Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Abolish Wind Power Whores & Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The largest source
of new renewable energy is wind power,
which accounts for 62 percent of renewable
electricity generation.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics
doesn't publish accident data specifically
for the wind-power industry, but the Caithness
Windfarms Information Forum(CWIF) has created
a list of fatalities for the wind industry worldwide.

The list is compiled
from news reports and is unlikely to be comprehensive.

That there are
any fatalities in this industry should not be surprising.

Towers for modern wind turbines can rise 300 feet
or more and the blades for the rotors extend another
150 feet beyond that.

(For comparison,
note that the Statue of Liberty on its 150-foot
granite pedestal reaches 305 feet.)

A single wind farm can require erecting a thousand
of these 450-foot structures.

How many fatalities have there been?

Taking the CWIF fatalities
for the U.S. and removing deaths
that are only tangentially related to wind power,
shows that there were 10 deaths in the wind-power
industry over the years 2003-2008.

This would seem to make wind power much safer
than coal mining, which had 176 fatalities over the
same period.

much less energy was generated by wind than by coal.

To project changes
in workplace safety from switching to wind
from coal, it is necessary to know the mortality
rate per megawatt-hour.

The low number of total deaths
in the wind-power industry is undermined
by the very low amount of power generated by wind.

Adjusting for power
production yields a surprising result.

On a million-megawatt-hour basis,
the wind-energy industry has averaged
0.0220 deaths compared with 0.0147 for coal
over the years 2003-2008.

Even adding coal's share of fatalities
in the power-generation industry, which
brings the rate up to 0.0164, still leaves wind
power with a 34 percent higher mortality rate.

For the record,
the workplace fatality rate for wind also exceeds
that for oil and gas on an equivalent-energy basis

Abolish All Energy Subsidy Whores
& Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Subsidies create complacency
within industry and reduce the incentive to innovate.

In most cases,
subsidies either transfer part of the cost for a market
viable investment to the public or direct investment
away from more efficient projects.

Either way,
they distort the market
and cost the many for the benefit of the few.

Ending subsidies for fossil fuels is a good idea
but it should be coupled with policy that eliminates
subsidies provided to all energy sources.

Eliminating subsidies for fossil fuels
only to relocate the money in green energy
industries is the wrong path.

Wind, solar,
and ethanol are not new ideas -
the government's effort to subsidize
or mandate chosen winners is bad policy
that has persisted since the 1970s.

for example, has been subsidized since 1978,
originally with the promise that the industry
would become viable within a few years, go off
the dole and compete in the marketplace.

But this has never happened.

Congress passed a huge expansion
of the ethanol mandate, essentially forcing
Americans to use more of it even as it continues
to be heavily subsidized.

The government is taking
a similar approach with wind
and solar, even though experience in
other countries warns we shouldn't go down that path

The Enemies
Of Free Enterprise

Opposing the Whores & Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

On June 28, 2009,
Latin America's populist authoritarian movement
led by Venezuela's president Hugo Chavez suffered
a major setback.

Vigilant Hondurans defended their representative
institutions and Constitution by removing Manuel
Zelaya from power.

They did so after Zelaya attempted to alter Honduras'
strict, one-term limit on executive power and adopt the
"Chavez method of destroying democratic institutions
using street mobs."

The removal
of Zelaya created a firestorm of diplomatic controversy.

The Organization of American States
(OAS) condemned Zelaya's removal
and expelled Honduras for defending its constitution.

The Obama Administration first sided with Chavez
and Cuba's Raul Castro to demand Zelaya's unconditional

It set out to punish little Honduras with trade,
aid and visa restrictions only to realize that restoring
Zelaya was a prescription for prolonged political conflict
and prejudicial to U.S. economic and security interests.

The interim government
believing itself right held its ground
against powerful outsiders anxious to
appease a power-hungry Zelaya.

An agreement brokered by the U.S.
between Zelaya and the interim government
of Roberto Micheletti paved the way for U.S.
recognition of the November 29 elections, won easily
by National Party candidate Porfirio "Pepe" Lobo.

Since taking office on January 27, 2010,
Lobo has worked to build a national unity government
and cooperate with a truth commission looking into the
events before and after the June 28 removal of Zelaya.

Leftist backers of Zelaya
aim to create a new party,
the National Front of Popular Resistance,
and want their maverick leader back in the country

The Organization of American States (OAS) ;

This Bunch Is Basically,
The COMMIE South American Union
Waiting To Happen, if it has'nt already .

Latin American Whores & Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;

While hosting
Syria's President-for-life Bashar al-Assad
on June 25-26, Venezuela authoritarian populist
and aspiring president-for-life Hugo Chavez was
quick to promise ever-closer ties with Syria.

Assad's Syria is the longest running
country on the State Sponsors of Terrorism list.

Chavez described the Syrian leader's visit
as part of a "strategic project of cooperation
to build the Caracas-Damascus axis" linking two
socialist countries.

Chavez made clear
that he shares common enemies with Syria :

"We have common enemies :

"the Yankee [U.S] empire"
and "the genocidal state of Israel."

Chavez continued :

Arab civilization and our civilization,
the Latin American one, are being summoned
in this new century to play the fundamental role
of liberating the world, saving the world from the
imperialism and capitalist hegemon that threaten
the human species.

Syria and Venezuela
are at the vanguard of this struggle.

Chavez showered Assad with praise and launched
into his customary anti-Israel, anti-Zionist tirade

The Enemies
Of Free Enterprise

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Commie Smart Grids For A Commie Smarter Planet ;

By the Saboteurs from the Global
Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :

Stopping the march to green serfdom
will not be easy because a confluence
of separate conflicts of interest
are securing our fate.

On one end,
you have the green mafia,
who are on the threshold of
having their dreams fulfilled.

On the other end
are vendors who stand
to make millions selling "greenware."

Between are utilities
that will finally secure the means to bear
the financial pressures of environmentalism.

On the periphery are engineering firms
and installation contractors, many that would
otherwise starve in this economy but for
the Smart Grid initiative.

Politicians, of course,
are filthy throughout, the
most effective offenders being members
of state Public Utility Commissions (PUC).

Having already enabled
costly Renewable Portfolio
Standards, no doubt they will
approve costly sophisticated rates as well.

The foregoing
is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Clearly, the Smart Grid initiative
is every bit as ominous as Cap & Trade,
perhaps worse, because it romps along
without much notice as billions of taxpayer
dollars are spent.

Fighting it
starts with understanding
that the initiative isn't really about
modernizing the grid in the way most
people understand the definition of

It's about enabling the green agenda

Universal Hell Care Executive Order Saboteurs ;

From the Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :

The Next Administration has got allot
of Abolishing to do ;

On June 10th of this year Dear Leader
BH Obama signed a decree (Executive Order)
that created within the federal government another
executive branch council called the "National
Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health

Reading the declaratory establishment clause
we find that this council will be established within
the Department of Health and Human Services.

Okay, so far so good, we have what sounds like
a health council created under a health department.

Then we start looking
at the membership of the council which includes
the Surgeon General as chair and the following :

(1) the Secretary of Agriculture;
(2) the Secretary of Labor;

(3) the Secretary
of Health and Human Services;

(4) the Secretary of Transportation;
(5) the Secretary of Education;
(6) the Secretary of Homeland Security;

(7) the Administrator
of the Environmental Protection Agency;

(8) the Chair of the Federal Trade Commission;
(9) the Director of National Drug Control Policy;

(10) the Assistant to the President and
Director of the Domestic Policy Council;

(11) the Assistant Secretary
of the Interior for Indian Affairs;

(12) the Chairman of the Corporation
for National and Community Service;

(13) the head of any other
executive department or agency
that the Chair may, from time to
time, determine is appropriate.

This Executive Order is not about
helping Americans, this is about control.

Control over those that stand in the way
of Dear Leaders Health Care program.

Control over businesses
that do not play ball with the new team.

Control over the minds
and bodies of the American people.

This is another unconstitutional
program, in a long string of unconstitutional
programs and laws, bent on expanding government
reach and control, nothing more and nothing less

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Commie Energy and Environment Coup

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Fascist Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Tresspassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

Enemies of our several protestant republics of the united states are made to order ;

By The Saboteurs from the Global
Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;

The Company of Loyola was created
by the Devil out of the midst of a Spanish
pentagon-shaped fortress, Satan using his
most obedient, Roman Papal bloodline noble
families in financing and protecting the Order, to :

1. Prevent another
Babylonian Captivity of the papacy (accomplished);

2. Take Jerusalem from Islam (accomplished);

3. Re-establish the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
(Israel) lost to the Muslims in 1291 AD (accomplished);

4. Destroy the Bible-based Protestant
Reformation throughout the world (nearly accomplished);

5. Purge Europe of its Protestants and Jews-
and Muslims once they have been used to effect
European unity (nearly accomplished);

6. Re-unite
a Roman Catholic Europe via a Fourth
Reich/Holy Roman Empire centered in
Germany (presently using the controlled
enemy of Muslims in every European
nation) purged of its Jews and Protestants
(nearly accomplished with the European Union);

7. Remove the Temple Mount Mosques
in Jerusalem (about to be accomplished
with the Pope's present 12th Crusade
against Islam to be waged by the combined
military forces of the North American Union
and the European Union);

8. Rebuild Solomon's Hebrew Temple
on the Temple Mount (planned by the Knights
Templars/Scottish Rite Freemasonry for centuries);

9. Rebuild the ancient City of Babylon
with surrounding cities (being accomplished,
Dubai, Baghdad, etc.);

10. Destroy Rome/Vatican City
after which the final Pope, murdered
and risen from the dead to be The
Antichrist/Man-Beast, will move his
capital to rebuilt Babylon City, the
commercial capital of the World (to
be fulfilled after the first three and
one-half years of the 70th Week of years-
the last seven-year period of the Prophecy
of the 70 Weeks of Years given to the Prophet
Daniel by the Angel Gabriel (Daniel 9:24-27)

Mulatto Barry Davis Soetoro Obama is a
32nd Degree Prince Hall Rite Freemason,
a Socialist-Communist and a Muslim.

He is also an asset
of the Black Pope's Central Intelligence Agency ...

Overseen by "the Company's" DCI,
White Roman Catholic Jesuit-trained Knight of
Malta Leon Panetta, and directed by his immediate
adviser, White Roman Catholic Jesuit-trained Vice
President Joe Biden, Mulatto President Obama is the
willing tool being employed by the Order to outrage
and thus polarize all Whites via executive high crimes
and misdemeanors.

Once the polarization is complete,
key agents within the Order's "New Right"
Fox News Network and Council for National
Policy are to then lead America's persecuted
Whites into supporting a Right-Wing Fascist
Military Dictatorship.

As was done in apostate, Reformation
Bible-rejecting, White Protestant Germany
following World War I (the Order using its
terrorizing and murderous Masonic Jewish
Communists in both Roman Catholic Bavaria
and Protestant Prussia to unite all Germans so
as to justify the creation of Roman Catholic
Himmler's SS in Bavaria and apostate Lutheran
Protestant Goering's Gestapo in Prussia thus
empowering the Papacy to impose Jesuit Fascism
under Roman Catholic Austrian Adolf Hitler), so it
is to be here in apostate White Protestant America

Boycott, Cast Out,
Defeat, Deport,
Embargo, Expose,
Impeach, Object,
Oppose, Protest
and Resist ;


AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of The Satanic World Order ;

Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Fascist Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Impeach All the Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Impeachment is a constitutional remedy to be used
for serious offenses identified in the Constitution.

So, we must ask this question :

Has Barack Obama crossed the line that separates
political differences from the serious offenses that
warrant impeachment?

The Constitution's provisions for impeachment and
removal are not aimed solely at the office of president.

Article II, Section 4, stipulates that "the President,
Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States,
shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and
Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes
and misdemeanors."

I believe there is a growing body of evidence of
impeachable offenses sufficient to warrant a formal
impeachment resolution in the House, followed by
a trial in the Senate.

It is instructive that the founders listed only two specific
crimes justifying impeachment - bribery and treason.

The accusations of bribery against this president
are now numerous and growing, and by themselves
deserve an independent investigation under supervision
of a bipartisan committee of the House
of Representatives.

In Pennsylvania and Colorado, candidates for the
U.S. Senate were offered federal appointments in
exchange for dropping out of their respective races.

On their face, those actions are attempted bribery
and warrant a thorough investigation.

There are also presidential actions that may stray
into the category of high crimes and misdemeanors

Illegal Alien Trespasser Saboteurs
of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;

Local tea-party groups from Orlando to Phoenix
and San Diego to Nashville have rallied to support
Arizona's new immigration law.

Over the past 15 months since the beginning of the
tea-party movement, there has been an organized
effort to keep the immigration issue
off the tea-party agenda.

That effort has failed.

Score round one a victory for grass-roots democracy.

The effort to keep immigration off the tea-party
agenda has not been any kind of conspiracy; in fact,
it has been quite open and unapologetic.

For example, the national Tea Party Patriots, which
is affiliated with Richard Armey's Washington, D.C.-
based Freedom Works organization, has been vocal
and systematic in excluding immigration-related
concerns from its "Contract from America."

Touted as a grass-roots poll of tea-party members,
the poll from its inception has barred any attempt to
add immigration concerns to the poll's menu of issues.

Thus, the lack of any reference to border security
or immigration enforcement in the final "Contract"
comes as no surprise.

Fortunately, the real world
intervened, and real patriots found their voice

Abolish All Amnesties & Anchor Baby Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The Mexican government continues to oppose
enhanced U.S. border security while Mexican
cartels smuggle thousands of criminals and terrorists
into the United States.

The Obama administration continues to tolerate
this national-security nightmare out of fear of offending
the Mexican government and its allies
in the National Council of La Raza.

Millions of Americans are asking,
what's wrong with this picture?

Why is Janet Napolitano more worried about border
security for Saudi Arabia than for the citizens of Arizona?

It is important to understand the economic reasons
behind Mexico's hostility to border security.

Mexico's opposition to border security is rooted
in the flow of money back to Mexico from the 20
to 30 million Mexican citizens working in the United States.

Mexico wants that flow of dollars to continue and to increase.

Mexico's addiction to those American dollars -
over $25 billion in 2007 - has led the Mexican
government into an unholy partnership with the drug cartels.

Both the Mexican government and the cartels want
open borders, and they both paint the American
concern for border security as racist and "anti-Mexican"

There are many lessons to be drawn from the epic
battle over Arizona's new immigration-enforcement law.

The first lesson is that this is no longer simply a legal
battle or a political debate.

It is at bottom a constitutional crisis.

Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution
says that the United States "shall guarantee to every
State a Republican Form of Government and shall
protect each of them against invasion."

The state of Arizona
is being invaded, has so declared
in the passage of S.B.1070 and in letters from the
governor to the president, and the state has asked
for federal help to repel that invasion.

Obama's failure to respond to Arizona's call for help
is an outrage.

His sending a token 1,200 National Guard troops
is more than an insult to the citizens of Arizona, it is
an insult to the plain words of the Constitution.

Obama cares more
about being popular in Mexico
than in Phoenix or Houston, and that
portends a constitutional crisis

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

Opposing Illegal Aliens, Anchor Babys, Trespassers & Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

FREMONT, Neb. --

Dismayed by the reluctance of the city council
to take action against illegal immigration in their
community, voters in a special election Monday
approved a citizen-sponsored ballot initiative that
prohibits landlords and employers in this
25,000-person town from harboring,
renting to or hiring undocumented aliens.

The newly passed ordinance requires employers
to check employees through the federal E-verify
database to make certain they're in this country
legally and renters over the age of 18 to apply for
an occupancy license from the Fremont Police
Department, where their immigration status
will be checked.

The June 21 vote is thought to be the nation's first
on an anti-illegal immigration measure since the April
passage of Arizona's S.B. 1070, the law that set off
demonstrations across the country and even outside
the United States.

Turnout was high, with over 45 percent of the city's
registered voters casting a ballot compared to 28
percent in last month's state primary election.

Unofficial results
from the Dodge County Clerk's
Office reported 3,906 ballots in favor
of the ordinance and 2,908 against

Homosexual Saboteurs
of the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

As CNN prepares to celebrate
"gay pride" on June 24 by airing its
propagandistic pro-homosexual special
program, "Gary and Tony Have a Baby," several
high-profile conservatives, including two Fox News
personalities, have embraced the gay rights cause.

While it is not surprising that CNN
would act as a mouthpiece of the gay rights
movement, the emergence of anti-tax activist
Grover Norquist and Fox News contributors
Tucker Carlson and Margaret Hoover in the
campaign to normalize homosexual behavior
has attracted some media attention.

It appears they are in the vanguard
of a well-funded effort to divide the
conservative movement and dump
Christian conservatives as a key
constituency for the GOP.

Demonstrating where this ominous trend
may lead, the British Conservative Party,
which now rules Britain in conjunction with
the far-left Liberal Democrats, has not only
embraced the gay rights agenda but has just
announced that convictions for homosexuals
who had sex with men and boys then under the
age of consent will be erased from criminal records.

In Britain, the age of consent has
been steadily lowered from 21 to 18 and now to 16

Elena Kagan, Shariah, TARP & AIG : Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Kagan's negligence when it comes
to "civilizational," or cultural, jihad :

As it happens,
Ms. Kagan's Islamic Finance Project has also
played an important role in the infiltration of Shariah's
promoters within the U.S. government.

On November 6 2008, Harvard Business School
professor Samuel L. Hays III conducted a day-long
"seminar for the policy community" entitled
"Islamic Finance 101.

Hayes was a founding member of Harvard's
Islamic Finance Project Advisory Board.

Roughly sixty officials were encouraged to
embrace the merits of Shariah-Compliant Finance
from the standpoint of its ethical and strategic virtues -
the latter primarily being an opportunity to recycle
petrodollars from OPEC back to
Western capital markets.

The host of this Kagan program-enabled "seminar"
was Assistant Treasury Secretary Neal Kashkari,
who used the occasion to express his own enthusiasm
for Shariah-Compliant Finance.

At the time,
Mr. Kashkari had his hand on the spigot of the
$700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).

The message was not lost on either
his colleagues in government or on the financial sector :

At a time when the viability of major banks
and investing institutions depended on Secretary
Kashkari's favor, getting with the SCF program
could only be a plus.

Another momentous development
during that tempestuous Fall was the federal
government's acquisition of nearly 80% of AIG.

It turns out that the giant insurance
conglomerate is also the world's largest
purveyor of Shariah-Compliant financial products.

That's right :

The U.S. taxpayer now owns
the biggest commerial promoter of Shariah on the planet

While America's sons and daughters fight the
Shariah-backed Taliban and our U.S. government
issues sanctions against Shariah-backed Iran, Global
and American banks and companies are empowering
Shariah regimes by engaging in Shariah or Iranian
business practices and hiring Sheiks as advisors.

Would AIG, Citigroup, Dow Jones, HSBC, UBS,
Visa and Mastercard have become involved with
something called Apartheid Finance? Or Nazi Finance?

So why are they involved with Sharia Finance?
Have these firms stopped reading the newspapers?

Don't they know that Sharia-driven Iran is building
nuclear weapons and funding the Sharia-driven
Taliban who is killing our own young men
and women soldiers?

Or that our President is putting
economic sanctions on Sharia-driven Iran?

Oil money generates Sharia investment fees
and Sharia trading commissions, and sells
Sharia insurance policies with fat premiums.

But the danger to our national security is this :

The hallmark of Iranian Banking
(i.e., Sharia banking) is the hiring of mullahs
or sheiks in order to have some control over
banking practices and the mandate to send some
profits off to "Sharia charities"
(a process known as Zakat).

Hiring Sharia sheiks gives these groups
standing in the banking world and brands
"Sharia" as perfectly ethical.

Sending money to charity?
What could be more ethical,
and everyone is concerned about ethics these days.

BUT, Four of the most sought-after "Sharia authorities"
in the industry, listed below, reads like
a Who's Who of Terrorists.

They all sit on the board of the AAOIFI
(Accounting and Auditing Organization for
Islamic Financial Institutions) or the board
of IFSB (Islamic Finance Standards Board).

And guess who sits on these boards?

IFSB members include the central banks of Iran,
Sudan, and Syria (all designated state sponsors
of terrorism) and the Palestinian Monetary Authority
(PMA), which is widely documented since its inception
to be a funder of terrorism

This Subject May Explain A Whole Lot About
The USA's Positions Involving The Middle East,
Terrorists, Islam, Muslims, TARP, BAILOUTS,
Oil, Banking, Reform, Obamacare, & ETC ,

- s r -

1st Amendment & Internet Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Is this the Eve of Censorship ?

The FCC's Getting Mighty Bold
& The Disclose Act has passed .

Abolish Censorship !

Keeping with the Obama big government script,
a bill has been introduced in the U.S. Senate to
grant the federal government "absolute power" to
shut down the internet and the president the authority
to seize control of it in the name of national security.

Under the law
(Protecting Cyberspace
as a National Asset Act of 2010) companies
such as broadband providers, search engines or
software firms selected by the U.S. government
"shall immediately comply with any emergency
measure or action developed" by the Department
of Homeland Security.

Those that don't comply will be punished.

The government will have the power to force private
companies to participate in "information sharing" with
the feds and the authority to monitor the "security status"
of private sector websites, broadband providers and
other internet components, under the measure
introduced by "independent Democrat"
Joe Lieberman of Connecticut.

Yet another new government agency
(National Center for Cybersecuirty and
Communications-NCCC) will be created
to police the industry and any company that
"relies on" the internet, the telephone system
or any other component of the "information
infrastructure" will be subject to its command.

The new NCCC
will have no less than two deputy directors
and liaison officers to the Defense, Justice
and Commerce departments as well
as the Director of National Intelligence

In a laughable move,
the Obama Administration has appointed a police
chief who supports illegal alien sanctuary policies
to oversee an immigration enforcement program
that requires a partnership between federal
and local authorities.

The new director for the U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement's Office of State
and Local Coordination is Harold Hurtt, an
outspoken critic of immigration enforcement
on the local level.

As police chief in two different cities with huge
illegal alien populations-Phoenix and Houston-
Hurtt enforced don't-ask-don't-tell immigration
measures that prevented officers from inquiring
about a suspects' legal status in the U.S.

In his new post, Hurtt will get $180,000 a year to
supervise outreach and communication between
federal immigration officials and local law
enforcement agencies.

In essence, he is charged with strengthening the
collaboration between local police and federal
immigration officials in an effort to combat a crisis
that has rocked practically every major U.S. city
and many small municipalities.

Homeland Security officials are promoting Hurtt as
"a respected member of the law enforcement community"
who will be an "invaluable asset to ICE's outreach
and coordination efforts."

The reality is that he opposes immigration enforcement
and as police chief protected the most violent of criminals.

Hurtt has even testified before Congress that local
police should not assist with immigration enforcement.

His pro-immigration policies enabled illegal immigrants
with extensive criminal histories to murder two police
officers and seriously injure another while he was
chief in Phoenix and later in Houston.

Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against Hurtt on behalf
of the deceased Houston officer's wife for implementing
the sanctuary policies that led to her husband's death

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Trespassers,
Censorship, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Whores & Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal
Progressive Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi
Schemes, Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

AIG, Shariah Law & TARP : Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

"In this lawsuit...I have challenged the U.S.
government's takeover of AIG as a violation of
the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment
because the taxpayer bailout has the effect of
promoting and advancing AIG's Shariah-adherent
insurance business -- the largest in the world.

AIG promotes itself as a global advocate not only
of Islam, but also of the Islamic legal doctrine known
as Shariah -- which is the Islamic legal doctrine and
program that calls for a global hegemony referred to
as the Caliphate, the murder of apostates,
and jihad against infidels.

The most austere and important Islamic legal
authorities who legitimize Shariah-compliant finance,
like AIG's takaful insurance products, are the same
ones issuing fatwas for jihad against the West."

While everyone, including Congress, the media,
and the public, have focused on AIG's $100-million
bonus payments to key employees, and most recently
on AIG's stealth payments to counterparties like Chase
and the French giant Société Générale -- the latter made
worse by the fact that it was the Federal Reserve (FED)
that wanted to keep these payments hidden from public
view -- the problem with the AIG bailout is much deeper
and more fundamental.

In this lawsuit, brought on behalf of Kevin Murray,
an Iraq War veteran and taxpayer, my co-counsel,
Robert Muise of the Thomas More Law Center,
and I have challenged the U.S. government's takeover
of AIG as a violation of the Establishment Clause of the
First Amendment because the taxpayer bailout has the
effect of promoting and advancing AIG's Shariah-adherent
insurance business -- the largest in the world.

AIG promotes itself
as a global advocate not only of Islam,
but also of the Islamic legal doctrine known as Shariah --
which is the Islamic legal doctrine and program that calls
for a global hegemony referred to as the Caliphate, the
murder of apostates, and jihad against infidels.

The most austere and important
Islamic legal authorities who legitimize
Shariah-compliant finance, like AIG's
takaful insurance products, are the same
ones issuing fatwas for jihad against the West

The lawsuit brought
by US Marine Kevin Murray against the US
Treasury and Timothy Geithner questioning whether
the AIG taxpayer bailout violates the establishment
clause (the U.S. govt is prohibited from owning a
religious business) is moving full speed ahead!

All efforts by the U.S. government to stop the
lawsuit (and there have been many) have been
dismissed time and time again by the judge who
believes there is a real case here.

Now, the lawyers bringing the suit have discovered
that our own U.S. government illegally transferred
bailout money to AIG through an illegal trust.

While this does NOT address the issue of Shariah,
it will likely ensure that this lawsuit will continue on,
with more press coverage and eventual discovery
that Shariah is not just a religion but a political
movement whose mission is to overtake our country
and replace our U.S. Constitution with Shariah Law.

The federal government is
opposing a Michigan man's
request to take the deposition
of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner
in a lawsuit that challenges the bailout
of American International Group Inc.

A lawsuit was filed in 2008 on religious grounds,
claiming the government should not have bailed
out AIG because the insurance giant sold financial
products specifically tailored to Islamic principles.

The lawsuit says AIG sells Takaful insurance,
which is based on communal assistance that has
been accepted by some Islamist religious officials.

This is government-sanctioned subversion :

USG Urges Judge to Bar
Geithner Deposition in AIG Sharia Lawsuit.

The US government
is trying to cover up Geithner's blatantly
illegal activity by barring Geithner's deposition?

Heavenly Father
In Jesus Christ Name
Please Help Us
To Save Our Republics !

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Injunction against Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

President Obama's ban
on offshore drilling has come under heavy fire.

The industries directly and indirectly affected by
the offshore moratorium made their voice heard that
they oppose the president's moratorium, and just
yesterday Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal argued
in an amicus brief that "The drilling moratorium imposed
by [the government] will only compound the State's
problems, effectively turning an environmental disaster
into an economic catastrophe for the State."

Federal judge Martin L.C. Feldman
has issued an injunction that would block
the White House's offshore drilling ban.

Feldman wrote,
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill
is an unprecedented, sad, ugly and inhuman disaster.

What seems clear
is that the federal government has been pressed by
what happened on the Deepwater Horizon into an
otherwise sweeping confirmation that all Gulf
deepwater drilling activities put us all in a
universal threat of irreparable harm."

If the drilling ban continues,
more than 120,000 jobs could be lost
in the Gulf Coast and key resources
abandoned or moved elsewhere

Just what Kool-Aid
are they drinking in the White House?

The question is occasioned almost daily now,
but this issue isn't Afghanistan, the oil spill,
or health care reform.

The Kool-Aid question arises in the antics
leading up to the upcoming G-20 meeting in Toronto.

According to press reports,
Obama is pressing Europe to focus
more on sustaining their deficit spending
rather than debt reduction.

Europe's de facto
bailout banker-in-chief,
has essentially responded, "Are you nuts?"

Wolfgang Schauble,
Germany's Finance Minister
diplomatically told reporters in Berlin,

Nobody can seriously dispute that
excessive public debts, not only in Europe,
are one of the main causes of this crisis.

Europe is faced with a financial meltdown
due to excessive government spending.

The euro itself may not survive in its current form.

Governments across the continent are frantically
crafting austerity packages and unwinding anti-growth
socialist policies in a desperate attempt to convince
creditors to continue to buy and hold
their sovereign debt.

The Europeans know full well the U.S. must also
slash spending for these measures to be effective.

Note the words
"not only in Europe" in the Schauble quote.

This is squarely directed at the United States

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

1st Amendment & Internet Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

President Obama will be given the power
to shut down the Internet with a 'kill switch'
in a new law being proposed in the US.

He would be able to order popular search engines
such a Google and Yahoo to suspend access to their
websites in times of national emergency.

Other US based Internet service providers
as well as broadband providers would also
come under his control in times of a
'cybersecurity emergency.'

Any company that failed to
comply would be subject to huge fines.

Critics of the new law,
which has been proposed
by former presidential candidate
Joe Liebermann, said it would be
an abuse of power to let the
White House control the internet.

one of the largest U.S. technology lobby groups,
said the new law had the 'potential for absolute power'

At the root of the globalist movement
is Agenda 21 Sustainable Development.

This worldwide program
agreed upon by 178 nations,
including the United States, reveals the directive
that human population is to be decreased by 85%
(United Nations; Global Biodiversity Assessment
Report, page 773).

This policy
has appealed to many who argue "overpopulation."

Accordingly, says the consensus,
everyone's "right to life" must be discarded
in order to achieve globalist objectives.

Further investigation
of contemporary political philosophy demonstrates
how our government has abandoned the notion of
individual liberty.

The freedom to speak has become subject to
an increasing array of laws and politically correct mores.

Travel is becoming monitored and increasingly restricted
as the rules and infrastructure of Agenda 21's land use
element take effect.

The intended consequence
is to limit our mobility and use of resources.

These are primary objectives
in implementing Agenda 21.

The global warming hysteria is being used
to force people into "human settlements,"
in order to contain and control human action.

The man-made global warming fraud
advances the implementation of Agenda 21
and the destruction of liberty.

The abolition of private property is the first level
of attack in the destruction of unalienable rights
and the implementation of Sustainable Development.

Following the Supreme Court's
Kelo decision, policies that sublimate
private property to "public-private partnerships"
have been secured under the law and many more
have been and will be legislated.

An example arises out of San Jose , California .

There, ordinances have subjected 1/3
of the private housing stock to the exercise
of eminent domain on the basis that the city
requires so-called Smart Growth "redevelopment."

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Unionist Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Two of the most important results
from last Tuesday's primary have been
drowned out by the coverage of other races.

Voters in Chula Vista, CA passed measure
by a 56 to 44 percent margin while voters in
Oceanside, CA passed measure
by a 54 to 46 percent margin.

These measures prohibit
discriminatory "project labor agreements"
(PLAs) on city-funded construction projects.

A project labor agreement forces contractors
to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement
before starting work.

In practice this means that work
on PLA-covered projects goes to
union members at union rates -
nonunion workers need not apply.

Unsurprisingly unions love PLAs
and use their political influence to
attach them to as many government
construction projects as they can.

Of course paying union rates
and shutting down competition
from the 85 percent of construction
workers who are not union members
raises costs.

The Beacon Hill Institute estimates
that PLAs increase construction costs
by 12 to 18 percent.

Taxpayers face a hefty tab
when the government sets
construction projects aside
for union members.

On Tuesday voters in Chula Vista
and Oceanside decided enough was enough.

By banning discriminatory project
labor agreements they required their
cities to spend their tax dollars wisely -
no matter how much unions lobby
for a sweetheart deal.

If only the Federal government would do the same.

When President Bush took office he signed
an Executive Order banning the use of project
labor agreements on federal construction projects.

This saved taxpayers
between $1.6 and $2.6 billion in 2008.

However, President Obama repealed this
directive almost as soon as he took office

Just as opposition was building in the House to the
unconstitutional and burdensome DISCLOSE Act,
which is intended to help Democrats in the November
election by stifling the political speech of corporations
and many non-profit advocacy organizations
(but not unions), the National Rifle Association
has apparently sold out.

Politico and others are reporting that the NRA
has reached a deal to withdraw its opposition
to the bill in exchange for an exemption for the
NRA from its disclosure provisions.

The exemption would apply to "organizations
which have qualified as having tax exempt status
under section 501(c)(4) of the tax code for each
of the 10 years prior to making a campaign-related
disbursement, that had 1 million or more dues-paying
members in the prior calendar year, that had members
in each of the 50 states, that received no more than
15 percent of their total funding from corporations
or labor organizations, and that do not use any
corporate or union money to pay for their
campaign-related expenditures."

There aren't too many organizations
that will fit within this exemption, but I
understand the NRA thinks it is one
of those that will.

This exemption
will not apply to small, less powerful
501(c)(4) organizations, which will be
hit the hardest by the onerous, burdensome,
and expensive disclosure requirements of the
DISCLOSE Act, but it will apply to the large,
well-funded and well-connected NRA.

So, the NRA may end up providing
the lobbying grease that allows this noxious
and partisan piece of legislation to slide through
the House, something that I seriously doubt most
of the individual members of the NRA (who
are strong believers in the First Amendment
as well as the Second) would agree with

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds & Saboteurs

Financial Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The sovereign debt
across the eurozone is about 80 percent.

America's is 10 percentage points higher.

According to the Obama administration,
America's public debt will soon exceed
100 percent of GDP.

Add to that
more than $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

There is no way
this can ever be paid;
in the long run, the dollar is a dud.

So why are central banks
and investors buying dollars now?

The answer is simple :
Doomed though it may be long-term,
the dollar seems the best alternative at the moment.

It all boils down to this :
Where do you store your excess wealth?

Or to put it differently,
what do you use as your store of value?

In the past, the answer was simple.

Kings and wealthy people
had their liquid wealth primarily in gold.

If you were rich, you got yourself
a pile of gold, and that was that.

Gold was where you kept your
money, because gold was money.

After World War II,
governments ceased to use gold as money.

they agreed to use the U.S. dollar
as the anchor for their currencies.

The value of national currency units
was no longer set by the amount of gold
for which it could be exchanged, but by
their exchange rate against the dollar.

The dollar itself could be redeemed for gold.

This is how the dollar
became the world's reserve currency.

Then, in 1971,
Richard Nixon took the dollar off
the the last vestiges of the gold standard.

The rest of the world
grumbled, but they still retained
the dollar as the reserve currency.

The dollar in effect became the new gold standard

Who Is Running America?

The Bankruptcy of America,
the Corporate United States,
and the New World Order

Who is running America?
Have you ever asked that question?

Under the doctrine
of Parens Patriae,
"Government As Parent", as a result
of the manipulated bankruptcy of the
United States of America in 1930,
ALL the assets of the American people,
their person, and of our country itself are
held by the Depository Trust Corporation
at 55 Water Street, NY, NY, secured by
UCC Commercial Liens, which are then
monetized as "debt money" by the
Federal Reserve.

It may interest you to know
that under the umbrella of the
Depository Trust Corporation
lies the CEDE Corporation, the
Federal Reserve Corporation, the
American Bar Association, the legal
arm of the banking interests, and the
Internal Revenue Service, the system's
collection agency.

Now you know who is running America!

You might want to take exception
to the name on the marquee at
the entrance to 55 Water Street.

. . . "Tower of Power" . . .

Did you ever hear of
the Independent Treasury Act of 1920?

The Independent Treasury Act of 1920
suspended the de jure (meaning "by right
of legal establishment") Treasury Department
of the United States government.

Our Congress turned the treasury department
over to a private corporation, which when seen
in its true light, is a fascist monopolistic cartel, the
Federal Reserve and their agents.

The bulk of the ownership
of the Federal Reserve System,
a very well kept secret from the
American Citizen, is held by these
banking interests, and NONE is
held by the United States Treasury :

Rothschild Bank of London
Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
Goldman, Sachs of New York
Lehman Brothers of New York
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York

The Federal Reserve is at the root
of most of our present statutory regulations,
"laws", in the control and regulation of virtually
all aspects of human activity in the United States,
through successively socialistic constructions laid
upon the Commerce clause of the Constitution.

Basically, the Federal Reserve
is the "STATE" of the United States

Monday, June 14, 2010

Spend & Tax Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Late Saturday night President Barack Obama sent
a letter to the leadership of the House and Senate
urging them to approve a tax and spending bill
currently being debated in the Senate that already
would add $80 billion to our nation's budget deficit.

But coming off of last year's $862 billion stimulus,
President Obama is not happy with just another $80
billion in debt for this year.

He also requested another $50 billion in deficit
spending earmarked for bailing-out state and local

Without this "emergency" money, the President claims
thousands of government union jobs would be lost.

But even among his own party, the President faces
an uphill climb.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told The
Washington Post: "I think there is spending fatigue."
"Bailout fatigue" is more like it. And the President's
envisioned spending spree is full of both.

The Government Union Bailout :

$23 billion of the President's additional $50 billion
in spending would supposedly go to keep teachers
in the classroom.

This new spending would be in addition to the nearly
$100 billion appropriated to the Department of
Education by the President's $862 billion stimulus bill,
of which $34.7 billion in education funds remains unspent.

Meanwhile, over the past decade student enrollment
has increased only 6% while the number of teachers
in the classroom has risen 15.8%.

The Medicaid Bailout :

$25 billion of the President's latest spending spree
is set to bail-out state Medicaid programs.

This would be the fourth time this decade that Congress
has bailed-out state Medicaid programs.

The cycle is all too familiar. Between 1990 and 2007,
Medicaid spending more than quadrupled from $69
billion to $316 billion.

Because of these constant bailouts, states have avoided
dealing with their mismanagement of the program.

More money from Washington will guarantee one thing :

States will continue to spend far in excess of what
they can afford, and Congress will treat the federal
taxpayers like an ATM machine to cover the shortfalls.

The Obamacare Bailout :

The President's signature legislative accomplishment
is just barely three months old, but it already is in need
of a $400 billion bailout.

Last week Gallup reported that "Federal government
debt" was the issue that most threatened the future
well-being of the United States.

Our nation's record deficits are largely driven by the
record spending increases of the last decade and the
last year in particular.

There is a way out
of this deficit nightmare : stop spending

We have reached a potential turning point in the
relationship of public employee unions and the
electorate they ostensibly serve.

Over the past year, there has been a steady
drumbeat of criticism focused on public unions
and the havoc they have wrought on our public

Governments -- city, country, state,
and federal -- are drowning in red ink Our taxes
are flowing to ever-voracious government workers
(whose own ranks are growing steadily while the
private payrolls shrink) ;

They are better compensated than private workers
in comparable positions.

Public employee unions will spend millions to try
to defeat measures to rein in their bloated salaries
and pension benefits.

They threaten even longer lines at government
offices (and fewer of them), shorter hours at
libraries, park districts cutting programs, and
fewer policeman and firefighters.

The list goes on and on of the plagues that will
hit us if we dare take on public unions.

They never address high salaries,
excessive days off, sick days being
used because government employees
are sick of work, or pensions being used
to buy piña coladas in Pensacola.

Government unions spend vast sums on this
propaganda (and on lobbyists and political
campaigns to elect politicians to put in their
pockets), and the exact amount is now
almost unknowable.

Barack Obama, in the first few days of his
presidency, issued an executive order shielding
unions from disclosure rules requiring them to
report how they spend union dues.

But facts can be marshaled
that put the blame where it belongs.

Public-sector unions
and state debt go hand in hand ;

States with the highest per capita debt
have the strongest public-sector unions,
who have cut sweetheart deals with politicians.

We should highlight
how these unions have diminished our futures.

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds & Saboteurs

Saboteurs Of Our Republics : The Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

American Governance :

Both systems
concurrently exist today.

However, the corporate system has been
gaining predominance in the last 70 years.

Many Sovereigns (We the people) have contracted
with the corporate system unknowingly, unintentionally,
and or without full disclosure given.

Once you learn the difference,
you may have to make a decision
for yourself, family and posterity.

That decision may require
changes in how you conduct yourself.

You will have to undo what has been
done to make your Sovereign status known.

This is not taught in the corporate government's
public school system, because you are not to know.

The elite of the "One World government"
corporate system want and need to have
power and control over the population
(masses) they call "Human Resources."

Description :

(all capital letters--a fiction--a corporation)

the United States
the United States of America
(intent or defined to be the corporate US),

Treason in Government
& Admiralty on Land :

This Treason and Tyranny
by the bankers, the lawyers
and judiciary, the bought politicians,
and other vested interests is not what
we or our ancestors fought and died for.

The Constitution
was a commercial
compact between states, giving
the federal government limited powers.

The Bill of Rights was meant
not as our source of rights, but as further
limitations on the federal government.

Our fore-fathers saw the potential
for danger in the U. S. Constitution.

To insure the Constitution
was not presumed to be our source
of rights, the 10th Amendment was added.

I will use a quote
from Thomas Jefferson,
February 15, 1791, where
he quotes the 10th Amendment...

The created
United States
government cannot
define the rights of their
creator, the American people.

Three forms of law were granted
to the Constitution, common law,
equity (contract law) and Admiralty law.

Each had their own
jurisdiction and purpose.

The first issue
I want to cover is the United States flag.

Obviously from known history our flag did
not have a yellow fringe bordering three sides.

The United States did not start putting flags
with a yellow fringe on them in government
buildings and public buildings until 1959.

Of course the question you would ask yourself ;

Why did it change and are
there any legal meanings behind this? Oh yes!

A Message From The Guardians of the free American republics ;

The United States exists in two forms :

1. The original United States that was in operation
until 1860; a collection of sovereign Republics
in the union.

Under the original Constitution the States controlled
the Federal Government; the Federal Government
did not control the States and had very little authority.

2. The original United States has been usurped by
a separate and different UNITED STATES formed
in 1871, which only controls the District of Columbia
and it's territories, and which is actually a corporation
as our current government.

The United States Corporation operates under
Corporate/Commercial/Public Law rather than
Common/Private Law.

The original Constitution was never removed;
it has simply been dormant since 1871.

It is still intact to this day.

This fact was made clear
by Supreme Court Justice Marshall Harlan
(Downes v. Bidwell, 182, U.S. 244 1901)
by giving the following dissenting opinion :

"Two national governments exist ;

One to be maintained under the Constitution,
with all its restrictions; the other to be maintained by
Congress outside and Independently of that Instrument."

The Restore America Plan
reclaimed the De Jure institutions
of government of the 50 State Republics
in order to restore Common Law that represents
the voice of the people and ends Corporate Law
that ignores the voice of the people while operating
under Maritime/Admiralty/International Law.

This occurred when warrants were
delivered to all 50 Governors on March 30, 2010.

The rewritten Constitution
bypasses the original Constitution for the United States
of America, which explains why our Congressmen and
Senators don't abide by it, and the President can write
Executive Orders to do whatever he/she wants.

They are following corporate laws that completely
strip sovereigns of their God given unalienable rights.

Corporate/Commercial/Public Law is not
sovereign (private), as it is an agreement
between two or more parties under contract.

Common Law (which sovereigns operate under)
is not Commercial Law; it is personal and private.

To understand this document,
you need to understand some basic terms.

Visit www.usavsus.info for complete understanding.

The basic terms are :

De Jure - Existing by right
or according to law; original, lawful.

Common Law operates under De Jure terms.

De Facto - In practice
but not necessarily ordained by law;
in fact, in reality.

Corporate Law operates under De Facto terms.

Sovereign - A real person.

Sovereigns can own property
while Citizens/Subjects cannot.

According to the original Constitution,
all government comes from the Sovereign Individual.

Without the Sovereign Individual, there is no government.

U.S. Citizen/Subject - A corporate fictitious entity
that merely represents the real person.

It acts as a "strawman."
[To call oneself a "sovereign citizen" or
"sovereign subject" is an oxymoron, since
"sovereign" and "citizen/subject" are mutually
exclusive of each other.]

When asked if you are a "U.S. Citizen"
on corporate legal documents, if you check "yes,"
you agree to the terms of Corporate Law and
unknowingly relinquish your sovereign status and
transfer all of your rights
you are now under contract.

Corporation - A non-human, fictitious entity.

Corporate fictitious entities are denoted in all caps.

This includes the names of Citizens/Subjects.

Your fictitious "strawman" entity is addressed in
all caps, i.e. JOHN SMITH, rather than John Smith.

Common Law - God's law.

Common Law and the system of De Jure Juries
apply to sovereigns in disputes.

In Common Law, contracts must be entered into
knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally.

Admiralty/Maritime Law/International Law - The King's law.

Deals with criminal acts that
only apply to international contracts.

Under this law, the people are no longer sovereign.

The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
that the United States practices is based on
Admiralty Law.

Under the UCC, contracts do not
have to be entered into knowingly.

Simple agreements can be binding, and as long
as you exercise the benefits of that "agreement,"
you must meet the obligations associated
with those benefits.

If you accept the benefit offered by the
government, then you MUST follow, to the letter,
each and every statute involved with that benefit.

That "benefit" is
the Federal Reserve Notes (U.S. dollars).

By paying for things with U.S. dollars
you are unknowingly giving up all of
your Constitutional rights and are legally
obligated to follow all of the UCC statues.

But you were NEVER told this.

Lawful - A term used in Common Law.

Legal - A term used
in the UCC which applies to Corporate Law.


(note by Panama Legal :

These are the basic premises adhered to by
the people in the movement and the people in
the Sovereign movement.

The Government is a Corporation
actually functioning as the Federal Government.

Thus it does not have to follow the constitution.

Also it does not matter if
Obama is not a natural born citizen since
it is a corporation he is the head of.

The corporation gets the permission of
the people to reign over them by deceit.

This is done by wording in
the Birth Certificates,
Social Security Cards,
driving Licenses,
IRS forms,
Marriage Licenses
and other documents.

They always refer to
the "person" in all capital letters.

This means
the name represents a corporate entity.

This is how the
corporation courts get jurisdiction over you.

Their courts do not fly
the "real" American flag.

They use
the military or admiralty flag.

For a discourse on this
try this website: http://www.usavsus.info/

What the theory is goes like this :

When you enter a US Courtroom
there is a military or admiralty flag flying.

The US Military does not
have the protection of the constitution, neither
does this apply to admiralty laws with ships at sea.

When you enter a court room and
cross through that little wooden gate
they have and go to the area where the
plaintiff (prosecutor) and defendant sit along
with judge, court reporter, you are entering a "ship"
or a foreign country as evidenced by the admiralty
or military flag flying thus the constitution has no
applicability and you are under
equity law not common law.

The flaw with their scheme is that there is no
full disclosure to the people about any of this.

This is a brief over simplified synopsis of the scam
run by the federal corporation. End of our comment.)

In 1788 (January 1),
The United States was officially bankrupt.

In 1790 (August 4), Article One
of the U.S. Statues at Large, pages 138-178,

Abolished the States
of the Republic and created Federal Districts.

In the same year, the former States
of the Republic reorganized as Corporations
and their legislatures wrote new State Constitutions,
absent defined boundaries, which they presented to
the people of each state for a vote...

The new State Constitutions fraudulently made
the people "Citizens" of the new Corporate States.

A Citizen is also defined as a "corporate fiction."

In 1845, Congress passed
legislation that would ultimately allow
Common Law to be usurped by Admiralty Law.

Explains this change.

The yellow fringe placed at
the bottom of court flags shows this is still true.

Before 1845,
Americans were considered sovereign individuals
who governed themselves under Common Law.

In 1860 - Congress was adjourned Sine Die -
Lincoln could not legally reconvene Congress.

In 1861, President Lincoln declared a
National Emergency and Martial Law, which
gave the President unprecedented powers and
removed it from the other branches.

This has NEVER been reversed.

In 1863, the Lieber Code was established
taking away your property and your rights.

From 1864-1867, Several
Reconstruction Acts were passed forcing the states to
ratify the 14th Amendment, which made everyone slaves.

In 1865, the capital was moved to
Washington, D.C., a separate country -
not a part of the United States of America.

In 1871, The United States became a
Corporation with a new constitution and
a new corporate government, and the original
constitutional government was vacated to
become dormant, but it was never terminated.

The new constitution
had to be ratified by the people according
to the original constitution, but it never was.

The whole process
occurred behind closed doors.

The people are the source of
financing for this new government.

In 1917, the Trading
with the Enemy Act (TWEA) was passed.

This insightful video from
[link to movielocker.com/4084)] states the following :

"This act was implemented to
deal with the countries we were
at war with during World War I.

It gave the President and
the Alien Property Custodian
the right to seize the assets of
the people included in this act
and if they wanted to do business
in this country they could apply for
a license to do so.

By 1921, the Federal Reserve Bank
(the trustee for the Alien Property Custodian)
held over $700,000,000 in trust."

Understand that this trust was
based on our assets, not theirs.

In 1933, 48 Stat 1, of the TWEA was
amended to include the United States Person
because they wanted to take our gold away.

Executive Order 6102 was
created to make it illegal for a
U.S. Citizen to own gold.

In order for the Government to
take our gold away and violate
our Constitutional rights, we were
reclassified as ENEMY COMBATANTS."

In 1933, there was
a second United States bankruptcy.

In the first bankruptcy the
United States collateralized
all public lands.

In the 1933 bankruptcy,
the U.S. government collateralized
the private lands of the people (a lien) -
they borrowed money against our private lands.

They were then mortgaged.

That is why we pay property taxes.

From a speech in Congress in
The Bankruptcy of the United States
Congressional Record, March 17, 1993,
Vol. 33, page H-1303,
Speaker Representative James Trafficant Jr.
(Ohio) addressing the House states :

"...It is an established fact that the
United States Federal Government
has been dissolved by the
Emergency Banking Act,
March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1,
Public Law 89-719;
declared by President Roosevelt,
being bankrupt and insolvent.

H.J.R. 192,
73rd Congress in session
June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution
To Suspend The Gold Standard and
Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the
Sovereign Authority of the United States and the
official capacities of all United States Governmental
Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further
evidence that the United States Federal
Government exists today in name only.

The receivers of
the United States Bankruptcy are
the International Bankers, via the
United Nations, the World Bank
and the International Monetary Fund.

All United States Offices,
Officials, and Departments
are now operating within a
de facto status in name only
under Emergency War Powers.

With the Constitutional Republican form
of Government now dissolved, the receivers of
the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of
government for the United States.

This new form of government is
known as a Democracy, being an
established Socialist/Communist order
under a new governor for America.

This act was instituted and
established by transferring
and/or placing the Office of
the Secretary of Treasury to
that of the Governor of the
International Monetary Fund.

Public Law 94-564,
page 8, Section H.R. 13955
reads in part: "The U.S. Secretary of
Treasury receives no compensation for
representing the United States...

Prior to 1913,
most Americans
owned clear, allodial title to property,
free and clear of any liens of mortgages
until the Federal Reserve Act (1913)
"Hypothecated" all property within the
Federal United States to the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve, in
which the Trustees (stockholders) held
legal title.

The U.S. Citizen (tenant, franchisee)
was registered as a "beneficiary" of
the trust via his/her birth certificate.

In 1933, the Federal United States
hypothecated all of the present and
future properties, assets, and labor of
their "subjects," the 14th Amendment
U.S. Citizen to the Federal Reserve System.

In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed
to extend the federal United States Corporation
all of the credit "money substitute" it needed.

Like any debtor, the Federal United States
government had to assign collateral and security
to their creditors as a condition of the loan.

Since the Federal United States
didn't have any assets, they assigned the
private property of their "economic slaves,"
the U.S. Citizens, as collateral against
the federal debt.

They also pledged the unincorporated
federal territories, national parks, forests,
birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations
as collateral against the federal debt.

All has already been transferred
as payment to the international bankers.

Unwittingly, America has returned to its
pre-American Revolution feudal roots
whereby all land is held by a sovereign
and the common people had no rights to
hold allodial title to property.

Once again,
We the People are the tenants
and sharecroppers renting our own
property from a Sovereign in the guise
of the Federal Reserve Bank.

We the People have
exchanged one master for another."

In 1944, Washington D.C. was deeded
to the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
by the Breton Woods Agreement.

The IMF is made up of
wealthy people that own most
of the banking industries of the world.

It is an organized group of bankers that
have taken control of most governments
of the world so the bankers run the world.

the IRS, and the President work for the IMF.

The IRS is not a U.S. government agency.

It is an agency of the IMF.

(Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al.
CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I.,
Public Law 94-564,
Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967,
Reorganization Plan No. 26,
Public Law 102-391.)


"The Supreme Court has said the
De Jure Government offices still exist
but the people have failed to occupy them.

Remember Downs v. Bidwell and
the dissenting opinion of Justice Marshall Harlan?

He said that two national governments exist;
one to be maintained under the Constitution,
with all its restrictions.

This is one that We the people need to force
our elected public officials to occupy - De Jure rule.

We need to change that by organizing Grand Juries
and putting our officials back under De jure rule
and out of the Corporate (or Military) Rule
that they are currently operating under.

Our elected officials will then have to operate
under the limits of their Oath of office to uphold
the U.S. and State Constitutions, circa 1860.

When they violate the Oath it's a capital crime.

The reason we go back to 1860 is because that
is the last time we had lawful laws in this country.

Where do the people get their
power to convene a Grand Jury?

The Magna Carta, 1215.

Our Founding Fathers looked back to history
for precedent when they decided they wanted
to change their government.

What they found was
the Magna Carta Liberatum,
the Great Charter of Freedoms.

It set a precedent that changed the face
of England forever, by establishing that
the King was not above the law.

King John of England
signed the Magna Carta
after immense pressure from
the Church and his barons (the people).

The King often lived above the law,
violating both Feudal and Common Law,
and was heavily criticized for his
foreign policy and actions in England.

The Barons, with the support of the Church,
pressured King John to spell out a list of their
rights and guarantee that those rights
would be enforced.

The Barons provided
a draft, and after some
negotiation, King John put
his seal to the Magna Carta
in Runnymede, in June of 1215.

Section 61 set rules for
establishing the Grand Jury. It states :

Since we have granted all these things
for God, for the better ordering of our
kingdom, and to allay the discord that
has arisen between us and our barons
(people), and since we desire that they
shall be enjoyed in their entirety, with
lasting strength, forever, we give and
grant to the barons the following security :

The barons shall elect twenty-five of
their number to keep, and cause to be
observed with all their might, the peace
and liberties granted and confirmed
to them by this charter.

If we, our chief justice, our officials,
or any of our servants offend in any
respect against any man, or transgress
any of the articles of the peace or of this
security, and the offense is made known to four
of the said twenty-five barons, they shall come to us."

Democracy Countdown ;


About the time our original thirteen states adopted
their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a
Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh,
had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic
some 2,000 years earlier :

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply
cannot exist as a permanent form of government."

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time
that voters discover they can vote themselves generous
gifts from the public treasury."

"From that moment on, the majority always vote for
the candidates who promise the most benefits from
the public treasury, with the result that every democracy
will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is
always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations
from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"

"During those 200 years, those nations always
progressed through the following sequence :

1. from bondage to spiritual faith;

2. from spiritual faith to great courage;

3. from courage to liberty

4. from liberty to abundance;

5. from abundance to complacency;

6. from complacency to apathy;

7. from apathy to dependence;

8. from dependence back into bondage"

Professor Joseph Olson of Hemline University
School of Law, St. Paul , Minnesota , points out
some interesting facts concerning
the 2000 Presidential election :

Number of States
won by: Democrats: 19 Republicans: 29

Square miles of land
won by: Democrats: 580,000 Republicans: 2,427,000

Population of counties
won by: Democrats: 127 million Republicans: 143 million

Murder rate per 100,000 residents
in counties won by: Democrats: 13.2 Republicans: 2.1

Professor Olson adds :

"In aggregate, the map of the territory Republicans
won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying
citizens of this great country.

Democrat territory mostly encompassed those citizens
living in government-owned tenements and living off
various forms of government welfare..."

Olson believes the United States is now somewhere
between the "complacency and apathy" phase of
Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some
forty percent of the nation's population already having
reached the "governmental dependency" phase.

If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to
twenty million criminal invaders called illegal's
and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the
USA in fewer than five years.

Apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom.

* SR *

Judicial Watch, the public interest group
that investigates and prosecutes government
corruption, announced today that it has obtained
documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) related to the 2007 investigation and arrest of
eight St. Louis, Missouri, workers from the "community
organization" Association of Community Organizations
for Reform Now (ACORN) for violation of election
laws and voter fraud.

The documents include handwritten notes from
FBI investigators interviewing canvassers working
with Project Vote, an ACORN affiliate. Among the
highlights from the FBI handwritten notes :

[ACORN] "Told employees not to talk to the FBI.
'FBI trying to intimidate you.'"

Fraudulent cards :

To cause confusion on election day
to keep polls open longer

To allow people who can't vote to vote.

To allow to vote multiple times.

Project Vote will pay them whether cards fake
or not - whatever they had to do to get the cards
was attitude.

Constantly threatened

Staff restricted on what to say to FBI

"Poverty pimpin" (sic) ACORN

ACORN HQ is working for the Democratic Party.

PV [Project Vote] pays ACORN $6.00 per card.
Said "You treat the cards like (cash) $"

Some [names] went right from the phone book
and made up the rest.

Canvassers : homeless, volatile, drug users, drunks.

Anyone who was against PV (Project Vote)
or ACORN's goals "right wing"

She thought if she used a completely fake name
it would be less like ID Theft.

"Yeah, it's against the law, I know."

In addition to the hand-written notes, the documents
also include copies of the arrest warrants, criminal case
cover sheets and court documents.

In April 2008, all eight ACORN employees involved
in the scandal pled guilty to voter registration fraud

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Blessed Memorial Day Unto You ;

Poignant and inspiring words
from President George W. Bush's
Memorial Day Address at Arlington
National Cemetery :

Today, we gather to honor those
who gave everything to preserve
our way of life.

The men and women we
honor here served for liberty.

They sacrificed for liberty.

And in countless acts
of courage, they died for liberty.

From faraway lands,
they were returned to
cemeteries like this one,
where broken hearts received
their broken bodies -- they found
peace beneath the white headstones
in the land they fought to defend.

It is a solemn reminder
of the cost of freedom that
the number of headstones in
a place such as this grows
with every new Memorial Day.

In a world where freedom
is constantly under attack and
in a world where our security is
challenged, the joys of liberty are
often purchased by the sacrifices
of those who serve a cause greater
than themselves.

Today we mourn
and remember all who
have given their lives in
the line of duty.

Today we lift up our hearts
especially to those who have
fallen in the past year.

The soil of Arlington
and other sites is filled
with liberty's defenders.

It is nourished
by their heroism.

It is watered
by the silent tears
of the mothers and fathers,
and husbands and wives, and
sons and daughters they left behind.

Today we pray for God's blessing
on all who grieve and ask the Almighty
to strengthen and comfort them today
and everyday.

I am humbled by those
who have made the ultimate
sacrifice that allow a free
civilization to endure and flourish.

It only remains for us,
the heirs of their legacy,
to have the courage and
the character to follow their
lead -- and to preserve America
as the greatest nation on earth
and the last best hope for mankind.

May God bless you
and may God bless America