Friday, May 7, 2010

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regime Seeks To Control The Internet Again ;

Today brought some huge news
for anyone who conducts business
or pleasure on the Internet :

The FCC has announced its plans
to deem and pass Net Neutrality.

Specifically, The FCC will defy
a court order to stop regulating
the Internet by nonsensically
deeming the Internet not to be
an information service, and
regulate it under Title II of
the Communications Act.

That sounds mild
but it has disastrous consequences.

Title II of the Communications Act
gives the FCC strong and broad

If the FCC is allowed
to put the Internet in the US
under those powers, then the Obama
administration will have total power to
tax Internet users, regulate content on
Internet servers, and even institute price
controls on Internet services.

Does this sound like it has anything
to do with "restoring" anything?
I don't think so.

The fact is, the idea
that this "Net Neutrality" plan is anything
but a power grab was always a lie being
pushed by a couple of sources.

The first is Google,
which has had ties with
the administration from Eric Schmidt
himself advising Barack Obama, to
Andrew McLaughlin who's been lobbying
for Google from his job as Deputy White
House CTO.

Google stands to benefit when the FCC
passes regulations which favor Internet
firms like Google over ISPs.

Part of Google's drive
has been in funding Free Press, a radical
fringe group dedicated to the nationalization
of all mass media in America.

Their neo-Marxist vision is to have
people's state commissars dictating all
the news you read in the newspaper,
watch on television, and see
on the Internet.

Obviously, they've been pushing hard
for deem-and-pass "reclassification"
of the Internet under FCC total control

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Nazi Regime :

The Nazis were Marxists,
no matter what our tainted academia
and corrupt media wishes us to believe.

Nazis, Bolsheviks, the Ku Klux Klan,
Maoists, radical Islam and Fascists --
all are on the Left, something that should
be increasingly apparent to decent,
honorable people in our times.

The Big Lie which places Nazis
on some mythical Far Right was
created specifically so that there
would be a bogeyman manacled
on the wrists of those who wish
us to move "too far" in the direction
of Ronald Reagan or Barry Goldwater.

The truth about the Nazis
was that they were the antithesis
of Reagan and Goldwater.

Nazis were Marxists,
through and through.

Although Nazis
condemned Bolshevism, the particular
incarnation of Marx in Russia, and
although the Nazis often bickered
and fought with Fascism, the particular
incarnation of Marx in Italy, Hitler and
his ghastly accomplices were always and
forever absolutely committed to that which
we have come to call the "Far Left."

Nazis were Marxists

Defeat Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal
Regime :

In December, 2008,
my American Policy Center (APC)
led a fight to stop Ohio from becoming
the 33rd state to call for a Constitutional
Convention (Con Con).

In the 1980's 32 other states
had passed Con Con resolutions
for the specific purpose of passing
a balanced budget amendment.

Had that resolution passed
the Ohio legislature, we would have
been just one state away from such
an event.

We argued then that one cannot call
a Con Con to discuss just one issue.

Once a Con Con is in place,
there is no controlling the agenda.

We fought to stop the Con Con
because of fear.

Today there is massive ignorance
among the American people
about the Constitution.

Worse, there are powerful forces
who consider that document to be
antiquated and a hindrance to their
vision of an all powerful government.

These things, and more, make today
the worst possible time in our nation's
history to mess with the greatest
governing document of all time.

We stopped the effort in 2008,
but the battle is on again as an even
more determined plan is under way
to gather support from the nation's
governors and state legislatures to
pass Con Con resolutions.

Again, this is not the work of wild-eyed
leftists intending to gut the Bill of Rights.

This is an effort by conservative legislators
who are alarmed by the growing power
of government.

The new plan making its rounds
in state capitals is much more ambitious
than the 2008 Ohio resolution to simply
discuss a balanced budget.

Now an entire package
of ten amendments to the
Constitution is being proposed
and promoted to state legislatures
through a powerful and well
funded campaign