Take Commie first lady Michelle Obama's crusade
against childhood obesity.
Who really benefits from the ostensible push for
improved nutrition in the schools?
Think purple -- as in the purple-shirted army of
the Commie Service Employees International Union.
Big Commie Labor bigwigs don't care about slimming
your kids' waistlines.
They care about beefing up their membership rolls
and fattening their coffers
Tea Party activists are rightly outraged by Palin's
decision to campaign for McCain, whose entrenched
incumbency and progressive views are anathema to
the movement.
The conservative base has no such obligations --
and it is imperative that they get in the game
(as they did in Massachusetts) before it's too late.
The movement to restore limited government in
Washington has come too far, against all odds, to
succumb to McCain Regression Syndrome now