On June 30, in her confirmation hearings,
Solicitor General Elena Kagan gave a response
which gives me pause about her fitness to serve
on the Supreme Court.
Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma,
asked her view of the natural right to self-defense.
She responded, hesitantly, that she didn't have a
view of natural rights independent of the Constitution.
But natural rights independent
of the Constitution form the very fabric of it.
The Constitution could not have been written unless
we were an independent nation at the time we wrote it.
The life of the Constitution rests upon the
validity of the Declaration of Independence.
Recall that the author
of the Declaration states
that the authority by which we declared
our independence from Great Britain is
"the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God."
Thus, the very Constitution which Kagan would be
called upon to judge depends upon a natural right
which is independent of it.
The most fundamental question
for any judge is why laws exist at all.
Surely, laws exist to protect the personal security,
personal liberty, and private property of those
subject to them.
This must mean that the rights to these,
as Blackstone observed, exist independent
of the laws written to protect them.
Otherwise, any manner of laws could be written,
such as a law to tell us what foods we should eat
and in what proportions.
To say that she has no view on natural rights means
either she does not understand the origin and meaning
of the Constitution or she is in fundamental disagreement
with both.
In either case,
she does not belong on the Supreme Court
A radically new wealth-generating natural resource
has emerged, one especially favored by the
Obama administration.
This is dependency, in which recipients of government
largess evolve from an unwelcome tax-eating burden
to a job-creating asset.
No wonder
many Americans welcome troublesome immigrants.
It is almost as if the 1849 Gold Rush days are here
again, but instead of prospectors panning for nuggets
at Sutter's Creek, entrepreneurs are packing their
minivans, formulating grant proposals, sharpening
resumes, and rushing to Arizona to strike it rich by
"mining" newly discovered clients.
Thanks to multiple government programs,
the proportion of Americans in some way dependent
on government largess has suddenly jumped by 31.2%
since 2001 after decades of much slower increases.
Even in inflation-adjusted dollars, America now
spends thirteen times more on public welfare than
it did in 1965.
Dependency has snowballed in health care, public
welfare, and housing, and the upward trend seems
likely to continue as Obama's statist polices take hold
and baby boomers retire.
Indeed, the president plans to spend
some $10.3 trillion in welfare over the next decades.
In a nutshell, Uncle Sam is replacing the family, the
church, private charities, and all other non-government
sources of assistance, and this means regular jobs
for the new caregivers.
And it feels good to work for Uncle Sam :
Benefits included, the average federal workers in
2008 earned double what those in the private sector
took home.
So it is hardly unexpected that since about January
2008, some 7.9 million private sectors jobs have
disappeared, while 590,000 public sector jobs were
created -- and this trend seems to be multiplying.
It's a thoroughly modern ménage à trios
of dependent citizens, well-paid government employees
ministering to them, and harried taxpayers footing the bill
The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Fascist Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters