While 'the president' is now taking pains to paint
himself as a populist, embracing the "ideas" of the
GOP, he's obviously insincere.
We've seen this before,
His latest salvo is the Summit Invitation to Republican
leaders :
The 'Summit Trap'
New reasons emerge almost daily as to why
Obamacare can and must be defeated.
The American people oppose Obamacare by almost
two to one in the latest CNN poll.
Other polls show lopsided opposition to passing
either the Senate or House health-care bill.
Public opinion is against the bill because of its obscene
costs in higher taxes, burdensome debt, anti-freedom
mandates, rationing and reduced care for seniors.
The American people have awakened to the fact that
Obamacare is transformational legislation that will
drag us against popular will into European-style socialism.
The Democrats' double-counting of Obamacare's
financial benefits has been exposed as a colossal lie.
Harry Reid told the Senate that his bill strengthens
our future by both "cutting our towering national deficit
by as much as $1.3 trillion over the next 20 years"
AND "strengthening Medicare and extending its life by
nearly a decade."
The Congressional Budget Office refuted that assertion
Hidden in Obama's health-care bill is a huge marriage
Both the Senate and House bills would set up yet
another federal program to provide financial incentives
to subsidize marriage avoidance and illegitimate offspring.
Even though all evidence shows that marriage is the
best remedy for poverty, lack of health care, domestic
violence, child abuse and school dropouts, federal
welfare programs continue to discriminate against
marriage and instead give taxpayer handouts to those
who reject marriage.
This isn't any accident - it is a central part of the
Democrats' political strategy that produced 70 percent
of unmarried women voting for Obama for president in 2008
The Communist Hell Care Coups
The Energy and Environment Coups
The Daily Maoist Coup
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise