autonomy in exchange
for security and the "greater good"
is now often referred to as
choosing the dark side :

The goal of Our Austrian "bailout package"
is not to prevent the corrective process
in the economy from taking place,
but rather to allow it to take place
in an environment that encourages
the revival of the economy.

The government's bailout package
only makes our situation worse
by trying to forestall the process
and by making it more difficult
to revive the economy.

Austrian Bailout Package Revised :

1. The Federal Reserve cut interest rates
to as low as 1% so that after inflation
we had negative interest rates.

2. As a result, mortgage rates fell
to an all time low.

3. Low rates caused borrowing
and lending to explode,
particularly in real estate.

For example, commercial banks
more than doubled the amount
of real-estate loans they made.

4. All these low interest loans
had to be extended to people
with worse credit ratings and this
increased the demand for homes
and other real-estate assets.

It should not be surprising that home
prices skyrocketed.

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac,
mortgage-backed securities,
and credit derivatives
were simply the conduit
that made all these bad loans
and investments seem less risky
than they really were.

In this manner the Federal Reserve
can fool the market, at least

In the end the market
always reasserts itself :

The only national problem
with immigration lies
with government.

Because immigrants are relatively poor
they tend to pay less in taxes than their
use of so-called government services
like health care and education,
and thus increase taxes on citizens.

We can therefore solve
the immigration problem by simply
eliminating government programs
that provide free services.

Note: we would simultaneously
solve the problems of education
and health care by placing
these industries back
into the private sector.

One question that doesn't get addressed
is the reason for the mad rush
of illegal immigration -
why have so many people
entered the country illegally
in recent years.

One possibility is the legal system
which has sought to protect
the rights of people,
particularly immigrants,
and thus prevented
government bureaucrats
from controlling the flow of immigration.

The question remains:
why all the recent immigration?

I believe that the answer lies
to a large degree with the housing bubble
in the United States.

The normal number of housing starts
is about one million per year,
but housing starts have exceeded
one million every year
since the early 1990s.

The housing bubble appeared
in the wake of the bursting
of the technology stock bubble
and only began to unravel in 2006.

Housing starts have already returned
to normal levels, but are soon likely
to go below normal levels.

What does this
have to do with illegal immigration?

particularly illegal Mexican immigrants,
have largely found jobs in industries
associated with the housing bubble.

Immigrants work at jobs
in the construction, landscaping,
and road construction industries.

in the construction industry alone
is currently nearly two million jobs
above trend (7.7 versus 5.9 million).

Of course many of the illegal immigrants
are not even counted in such statistics,
but just take a look at residential,
landscaping, and road construction sites
and you are likely to find many non -
English-speaking immigrants.

Illegal Immigrants
and the Housing Bubble :

Govt. May Take Ownership Stakes in Banks :

"Martial law in America if we voted no" :

WMR has learned from knowledgeable
Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) sources that the Bush administration
is putting the final touches on a plan
that would see martial law declared
in the United States
with various scenarios anticipated as triggers.

The triggers include
a continuing economic collapse
with massive social unrest, bank closures
resulting in violence against financial institutions,
and another fraudulent presidential election
that would result in rioting in major cities
and campuses around the country.

In addition, Army Corps of Engineer sources
report that the assignment
of the 3rd Infantry Division's
1st Brigade Combat Team (BCT)
to the Northern Command's
U.S. Army North is to augment FEMA
and federal law enforcement
in the imposition of traffic controls,
crowd control, curfews, enhanced border
and port security, and neighborhood patrols
in the event a national emergency
being declared.

The BCT was assigned to duties in Iraq
before being assigned
to the Northern Command .

FEMA sources confirm coming martial law :

Archives :

H.R.1424 : Emergency
Economic Stabilization Act of 2008