Thursday, May 20, 2010

Illegal Alien Entitlements of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

While states and local governments
nationwide enact imperative measures
to curb illegal immigration, two New
Jersey cities are accommodating illegal
aliens by offering them special
identification cards to facilitate
life in the U.S.

The Garden State municipalities
have joined a handful of others across
the country-including San Francisco,
California and New Haven, Connecticut
-in issuing or endorsing official photo
identification cards to illegal immigrants
in their communities.

No proof of legal residence
required and no questions asked.

The cards are essential,
Latino rights advocates say,
because they allow illegal
aliens to get medical treatment
at taxpayer-funded clinics, borrow
books from local libraries, cash checks
and access other public services offered
by the cities or counties they live in.

Without a government-issued
photo identification, these
things are usually off limits to
undocumented immigrants.

So Princeton and Trenton
offer official photo ID cards
for immigrants who otherwise
can't obtain them because
they're in the U.S. illegally.

In both areas,
police and county
prosecutors firmly endorse
the program which has the ardent
support of virtually all local public
and elected officials

Commie Pelosi & Commie Catholics
of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :

A week after ordering Catholic Church
leaders to push immigration reform from
the pulpit, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
promises to go full throttle with legislation
that will extend amnesty to the 'estimated'
12 million illegal aliens in the United States.

Congress will continue to work
for a fairer, more compassionate,
more just immigration system, Madame
Speaker assured a Capitol Hill audience
at the Asian-American and Pacific Islanders
Summit this week.

It will include
a path to legalization
and will honor family
unification, Pelosi added.

The San Francisco
Democrat also committed
to creating "greater diversity"
in the workplace and revealed
a new Capitol Hill initiative to
"increase House diversity and
opportunities" for minority
candidates at all staff levels.

She then affirmed that
"the beauty is in the mix,"
evidently referring to mingling
a variety of ethnicities.

In her ongoing push to legalize
the illegal, Pelosi urged Catholic
leaders to "instruct" parishioners
to advocate for immigration reform.

Clerics should "play a very major role"
in supporting the Democrats' amnesty
plans, the Speaker said at a Catholic
Community conference on Capitol Hill.

Some of the people
who oppose amnesty
for illegal aliens are sitting
in those pews, Madame Speaker
told church leaders, and they must
be told that immigration reform is a
"manifestation of our living Gospels."

She also claimed
that immigration is
included in the Bible's
teachings on the dignity
and worth of every person.

Though it's unusual
for a legislator to openly
encourage clergy to push a
specific policy, the source of
this fierce campaign is hardly

has long advocated for
illegal immigrants and represents
in Congress a sanctuary city
(San Francisco) that proudly
offers them public benefits and
official government identifications.

Pelosi also opposes
taking measures to secure the
increasingly violent Mexican border