Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Opposing Barack Hussein Obama : The Republican SURGE VOTE ;

Perhaps it is time to suggest that
nothing short of a Straight Ticket
Republican Vote Can Hope To
Save The People of This Country
From The Scurge of
Barack Hussein Obama
and His New World Order
Democratic Administration !

A Strong, ' Pre 9-11 '
Republican Administration
Would be one I Could Hope For .

Democrats Across The Country
Should Be Routed Out Of Office
For All The Damage They've Caused
And Promise Yet To Cause !

There Would Be No More
Republican Talk
Of Reaching Across
The Congressional
Isle For Bi Partisan Support .

Oh Yes , There Would Probably
Be Plenty Of Republican Neocons
left standing high and dry,

But These Should Be More
Susceptible To Reason
Then All These Insane Gonzo
Democrats !

And If It Is Needed The Neocons
Can Be Impeached

and Replaced by
and Constitutional
Republicans .

But Even Then It Would Be
Up To The People To Keep This
New Republican Administration
On The Shortest Possible Leash .

Otherwise The Democratic
Scurge Would Be Back
In Office Again .

It Is These Haters Of
Popular and Populist
Constitutional Government
That Have Always Threatened
Our Country , Land and People .

These Haters Prefer
Slavery, Taxes, Usury
'Free Trade', Globalism
and U.N. New World Orderism,

To Our Independent,
Constitutional and Republic
Form Of Governments .

A Straight Ticket Republican Vote
Could Very Possibly Flush
Most Of These Compromisers
and Opportunists Right Out Of
Office .

Let The Republican
Begin !