Thursday, May 20, 2010

Commie Elena Kagan of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Besides being a liberal activist
and political operative with no
judicial experience, President
Obama's Supreme Court nominee
has financial ties to a global investment
firm embroiled in a major fraud scandal
after getting a generous government

Solicitor General Elena Kagan
worked for Goldman Sachs, a
Wall Street titan that donates
generously to Democrats, while
she was dean of Harvard Law
School and some believe she will
be the firm's "Golden Girl" on the
U.S. Supreme Court if she gets

Kagan worked as an "advisor"
for Goldman Sachs for about four
years and received a $10,000 annual
"stipend" from the embattled investment
banking and securities firm.

The information only came to light
because Kagan was forced to include
it on financial disclosure forms when
Obama appointed her Solicitor General
last year.

Goldman Sachs has been charged
with defrauding investors in the sale
of securities with subprime mortgage
ties when the housing market was

The Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC)
claims the firm misstated and omitted
key facts about a financial product tied
to subprime mortgages, leaving investors
to lose $1 billion.

The firm is one of many
financial institutions that
received a taxpayer bailout
as part of Obama's fraud-infested
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).

Allocation of the disastrous program's
$700 billion has been largely swayed
by lobbyists, despite the president's
promises to restrict them from
influencing the disbursement of
tax dollars in this case.

Goldman Sachs
got a $10 billion infusion.

Not surprisingly,
Kagan, her supporters
and even the Justice Department
assure that she was not involved
in any investment decisions at
Goldman Sachs.

The Solicitor General
was merely a member
of the firms' "advisory panel"
that met once a year to discuss
public policy issues

Muslim Illegal Aliens of the Global
Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;

In an 'unbelievable' ruling,
a federal appellate court has
blocked the deportation of a
Palestinian couple because the
U.S. government failed to
consider Muslim marriage
customs under Sharia law.

The decision reverses
both a federal judge and
the Justice Department's
Board of Immigration Appeals,
which had determined that the
Palestinian couple (Nabil and
Sawsan Hassan) obtained U.S.
residency illegally because they
lied about their marital status
to get it.

Nabil entered the U.S. in 1995
with a special visa granted to the
unmarried children of legal
permanent residents, in this
case his mother.

Sawsan entered the country
on the same day with a
nonimmigrant tourist visa.

A month later the couple
had a wedding ceremony
at a Michigan mosque even
though they had already been
legally married in Israel.

Sawson filed for legal permanent
residency based on the marriage
and got it a few months later.

When Nabil applied
to become a U.S. Citizen in 2002,
authorities discovered that he never
even qualified for residency because
he lied about being unmarried to
obtain a visa through his mother.

That means he was an
inadmissible alien at the
time of entry.

His wife's residency
also got revoked because
her status was based on her
illegal immigrant husband's.

The couple fought the deportation
but an immigration judge upheld it
and so did the Justice Department's
Board of Immigration Appeals.

The government presented evidence
that the couple had been married in
Jerusalem before coming to the U.S.
and therefore neither spouse qualified
to be in the country.

The Hassans
played the Muslim card
in their appeal and won