The people don't want it.
The people have rejected it.
Yet 'President Barack Obama', '
Speaker' Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
and 'Senate Majority Leader' Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
are going to use a special Congressional
procedure that avoids a filibuster in the Senate -
The Health Care Nuclear Option.
The Obama Administration and Leaders
in Congress have shown contempt for the opinions
and views of the American people.
They just don't get it and they don't care
what people think about this plan
Commie Liberal Progressive Jobs Bill ;
The bill (replaced an 85 billion dollar bill that had
broad GOP support) has very little chance of doing
much to help the unemployment situation.
The LA Times highlights the main elements of the
bill which include "hiring" tax incentives, an extension
of funding for highway programs, an expansion of the
"build America" bonds program (to cover "certain
school and energy projects"), and an equipment
write-off option (as opposed to the standard
"depreciation over time" mechanism
in your garden variety business tax scheme
We have been battered by wave after wave of
successive administrations whose only answer to
any problem has been to grow government.
Government does nothing efficiently.
It cannot feed or sustain itself.
It produces nothing.
It can only take, it cannot give.
The federal government
under 'Barack Hussein Obama' is the Titanic
shopping for it's iceberg.
When history reports on this recession it will say
that it was engineered by insane fiscal policies
put in place by a political party whose sole intent
and purpose was the destruction of, and socialist
takeover of, the country by Marxist ideologues
Commie Liberal & Progressive FCC ;
When FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski uses
words like "regulate" and "Internet," they mean
precisely what he wants them to mean when he
says them.
Now a federal court appears poised to say no,
that Comcast is right, and the law does not give
the FCC the authority to regulate firms that
provide information services, such as ISPs.
In response to such a ruling, which would kill the
vast "Net Neutrality" regulatory scheme before it
started, the FCC is going to declare that ISPs are
no longer IT firms.
In other words, Julius Genachowski will take an
unfavorable court ruling, change the meanings of
the words, and do what the court just told him is
He is arrogant and believes
himself above all oversight and control
What was championed by Commie Liberal
Progressive Democrats a year ago as a
high-minded endeavor to reform health care has
instead descended into a grotesque piece of
legislation larded with pork, payoffs, back room
deals and huge tax increases, say Republicans
and experts
The Communist Hell Care Coups
The Energy and Environment Coups
The Daily Maoist Coup
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise