The intersection
of Internet, the law, and politics :
Commie 'Free Press' is still being 'hypocritical' :
They took out a full page ad denouncing
(in true Communist style) FCC Chairman
Genachowski for having one closed door
meeting with the likes of AT&T and Verizon.
Free Press has had over 30.
By their own standard,
the FCC has sold out to
the neo-Marxist Free Press itself, not to ISPs.
Commie FCC plans threaten the recovery :
The Hill warns that 500,000 good jobs
in the industry could be lost if the FCC
proceeds as Free Press demands.
Commie Net Neutrality
and Title 2 "Third Way" Deem and Pass
reclassification must be stopped.
Commie 'Free Press'
is two faced about the FCC,
and is holding themselves and
ISPs to a double standard.
Communists get to do what they want,
but people who create good jobs in America
have to sit in silence as the industry is attacked
with crushing regulation, if they get their way
Shariah Finance expert
Samar Ali, an associate
with the firm Hogan Lovells
US LLP (a firm that specializes
in Shariah Finance), was hand picked
to be one of the new White House Fellows.
The writer asks,
"Why, in the midst
of the worst financial crisis
our country has faced in 70 years,
does the president choose an expert
in Islamic finance to get training
in the White House?"
Left out of the press release
is that she also previously worked
as an intern and received training at
the Islamic International Arab Bank;
according to her staff bio at the
Hogan Lovells law firm,
Samar's experience includes
advising a Middle Eastern university
in the potential establishment of a Foreign
Aid Conventional and Shari'ah Compliant
Student Loan Program. . Before joining
Hogan & Hartson, Samar worked as a summer
associate for the firm and as a legal intern for the
Islamic International Arab Bank
Analysts claim,
that shariah finance
is simply one aspect in
a global multi-pronged assault
on the West, and is essentially a
euphemism for the economic side of jihad