Monday, February 1, 2010

A Fate Of The Union Address ;

So your wondering why 'Government' isn't
behaving the way the constitution says it's
supposed to .

It's because 'Government's' been
criminally converted
into a Corporation .

This page will make this more clear :

Government Of The United States
is a private company categorized under
Federal Government-General Offices
and located in Washington, DC.

Also Does Business As
U S Government

Did you know that the Texas Constitution mandates by law that there
is to be a county Court of record in each county of Texas?

Did you know that the county Court of record is your (the people's)

Did you know the county Court has been closed and the people are
denied remedy by law in a Court of competent jurisdiction?

is not registered with the Secretary of State to do
business in the State of Texas?

Did you know all the agents for THE STATE OF TEXAS
are doing business without a license to do business in Texas?

Did you know they are all Tax Evaders?

Did you know the Bar Association is not registered
to do Business and are operating in commerce
without a license and are tax evaders?

Recognize at the outset that you
are dealing with a bunch of criminals
who have abandoned their responsibilities
as agents of the people by vacating
the government and becoming a corporation
to advance the commercial interests
of the world.

They attempt to make a corporation
out of you, too, by writing
your Christian appellation
in all-capital letters,
which is a clear prejudice
against you, according to;
Texas Rules of Civil Procedure
(TCRP) Rule 52,
Alleging a Corporation:
that a corporation is incorporated
shall be taken as Truth unless denied
by affidavit
of the adverse party, his agent
or his attorney,
whether such corporation is public
or private
and however created."

We The People for Independent Texas

We are just people that get together
and exchange information.
We are not a group or organization.
We are not a company or corporation
or association.
We sell nothing and we charge nothing.

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