Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal unfree market Regimes ;

What we have here
is the failure of the unfree market.

That means the failure of Greece.
And the other PIGS (Portugal, Italy,
Greece, Spain). And Europe.

And it means the U.S., too.
It even includes the Great Recession.

The modern welfare state
is collapsing around us.

If you had believed
in the 72-Year Rule, you
would have seen this coming.

The 72-Year Rule
says the lifetime of any social order
or governing paradigm is about 72 years.

For example,
how long was it
from the adoption
of our original Constitution
(1789), which sanctioned slavery,
to the Civil War (1861)?
Call it 72 years.

And from then
until the New Deal in 1933?
Another 72 years.

How about from
the Bolshevik Revolution (1917)
to the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989)?
That would be 72 years again.

Do you know
when the first Social Security
check was issued? January 31, 1940.

If my guess is right, Social Security
has maybe two more years left.

Generally, the modern
welfare states were born in the 1930s.

So the 72-Year Rule says
the modern welfare states will collapse
and/or turn into something else in
the 2002-2012 time frame

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes : U.N. Agenda 21 ;

The International Council
for Local Environmental Initiatives.

ICLEI helped write Agenda 21
and now works to implement
the policy on the local level.

At least 544 American cities
now pay dues to ICLEI for it
to help implement Agenda 21
in their cities.

ICLEI is quite proud of its UN
connection and to Agenda 21
and says so clearly on its website.

If you want to fight Commie
Smart Growth in those 544 American
cities then it is quite necessary to take
on ICLEI and that means exposing its
ties to the UN.

The full concept
of Sustainable Development is rooted
in what we call the three E's - Social
Equity, Economic Prosperity,
and Ecological Integrity.

Another term
for social equity is the "Third Way."

The term is used to explain Sustainable
Development as an economic scheme
different from Capitalism and Socialism.

In the comparison,
Sustainable Development is defined
in near utopian terms as Capitalism is
dismissed as ownership by the wealthy
elite which care nothing for protecting
the environment; and Socialism,
according to the Sustainablists, is
inefficient and run by a political elite.

Instead, say the Sustainablists,
the third approach is "anticipatory,"
which controls problems today
to avoid them tomorrow.

That, they say, is accomplished
though strict environmental regulations,
financing "green" industries, and planning
for future generations.

And that doesn't simply entail local
development, but a comprehensive plan
to control every aspect of our lives, from
population control to food intake,
to health care.

Sustainable Development's
Social Equity plank is based
on a demand for something called
"social justice," a phrase first coined
by Karl Marx.

Social Equity means that individuals
must give up selfish wants for the needs
of the common good or the "community."

Through such a policy,
everyone has the right to
a job with a good wage, a
right to health care and a
right to housing.

To assure those rights,
wealth must be redistributed.

Property ownership is a social
injustice which brings wealth to some.

Business and property
are to be controlled by all of society.

The third plank
of Sustainable Development
is Economic Prosperity - implemented
through the creation of Public/Private
Partnerships (PPPs).

I call PPPs government-sanctioned
monopolies because they create an elite
of specially chosen businesses that are
granted "non-compete" clauses and
Comprehensive Development
Agreements to guarantee profits.

That is not free enterprise.
Incidentally, two of the most powerful
forces in the nation working to implement
PPPs are Randal O'Toole's CATO Institute
and the Reason Foundation, both heavily
funded by corporations which are the
direct beneficiaries of PPPs

On Monday,
President Obama
nominated Elena Kagan
to succeed John Paul Stevens
on the Supreme Court.

Kagan's resume is incredibly thin.
She was named dean of an Ivy League
law school after only four years on its faculty.

Kagan has never been a judge,
and she had never argued a case
in court prior to being named
Solicitor General in 2009.

But Kagan has one qualification
that trumps nearly everything else :

she's an alumna of Harvard,
and formerly a faculty member there.

If it sometimes seems
that the nation is governed by an elite
liberal clique of college fraternity and
sorority pals who are out of touch with
average Americans, that's because
it's largely true.

Every president,
and almost every presidential
candidate for the last two decades has
been a graduate of Harvard or Yale, and
if Kagan gets confirmed by the Senate
every member of the Supreme Court
will have been a Yale or Harvard
attendee, too.

What shall we make
of this preponderance of Yale-Harvard
grads in elite positions of our society?

we ought to ask
what kind of places Yale and Harvard are.

In recent years,
Yale has instituted an annual
"Sex Week at Yale," in which the
university invites porn stars and bondage
and leather fetishists to lecture (in various
stages of nudity) students on various
sexual techniques and the use
of assorted sex toys.

Harvard is home to "scholars"
like Charles Ogletree, who advocates
reparations for slavery, and "Skip" Gates,
who caused a race-baiting stir last year
after an incident with a white cop in which
President Obama took Gates's side without
"knowing all the facts."

Prior to coming to Harvard,
Gates testified on behalf of the1980s
rap act 2 Live Crew in an obscenity trial
over lyrics about "bustin' vaginas"
and other assorted perversions.

Radical black professor
Cornel West used to teach at Harvard;
when former Harvard president Larry
Summers criticized him for passing off
a rap CD as academic work, West left
in a snit for Princeton.

Summers himself
was later forced out
after offending campus feminists.

And Kagan was a chief proponent
of banning military recruiters from
Harvard over the military's "don't ask,
don't tell" policy toward gays.

Second, it is evident
that for all the blather
we hear about "diversity"
from politicians and academics,
the reality is that there's almost no
diversity among our political elites.

Somehow graduates of Howard
and Grambling never make it onto
the list of possible nominees when
a vacancy appears on the
Supreme Court, do they???