Monday, May 3, 2010

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal RACE PLAYERS ;

You know
internal White House polling must be
dismal if the President and his allies are
dropping all pretense of "Obama the Uniter"
to embrace the sordid politics of racial division.

And that's exactly what they are doing.

That liberals cast every issue
through a racial prism is not exactly
news to conservatives.

What's interesting is that the Left's
racialism is not fundamentally about
race but rather about using one of society's
most divisive issue to distract voters when
it has lost an argument.

By framing every issue in racial terms,
liberals avoid having to engage their
opponents on the substance
of debates it can't win

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Financial Taxpayer Handouts :

The Dodd Commie
Wall Street Taxpayer Handouts bill
-- and the Democrats' narrative --
completely omits the role of government
in the financial debacle.

Neither Fannie Mae nor Freddie Mac
is mentioned in the legislation.

But the incentives
created by government, specifically
the sustained push through law and
regulation to provide mortgages to
more and more uncreditworthy
borrowers, created the conditions
for the housing bubble and for its
eventual crash.

The wizards of Wall Street may have
concocted exotic ways to make money
by betting on the fortunes of the real
estate market, but it was the politicians
who first destabilized that market.

Nicole Gelinas, writing in City Journal,
sketches what may be the next crash to
rock our world.

It's another investment,
like housing, that people assume
cannot fail -- municipal bonds.

They are risk free,
investors have long been assured,
because the cities and states that issue
them would do anything to avoid default.

Besides, "they ... have a captive
source of endless funds ... State and
local governments ... can always tax
their residents and businesses
to pay the bills"

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminals Taxpayer Financial Welfare
Handouts :

I do think at this certain point
That Commie 'Obama' Has Done
Enough Damage To Our Republic :

What Obama
and his administration honestly believes.

Having never worked a day
in the private sector in their lives, they
can only manage to put on big boy pants,
but not to also act like big boys.

As such, their naive view
of the world and it's "unfairness" reigns
supreme and clouds absolutely every
part of their agenda.

To the point where apparently no one
has told him that deciding how much
money anyone makes is not his job
and is, in fact, antithetical to the
core principles of our nation.

Not only is he prancing around
giving speeches about evil Wall Street,
filled with feel good nonsense and super
serious faces that even those who voted
for him no longer believe, but he's doing
so when people are huddled around staring
dejectedly at a one page Classified section.

You know, Obama,
people would like to make some money,
reaching your apparent "too much" threshold
or not, to provide for their families.

Demonizing business isn't going to do that.

You know what will?
Stop bailing out poorly run businesses.
Stop regulating the good ones
out of business.

I mean, at some point,
hasn't the Government
made enough money?

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds