Wednesday, June 23, 2010

1st Amendment & Internet Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

President Obama will be given the power
to shut down the Internet with a 'kill switch'
in a new law being proposed in the US.

He would be able to order popular search engines
such a Google and Yahoo to suspend access to their
websites in times of national emergency.

Other US based Internet service providers
as well as broadband providers would also
come under his control in times of a
'cybersecurity emergency.'

Any company that failed to
comply would be subject to huge fines.

Critics of the new law,
which has been proposed
by former presidential candidate
Joe Liebermann, said it would be
an abuse of power to let the
White House control the internet.

one of the largest U.S. technology lobby groups,
said the new law had the 'potential for absolute power'

At the root of the globalist movement
is Agenda 21 Sustainable Development.

This worldwide program
agreed upon by 178 nations,
including the United States, reveals the directive
that human population is to be decreased by 85%
(United Nations; Global Biodiversity Assessment
Report, page 773).

This policy
has appealed to many who argue "overpopulation."

Accordingly, says the consensus,
everyone's "right to life" must be discarded
in order to achieve globalist objectives.

Further investigation
of contemporary political philosophy demonstrates
how our government has abandoned the notion of
individual liberty.

The freedom to speak has become subject to
an increasing array of laws and politically correct mores.

Travel is becoming monitored and increasingly restricted
as the rules and infrastructure of Agenda 21's land use
element take effect.

The intended consequence
is to limit our mobility and use of resources.

These are primary objectives
in implementing Agenda 21.

The global warming hysteria is being used
to force people into "human settlements,"
in order to contain and control human action.

The man-made global warming fraud
advances the implementation of Agenda 21
and the destruction of liberty.

The abolition of private property is the first level
of attack in the destruction of unalienable rights
and the implementation of Sustainable Development.

Following the Supreme Court's
Kelo decision, policies that sublimate
private property to "public-private partnerships"
have been secured under the law and many more
have been and will be legislated.

An example arises out of San Jose , California .

There, ordinances have subjected 1/3
of the private housing stock to the exercise
of eminent domain on the basis that the city
requires so-called Smart Growth "redevelopment."