A group organizing a May 1
"May Day" rally in favor of
"immigrant rights" in Lafayette
Park in front of the White House
is financially supported by the
Catholic Church, Big Business,
the federal government, and various
Maryland governmental entities.
The U.S. Conference
of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
and its Catholic Campaign for Human
Development (CCHD), which got caught
funding the radical group ACORN, are
listed on the CASA website as being
among its many financial donors
and supporters.
In the area of Big Business,
foundations, and organizations,
financial supporters include the
George Soros-funded Open Society
Institute, the American Petroleum
Institute, the Mexican American Legal
Defense and Education Fund, the National
Council of La Raza, the Bank of America
Foundation, the Barbara Bush Foundation
for Family Literacy, the Bechtel Foundation,
and the Susan G. Komen
Breast Cancer Foundation.
The federal government, and various
Maryland governmental entities :
. Baltimore City Council
. City of Baltimore Mayor's Office
. City of Takoma Park
. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
. Maryland AIDS Administration
. Maryland Cigarette Restitution Fund
. Maryland Department
of Housing and Community Development
. Maryland State Legislature
. Mid-County Regional Services
Center-Montgomery County
. Up-County Regional Services
Center-Montgomery County
. Montgomery County Council
. Montgomery County Department
of Health and Human Services
. Montgomery County Department
of Housing and Community Affairs
. Montgomery County Office
of the County Executive
. Montgomery County Public Schools
. Prince George's County Council
. Prince George's County Council
Special Appropriations Funds
(Councilmember Thomas E. Dernoga)
. Prince George's Department
of Housing and Community Development
. Prince George's County
Office of the County Executive
. Redevelopment Authority
of Prince George's County
. U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development
"Only in America can groups
like CASA and their illegal alien
criminal clientele use tax dollars to
lobby for amnesty and equal rights,
all to the detriment of the American
people and our way of life"
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal's Security and Prosperity
Partnership :
For the past few decades
the federal government has been
pushing more and more free trade
agreements around the world.
Under President GHW Bush
we implemented the Security and Prosperity
Partnership with the United States, Canada,
and Mexico as partners.
Under this agreement many goals
were established to build cooperation
in key areas of security and business
to include a single border that
encompassed all three
Part of this shared border would include
integration of police and military command
and control, training, interoperability
of equipment, and standards.
Another aspect of the SPP
was to have more open borders
where citizens of each of the member
countries would more easily be able
to travel and that the flow of goods
and services would be expedited.
Travel corridors
would be created to ensure a smooth
flow between the three countries.
I did not go into every detail
of what the CFR wants in the way
of creating this integration, community,
union, or whatever you want to call it ;
but I think you get the picture.
Now looking over the list and comparing
it to the European structure and SPP goals
laid out above, do you notice the striking
similarities between the two?
President Obama stated his intent
to move forward with advancing the SPP
agenda under a less controversial title
of "North America Leader Summit."
Navy Vice Admiral James Winnefeld Jr.
stated, during his April confirmation hearings
to a Senate committee, that if confirmed to
head U.S. Northern Command and the
North American Aerospace Defense
Command, he will work to build and
maintain the command's relationships
between the militaries
of Canada and Mexico.
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Invasions & Trespassers ;
Why Are Open Borders,
Aliens, Foreigners, Immigrants,
Migrants & Illegals Above The
Law ?
Maybe It's Because
Commie 'President' 'Obama'
Is One .
Repeal :
Repeal All Future Amnesty
& Immigration Efforts :
Repeal All :
Anchor Baby 'Laws',
Chain Migration 'Laws',
Guest Worker 'Laws',
Migrant Worker 'Laws',
Foreigner Adoption 'Laws',
Foreign Exchange Student 'Laws',
Sanctuary City 'Laws',
Affirmative Action 'Laws',
Equal Opportunity 'Laws'
& Public Housing 'Laws',
Boycott :
All Corporations that Employ
Illegal Aliens & Sanctuary
Cities & States That Welcome
Illegal Aliens ;
Repeal :
The 14th Amendment .
"Misguided and irresponsible"
is how Arizona's new law pertaining
to illegal immigration is characterized
by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
She represents San Francisco,
which calls itself a "sanctuary city,"
an exercise in exhibitionism that means
it will be essentially uncooperative regarding
enforcement of immigration laws.
Yet as many states go to court
to challenge the constitutionality of
the federal mandate to buy health insurance,
scandalized liberals invoke 19th-Century
specters of "nullification" and "interposition,"
anarchy and disunion.
It is passing strange
for federal officials, 'including'
the President, to accuse Arizona
of irresponsibility while the federal
government is refusing to fulfill its
responsibility to control the nation's
Such control is an essential
attribute of national sovereignty.
America is the only developed nation
that has a 2,000-mile border with a
developing nation, and the government's
refusal to control that border is why
there are an estimated 460,000 illegal
immigrants in Arizona .
Some critics say Arizona's law
is unconstitutional because the 14th
Amendment's guarantee of "equal
protection of the laws" prevents the
government from taking action on the
basis of race.
Liberals, however,
cannot comfortably make this argument
because they support racial set-asides
in government contracting, racial preferences
in college admissions, racial gerrymandering
of legislative districts and other aspects
of a racial spoils system