As we watch the U.S. Congress drive America into
greater consequences of unemployment, unimaginable
debt, offshoring, outsourcing and insourcing of jobs,
along with total disregard for the U.S. Constitution-
they turn a blind-eye to our unguarded borders as
well as this phenomenon known as 'anchor babies'.
That's $87.5 billion dollars of your money for
someone else's kid from a foreign country that
lives illegally in the US.
I could not yet find the figures for the upkeep of
their mothers, but their costs run into the billions
of dollars also
When ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
personnel arrest a relative handful of illegal aliens
whose presence in our country represents a violation
of law, the open borders advocates yell at the top
of their lungs that our government is creating a
"Climate of Fear!"
This amazing statement is one that is often used by
Nancy Pelosi along with her assertions that it is
Un-American to arrest illegal aliens!
The general government of the Republic of the
united States (small "u" intentional) became,
over time, the Federal Corporate Government, a
distinct, separate corporate entity from the general
Since the end of the Civil War, most State,
Commonwealth, county and city governments too
have developed separate corporate governing
entities, all of which create and serve their own
incumbent bureaucracies
Increasingly, over the past several decades, 'our'
government has been restricting the extraction of
natural resources and dismantling the infrastructure
for industry.
Overregulation, combined with exorbitant and
ever-increasing union demands, has succeeded in
driving much of our industry offshore.
If we want to recover our economy,
we need to reverse that trend
Geoengineering is defined as "planetary-scale
environmental engineering of our atmosphere, our
weather, the oceans, and the Earth itself.
The methods, or schemes, that may be used now
without public oversight or debate, prior public
notification, U.S. Congress or State oversight, are
staggering in number and scope
As Commie U.S. government authorities debate
"cap-and-trade," a gigantic new tax and rationing
burden with which they plan to further hobble
American coal, oil, and natural gas technology,
consider for a moment the qualifications and
accomplishments of the lawyers, bureaucrats, and
now community organizers who have gradually
displaced, as energy "decision makers," the engineers
and industrialists who built America's energy industries