'President Obama' plunged America into incredible
debt by telling us that his $787 billion stimulus bill
would "save or create" 3.5 million jobs.
To borrow a phrase from an earlier campaign, that
was just "campaign oratory."
In arguing for his stimulus, Obama promised
"shovel-ready" jobs, which gave us the mental image
of construction workers in hard hats repairing our
highways and bridges.
But while four out of five who lost their jobs were men,
more than half the jobs created by the stimulus were for
women in education or government, where no hard hats
are needed.
Two reasons explain this disconnect.
The feminists had a tantrum and demanded stimulus jobs,
and Obama wants to make more people dependent on
government rather than the private sector (aka, socialism)
Republican candidates lead Democrats by nine points
in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot.
Republicans started the year ahead by nine points --
their largest lead in several years -- while support for
Democrats fell to its lowest level over the same period.
Towards the end of 2009, GOP candidates enjoyed a
more modest lead over Democrats, with the gap between
the two down to four points in early December.
Since the beginning of the year, however, the
Republican lead hasn't dipped below seven points
Rejection of Keynesian economics is found across
demographic and partisan lines.
Republicans and those not affiliated with either major
party overwhelmingly reject the notion that increasing
the deficit is the right prescription in difficult economic
Among Democrats, 21% agree with the Keynesian
approach, and 47% do not.
Investors reject deficit spending even more strongly
than non-investors.
The new fault line of our 'democracy' : Mainstream
America rising to reassert the supremacy of their
sacred right of self governance over a failed Political
Class grimly determined to preserve the primacy of
their prerogatives of power.
Rasmussen lays out the contours of the struggle upon
which may hang the ultimate fate of our
American Experiment