Monday, June 14, 2010

Saboteurs Of Our Republics : The Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

American Governance :

Both systems
concurrently exist today.

However, the corporate system has been
gaining predominance in the last 70 years.

Many Sovereigns (We the people) have contracted
with the corporate system unknowingly, unintentionally,
and or without full disclosure given.

Once you learn the difference,
you may have to make a decision
for yourself, family and posterity.

That decision may require
changes in how you conduct yourself.

You will have to undo what has been
done to make your Sovereign status known.

This is not taught in the corporate government's
public school system, because you are not to know.

The elite of the "One World government"
corporate system want and need to have
power and control over the population
(masses) they call "Human Resources."

Description :

(all capital letters--a fiction--a corporation)

the United States
the United States of America
(intent or defined to be the corporate US),

Treason in Government
& Admiralty on Land :

This Treason and Tyranny
by the bankers, the lawyers
and judiciary, the bought politicians,
and other vested interests is not what
we or our ancestors fought and died for.

The Constitution
was a commercial
compact between states, giving
the federal government limited powers.

The Bill of Rights was meant
not as our source of rights, but as further
limitations on the federal government.

Our fore-fathers saw the potential
for danger in the U. S. Constitution.

To insure the Constitution
was not presumed to be our source
of rights, the 10th Amendment was added.

I will use a quote
from Thomas Jefferson,
February 15, 1791, where
he quotes the 10th Amendment...

The created
United States
government cannot
define the rights of their
creator, the American people.

Three forms of law were granted
to the Constitution, common law,
equity (contract law) and Admiralty law.

Each had their own
jurisdiction and purpose.

The first issue
I want to cover is the United States flag.

Obviously from known history our flag did
not have a yellow fringe bordering three sides.

The United States did not start putting flags
with a yellow fringe on them in government
buildings and public buildings until 1959.

Of course the question you would ask yourself ;

Why did it change and are
there any legal meanings behind this? Oh yes!