Saturday, June 26, 2010

AIG, Shariah Law & TARP : Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

"In this lawsuit...I have challenged the U.S.
government's takeover of AIG as a violation of
the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment
because the taxpayer bailout has the effect of
promoting and advancing AIG's Shariah-adherent
insurance business -- the largest in the world.

AIG promotes itself as a global advocate not only
of Islam, but also of the Islamic legal doctrine known
as Shariah -- which is the Islamic legal doctrine and
program that calls for a global hegemony referred to
as the Caliphate, the murder of apostates,
and jihad against infidels.

The most austere and important Islamic legal
authorities who legitimize Shariah-compliant finance,
like AIG's takaful insurance products, are the same
ones issuing fatwas for jihad against the West."

While everyone, including Congress, the media,
and the public, have focused on AIG's $100-million
bonus payments to key employees, and most recently
on AIG's stealth payments to counterparties like Chase
and the French giant Société Générale -- the latter made
worse by the fact that it was the Federal Reserve (FED)
that wanted to keep these payments hidden from public
view -- the problem with the AIG bailout is much deeper
and more fundamental.

In this lawsuit, brought on behalf of Kevin Murray,
an Iraq War veteran and taxpayer, my co-counsel,
Robert Muise of the Thomas More Law Center,
and I have challenged the U.S. government's takeover
of AIG as a violation of the Establishment Clause of the
First Amendment because the taxpayer bailout has the
effect of promoting and advancing AIG's Shariah-adherent
insurance business -- the largest in the world.

AIG promotes itself
as a global advocate not only of Islam,
but also of the Islamic legal doctrine known as Shariah --
which is the Islamic legal doctrine and program that calls
for a global hegemony referred to as the Caliphate, the
murder of apostates, and jihad against infidels.

The most austere and important
Islamic legal authorities who legitimize
Shariah-compliant finance, like AIG's
takaful insurance products, are the same
ones issuing fatwas for jihad against the West

The lawsuit brought
by US Marine Kevin Murray against the US
Treasury and Timothy Geithner questioning whether
the AIG taxpayer bailout violates the establishment
clause (the U.S. govt is prohibited from owning a
religious business) is moving full speed ahead!

All efforts by the U.S. government to stop the
lawsuit (and there have been many) have been
dismissed time and time again by the judge who
believes there is a real case here.

Now, the lawyers bringing the suit have discovered
that our own U.S. government illegally transferred
bailout money to AIG through an illegal trust.

While this does NOT address the issue of Shariah,
it will likely ensure that this lawsuit will continue on,
with more press coverage and eventual discovery
that Shariah is not just a religion but a political
movement whose mission is to overtake our country
and replace our U.S. Constitution with Shariah Law.

The federal government is
opposing a Michigan man's
request to take the deposition
of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner
in a lawsuit that challenges the bailout
of American International Group Inc.

A lawsuit was filed in 2008 on religious grounds,
claiming the government should not have bailed
out AIG because the insurance giant sold financial
products specifically tailored to Islamic principles.

The lawsuit says AIG sells Takaful insurance,
which is based on communal assistance that has
been accepted by some Islamist religious officials.

This is government-sanctioned subversion :

USG Urges Judge to Bar
Geithner Deposition in AIG Sharia Lawsuit.

The US government
is trying to cover up Geithner's blatantly
illegal activity by barring Geithner's deposition?

Heavenly Father
In Jesus Christ Name
Please Help Us
To Save Our Republics !