Monday, May 17, 2010

The Illegal Alien Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regime ;

Elites on the coasts
don't want to recognize
what can only be described
as combat operations conducted
north of the US - Mexican border.

On April 30th
a Pinal County Sheriff deputy
was wounded by drug traffickers
in a shootout about 50 miles
south of Phoenix.

Deputy Louie Puroll
confronted five illegals who
attacked him in an ambush.

Puroll fought a 20 minute gun battle
with men armed with AK-47 assault
rifles before being hit from behind.

He was able to call
for assistance on his cell phone.

But until help arrived Puroll fought
the traffickers off with his pistol and
his AR-15, the law enforcement
version of the M-16 rifle issued
to the U.S. military.

When that assistance arrived,
along with a sheriff department
helicopter, the chopper also
came under fire.

Eventually 17 illegal immigrants
were apprehended after a force of
more than 200 lawmen responded
to Deputy Puroll's shooting.

In Cochise County,
south and east of Tucson,
fences are cut so drug traffickers
can have access to the remote areas
and avoid the roads and check points
of the Border Patrol.

Small family businesses
can't afford the time it takes
to mend fences and check on
cattle that may have strayed
too far away.

One rancher reported
that between 300 and 1200
people cross his ranch every day.

They vandalize his property,
steal his vehicles and leave
garbage everywhere.

The same man
has found 17 dead bodies over
the last two years, those of "mules" ,
people used to transport drugs across
the border then shot, on his ranch

The American left
has its own millet system,
consisting of ethnic (and other)
groups defined in large part by their
grievances as victims of America.

The left provides these groups
with attention, representation, and
handouts in exchange for their votes.

This system has been in place
for generations, and it has become
the driving wheel of Democratic politics.

It has worked nearly as well for them
as it did for the Ottoman overlords.

The history of the left
in this country is a history of division.

Whatever conflict was current --
labor vs. management, class vs. class,
race vs. race -- there you'd find the left,
stirring things up in order to derive as
much political benefit as possible.

A workable democratic
system demands a willingness to seek
consensus and engage in compromise.

The left prefers
Balkanization and permanent conflict.

For some years now,
it has appeared that the
Leftist formula had reached
the end of its string.

The corrupt and crime-ridden
unions were on their last legs,
hemorrhaging members even
as they drove jobs overseas.

Blacks were steadily moving
into the middle class and becoming
less susceptible to separatist rhetoric.

An attempt to transform
the university student body
into a permanent revolutionary
phalanx on the Peronist model
had only partial success -- students
were willing to play while actually on
campus, but after graduation, they
went on to more interesting pursuits.

So how to keep the pot boiling?

The answer was to go find
a new millet -- or rather, to
take advantage of the one next
door, of the desperate people fleeing
a serial kleptocracy, an uneducated,
ignorant, and frightened mass open
to all forms of manipulation.

This explains why illegal
immigration is so important to the left