'Obama'Care critics deem the individual mandate
unconstitutional, since Congress lacks the power
to force Americans to buy anything, especially
health insurance
Commie Liberal Progressive Health 'reform'
has devolved into a cesspool.
Congress should scrap its ugly bills
The process used to legislate makes the old
Tammany Hall politicians look like amateurs
Commie Liberal Progressive 'Reconciliation'
was created by the 1974 Budget Act to pass tax
cuts, deficit reductions and debt-limit modifications.
This is supposed to be a tool that Congress uses to
balance the budget, yet the Obama administration
wants to use this as a means of last resort when the
regular rules have failed it.
Reconciliation is a fast track procedure that
wouldn't allow members to fully debate this
measure, and there is no expectation that this
new reconciliation measure will be the subject
of transparent hearings in the House and Senate
Commie Liberal Progressives imposing statism
in a land predicated on limited government
Commie Liberal Progressives Democrats' ambitious
legislative agenda pushes K Street salaries skyward ;
Lobbyists for healthcare, energy and financial
interests had a banner year in 2009, with the
average payout for each reaching
as high as $177,000