The passive approach
of crossing our fingers and hoping Washington
will follow the Constitution has not worked.
The only surprising thing about it
is that anyone could have expected
it to work in the first place.
It is long past time
for those of us who want
to confine the federal government to its
constitutional limits to try something different.
The time has come to revisit nullification,
the quintessentially American mode of resistance
against federal lawlessness that Thomas Jefferson
urged as an essential ingredient of our political system.
In the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798,
Jefferson insisted that the states needed
a way to defend themselves against unconstitutional
exercises of power by the federal government.
Jefferson's fear was
that if the federal government
had a monopoly on defining the
scope of its own powers, it would
be constantly discovering new ones.
Likewise, James Madison urged
in the Virginia Resolutions of 1798
that the states were "duty bound to resist"
when the federal government violated
the Constitution.
(The reader will not be surprised to learn
that Bill Clinton held no White House soiree
in honor of the two hundredth anniversary
of these documents in 1998.)
These principles were used
for honorable purposes throughout
antebellum American history.
Virginia and Kentucky
used them on behalf of free speech.
The New England states
employed them against unconstitutional
searches and seizures.
Numerous northern states
used them against fugitive slave laws,
provisions of which they considered
unconstitutional notwithstanding the
Constitution's fugitive-slave clause.
More than six decades after
Jefferson penned the immortal words
of the Kentucky Resolutions, the legislature
of Wisconsin quoted them word for word
in defense of its defiance of such laws
Fascist Saboteurs from the Global
Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
Days after suing Arizona for "intruding"
on the government's authority by passing
a state version of its immigration laws, the
Obama Administration has revealed that it
will also ignore violations of the federal statute.
A Justice Department official confirmed
in a news report this week that the agency
will not take any action against cities that defy
a 14-year-old federal law by offering
illegal immigrants sanctuary.
The measure
(Illegal Immigration Reform
and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996)
specifically requires states and municipalities to
cooperate with federal authorities when it comes
to immigration enforcement.
For decades,
dozens of local governments
have provided illegal aliens with
sanctuary by shielding them from
the feds after arrests or criminal
convictions and banning police from
inquiring about suspects'
immigration status.
Judicial Watch has sued
several major police departments-
including Los Angeles and Chicago-
for their illegal don't-ask-don't tell
immigration policies, which have enabled violent
criminals to continue victimizing innocent Americans.
Numerous illegal immigrants
with extensive criminal records
have committed atrocious crimes
because they were never deported,
despite repeated encounters with local
law enforcement agencies in sanctuary cities.
Recent examples include
a violent gang member who
murdered a high school football star
in Los Angeles, another gangbanger
who gunned down a teenage honor student
on a Maryland bus and a drunken driver who
killed two women and a toddler in Colorado
The Enemies
Of Free Enterprise