Remember how Obamacare was
going to save big bucks and reduce
wait time in emergency rooms?
The idea was that millions
of previously uninsured Americans
accustomed to using ERs for basic
medical treatment would snatch up
Obamacare coverage and start getting
primary care from regular (and cheaper)
medical practices.
Nice thought.
But it doesn't look like it'll pan out.
Indeed, notes Rick Dallam,
it looks like "it's going to be
exactly the opposite over the
next four to eight years."
In an article in The Hill,
Dallam, a health care partner
at a firm that designs health care
facilities, notes: "We don't have the
primary care infrastructure in place
in America to cover the need.
Our clients are looking at and
preparing for more emergency
department volume, not less."
A big part of the problem :
a growing shortage of
primary care physicians.
The American Academy
of Family Physicians recently
predicted that by 2020, the United
States would have 40,000 fewer
family physicians than needed.
As the doc supply diminishes,
it will be become increasingly more
difficult to get a timely appointment.
Inevitably, more and more folks
will resort to emergency rooms to
get the medical attention they want.
But there is another,
even bigger problem,
rooted in the new law itself :
Roughly half of the 34 million
newly insured under Obamacare
will get their coverage via Medicaid,
a poorly performing welfare program.
Medicaid reimbursement rates
for physicians are so low that many
doctors simply refuse to accept
Medicaid patients.
Based on previous experience,
Medicaid expansion will not only
"crowd out" private insurance, but
will also swell the ranks of those
getting routine, non-urgent care
through hospital emergency rooms.
The result :
an even higher reliance
on emergency room care
among Medicaid beneficiaries
than among the uninsured.
What a mess
Commie Anti 2nd Amendment
President Felipe Calderon of Mexico
& of the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
In his speech before a Joint Session
of Congress 'yesterday', President
Felipe Calderon of Mexico made
a bold claim. He asserted that :
We have seized 75,000 guns
and assault weapons in Mexico
in the last three years.
And more than 80 percent of
those we have been able to trace
came from the United States
- from the United States.
The media immediately
picked up on this claim.
As Reuters summarized
the President's remarks :
[He] said
more than 80 percent of [the guns]
came from the United States
Except that, of course, was
not what the President said.
The President included
a crucial qualifier in his statement :
he was referring only to the
guns that Mexico has (with U.S.
assistance) been able to trace.
And in that context, the
President's claim is correct :
He was referring to a U.S.
Government Accountability
Office (GAO) report concluding
that, of the guns seized in Mexico
and given to the ATF for tracing
from 2004 through 2008,
approximately 87 percent
originated in the U.S.
But this number says nothing
about the percentage of guns
seized in Mexico that originated
in the U.S., because the U.S.
does not trace the majority
of guns seized in Mexico.
The argument the President made
'today' has been refuted again and
again, but it is not surprising that he
relied on it.
The only surprising fact
is that the President couched
his remarks in the context of a
request for an 'assault weapons'
ban, instead of in the context of
support for the OAS's
Convention Against
the Illicit Manufacturing
of and Trafficking in Firearms,
Ammunition, Explosives, and
Other Related Materials,
commonly known as CIFTA.
Perhaps this is a
tactful admission that the
Convention is seriously flawed.
But if the President
was trying to be tactful,
he might have omitted his
argument that the U.S. faces
an incipient armed rebellion
unless it acts on his request.
The basic fact is
that Mexico's problems
are fundamentally homegrown.
It may be politically convenient
for the President of Mexico to
claim U.S. responsibility, but in
the form he presented them today,
those claims are regrettably misleading
The Communist Hell Care Coups
The Commie Energy and Environment Coups
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds