Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Oppose the Jesuit Fascists & their Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The following report
may seem strange to
the pedestrian bystander
attempting to make
"heads or tails" of unfolding
events over the last four years.

But upon a closer analysis
of the facts, this conspiratorial
investigator has reluctantly
concluded that former U.S. Senator
George F. Allen may well be the
Black Pope's promised White
American Fascist Dictator
waiting in the wings after the
Company's calculatingly "failed"
Democratic administration openly
led by a Jesuit-groomed and advised
"African-American" Mulatto Muslim,
"President" Barry Davis Obama, he
secretly directed by a Jesuit-trained
and advised, "Irish-American"
White Roman Catholic,
"Vice President" Joe Biden.

(White Supremacy/Domination
and Black Subordination/Submission
is the secret but true policy of Satan's
Jesuit Order, that racial master-servant
relationship, however, having been
pronounced by God through the
patriarch Noah (Genesis 9:24-27).

For that God-ordained
relationship between the
two races-compelled to
dwell upon the same national
soil-has cruelly oppressed
as well as wonderfully blessed
subordinate Blacks solely
depending upon the religious
beliefs of the Whites in power.

For there will always be
White Supremacy/Domination and
Black Subordination/Submission,
whether overt, or covert-as it is
today in the Pope's "Holy Roman,"
14th Amendment, Socialist-Communist,
Corporate Fascist, American Empire

For the egalitarian,
pro-Black/anti-White, reverse
discrimination policies imposed
by Washington under the lying
guise of racial and cultural
"universal equality," have
sprung from the Jesuit Order's
Masonic Civil Rights Movement
backed by the Federal CFR/Press,
imposed by the Federal Bench
and enforced by Federal Bayonets.

And that movement
has further entrenched
the Pope's Anglo-American,
Cartel-Capitalist, Masonic White
Power Structure, while destroying
the White Middle Class (via
miscegenation and murder)
born out of the risen Son of God's
Grand and Glorious White European
Protestant Reformation.

Evil and oppressive,
Papal White Supremacy/Domination
over Blacks is worse today than
ever before.

The only hope for American Blacks
is to return to reading The Reformation
AV1611 King James Bible, believe the
true Gospel of the risen Lord Jesus Christ,
racially separate into their own Black nation
in North America, and, with God's blessing,
thereby be spared from the rampant crime,
poverty and Papal White Domination of
all other Black nations as was Ethiopia until
the murder of Emperor Haile Salassie in 1975.)

"Dame Of Malta
Babylonian Whore
to Enter Canada June 28, 2010?

"We see the Dame of Malta,
Elizabeth II the treasonous, false
Monarch of England about to enter
her Canada on the 28th of June 2010.

The same whore who purposely
pollutes the planet daily to suit her
depopulation plans utilising the
radioactive element called Uranium.

Canada currently
is the second biggest
producer of this deadly
poison and may again be
number one in a short space
of time.

The idea of the use of uranium
on the populace is to lower the
population levels and at the same
time in other Western regions to
create incapacity.

This incapacity will keep
the surviving populace under
control and in need of care as
they have no capacity to work
or fend for themselves.

So as the Canadian slaves wave
the Union Jack on June 28 just
remember who's giving you Thyroid
dysfunction, Diabetes and a Cancer
rate of one in two in some areas with
Canadian males.

Her goal is to help pollute
the Western World enough
so as to create a Cancer rate
of one in two for the whole region
as her pharmaceutical system and
media continue to warn about.

[Excellent point! EJP]
At this current time the
Cancer rate is one in three
and no one questions why
its accepted and the norm.

Let's never forget the Duke
of Edinburgh and his comments :

'I just wonder what it would be like
to be reincarnated in an animal whose
species had been so reduced in numbers
than it was in danger of extinction.

What would be its feelings
toward the human species
whose population explosion
had denied it somewhere to
exist.. I must confess that I am
tempted to ask for reincarnation
as a particularly deadly virus'

Boycott, Cast Out,
Defeat, Deport,
Embargo, Expose,
Impeach, Object,
Oppose, Protest
and Resist ;


AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of The Satanic World Order ;

Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Fascist Hell Care
Whores & Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal
Progressive Stateist Corporate Unionist
Ponzi Schemes, Lies,
Liars & Frauds