Thursday, July 15, 2010

Financial Saboteurs from the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The financial reform bill recently approved
by the House of Representatives and expected
to pass in the Senate after the summer recess
creates government "minority inclusion" offices
and requires private financial institutions to
implement race and gender employment quotas.

Known as the Dodd-Frank bill,
the legislation is intended to overhaul
Wall Street by enacting sweeping new
rules that will supposedly prevent another
financial crisis.

The law will create new agencies
to police credit cards, mortgages,
financial system risks and exotic
securities known as derivatives.

Much of this has been widely reported
in the media, which has conveniently ignored
the measure's minority quota mandate for the
nation's financial industry.

At least 20 offices
of Minority and Women Inclusion
will be set up to "address employment
and contracting diversity matters."

The offices will coordinate
technical assistance to minority-owned
and women-owned businesses and seek
diversity in the workforce of regulators.

Key agencies
such as the Treasury Department,
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC), Federal Housing Finance Agency,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
as well as the 12 Federal Reserve regional banks
will get their own Office of Minority
and Women Inclusion.

So will the Federal Reserve Board
of Governors and the National
Credit Union Administration.

Each office will be equipped
with a director and staff to develop
policies that promote equal employment
opportunities and racial, ethnic and gender
diversity of the individual agency as well as
companies that do business with it.

The goal is to assure
"to the maximum extent
possible the fair inclusion"
of women and minorities, individually
and through business they own, in the
activities of the agencies, including contracting

The Democrats have had control
of Congress since January 2007.

They have done nothing
to bring home millions of jobs
by getting the U.S. out of NAFTA,
CAFTA, GATT, the WTO, stop the
withholding taxing scheme, demand enforcement
of our immigration laws and deporting as many
illegal aliens as possible.

Instead, Democrats in Congress
champion illegals who have stolen
MILLIONS of jobs that belong to
Americans of both parties.

Now, unions are going to spend
a massive amount of money to return
the same incumbents back to Congress
to continue destroying this republic:

May 21, 2010.

Unions to spend
$100 million to save Dem majorities

Slick career politicians like John Boehner
[R-OH] can continue belching about jobs,
but his votes killed millions of jobs.

He is not a sponsor of H.R. 4759
to get US out of NAFTA.

Boehner, like most Republicans
and Democrats use political currency
to bash the other party while Americans
sink further into despair and poverty.

If Democrats think it's all the fault
of Bush and Republicans, they are fools.

The same goes for Republicans
who blame everything on Democrats.

Both parties
have brought this nation to financial ruin.

There are hundreds of thousands
of hard working Americans from both
parties working feverishly to get the same
buzzards reelected in November who have
loaded the gun and pulled the trigger on our
economy and our children and grand children's

It is pure insanity

The Enemies
Of Free Enterprise