Monday, July 12, 2010

Our Republics Saboteurs from the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

"Stalinism" is a useful term
for the totalitarian left -- even to the left itself.

It's one word
they haven't been able to chew up,
gulp down, and transform into its opposite.

They still know what "Stalinist" means,
even after generations of new names for
the same community agitators :

"The Southern Poverty Law Center,"
"C.A.I.R.," "LA RAZA," "The New Left,"
"hippies," "Black Panthers," "youthful radicals,"
"idealistic students," "feminists," "the workers,"
"black nationalists," "Third World socialists,"
"the wretched of the earth," "Green Party,"
"Gay activists," "LGBT," "Global Warming,"
"peace and freedom party," "eco activists,"
"civil rights campaigners," "post-modernists,"
"gender studies," "J Street," "Bolivarismo,"
"ACORN," "undocumented workers,"
"," "Liberation Theology" --

There must be hundreds
and hundreds of front labels
for the Same-Old, Same-Old.

They make up new ones all the time.

This year's fashionable lefty cult
is called ... "progressivism!"

Stalinism is still here today
because it has never gone away.

Or what do you suppose Bill Ayers
and Jodie Evans were doing in Egypt
and Cyprus before sailing toward Gaza
with that boatful of Turkish suiciders who
were all ready to kill and be killed for Allah?

Was that a coincidence?

It looked like a classic piece
of agitation-propaganda.

A whole mob of journos were there
to get pictures of all the blood and gore.

The media are basically lazy,
and they want only to hustle for
photo-ops when they know they
can get a big headline.

It's simple laziness.

The Turkish suicider stunt
on the "peace flotilla" gave them
headlines for weeks.

Today the brainwashed masses
in Europe and the Muslim countries
still think the innocent side was guilty,
which was the whole purpose of the stunt.

Turkish fascist demagogues
like Erdogan are still making hay off it

Progressivism has progressed :

Now the president
can take over the auto industry,
hiring and firing executives and handing
the leftovers to the unions while refusing
to pay bondholders what they are owed ;

He can force Congress to hand him
the entire field of medical care plus
the student loan industry.

He can run up or back off
wars almost at will, and his regulators
decide much that citizens are allowed or denied.

He can't spend the country rich ;

There is no money,
only debt, but he spends anyway.

Bernard Madoff lied,
spent other people's money, and went to jail ;

The president says
we are recovering by spending
taxpayers' money and is considered a savior.

The economy, not knowing how to do
what he tells it to, pays no attention and sinks.

No politician
will stop the wild ride to sort out the finances ;

The pain from immediate
greater unemployment will cost him election.

He will keep his job while awaiting
ultimate collapse and much greater but later pain.

The democratic process rewards him
for corruption and punishes him for honesty.

Freedom and government are contradictory.

Democratic processes have favored
the growth of government power in U.S.
history, and individual freedom has diminished.

Unless a lot of voters disagree,
that looks like the way which will prevail

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Commie Energy and Environment Coup

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Fascist Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters