Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Arizona Leads The Way Against Illegal Aliens and other Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

With all the excitement
about Arizona's new immigration
enforcement efforts, most do not
realize that the state legislature also
passed a number of other measures
to protect its citizens.

While governments
from Los Angeles to Boston
to Highland Park, Illinois make
plans to avoid Arizona, many
conservatives, veterans, and gun
owners might want to consider the
other things Governor Brewer
signed in the last few months.

House Bill 2684
becomes law on 29 July
after Governor Brewer
signed it on May 3, 2010.

This law requires that
the nationally recognized
Prisoner of War/Missing in
Action Flag (POW/MIA) be
flown over the state capitol building,
superior court buildings, city or town
halls, and each county seat.

It also establishes
specific protocols of
how to properly display
the POW/MIA flag.

It is a fitting reminder
of the veterans and the
cost of the Vietnam War.

House Bill 2350
provides a tuition
waiver for Purple Heart
recipients who also have
a 50% or greater disability
from the Veterans Administration.

But if you're a wounded warrior,
don't plan on moving to Arizona
to take advantage of the benefit
-- written into the law is a stipulation
that the wounded trooper must have
been either a resident of Arizona or
stationed at an Arizona military
installation at the time of deployment
resulting in the injury to be eligible for
the tuition waiver.

The board of regents
of many universities attempted
to block similar legislation in the past.

This law provides the same tuition
waiver available to employees of
schools such as the University of
Arizona and Arizona State University.

Senate Bill 1108
will cause the liberal left,
and people like Chicago's
Mayor Daley, to continue to
talk about how terrible Arizona is.

Finally, House Bill 2281 is making
liberal educators in Arizona go crazy

Such Worthy legislation
is not so forthcoming from
the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :

Given the choice between
retaining power in the short
term or doing what's right for
America, which would you choose?

Most Americans,
I believe, would be
willing to sacrifice a
great deal for their country,
and this willingness to sacrifice
has always been the great pillar
of American democracy.

there is no fondness for sacrifice
in Washington these days, especially
among the Democratic leadership
and its supporters.

The irresponsibility of the left
is on display daily as one piece of
self-serving legislation follows another.

The latest example
comes in the form of
the American Jobs and
Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010.

Sponsored by Rep. Sander Levin
of Michigan -- a state certainly in
need of jobs, if not of loophole-closing
-- the bill is one more exercise in political
cynicism on the part of the most cynical
Congress in history.

Coming just five months before
the all-important November elections,
the bill is a blatant exercise in vote-buying
paid for with money we don't have.

But since the Democrats have added
$1.75 trillion to the national debt in
2009 alone, what's another $190
billion tacked onto the national debt?

Especially since its intent is
to energize the liberal base
(and quiet the unease of a
9.9% unemployment rate)
by transferring another $2,000
to every adult Obama-supporter
-- and this on top of the $787-billion
stimulus of 2009 and the $410-billion
omnibus spending bill that followed
shortly after.

Given the choice of ruinous spending
versus short-term political gain, the
left always chooses political gain.

As unemployment continues to rise
toward 10%, it should be obvious that
the earlier rounds of stimulus spending
have not been effective, and they have
not been effective because they were
not designed to be.

Rather, they were designed
in the most cunning fashion for
the sole purpose of securing power.

How else could one explain
unemployment rates that are
now on average nearly twice
what they were under
George W. Bush?

Surely the combined brainpower
of Larry Summers, Paul Volcker,
and Timothy Geithner, if not the
singular brainpower of their boss,
could have designed a fiscal policy
that would have stimulated
private-sector job growth -- for
example, by lowering corporate
taxes and eliminating regulation.

Obama's policies have been
consistently anti-business and
anti-growth, and Volcker's promotion
of a European-style value-added tax is
simply another backdoor tax on growth.

When you seize business profits in
the way Obama has been doing, do
you really expect to see businesses
investing in new jobs and plants?

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds