Barack Hussein Obama
Is The Lipstick
and His New World Order
Is The Pig !
Barack Hussein Obama's
Economic Controller
Is A Skull And Bones Member ;
Barack Obama's top economics adviser
is a member of the super-secret
Skull & Bones society of Yale University,
of which George H.W. Bush,
George W. Bush, and John Kerry
are also members,
reliable sources confirmed ,
By adding the infamous Skull & Bones
secret society to his campaign roster,
Obama, who bills himself
as the candidate of change and hope,
has attained a prefect trifecta
of oligarchical and financier
establishment backing for his attempt
to seize the nomination
of the Democratic Party for 2008.
Obama's main overall image adviser
and foreign policy adviser
is Zbigniew Brzezinski,
the co-founder of David Rockefeller's
Trilateral Commission,
and the mastermind
of the disastrous Carter administration.
Obama's wife Michelle is linked
to the Council on Foreign Relations.
Behind the utopian platitudes
dished up by the Illinois senator,
the face of the Wall Street money elite
comes into clearer and clearer focus :
Barack Hussein Obama is An
Illegal Alien Fraud, Foreign Agent
and Islam Manchurian Candidate !
The People Know
Barack Hussein Obama
Is Not Constitutionally
Qualified To Be President,
And The People Have Many
Comments About It ,
The People's Comments :
You Tube : Obama's 'Citizenship' :
What Is Barack Hussein Obama's
Position On Your Right
To Keep and Bear Arms ?
Obama is a committed anti-gunner .
Not surprisingly, Obama supports
the gun ban in the nation's capital,
saying the "DC handgun law is constitutional."
And he is opposed to people using guns
for self-defense, when those guns are owned
in localities like Washington, DC
and Chicago where firearms are banned.
Illinois resident Hale DeMar
was prosecuted by the town of Wilmette
for using a handgun in his home
to defend his family in 2003.
Because Wilmette had imposed a ban
on the possession of handguns,
several Illinois state legislators introduced
SB 2165 to protect the right of self-defense
for residents like DeMar.
True to form, Obama voted
against the pro-gun legislation.
It is very telling that Obama moved further
to the left than most of the liberal legislators
in his state.
The concealed carry of firearms
is another important issue for gun owners,
and yet Obama is not only opposed
to citizens carrying guns,
he supports using federal laws to override
those states which currently allow the practice.
In 2004, Obama said he supports
a national ban on concealed carry
because the states that allow it are
"threatening the safety of Illinois residents."
Never mind the fact that concealed carry laws
have improved the safety of citizens
in the states that have enacted such laws.
Obama has also taken a strong position
in favor of the Clinton semi-auto ban
which sunset in 2004.
"I believe we need to renew --
not roll back --
this common sense gun law,"
Obama said.
Well, there's nothing that's "common sense"
about the Clinton ban.
Not only did it outlaw almost 200 types
of firearms, legislators like
Senator Chuck Schumer of New York
tried to amend the law (before it sunset)
to include additional types of semi-autos --
even banning classic (wood-stock) long guns
such as the Remington shotgun
which Senator John Kerry received
as a gift during his 2004 presidential bid :
Obama's gun record
is just simply atrocious :
What Is Barack Hussein Obama's
Position On The 'Fairness Doctrine' ?
It's important to consider this matter
through the lens of Obama's mythical
history of "bipartisanship."
In the United States Senate, Obama voted
the Democrat Party line 97 percent of the time;
more often than his own caucus' leader.
It takes quite an effort to out-liberal
Ted Kennedy and Bernie Sanders,
but the non-partisan National Journal
says Obama managed to do just that,
ranking him the most liberal senator
in the chamber last year.
With that in mind, consider this:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,
one of the most powerful members
of Obama's party, has clearly stated
her desire to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.
When asked if she'd allow a vote
on Indiana Republican Mike Pence's
anti-Fairness Doctrine legislation,
Pelosi shot back,
"No. The interest in my caucus is the reverse."
Can the public really trust
an Obama administration
to resist a Democratic Congress' efforts
to revive the censorship measure?
Considering that Senator Obama
hasn't stood up to his own party
in any substantial way thus far,
it's unlikely a President Obama
would magically adopt the practice.
Beyond the hypothetical,
the Obama campaign's actions
betray speech-muzzling impulses.
On numerous occasions
during his general election campaign,
Obama has sought to silence,
rather than engage and refute, his critics :
The Republican SURGE VOTE :
Perhaps it is time to suggest that
nothing short of a Straight Ticket
Republican Vote Can Hope To
Save The People of This Country
From The Scurge of
Barack Hussein Obama
and His New World Order
Democratic Administration !
A Strong, ' Pre 9-11 '
Republican Administration
Would be one I Could Hope For .
Democrats Across The Country
Should Be Routed Out Of Office
For All The Damage They've Caused
And Promise Yet To Cause !
There Would Be No More
Republican Talk
Of Reaching Across
The Congressional
Isle For Bi Partisan Support .
Oh Yes , There Would Probably
Be Plenty Of Republican Neocons
left standing high and dry,
But These Should Be More
Susceptible To Reason
Then All These Insane Gonzo
Democrats !
And If It Is Needed The Neocons
Can Be Impeached
and Replaced by
Constitutional Conservative
Republicans .
But Even Then It Would Be
Up To The People To Keep This
New Republican Administration
On The Shortest Possible Leash .
Otherwise The Democratic
Scurge Would Return To
Congress Again .
It Is These Haters Of
Popular and Populist
Constitutional Government
That Have Always Threatened
Our Country , Land and People .
These Haters Prefer
'Free Trade', Globalism
and U.N. New World Orderism,
To Our Independent,
Unique and Republic
Form Of Government .
A Straight Ticket Republican Vote
Could Very Possibly Flush
Most Of These Compromisers
and Opportunists Right Out Of
Office .
Let The Republican
Begin !